`MICI—im; WW3
`iii:1N (ft-1'}I"I{/>tE\ISl‘\/1I'I‘TAL OF
`International application No.
`PCT/US 18/27146
`fiy/wajfffjfzrlzuuurwiu/A I 'rt/t/rmrflmwnva .
`2 8 J0W
` i
`11 April 2018 (11.04.2018)
` -\w~\n-\m\\w\\\\--
`Date ofmailing
`= FOR FURTHER ACTION See paragraphs 1 and 4 below
`3210 ’l 44PCO’I
`ring ae
`..........3....«Ma mm‘--..‘Ma««wwa
` WWW““........ .h“u...“w...“
`lIZI IheapplicantisherebynotifiedthattheinternationalsearchreportandthewrittenopinionoftheInternationalSearching
`Authority have been established and are transmitted herewith
`Filing of amendments and statement under Article 19:
`The applicant is entitled if he so wishes to amend the claims ofthe international application (see Rule 46):
`When? The time limit for filing such amendmentsis normally two months from the date oftransmittal ofthe international_ ‘
`search report
`Directly to the International Bureau of WIPO preferably through ePCT or on paper to 34 chemin des Colombettes
`I211 Geneva 20 Switzerland Facsimile No: +41 22 338 82 70
`For more detailed instructions, see PCTApplz‘cant's Guide, International Phase) paragraphs 91004 — 9.011.
`: lg\\\\1It111\g\r\\t\\\ Ir 111.11
`The applicant 'is hereby notified that no international search report will be established and that the declaration under
`Article l7(2)(a) to that effect and the written opinion of the International Searching Authority are transmitted herewith.
`3 [:I With regard to any protest against payment of (an) additional fee(s) under Rule 40 2 the applicant is notified that:
`I: the protest together with the decision thereon has been transmitted to the International Buieau together with any
`request to forward the texts of both the protest and the decision thereon to the designated Offices.
`no decision has been made yet on the protest;
`the applicant will be notified as soon as a decisionIS made.
`The applicant may submit comments on an informal basis on the written opinion ofthe International Searching Authority
`to the International Bureau These comments will be made available to the public after international publication. The
`International Bureau will send a copy of such comments to all designated Offices unless an international preliminary
`examination report has been or is to be established
`Shortly after the expiration of 18 months from the priority date, the international application will be published by the
`International Bureau.
`It the applicant wishes to avoid or postpone publication 3 notice of Withdrawal of the international
`application, or of the priority claim must reach the International Bureau before the completion of the technical preparations fOi
`internationalpublication (Rules 901715 I and 90171.53)
`Within 19 m onths from the priority date but onlyin respect ofsome designated Offices a demand for international preliminary
`examination must be filed ifthe applicant Wishes to postpone the entry into the national phase until 36 months from the priority
`date (in some Offices even later); otherwise the applicant must within 20 months from the priority date perform the
`prescribed acts for entry into the national phase before those designated Offices In respect cfotlier designated Offices the
`time limit of3(} months (or later) will apply even ifno demandis filed within 19 months. For details about the applicable time
`limits Office by Office see www. wipo int/pct/eri/texts/tirne_limitshtrnl and the PCT Applicant’5 Guide) National Chapters
`Within 22 months from the priority date, the applicant may request that a supplementary international search be car ried
`out by a different International Searching Authority that offers this service (Rule 45bis. l). The procedure for requesting
`supplementary international searchis described in the PCT/Ipplzcam‘s Guide, International Phase paragraphs 8 0064; 032.
`'.\\.\~.'.h... .....................-“ummflmamccc
`Name and mailing address ofthe ISA/US
`Mail Stop PCT, Attn: ISA/US
`Commissioner for Patents
`P. O Box 1450 Alexandria, Virginia 22313-1450
`\ Facsimile No 571._2738300
`WasWWWmmtIEI§E§3§§_E9;..E§IQsP- 571WWW;
`Form PCT/ISA/ZZO (July 2014)
`I Authorized officer
`Lee W. Young
`PCT Helpdesk: 571-2724300
`(PCT Article 18 and Rules 43 and 44)
`Wm “WM...“................................
`was ) am-wa
`see Form PCT/ISA/220
`Applicant 5 or agent 5 file reference
`as well as, where applicable, item 5 below.
`. 'e...._.M“-~““““““w
`International filing date (day/month/year)
`I (Earliest) Priority Date (day/inanth/year)
`International application No.
