`Attorney Dkt. N0. 066964-8013.U802
`This Application is a Continuation-in-Part of US. Patent Application No.
`14/926,365 filed October 29, 2015 and now pending, which is a Continuation-in-Part of
`US. Patent Application No. 14/789,156 filed July 1, 2015, and now pending. This
`Application is also a Continuation-in-Part of US. Patent Application No. 14/789,658 filed
`July 1, 2015, and now pending. This Application also claims priority to US. Provisional
`Patent Application No. 62/441,805 filed January 3, 2017 and now pending.
`Applications listed above are incorporated herein by reference.
`Magnet therapy uses the influence of magnetic flux on biological tissue.
`Electric current
`induced in the tissue due to voltage change which causes a
`polarization of the cell membrane. One of fundamental phenomenon of electric current
`in biological tissue is a transfer of neural excitation or muscle contraction. The intensity
`of the effect is dependent on the magnetic flux density, repetition rate of the pulses,
`pulse time duration or envelope of the stimulation signal.
`Water and biological molecules are diamagnetic substances.
`magnetic field is not affected by diamagnetic substances. Therefore no loss of intensity
`or magnetic flux density occurs when passing through the biological structure or tissue.
`therapy originally used permanent magnets with a stationary
`magnetic field. Natural magnets were applied especially to acupuncture points, or to
`Attorney Dkt. N0. 066964-8013.U802
`the location of pain. Thereafter natural magnets were replaced by synthetic magnets
`and electromagnets of stationary magnetic field of higher induction than permanent
`In the last few decades, therapeutic methods have used mainly a pulsed
`magnetic field.
`Existing methods of magnetic therapy generally tend to be limited to the
`key parameters of magnetic flux density and repetition rate. High values of magnetic
`flux density are reached at low repetition rate or vice versa. These combinations limit
`the effectiveness of muscle therapy at higher repetition rates over 50 Hz. Therefore the
`stimulation of deep structures or stimulation by high repetition rates or the combination
`of both is limited.
`Existing designs do not provide any device and/or method for
`stimulating biological structure at repetition rate over 50 Hz and magnetic flux density
`sufficient to cause at least partial muscle contraction repetitively. Additionally existing
`methods do not disclose time duration of the therapy.
`Existing methods are also not able to provide stimulation of biological
`structures by pulsed magnetic field at repetition rates which exceed the frequency
`resolution of the biological structure.
`Some systems also require making physical
`contact with the patient since the magnetic field is weak or the stimulation signal cannot
`be transferred without the electrical contact. Generally,
`these known methods are
`limited to repetition rates over 50 Hz in order to provide biological structure stimulation.
`repetition rates exceeding 100 Hz are not utilized.
`The therapeutic
`methods at higher repletion rates over 100 Hz are provided only by electrotherapeutic
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`Attorney Dkt. N0. 066964-8013.U802
`Presently, muscle
`myorelaxation or analgesic effect at higher repetition rates over 50 Hz and at sufficient
`intensity stimulus may be achieved only by direct current therapy. However, direct
`current methods require contact with the patient and even may be invasive. These
`methods can result in skin irritation, painful application especially for the stimulus of
`higher intensity, discomfort during the treatment, lack of deep tissue stimulation by non-
`invasive methods, and a lack of patient compliance with a prescribed therapy due to
`these factors.
`In a first aspect, a method provides stimulation of biological structure
`using magnetic field at repetition rates exceeding 50 Hz for purpose of at least a partial
`muscle contraction.
`The method may provide a non-invasive transfer of a stimulation signal
`from an applicator to biological structure to evoke the action potential of biological
`The method may use a peak to peak magnetic flux density on a coil
`surface at least 0.2 T, 0.4 T, 1.5 T, 2 T, or at least 3 T. The repetition rate may exceed
`50 Hz, 80 Hz, 90 Hz, 100 Hz or 120 Hz, and up to 150 Hz, with preferable repetition rate
`up to 700 Hz. with initial or successive treatments lasting several seconds or longer, for
`example, for at least 5, 10, 30, 60, 120 or 240 seconds, or longer. The pulse width is in
`the range of tens to hundreds of microseconds.
`In another aspect of the invention, a neuromuscular plate is stimulated
`causing an at least partial contraction of the muscle. The muscle is contracted at higher
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`Attorney Dkt. N0. 066964-8013.U802
`repetition rates and the contraction is stronger and more efficient for improving the
`muscle strength. The method is especially useful for deep muscles, major muscles, and
`for treatment of patients with high value of BMI. Deep muscle is the muscle underneath
`the superficial muscle. Muscle tissues may be selectively stimulated and the magnetic
`flux density of the stimulation may be adjusted based on patient characteristics or input.
`Treatment time can be shortened to a minimum due to selective stimulation of targeted
`muscles. Additionally, the treatment may be non-invasive or even contactless due to
`the high value of magnetic flux density. The patient may be treated without removing
`clothing, thereby reducing patient discomfort.
