`Eamfiémhm 3333333313
`33333333 333333 £33333
`3333333333333 3333 33mm
`(:3) mwm nzmmr:
`3‘3 [fififfi 1% fig
`fififi §§Efifi 3333333 aiifi‘fiaiflfifififi
`stir} 333mm mmberimmfi
`35;} ms 31.4; A“ 3% 15%,,83933 ‘ia'fifi
`3% 3331333333: 3393,33
`3% 33333; 13.3333 333333133
`33 Appfimkmw, miassssmwmasmm 3.333,
`3333 33mm 3333mm
`a. 34
`m. ,3,
`@ 933333;;ng muagpvsmaim $3333? .
`@- mmm‘gzmmmtififimfim
`. Wfimiflfi}
`sas :
`$3 $3333:st mammemmam
`33333333333333Maw-3mm 33mm
` ““33““.."n."u...u....W.3»»»»fiwwfifl“unuww
`, s
`£3 3333:2333 {33333333 33:33; 33333333?
`8333333333 353333333: $331333;
`.3 31333313? 333333;: #933033 3333333331; a pad {13} 3333?: 33
`mfimmmmmmmsmmmmm 333mm
`Wazmwa 3332§3§33 33333333.;qu {1 L Tag 3m 533333
`33323333322333 33mm fimmmmssmmmwm
`ma ,3 3133531332 {‘s 3'} m 36:33? the: was; 333 W 333 3
`333333;: {35} $33 the 33?; 33:: 313.33 is; 33; 333mm mm
`mm 36 33331333 3 3331333 “336523 353 mags} 2:3? 353 mm
`mm 3333:1333 3 9333;: 33m 3:33 a was mm:
`@ @Q
`3 QW $


`'i‘his fim'emicm reigtes {a :3 m, gmtie themgsy (ieviea my}? in particuiz‘m {'8 a magmtie
`ihmagy (Swiss: Whig-h is; gartimsiaviy issefui
`in mach amifieatimm as it) rams: the
`mmeEes; {sf anti remnants pain: from pewmzs was; SW83 1mg wiefls afivi’rsg vahieiega
`m Ems-antics“:
`:3 by m means msirictad m mig figgfiiszatim but: 3 skafl use this as an
`Magnetic: iheraw 12% game»? fmm 3}} arm subjaet is} skegtieism ”it: Wing; basieaflfg
`we‘fii gamgztefi anti {m amas in which fit
`is mast {15% am in twatmem éififig
`mii‘imfiy, healimg (sf breaks am: the weatamn‘é of infeeiim am in tins Lama ai‘
`muséiea refiamtiam the minimising cf fhmfisiag and min rememi.
`in each :33? these asmas it has been 'usuai is 36mm m‘ii‘d mggzaetie mafia: asijg‘aezeizt a? {m
`main Me an“
`the arm to has: {mated am? to wwiiie these (5933 with current at
`wiween 3; am? 2% {{1} gm: {31' a wine 5343?; as m inflame a magmas flew a? the away
`a? 1:38 $81338 Hawwer mm‘hinafiims m? an fmqaeneigcs aim gfim have graves an
`effieative treamflnt‘
`in me mama farm sf apgiimtimg whgsm‘ mix? as a mamas ‘reiaxant far tm
`minimifia‘sim af tremisimg ant? fa}? 93%;: vemevaig (x3333; «SE a aimfiiaw {we am used ms}, in
`23333 (23355:,
`is: mt mama: is use a fregwney at {has ficwar and a)? the yamgge, m? the
`mafia? a? 5 Ba anti a flak? sf 3 Ewwer (New, in“ me mime (32f ifi‘gaum.
`was: the résults- sbtained hf; sum hfimtmem em be {gaite ‘agtafliséhim‘a’, i: has?
`navertheiesaa, been inemveaiemi {:3 gmvixfie the miig am: in 16mm time raiativa ta 8.
`me? its the Qoiis are {mafia}? miativeiy Large 34%? ammsg m ihandffie
`The Gi§§$3§3§ a? the messmi irivemim its it: gravifle a magmatic themgsy {imri'ise wi‘iereby
`a magfiefie flak? can he: eemfiy fiwfiaé m a {13% mag mafwamye can in; mat in a
`msifim 5:: that {he flew mm be humming? wki‘m that: use? earrfies cast- his or £29?
`mama} fumntionS¢