`“““wxw‘awMMH............. ........-._.-.““““““\\“~w.o.w._..te.. . .
`u_\s\\\\\“\“\\\cww“+“c...... ”Hunt—m. s
`11 April 2018 (11.04.2018)
`14 April 2017 (14.04.2017)
`EM...»-~W~WMWW.. .
`This international search repert has been prepared by this International Searching Authority and is transmitted to the applicant
`according to Article 18. A copy is being transmitted to the International Bureau.
`This international search report consists ofa total of 1% sheets.
`E] It is also accompanied by a copy of each prior art document cited in this report.
`1. Basis of the report
`’a. With regard to the language, the international search was carried out on the basis of:
`the international application in the language in which it was filed.
`i [:1 a translation of the international application into
`W which is the language of:
`a translation furnished for the purposes of international search (Rules 12.3(a)
`‘13, El This international search report has been established taking into account the rectification of an obvious mistake
`authorized by or notified to this Authority under Rule 91 (Rule 43.6bz‘s(a)).
`With regard to any nucleotide and/or amino acid sequence disclosed in the international application, see Box No. l."
`[:1 Certain claims were found unsearchable (see Box No.11).
`El Unity ofinvention is lacking (see Box No. III).
`With regard to the title,
`the text is approved as submitted by the applicant.
`E] the text has been established by this Authority to read as follows:
`5. With regard to the abstract,
`the text is approved as submitted by the applicant.
`E the text has been established, according to Rule 38.2, by this Authority as it appears in Box No. IV. The applicant
`may, within one month from the date of mailing of this international search report, submit comments to this Authority.
`6. With regard to the drawings,
`the figure ofthe drawings to be published with the abstract is Figure No.
`i: as selected by this Authority, because the applicant failed to suggest a figure.
`[3 as selected by this Authority, because this figure better characterizes the invention.
`b. [:1 none ofthe figures is to be published with the abstract.
`‘ “uunusuv-mme-Wchh“the—“a.
`Form PCT/ISA/ZIO (first sheet) (January 2015)
` INTERNATIONAL SEARCH REPORT International application No.
`PCT/US 18/27146
`1...... .............-..«M
`IPC(8) — (306K 9/00 (2018.01)
`CPC — (306K 9/00228, GOBK 9/00221, G06K 9/00288, GOSK 9/00281, 608K 9/00248
` .....h..
`{ According to Internatioiial Patent Classification (lPC) or to both national classification and IPC
`..rched 1class.fication system followed by classtfcation symbols)
`. Document
`V1i1n-.1:r1 documentation to the e\tent ti:atsuch docurn.enis arc includes .
`is \Q‘x'Liifi-d
`isforij Document
`-11111111 ..1 ..
`.ame “1“ data base and, where practicable
`me data
`.‘e consulted til-1:119 inc: itllerVrational
`t See C‘(:9.1'.C.1 ilistmy Locum-em
`Citation of document with indication, where appropriate of the relevant passages
` (van Beek 9 a )26
`.05 2009/0018
`arch 009 (26032009),entire document especially {11517, 1620
`abstract; para [0016],[[,0036] [00471110067], [0068], [0088]-[0105], [0114], 10115], [0126]
`61 8-15
`S '
`... .. ~-......1. ------.\'\Afixfiaaamm--~x-~<~\\\»\\V~VNV\Vxxxxx“
`Relevant to claim NO.
`LES 201/602253889 At (Kc,"1011) 01 Se0.;terr1 be'VEO E6 (0?. 092 :16), 61.1% document especial:v
`3 6, 8—15
`.... i
`3 i111111111
`..... ..
`D Further documents are listedin the continuation ofBox C
`E] See patent family annex
`Of cited documen s
`later document published after the international filing date or
`document defining the general state of the art whichis not considered
`date and not in conflict with the application but at ted to uil ezstalid
`to be of particular relevance
`the prinoiple or theory underlying the invention
`earlier application or patent but published on or after the international
`“X" document of particular relevance the claimed invention cannot be
`filing date
`considered novel or cannot be considered to involve an inventive
`document which may throw doubts on priority claim(s) or whichis
`step when the document15 taken alone
`cited to establish the publication date of another citation or other
`document of particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot be
`spectal reason (as specified)
`conSIdered to involve an inventive step when the document
`“0‘ document referring to an oral disclosure, use, exhibition or other
`combined with one or more other such documents, suehcombinalion
`being obvious to a person skilledin the art
`the priority date claimed
`document published prior to the international filing date but later than
`..&1. document member of the same patent family
`Date ofiziailling oithe intemational se.arch 151301:
`Date of the actual completion of the international search
`08 June 2018 (08.06.2018)
`28.3 {iii 20l8
`.... ........._.._......m...~1..‘~....~....4\..“..............w..
