`Approved fur use through uuauzam. OMB UBSLGDBZ
`£1.55. Patent and Trademark Office: us. DEPARTMENT OF SQMMERCE
`rays a valid CMES whim: number.
`fiPPLiCfiATiQN SAWS. EHEET {3? CFR 136}
`invention Hydraulic Transaxir:
`As the baiow named inventor. i hereby daciara ii’iat:
`iis deuiaraiiun X
`is nirecteti in; l
`‘ pp
`”(mean "at"
`. The afiafied ’1
`D United Stains appiicaiinn er PCT intarnatianai apuiicatinn number
`flied em
`The aheva-idaniified applicaiion was made or auihcrized in be made by me.
`i beiiave ihati am thee cariginai invertiur £23? an originai jaunt inventor at a claimed inventinn in the application.
`i hereby asknawiadga ihat any wiiifui iaise aiaiament made in this daciaraiion is punishable Lindar 13 UMSC mm
`by fine Gr imprisnrirneni of not more than five: (5) yeasts. er bath.
`Paiiiicnau‘appiicani is cauiiuned tc: avcid submiiiing parsunai infurmation in cincuments fiiari in a patent appiicatiun that may
`caniritiute in identity theft. Persnnai iniormatisn such as sociai security numbers, bank amount numbers, er credit card numbers
`(nihar than a check or credit card auihurizaiicn farm PTO-2033 submitted far payment purpcsas) is never required by tha USPTQ
`is auppari a patiiiun Or an appiisatinn.
`iitiiis i'ype hf persona! ininrmaiion is inciuciad in doaumanis submitted in iiia USPTO.
`E paiiiisnarsiapniicanis ahnuid uunsider radauting such persanai information tram the documanis bainre submitting them in iiie
`USPTD. Peiitianeriappiinant is advised that the recsrd of a patent appiication i5 avaiiabie to the puhiic after pubiication m" Eire
`application (uniess a non-pubiiuafion request in compiianca with 37 CFR 1.21331} is made in the appiicarion) or issuance of a
`patent. Fuztiiarmnra, the racnrd irhm an abanduned appiicatiou may alas be avaiiabia is ihe puhiic iiihe appiicaiicin is
`referenced in a pubiishad appiication at an issued paiani {5&8 37 CFR 1.14). Checks and credit card aut'mrizaiinn forms.
`FTC-2035 submiiiad fur payment purpnses are not retained in the appiicaiion fiie and iharefure are not pubiiciy avaiiahie.
`inventor: Toshifumi YASUDA
`JIM ~ 3
`. m; ’ff/szn 6’74
`Dar-e grammar):
`I Nate: An appiicaiinn daia shaei (PTOI'SSIM 5r equivaienii. inciiiding naming the entire inventive aniiiy, musi accompany this farm or musi have
`been previnusiy flied. Lisa an addiiicinai FTDIAENW form fur each additianai inventor.
`This satiation oi iniarmaiian is required by 35 USE. its and 32' CFR 1.63. The iniamisiion is requires is obtain ar raisin a benefit by the pubic which is is iiie (and
`by the USPTQ in process) an applicatiun. Canfidentiaiiiy is governed by 35 um 122 and 3? CFR 1.11 and 1.14. This miieciioi‘i is estimated to iake 1 minute in
`campiete. inciuding gathering, preparing. and aubmiiting the sampleied appiicaimn firm in the USF’TG. Time wiii vary depending upan the individual case. Any
`curriments an ihe amount ai lime ymr require in campieie ihis farm snafu: suggestinns Ear reducing this. burden, shouiri be seni in the Bhiafintomaiim twitter, US
`Pateni and Tradamaris Qffice. US. Depafimeni ai’ Commerce. RD. Bus: 1459. Aiexandna. VA 223134450. 130 NOT SENL“ FEES GR CGMPLETED FORMS TC
`This ADDRESS. SEND Tfl: Cnmmiasiuner in? Patenia. 3-3.9. Bax 1459, .riieiiamiriai VA 223134 459.