`the invention provides such a (levies; for use by drivers who are in
`vehieies for long periods.
`in its broadest sense, comprises a magnetic therapy device being a
`The invention,
`ilexihie pact which is adapted to he in close contact with a user when in use, which
`pad includes at least one eiongateci magnetic coil which is adapted to be locateti
`ediecent the portion of the body of the user to be treated, a support upon which this
`coil is located and a coveriig for the coii.
`.referebiy the eoil may be in e sandwich of e material having no magnetic
`properties, such as a flexible foam material and there may be on external cover
`which has a surface against which it is pleasant to rest, i“or example iambswooi.
`The fieio in the magnetic ooii may be induced by an electronic device having an
`(in/off ratiio of lot onernting, say, on a 2i} millisecond cycle with the cycle being
`effected for mil miiiiseconds and broken for the next mi} inilliseeonds2 that is a 5 Hz
`Preferably there may he more than one coil and the coils may be located
`side by side and be of different polarity.
`the invention may he more readily understood, i shall describe,
`in order that
`relation to the accompanying drawings, one particular form of device inane in
`accordance with the invention, which form is adented for use in a vehicle.
`In these drawings:
`Fig. l
`ilinstretes schematically the pad of the invention as fitted to a
`vehicle seat; and
`Fig. 2
`is a block diagram showing an arrangement whereby the one can be
`in the flexible pad 18, illustrated in Fig. l, i may have two eoils ll, 12, each of which
`may comprise thirty turns of wire and each of which is in the form of a rectangle
`having a longer side of} say, 750 mm and a width of}, sey2 13o mm with the two coils
`being adjacent with their 75% mm sides contiguous.
`Che coil is preferably wound in such a way as to he effectiveiy a north coil, and this
`is so indicated on the Figure, and the other2 in the opposite way, to be effectively a
`south coil‘


`Thehe mile eeh hsefemhiy Techies? he the: heme hf e eehdwiah made hi the Eeyeee hf
`h fiexihie eyhthetie hiehties Team? Shhh‘h gehereiiy he 13:, hhieh meg: fem: a eherhhhh
`hf h siee ehghthv greater Then The area-meetihfihé 32:3»? the ehhe: hey Shh he 85% mm 3mg
`by 335%} he Shh mm ‘e'ihe.
`Ehiehhihg‘ {mm the: Shhehihh are the eieehiee} wires {e heheeeheje h) ehhse ehheht
`th flee :hhhhgh the eehs gee th inheee meghhiihh‘: i-hehehy.
`The hhnhhieh me}; he eevereh with h seeming :meieeihh sheen geheehhy he :5, mi Eh
`hhe hmfeered There, may he: cheered with e Ihmhewmii (twee which weeihee e
`hamfhehhhie ehz‘fhee hghhht 'whieh the the? em heat,
`The hear} he? he hhhhe‘ieé, hmefihefi with whee hr eieehe shape :8 {ET the hike th
`ehhthe h: m be etteehee he a met their 0%“ ether hhefhee: he hihhhhteh ht: Fig. 1, the
`had is shew e‘fieeheh th e which, gem.
`hhemetieefiy, the hesfi emit? he heheideh with zheehh whereby it eeh he retained after
`hehhe ehhhheh ethnic he ghee he he heateh.
`Th whee he hmvihe the eehtzheé whehi: it? the hhih ‘i hhheielh eieehihy‘g ‘eh‘se‘h may he
`he ihhetmheh ih Fig; 2, we which: eeh he hehfiiiy hhhhhhteh ha heme}? eehiiehih his :3
`eehihieg h‘h‘hh he he a higeeeiih Tighten
`The eieehitey Thhihdee e heme geneeethv,
`hhihh h; e hhi-theeetihhhi hhhe geheehthe, which hhfiee ghherhhee is methiehei he e
`The; Thhhzhhey :hheih‘ihthm
`The Shh: feequehey :hhfihigihe :hhhhietes the wise generhihe er: a egg-hie hme of {:8
`mfihesehemfis, {Turing whfihh Time thh guise he {an fer 25% hf The time she eff fer ‘TEST:
`a? the time
`The wise gehereier is hehhtee is: hehvihe h higher hem which has a haiee iehghzh hf hi3
`mfihihheehth during 232% sf hhfieh, (3T 3- mhihemmeg the heiee-ie he and during the
`eemhiheee the wish is: hff. ehh {he ihh‘ {whammy- mhfih‘ihihe hihhhietes The huhe
`ghhehehhe he the: the phhzee ere hye‘iefiy geheehteh he mi geheehieh with the eyeTee
`heme; 13h rhihihehhhhe he end 318%}
`‘fhiiiiheh‘mtflfi eff:
`Thus: {here are five h? 3383
`mhhee, a gag his? The} 83i§1§88€3£3fit§5,
`ehhthee five hhieee ehh' m the semi, having: e.
`eehhhh, them Lie 3. {mahhhehe rehetitihh mice hi? whee; wisest she weighing; hf 3 He.
`The 20:13::th hhm the phhe geherhthr hehheh To a 'QGWE? hmhhheh which has
`heehemteé T‘heehwhh hath a tin“: er ermhgem hut semi hh {31:th Thee} .hnhehgem‘eht,