`“.1... ..
`Authorized officer.
`; Name and mailing address ofthe lS'A/US
`iMaiI Stop PCT Attn: ISA/US, Commissioner for Patents
`:P.O Box 1450, Alexandria, Virginia 22313— 1450
`=3Facsilm'lc N0
`Form PCT/ISA/210 (second sheet) (January 2015)
`1 is 1.1695 1. 5'.
`‘ 1
`PCTC :571272-1774
`Lee W. Young
`From {he
`STER55 “(F‘N‘SECL'TQ (30*. DSTEIN 8:?“’3X
`\/V1wriW"T’)N DC 20 {)5
` (PCT Rule 4322123 I)
`2 81 U N 21118::
`.516. rs
`,AppIMar-1. s or agent s:
`35:5: paragra '
`gPriority date (day/manth/year)
`. I ..emati-.na‘; appIicaLmu NO
`Internationa; fiiingd{a rr’awrmm/z/wa;-
`iPCT/US 18.217146
`II Apr'éi 2018f11.04.2018}
`Inmmammai Paem Class iflcatiou1(IF‘C ) or bdlh mum 4.. day. watmn and IPC
`9/45)- (306149{00(201801,
`GGSK 9/00228, <30 K9/00221,G06K 9/00268 GCI’O‘K 59/002531 GOSK 9100248
`l ApIicant :eI'OHAC'Tuvme CORPORATION
`I. This Opiznon[contains indieations mIafing tn the ibIlowing items:
`Box No.
`[3133iscftbe Opinion
`I 3
`”-1 x...
`{2g} Box NO. \/
`Non-establishment Ofopiuion with rsgard [-1) nOVSIiy, i11v€mive step and;' ndustriai appIicab-IIin
`Lack Of‘um'ty nfi‘nveafion
`Reasonad stafemem undor Rude 43915.1»){i)W2‘61 regard to novelty 'mwmivc 3th and:ndusmai apahcdbniiy
`Citations and explanatiams sup_ Citing suchstatement
`BOX 1 '0.
`Lenam documents Cited
`BO); L ’0. VII Certain. de‘facis in me inmmationa‘i applim‘zion
`n 3
`L“; BOXR0. VIII C‘artain Observations on ths international application
`'. 1.
`men wiiI bi: cousideled to baa written oninion offhc
`i, 2; dam? and for miche‘donai preliminary exam‘union is ma
`r13? tit-.15 does not apply where the" appfimtlt chooses ”:1 Autht
`eiiminary Examir:mg Authority (“'PEA”,3 except
`r than :1
`One to be the ItEA andthe Chg)
`PEA has not;fie.d we IntemationaI Emma-.1 undm RuIc 66.112381) ihat writtsn
`Opinions Off 1i's Imema,ional Searching Authority ‘jlvil'! not I36 so considsred.
`Ii’this Opinion is, a: pm’vidsd above, cen idaredO ‘36 a wrificn Opinionfake 5. the appI-an? is I'm/'1:-£:d to <5hmit 10 1115 IPE:
`' an reply toga?her, 'w‘icl‘z‘; appropziaate, wiEh amOn (1111161315, befmf: 01$. fixpir'
`ion 01 3
`tmths fiom the date 01' «131];ng (:- fPorm
`PC'E/ISA/220 Or ‘Osf-am the cxpimtim; 01°22 nmnihs from the prioriiy (Lie) whichever mpms later.
`For fimher Options. .
`Name and mailing addres
`PCT 06?: S7 Pamnnnnn......
`Maii LCOpPmm. ISA/US
`P /
`3 r“;
`”1 _
`§ Co...missI-vnerfor Patents
`s;no Box 1450 Amandrza ‘/.rclr11c..?343 1450§ Ob Jum. "316 \08' ”‘40 '81
`Facsimile NO, 571-213-8300
`f the ISA/US
`Authoriz-sd. Officer
`Lee W. Young
`PCT, Helpdes.
`Form kCr/ISA/ , cover sheet) (January 7.015)
`International application No.