`Ifyau Mad assistancu in mmpieiing iha (arm. car? i-EDQPT-‘Jfitw and safest when 2.
`PT‘QJAINM (0542)
`Approved fer use through 91131I2G’i4. OMB (2651,0032
`LLS. Patent and Trademark (mice: US. [DEPARTMENT OF CQMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Red uction Act or 15:95. nu persrms are required in respond to a coiieciion ni mien-nation uniess it
`spiays a wand 0MB contra! number.
`invention Hydraulic 'i‘rahsaxic
`As the beihw named inventor, i hereby declare that:
`This decieratich Xi
`is direcieri ta:
`h' ati
`The attached are he
`on, 0r
`United Starch aphiicaiiah or PC'i' iniematicnai appiicetion number ______________________________________________
`fiied art
`The chew-identified appiicatieh was maria or authorized ta he maria by me.
`i beiieve that i am the hriginai invehtcr er en criginai jeiht inveniar ci a cieirheci inventiah in the appiiceiim.
`i hereby achhciwiedge that any wiiifui raise statement mad-e in this deciaraiinn: is punishabie under 18 U.S.C. Witt
`by fine 0r imprisonment ct hci mere than this: (5) years, 0r hath.
`Petitionerrappiicant is cauticneci in amid submitting perserxei infcrmatiuh in hacumenis tiled in a patent eppiicatiah that may
`cchirihute in identiiy theft. Persrznai irrfcrmaiiurr such as scciai security numbers, bank account numbers, cor credit card humhers
`(ether than a check cr credit card authorization farm PTO—2033 submitted fer payment purposes) is never required by the USPT
`is suppm‘t a petitirm car an appiicaiton.
`ifthhs types at pershhei intermaiior’i i5 inciuded in documents submitted ta the USPTO,
`petitionereieppiicenis shcuid consider redactirig such persuhei inferme‘rioh tram the decumems before Submitting them if: the
`USPTG. Fetiiieher/appiicaht is advised ihat the rewrd of a patent appiicaiien is; avaiiahie it» the puhiir: after purification cf the
`appiicaiiors (uhiees a rich-publication request in compiiance with 3? CFR 1.213(52} is made in the appiicatieh) or issuance of a
`patent. Furthermcre, the remrd from are abandoned appiicatieh may arise he avaiiabie to the pubiic if the appiicaiieh is
`referenced in a published appiicetian er en issued patent (see 37 CPR 1.14). Checks; and credit card eutherizaiieh farms
`PTO—2038 submitted tar payment purpeses are not retained in the appiicaiieri titer and therefore are not hubiiciy avaiiebie.
`Envenmr; Daisuke NEURASHEWIA
`E 29;? finial
`i: limrexfilflri 3mm.
`Nate: An appiicaiiun data sheet (PTOISBPM er aquivaient), inciuu‘ing naming the entire inventive:- entity, must accompany this farm or must have
`been previousiy flied. Use an additicnei PTQIAWDi form fur each additionai inventor.
`This miieciion of iniarmaiinn is required by 35115.0. 115- and 37 CFR 1.53. The inisnnaticn is required in obtain cr retain a hensfii by the pubiin which 5610539 (and
`by the USPTO is: process) an sppiica’rich, Cunfidentiaii‘iy is guverned by 35 555122 enri 3? GFR 1.11 and 1.14. This wiieclirm is estimated 16 take 1 minute to
`cashmere, inciucing gathering, preparirig, and submitting the cumpieieu’ appiicaiiori farm is the USPTG. Time wiii vary depending upan the individual! 632E. Any
`cumments an the ammunt at time yam require tr:- cnmpiate ihis: form and/er suggestions far reducing this burden. should be sent is the Chief iniormaiior: 05mm. £3.53.
`Patent and Trademark Office 1.3.3, Department at Cammerce, FED. 33m: 145G. Aiexsndn's‘ VA 22313-1450. DO NGT SEND FEE$ OR CGMF‘LETED FDRMS TC}
`THi-‘S AEDRESS. SEND Ti): Commihhinner for Patents, Pi). lax 145G, Aiexandria. VA 223i 34 459.