`The output level is adjusted tc nermeliy provide appreximetely 5i} geuss at the coils
`11, 12 of the pad 18 which would give approximately 15 genes where the field comes
`into contact with a user.
`The timer is provided te restrict the nmpiificetien and transmission of pulses fer half
`an heur in a four hour period, although the specific times can be varied.
`the ignition of the
`is such that, notwithstanding the feet that
`The arrangement
`vehicle may he switehed on and switched off, the timer retains a memory se that,
`after a fuil period of treatment, which can be broken, there can he he further pulses
`transmitted for the minimum at a three and a half hour period,
`in use, if the device is to be used tn prevent musele stiffness and pein in a vehicle
`driver's hack the pad of the inventien is located against the rear Of the seat oi" the
`vehicle and is held in positien thereehouts by means of the straps or the trike in which
`are tied about the seat back.
`The pulse senree is canneeted to n seureeef power, such as by a cigarette lighter
`socket, and the uperation of the {levies commences end continues as nreviously
`described for en en period at“ half an hour and an off peried of three and a half hours.
`The driver, in his nermei driving position? has his back in ciose proximity to the part
`it}, which is comfortable because cf the iamhswoel severing, and provides magnetite
`waves to the museles of the driver at the selected, which is a desired, frequency and
`at a newer which is considered te be suitable.
`if the driver should be suffering from muscle pains in the thighs er calves, it is
`possible that the tieviee be located on the seat ef the vehicle and extend thereever se
`that the magnetie tieid een he brought into eonteet with those muscles.
`Further, although i have described the device as being useful in e vehieie situation, it
`wiii be perceived that. for persons with muscle sereness, the device could he used as
`an underhlenket on a bed or chair so that, during rest, magnetic treatment of the
`bedy museles could he provident.
`i have described one pertieuier form ef menufeeture of the pad of the
`invention, it Wiii be perceived thst the coils could be located in a material other than
`a synthetic plastics teem end, else? that it would set he neeessery that the outer
`cover be iemhswoei, although it wouid be desirable that the cover be of a material


`{15' 2%? i; 6
`which is comfmmb’m against & user and whiafi em: Emmi whmantifl “’38:",
`M51}? aitmagh mt siieszslribaé, it. may he grefizrmfi mat the. 50%? be game $0 he aims in
`23%: mpfiaaeab‘sy remwmbfia {mm the will partism a? {m {33:}, 36 as: m be am it: 33$;
`waaheci am“? rsegfiaeeczi.
`Swazifis: intensity, qummey and tveatmem time Esme hem meniionm, hmwvem
`inmnsitéas sf hetwaan 3‘ u 2% gaamy freguemiag {sf ‘héetwssfin 1 ,, 26%} 32: mad up as tum
`Mars {an m6 Wm £30:er mi“ in 2313; mmbimtimg cf {Ema am“? Emma: wweii is: be {33‘
`thammu’fic 2:511:38.