`PCT/US 18127146
`. i
`l . With regard to the language, this opinion has been established on the basis of:
`IE the international application in the language in which it was filed.
`[:3 a translation ofthe international application into .5
`furnished for the purposes ofinternational searcht ules 12.3(a) and 23:1(b))i
`which is the language ofa translation
`This opinion has been established taking into account the rectification ofan obvious mistake authorized by or notified to V
`this Authority under Rule 91 (Rule 43 bis. 1(a)).
`‘Vith regard to any nucleotide and/or amino acid sequence disclosed in the international application, this opinion has
`’1:>rtning pan of the international appiiontioi: 23:»: tile-d:
`‘ 1 the form of an Annex C/‘S‘iIZS text tile
`e E
`i firrnishcd together a "1th the international nppliotztion under PCT Role lSzcr.l(a) for the purposes- ot‘internationa‘t
`n w a .
`u 1
`search on y in me form oi an Anne): Mal .25 text me.
`j fiiriiishecl subsequent to the international filing date for thepnrposes of'intemational search only;
`Bier. 1(a)).
`in the form of an Annex C/STJZS text i‘le {5
`on paper or in the form ofan image tile (Rule lSter.‘:(b) and Administrative Instructions: Section 7E3}
`4 E In addition, in the case that more than one version or copy ofa sequence listing has been filed or furnished, the required
`statements that the information in the subsequent or additional copies is identical to that forming part of the application as
`filed or does not go beyond the application as filed, as appropriate, were furnished.
`5_ Additional comments:
`t F
`orm PC'IYlSA/237 (Box No. 1) (January 2015)
`Novelty (N)
`66-_15___ \\,M YES
`_1-:1z16-20W“, No
`Inventive step (IS)
`Claims NQNEE.“N\\KWNH.[‘55 YES
`Industrial applicability (IA)
` WWW...‘
`International application No
`PCT/US 18/27146
`Box No. V
`Rcasoned statement under Rule 43bis.1(a)(i) with regard to novelty, inventive step or industrial applicability;
`citations and explanations supporting such statement
`§\\\\\\\\\\‘~\MMW~U~VVVWHII\-.-.-.-.\ ....u..u.-.m.m-\~““““\-“.wwwwm..."u... _..__._..._I__..M.____WW“““~
`Citations and explanations:
`iClaims 15 7 and 16-20 lack novelty under PCT Article 33(2) as being anticipated by US 2009/0080715 A1 to van Beek et al. (hereinafter
`'van Beek’)
`‘1 claim 1.. van Beak t*
`by a monitori
` ab
`he set:troIied on firm—en?
`oI the video, Wi
`en'na" video anaiys
`remain the \/iden analy‘ s comprise..s.pefort:
`cm the video based ati
`anaiyz: 11g inmate ideririficauon informafor-l :1
`_ GQEII, [OI02], [J114}); iden _ ng, t'rcm the olitali'ty oflnmat;[31'oiiles, an
`'of inmate prof
`rt 0:i the rr-atr:h {para [0031:], [0115}, {"IZCII determining a location oft '.
`is assoc:ated wiin ti‘
`" “ wriersin the Is '
`1 information indicates ‘.
`Regarding claim 2, van Beek teaches the determining the match comprises performing a comparison between the analyzed inmate
`identification information and the profile data, wherein the inmate identification information comprises a face (para [0115], [0120], [0126]).
`Regarding claim 3, van Beek teaches the profile data comprises facial data associated with the inmate and the determimng the match
`further comprises: performing facial recognition on the inmate identification information (para [0115], [0120], [0126]), receiving a result
`I based on the facial recognition (para [0016], [0036], [0088], [0099], [0102], [0114]); and comparing the result with the facial data (para
`3[0016], [0036], [0088], [0099], [0102] [0114]).
`IRegarding claim 4, van Beek teaches determining whether to send an alert based on at least one of the analyzed inmate identification
`Einformation and the location of the video (para [0098], [0099], [0101], [0123]).