`ifyau need assistance in curripisrihg the (amt, calf t~BGO—PTO«9 :99 and select aprion 2.
`F‘i‘OiAlA/Gi (064:4)
`Approved for
`. .
`UF‘ USEE‘DI and 7232295223222. GET
`50522152 centroi number.
`Under the Papezwozx R.
`1:022 Ac? 0:" 1935, 220 persons we required "to respond E9 2;: c
`Enventinn E-iydra‘ E120 122222332226
`"2'2222 o2“
`ASE 2223balt:2; named Enventor, 2 hereby deciare that:
`T2225 deolaratEo
`is directed.23:
`The attached apgiicatiaz‘a or
`D United hates appiécatian or PC! interneiim9.: 22222252
`E'EEsd an
`£022 numbar
`. he hawk-denis" appiication was made 52 authm'ized Eu be rrzade’by ma.
`E beEEeve aha: 2 22222 the original invsnicr GE an miginai joirEE 822232220.“ DEE.c:'amed2.wen“;Eon E22 2228 appficaiicn.
`3. here.hy aoknov'is58923 that any wiiEqu "-
`' statsment made in this deal-222325022 is punishable under ‘28 USS. mm
`by"fin“ 0'2 iranEscnmem of 222.22 more Eha . we (5) years, L22 2992‘.
`PetEEEE-m“r/PPGHLEY"2s caLEEEunec‘ 2e avsEds
`(2 E22 :2 {232.2.2 39311365“!.2“: tha2 may
`rmnt numbers, 02 ME cam numbers
`ccEEErEEu22.223aPEG EdeEEtEEy EEES?" P92sons! min
`"8 32222212363202paynwtpdrpasesfls never .quhed b3:2§-2eUSE—‘-EO
`acheck:or CEedEt cam authorEzatEon for
`. apeiifier 02' an 32.22.
`22222: is insiudedin do52222232253 sub;mitted2.the USPTO
`4202232323222325canEs<.EEEGL2EL. honsiu‘er Eedac
`_.2 such pmsonai Enfmmatsm2 Exam the92.20.221222262225 before SEEmeEzEng them to Ehe
`or‘TC‘ PeEiEEorEe21app5'L2cam Es advised that the Eecord of a patent applicationis avaiiafiée 22) theQLEbEEC afkez' pubiicatiun affine.
`I appEEcaEEen (urEEess 3 n022~pubiication-eques-. 522 compiEance with 37 CFR 1.223(3) is made in the application} or
`' "2222238 ofa
`patent. F urmermon, the rscmd from 2222 abandoned appiication m32, 3130 be avaiiable E0 {ha put-EEC: if the appEEo
`E2 is
`Zrefarenc-ed 2:2 23 .2232.235'523d appss
`25022 or an issued patent (see 370 FRE 2-4) Checks and credit card authorEzaEsa;2 forms
`PTO-2032. submitted for payment purpc-se-s are not retained E22 the apps’Ecatian file and there2”are are 220-. pubiiciy avaiiat-Ee.
`(2'. Use an additions! PTOfAiA/Gi form for eacn add;EEona: inventor
`. .uslyifi.
`22 data sheet {PTO/‘SB/M or equivasent), Enchv-'2ng naming the antEre inventive entity: muat accompany this form or mus-t have
`led agp
`q gamed-'1“222 92'
` 22222022222 02‘
`. -and/ar 522927
`. P.0 Box ‘4250 AEGKSI'E
`V», A2313 2 30 DO NOT SENDEn.
`.SEND TO: Commissinne: for 3932292223, P.0 BOX ”245-?! AEexandEEa, VA 22313#245213.
`If,2 '0212'2.ed {:522'stanre incgmplefmg meHam: sail.1EJOJ’EOJ‘199 and seiect aption 2!.
