`USPTO Automated Interview Request (AIR)
`Sep 12 2017
`This paper requesting to schedule and/or conduct an interview is appropriate because:
`This submission is requested to be accepted as an authorization for this
`interview to communicate via the internet. Recognizing that Internet
`communications are not secure,
`I hereby authorize the USPTO to communicate with
`the undersigned concerning scqeduling of the interview via video conference,
`instant messaging, or electronic mail, and to conduct the interview in accordance
`with office practice including video conferencing.
`Kenneth H. Ohriner
`Registration Number:
`U.S. Application Number:
`Confirmation Number:
`E—mail Address:
` Phone Number:
`Proposed Time of Interview:
`9—21—2017 1:00 PM ET
`Pr f r d Int rvi w Typ
`I am the applicant or applicant's representative for this application.