`E Regarding claim 5, van Beek teaches receiving a search request, wherein the search request includes at least one parameter associated
`with the inmate and wherein the at least one parameter comprises at ieast one of: a serial number associated with the inmate (para
`[0098], [0099], [0101], [0123], [0126]), a name of the inmate (para [0098], [0099], [0101], [0123], [0126]), and an identifying mark
`associated with the inmate: performing a search comparison between the at least one parameter and the profile data (para [0098], [0099],
`[0101], [0123]), wherein the search comparison comprises determining a search match between the at least one parameter and the profile
`data (para [0098], [0099], [0101] [0123]); and returning a search result based at leastin part on the search comparison (para [0098],
`[0099110101] [0123])
`Regarding claim 7, van Beek teaches the inmate profile comprises: generating a video clip from the v:deo, wherein the video clip includes
`§ the analyzed inmate identification information (para [0011], [0012], [0043], [0044], [0047], [0070], [0086]); and associating the video clip
`§with the inmate profile (para [0011], [0012], [0043], [0044], [0047], [0070] [0086])
`Mhmvvvu\ihmii\-i\i~\\-\iiiiih\€h‘n\h ........u.».‘c....x......wm««.w.w«m~\~.\_m\w
`Form.PC‘l‘/ISA/137 (Box No V) (January 2015)
`International application No.
`PCT/US 18/27146
`--;.-x-- W
`aE n :1 na 55 ox
`U) : '5E
`“cut“we......_..~.......\»W“_t.__ __...W.“...‘..“c.c\.““m.n..“a. ............“..““-.M....\......_...._...,.,.
`ardirig claim 10, van Beak teacher; a method tortraclrring an inmate within a controi
`rd environment (abstract; para [0125“, comprising;
`' est includ s at lea
`rig by a monitoring system, a search requ st, whersn th ‘ earch r
`one parameter associated With the
`' inmate (Jars [: 09 , [0099], [0101], [01 3], [032
`ring system. a seat
`: perto
`ng, by the mo
`ri comparison between the at isast one
`-' 101], [0123])associated‘wltiiatleastone0"aninmateprofits ‘
`re[0016], [003-3],
`[008.8], '0099], [0102], [0114i 1 and a iocation pr-
`its, wherein thr so rch comparison -;
`. data for at is J one
`tone video
`at is tagged with the at least one parameter (abstract; pare -_ 070], [0113]. [01
`ed on
`detsm mg a match betWeen the at least one parametererid the profits d
`pars 0008], [0036], [0039}, [0070], {0113], [0123
`based at least in part on the match, retr vi g the at toast one video from a
`dfio source (abstract; para [0008], [0036], [0039], {0070],
`0102]) and a too
`it in the
`{0113], [0123]), wherein the at ieast one video comprises metsdata identifying the inmate (para [0088], [01F
`rich the scent
`controiied environment (para [0036], [0044], [0103], [0105], [0325]) and returning a sea
`it b;
`,J at is
`c113}, {0121) and
`n, wherein
`e s .arch resuit comprises the at :sast one. \‘EQ‘L‘C (abstract; para [0008],
`a (para. [0088], {0101], {0102]
`”1117, v n Beak teaches the a: toast one parameter comprises at
`99], [0101], {0123], [01:28]), a name of the. mate (para [0098], u -
`I paramet
`randprolsdata (para {0098], {0099‘
`Regarding claim 18, van Beek teaches the profile data includes archived videos received, by the monitoring system, from at least one
`camera located in the controlled environment (para [0070]).
`Regarding claim 19, van Beek teaches the video source Comprises a database or a video camera (abstract; para [0070]).
`. s”
`Reacardino claim 20, van Beck teaches the search re 055st is at least one of a real—time search re uest or an archived search re uest
`(abstract; para [00.70];
`I (fit-aims 6, and 845 lackan inventive step under PCTArticle 33(3) as being obvious over van Beck in viewofUS 2016/0253889 A1
`Regarding claim 6, van Beek teaches receiving, by the monitoring system, information, wherein the information is provided by the at least
`one video camera (para [0016]) or a standalone microphone; and performing, by the monitoring system, an analysis of the information,
`wherein the analysis comprises: performing recognition on the information (abstract; para [0096]-[0102]); and determining an identity of the
`.- inmatebasedatleastin partonthe recognition (para[0098], [0099], [0101], [0123], [0126]), butfailstodiscloseaudio. Keytonteaches
`.19videocamp. 3(jars[0036],[0
`[0103],[0105],[0126]);receivefromthedev 'withinthecontroilsdsnvirorunsritthroughthe
`- audio (para [0032], [0037], [0041]), it would have been obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art at the time of the applicant‘s invention to
`modify the method of van Seek to include audio as taught by Keyton for the advantage of providing biometric verification.
`3 an in.