`PTOMWG'! (0642}
`Appmved for 1:58 thmugh GifSthD‘i/e. OMB 96531-0032
`LiS Fatent and Trademark Office; U8 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Panemafic deuctinn Act at 13%, no permits are required tr: rsspnnd in 3 anti
`kiwi a. infamatim unis-55 it dispiays a vaiid OMB mntmi number.
`investion Hydraulic Tran-sax}:
`As the betow named ihvsnmr, i hereby assists that:
`This decimation
`is directed to:
`The attached sppircatioh, at
`Tits stasvs-idsrttifisd appiicatisri was maids or authsrizsti to he maids by ms.
`i believe that i am the origins: inventur 0r an migihst joint invents-r of s ciaimsd inventihn in the apptisation.
`i harsh}; acknowledge: that any witifui isiss statement made: in this decimation is puriishabis under 18 USE. iii-31
`by fine er imprisonment of net more than five (5) years. 9r bsii'i.
`Petitioneri‘appticsnt is cautiahsd is avoid submitting persahsi informatics in dscumsm tried in a patent aspticstiqn that may
`Essnttibuts to identity theft. Psrssnai inisrmatiori such as assist security numbers. bank acssunt numbers. or credit card numbers ;
`(ether than a check or credit card suthsrizatish term P'i'OaEfifiti subminsd for payment surnames) is never required by the USPTO
`to ssppsrt a petiiisn at" art sppiicstion. Ifthis type of psrssnat information is include-ti in dscumsnts submitted is the USPTO,
`stitisnsrsi’apsiicsms shouid consider rsdactihg such personal inicrmation tram the dscumsnts hsfsre submitting them to the
`USPTO. Pstitionsrisppiicant is advised that the isms-rt at a patent appiicsticn is avaiiahis to the pubiic after puhiicstisn at” the
`appiicstion {unisss s rmn-pubiication request in csmpiisnce with 37 CFR:" .213(s) is mar-Its in the applicatisn} 0r issuance of a
`pa-isnt. Furthermsre the: rscsrc’ from art absndorisrj appiicatisn may siso tas avaiisbis is the puhiis ifths spplisaticri is
`rstsrsnces‘in s ptihiishsci sppiicaticn ar an issued parent15% 3'." CFR M4} Checks and credit card as:hurt?.iatori forms
`PTCtnIZEtES submitted far payment purposes are net retained iii the appticatisnthis and therefore are hot pubiiciy avaiiabis.
`Nuts: An appiicaiiun dates shes: (PTOISEIM 0r squivaient}, inciuding naming the entire inventive shitty, must accompany ihis farm or must have
`been previousiy flied. Lisa an additiuhai PTO.’AiNi.t1 form far each sdditisnai invests:
`This. witsctimn (If ininimaiian'is recruited In}; 35 £313.63. 135 and 3'? CFR 1.53. The infnr‘matinn is rats-“liter! in obtain a: retain a bansfit by the pubiic: whim is to tile far-Li
`by the USPTG ta iii-’OCESS) an sppiirzatisn. Canfidenti-aiity is gsvsmsd by 35 5.5.6. 122 and 3? CFR 1.1“: and 1.14. This wiisctisn is estimated kc: take 1 minute to
`mmpicte, inciuding gathering. preparing, and suhmihing the campisted application farm to the USPTQ Time wiii vary depending upon the individuai case. Any
`comments on the amount at time you require ic- compiats this farm andfnr suggestions for reducing tuis burden shoutd be sent in the Chief tninmtaiinn Officer. U S.
`Patent and Trademark Office. L15, Department at Commerce. FRO. 80x1459.Aiexandfia. VA 2231 3445:) DC? Ni): SEND FEE$ GR COMPLETEL‘ FORMS TO
`THIS ADDRESS. SEN!) Ti): chmissimer t‘nr Patents. RE). 8cm MSG, Aisxahdria, VA 22313-91458.
`ifyau nsaa‘ assistaims in wmptsring the (arm, sari F-EUW’TWWQ? and select opliar: 2.