`EAST Search History
`EAST Search History (Prior Art)
`3Ref Hits 3Search Query
`( (A61 N2/02 OR A61N2/OO2 OR A61N2/OO 3
`OR A61 N1/4O OR A61 B2018/OO452 OR
`L1 and (adipose or fat or fatty or cellulite)
`3((adipose or cellulite or muscle) and
`magnetic and field and energy and
`3switch$3 and generat$3 and patient and
`voltage and drop).clm.
`3((adipose or cellulite or muscle) and
`magnetic and field and energy and
`3switch$3 and generat$3 and patient and
`3diameter and duty and cycle).clm.
`3((adipose or cellulite or muscle) and
`magnetic and field and energy and
`3switch$3 and generat$3 and patient and
`3flux and density).clm.
`3(600/9-15).ccls. and (fat or cellulite)
`3(600/9-15).ccls. and (fat or cellulite)
`86 and @ad<"20160701"
`EASTSearchHistory.15473390_AccessibleVersion.htm[12/20/2017 11:20:56 AM]
`3P|ura|s Time
`33333333333333 Stamp
` 3
`EAST Search History \
`\ 88
`1'87 and cellulite
`1 \
`1-(U820150157873-$ or U820080076958—$1‘
`or ue2oooo24935o- $ or U820110077451-1
`1$or U820110130618—$or U8
`120-120-310033-$).did. or (U87630774-
`189 and (time or time$varying or biphas$2
`or monophas$2 or diphas$2)
`and (wave or light or "I R")
`(adipose and cell and magnetic and field
`1and muscle and contract$3).clm.
`1(biphas$3 and magnetic and field and
`muscle and contract$3).clm.
`(magnetic and field and muscle and
`(magnetic and field and muscle and
`contract$3 and time$2vary$3) .clm.
`1201 7/06/1911
`1201 7/06/19;
`1201 7/06/191
`12o1 7/06/201
`(US-20150157873--$ or US—20080249350- $1
`r US—20110077451-$—). did.
`(US-20150157873--$ or U820080249350-$1
`10r US—20110077451-$—). did.
`EASTSearchHistory.15473390_AccessibleVersion.htm[12/20/2017 11:20:56 AM]
`EAST Search History
`OR A61 N1/4O OR A61 B2018/OO452 OR
`819 and (adipose or fat or fatty or cellulite $
`("14873110") or ("14926365") or
`"14951093") or ("15073318") or
`"15151012") or ("15396073") or
`"15446951") or ("15404384")).PN.
`$825 and error
`825 and perceptible
`$825 and maximal
`EASTSearchHistory.15473390_AccessibleVersion.htm[12/20/2017 11:20:56 AM]
`EAST Search History
`:829 :2
`:s25 and disabl$3
`2‘2222222222222222222222: ‘ttttttttttttttttta 2222222“““““““““‘:
`\ 2222222222; 2222222222222. 2‘2222‘2222‘2222‘2222‘2222‘2222‘2222‘2222‘2222‘2222‘2222‘2222‘2222‘2222‘22222222222222222222222
`:825 and balun
`$825 and transmatch
`..........\ “nun...“....................................................................................................................
`i825 and calibrat$3
`\ ..........¢ ............¢ ...................................................................................................1 .......................... .........................: ...................a ..........................:
` :pribulalnv. and (duty near cycle)
` :pribula.inv. and (duty near cycle)
`$835 and (duty near cycle).c|m.
` :schwarzlnv. and (duty near cycle)
`EASTSearchHistory.15473390_AccessibleVersion.htm[12/20/2017 11:20:56 AM]
`EAST Search History
`\ 4444......)
`\ 44444444440 4444444444444. 4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 44444444444444444444444444
`444444444444444444444444: 4444444444444444448 44444444444444444444444444:
`$837 and (duty near cycle).c|m.
`.4..........e 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444.4.44.44444444444444441 444.4.44.4444444444444444: 444.4.44.4444444444444444: 4444.4.44.4444444444444444:
`(magnetic and field and muscle and
`$839 and litz
`1 44444444444 4444444444444. 4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 4444444444444444444444444: 444444444444444444444444: 4444444444444444446 44444444444444444444444444:
`$(600/9—15).cc|8. and (fat or cellulite) and
`(magnetic and field and muscle and
`\ 4444......)
`.4..........e 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444.4.44.44444444444444441 444.4.44.4444444444444444: 444.4.44.4444444444444444: 4444.4.44.4444444444444444:
`$842 and ((sen8$3 or detect$3) near
`(voltage or current or flux))
`$(600/9—15).cc|8. and ((alarm or audible)
`$with (error or malfunction$3))
`‘ $
`\ 44444444444 4444444444444. 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444
`4444444444444444444444: 444444444444444444444444: 4444444444444444446 44444444444444444444444444:
`(magnetic and field and muscle and
`44444444444 44444444444444 4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444
`4444444444444444444444444. 4444444444444444444444444. 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444
`$845 and disabl$3
`.4....4...\ 4.44.44444444: 444.44.444.444444444....¢ 444.44.444.444444444....¢ 4.44.4444444444444.44444444444444444444444444444
`EASTSearchHistory.15473390_AccessibleVersion.htm[12/20/2017 11:20:56 AM]
`EAST Search History
`3647 115
`(3600/9-15).ccis. and disabl$3 and
`3(magneiic near field)
`3 EP0'
`3646 and (disabl$3 with voltage)
`3(Us20150157673--$ or us20060076956-$i
`or US—20080249350-$ or us20110077451-i
`3$orUSZO110130618— $or us
`320120310033--$ or us20070106349-$ or
`3U620130156634—$ or us20060152301-$ i
`3or US—20130137918— $ or US—20130053620-i
`3$ or us20140371515-$ or us
`320090018384-$).did. or (us7630774-
`3850 and ("RP' or radiofrequency or
`3(600/9—15).cc|6. and balun and (matchbox iUS
`or transmatch)
`3ba|un and (matchbox or transmatch)
`12/ 20/ 2017 11:20:51 AM
`C:\Users\chopkins\Documents\ EAST\Workspaces\15473390.wsp
`EASTSearchHistory.15473390_AccessibleVersion.htm[12/20/2017 11:20:56 AM]