`Regarding "i m 8., van Bee‘
`‘ aches a monitoring system for trs
`n a controlled environment (abstract; para 101261),
`comprising: a memory: and a r ocessor coupled to the. merriory and conf‘o. .ed to: Dmi—rbiish 3. fir tconn:
`a on with a video camera wit
`; para.
`environment (abstra'
`a {0125)}: establish a second co nection With an devic
`the contrwed environment (p
`:5 within the coritro
`ceive video from the video camera through the first conn
`n informs ion of
`“016], [0
`on, wherein the video comprises first lode.
`second iooatér
`“and connection, wherein compris
`ice (p re [QC-35‘:
`information of the r
`‘44], [0103}, [0105], [01235]}: snaiyzs the
`video to retrievs inmat
`, entiticatior: information from the video (para 100.9 ,,—[0102}); retrieve all li'tl'a‘léiiie pic’s a so “start with the inmate
`based at least in part on pe‘orming a comparison between the removed inmate identification information and prr
`is data stored in the
`ofile associated ‘
`the initiate, wherein the co ..pariscn comprises dz. 2rmini. g whether the retrieved inmate idsntn“ .
`informscon in the video matches the profits data (par
`018], [0035} {0088‘ “005 ], [01L , " 114]}; based at i
`t in part or. the
` Jr
`comparison, update. the inmate profile it. inciude at least one ofthe t st lo
`n of the video (pare [0 17],.f00C
`‘5]; or the second location :nioii‘rmtion ofths audio, but fails to :1
`es and the audio (
` “3..a U
`, [0937'], [0041]).
`it wouid have been obvioLL t' one of ordi
`'y skiii in t: e art at the time of the applicant‘s invention to modify the
`y Keyton fro-“the advantage of provming b.r.-rneti:c verification.
`“ inmate identification information corr‘sprises a see
`Regarding claim 10, van Beek teaches the profile data comprises facial data associated with the inmate and wherein the processor is
`further configured to: perform facial recognition on the retrieved inmate identification information (para [0115], [0120], [0126]); receive a
`result based on the facial recognition (para [0016], [0036]. [0088], [0099], [0102], [0114]); and compare the result with the faciai data (para
`[0016], [0036], [0088], [0099], [0102], [0114]).
`Fr?9",m C: :3a) O—+,
` ' 1-2) claim 11, van Beck teaches.» the processor is fun?
`ier configured to: determine whethp" to send an rated 1 arsed o"\
`., e retrss 3d inmate identification. iriformauon and the firsti cation information of the video it)
`:3 0)
`wxs-uh-v-L-u\ ..«...w«4m«....wwc.m.cfl. .C....W..g“.mc
`Form fiC'lVlSA/ZB? (Supplemental Box) (January 2015)
`PCT/US 18/27146
` International application No.-
`\ (
`Supplemental Box
`In case the space in any of the preceding boxes is not sufficient.
`Continuation of:
`Box No. V. 2. Citations and explanations:
`Regarding claim 12, van Beek teaches the processor is further configured to: receive a search request, wherein the search request
`includes at ieast one parameter associated with the inmate (para [0098], [0099], [0101], [0123], [0126]) and wherein the at least one
`the inmate (para [0098], [0099], [0101], [0123], [0126]), and an identifying mark associated with the inmate; perform a search comparison
`between the at least one parameter and the profile data (para [0098], [0099], [0101], [0123]), wherein the search comparison comprises
`determining a match between the at least one parameter and the profile data (para [0098], [0099], [0101], [0123]); and return a search
`resultbased atleastinpartonthesearchcomparison (para[0098], [0099], [0101],. [0123]).
`i Regarding claim 13, van Beek teaches the profile data comprises at feast one of facial data associated with the inmate (para [0016],
`0036], [0088], [0099], [0102], [0114]), a serial number associated with the inmate (para [0098], [0099], [0101], [0123], [0126]), and a
`: location history associated with the inmate (para [0047], [0067], [0068], [0086], [0105]).
`Regarding claim 14, Key'ton teaches the processor is further configured to: perform an audio anaiysis of the audio, wherein the audio
`analysis comprises: performing audio recognition on the audio (para [0032], [0037], [0041]); and determining the inmate profile based at
`least in part on the audio recognition (para [0032], [0037], [0041])
`' .i 15, van Peek teaches the ore-case
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`Claims 120 have industrial applicability as defined by PCT Article 33(4), because the subject matter can be made or used in industry.
`Form PC't‘/lSA/23‘7 (Supplemental Box) (January 2015)