`<3 3003333000 3330303333 <30va Eming <3 $030010. 0330' {EEEE which Es 00033300 <0 E30 E33
`01000 00203005;
`:3 0.303 33000 in 33033.
`<3EEE<3EE 3300 E00E0003 0E E0030 03333
`6033330300? mmE‘EEQEEES 00.: {iii 153E EEEEE0E3 Es mfiagtefi 30 E30 1000‘03 <30§<E<E<~3<EE EEm
`0030033 0f the E30033 0f E00 3330‘: E0 00 3:300:30. 0 530330033 {ESE 00033 which EEEEE
`E3300ES E0<3<EEO<E 32330 33 00303Emm§15§ E03 E00 00EE.
`3E. magneEEe 30030333? 003500 <3: $3}?303303
`05-3 ”f;
`0E0E03 1 wEEe3003, 30030 030 at E<msE
`3330 030330000 0000 {E}, ESE}. 00300330 0003 33030 0E” 00330000 33003033..
`:3 0303330303 300303333 003E330 :30 013330200 E33 01233333 E <33 332E500:
`‘2 33003003 330 3303303
`E33030 330<EE3E0E303E 0032330033 3330 E03030 {ESE 0E <3 materiai 00353333; 00 3330033000
`33 333000000 the-30033 003E032 <33 013333300 E33 E30000 :3 E330300.3 E00 0333:323E3E 0E {Em
`003303000 €13} ES 0 3333230000 $0333 333303300.
`<3. 3330330000 30030033 0033033 <30 010E030<E E33 0E0EE33 3 3.33 003303 E 33003033:. the
`003E033 Ems 033 033303 33039.3 {153}.
`3‘: 3330350000 {35303003 003E033 033 01003300 E0 any 333000333333: 013E333 and 30330200 303
`003. 033 the 0003: 000E»: 0E 33 30333013 233330303330 030000 {3.0) 303030033 3330 0033330 33033
`033 0033333333300 3:0 E00 230333 00333:
`A magnetic $030.03 33033300 330 claimeé in 0:33 0330 03 010E033 E 3.33 E 0031‘ 0031330
`03 Em 33300000 3003353 003EE033 0f 34 330300333 E30333 33330 E33333300‘ 3330033: 330030033 EE
`0033 E30 EeEairmfi 03030000333
`33 3330033332303 03033303; 333330 EEEfinding 0 0303333000 300303333 0335100 333 01030300 it;
`33033 3330000030 0EOE<0 3300 0301000333: 33303333 03 33300000 0 3330;331:000 E0103030
`003303} 03"
`31E:0 003030 330:00 3330033.0 030133003 <3 333030 30333333333203 000* 23. 3:333:03
`3333303303530 300303333 030E333; 03 00003330 “in EEEEEEEEE 8 330030333. 300 03.0.3330 3'0
`03003300 .3 33303333000 EEEEE<5333 3:00 0000's} 03030003 0300300003 03033333 E0 03003;»;
`000001 the 000330 .3335 E00 333.3130 533003333303 <33 3E“;<33 333333300E33330 330-0300330033 E33


`:3: magmfie ihemm fiwmm as: eiaimefi
`in claim 8 gr mm {é whmain the
`mamas to madam a magnatie 5mm in the: miiis} imhsiias a aim-Ir m waive:
`the maximam :sziafi durifig whiah {WW9 am he sent 35mm {Ems lpmw‘er ampfiffiex
`53} me swiiis? its a apaei m {mm
`£3 magfiefie XhSPfi-‘Qfif devise smsmaiiafiy £5 Mreifibefore fieseritzefi
`reference is the aséectssngeawing simwiags.
`:3 msgnetk? ther‘amr syeztem sahstantiaiiy ax hereimefow fieseri‘hefi with
`referemze is} the aeeazmpaajging drawn » .






`fiwamn 333333:
`3 333'13 3333133333
`“ Abstract; claims 1,32%; fig.
`3.3 3
`K SE w A .. “£2.15 3653 {333338}
`* $13133 1,3»11; fig,
`1 *
`7:73 125 333 {a LEG3331313333?
`1:“33 1% » 33$3 13,
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`33 ~.31 m 3 133 393
`Wm ’3327a;
`“3mC) g2?é-wiat;g)imiBfi
`E}? m ALE w C} {33.2 383 (ELECTRLNEEQEm’YE
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`3 31 N
`E 58 N
`33 n 31 w aaig 331 {3:33333331~
`33f: EiLV‘GKiKENYfitzBG}
`A 4’ C
`* 3331:3333; fig 3,5,8 4*
`3 33 a 3: w 3 :3 3 363 {33‘33333
`4* 3333mm; 31313153 ENS 3
`: 1’3,§5
`A (33 w 3 -~
`1 3123 232i {FYME}
`‘ 11,55
`* Claims 1,333; fig,
`in? *
`mm; Wsiimm


`gimama mama afiw

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`15:» Emma $152511
`page 1331
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`3§ ji..a5H Ei.K ia5§
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`aii 3. a.A.... 3
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`M \J‘ N r;

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