`The target biological structure may be a joint. Due to the pulsed magnetic
`field, the dynamic fluid properties of synovial fluid are improved and muscle contraction
`is achieved, contributing to positioning of the joint by short movements of the joint
`In another aspect of the invention the repetition rate may exceed the
`frequency resolution of the structure. The magnetic flux density of the stimulation signal
`may increase over time. Therefore the envelope of resulting stimulation signal
`increasing and it
`is perceived by the stimulated biological structure as a continuous
`stimulation signal
`instead of plurality of discrete stimuli.
`The envelope may be
`preferably triangular and other shapes may be used as well. This method is effective
`for stimulation of denervated muscle.
`In a further aspect of the invention, the method stimulates the biological
`structure via a magnetic stimulation signal of at least 100 Hz, where the stimulation is
`intended for at least partial muscle contraction. The pulsed magnetic field induces the
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`Attorney Dkt. N0. 066964-8013.U802
`electric current which may provide myorelaxation. The stimulation signal repetition rate
`may be at least 120 Hz or at least 140 Hz.
`Figure 1 illustrates a curve of action potential of a biological structure.
`Figure 2 illustrates a threshold value corresponding to different envelopes
`of the stimulation signal.
`Figures 3a and 3b illustrate a detail of a stimulation signal with increasing
`Figures 4a and 4b illustrate a detail of a stimulation signal with increasing
`Figures 5a and 5b illustrate a detail of a stimulation signal with increasing
`Biological structure/target biological structure includes a cell, a neuron, a
`nerve, a muscle fibre, a tissue, a filament.
`Stimulation signal refers to a magnetic flux density inducing an electric
`current in the biological structure.
`Active response of a biological
`structure includes a change in a
`permeability of cell membrane for ions or any other particles, generation of an action
`potential, at
`least partial muscle contraction, a change of rheological properties of
`synovial fluid.
`Sensory intensity is the stimulation intensity when the patient feels the first
`perception of the induced current flow in the stimulated biological structure.
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`Attorney Dkt. N0. 066964-8013.U802
`Motoric intensity is the stimulation intensity when the patient registers the
`first muscle contraction.
`Noxious intensity is the stimulation intensity when the patient recognizes
`first painful stimulus.
`Impulse refers to the only one biphasic magnetic stimulus.
`Pulse refers to a period of stimulation signal consisting of at least one
`biphasic stimulus and a time duration of no stimulation,
`i.e. time duration between two
`impulses from rise edge to next rise edge.
`Repetition rate refers to frequency of firing the pulses; it
`is derived from
`the time duration of a pulse.
`Envelope refers to use of a repetition rate sufficiently high so that the
`muscle reacts as if the stimulus is continuous and not a plurality of discrete stimuli.
`Modulated means that during the stimulation the magnetic flux density
`and/or repetition rate is changed to prevent adaptation of the muscle.
`Isometric contraction means the muscle is activated, but instead of being
`allowed to lengthen or shorten, it is held at a constant length.
`Duty cycle is the ratio of the duration of active stimulation to the entire
`Electric current
`is induced in the stimulated biological structure during
`pulsed magnet therapy. A distribution of a magnetic field is uniform in the biological
`structure. Particles (e.g. atoms,
`ions, molecules etc.) in the biological structures are
`affected by the magnetic field and permeability of a cell membrane also increases.
`- 6 -
`Attorney Dkt. N0. 066964-8013.U802
`Due to increased permeability of the cell membrane, an action potential
`may occur and a partial or full muscle contraction is induced. Convenient repetition
`rates may cause pain relief and/or myorelaxation, different repetition rate may cause
`stimulation of denervated muscle, and further different repetition rates may improve
`movability of a joint.
`Advantages of the present magnet therapy include:
`affecting the deep
`structures which are problematically stimulated by superficial stimulation; non-invasive
`or non-contact application of magnetic flux,
`it may be applied even with clothes;
`absolute non-invasiveness of the stimulation and elimination of skin irritation in the
`place of magnetic field application; high rate of acceptability of the stimulation by
`patients; elimination of stimulation side effects; elimination necessity of applicator made
`of biocompatible materials; providing a clean and sterile applicator on the highest level;
`possibility of local or area treatment.
`is to be understood that the method is not
`limited to the particular
`applications and that the method may be practiced or carried out in various ways.
`The present methods may use magnetic stimulation of magnetic flux
`density at
`least sufficient
`to cause active response of a biological structure at the
`repetition rates at least 50 Hz. The broad spectrum of application of biological structure
`stimulation by magnetic field is achieved due to high repetition rates and/or high value
`of magnetic flux density. Methods are intended especially for at least partial muscle
`The present methods may be provided by the magnetic stimulation device
`which contains no magnetic core, however, the magnetic core may also be used. The
`- 7 -
`Attorney Dkt. N0. 066964-8013.U802
`magnetic stimulation device may be cooled by a fluid, such as air. The total power
`consumption may be preferable, but is not limited to values below 1.3kW. Convenient
`therapeutic apparatus is described in the US. Patent Application No. 14/789,156 or
`US. Patent Application No. 14/789,658, incorporated herein by reference.
`The applicator including a coil which is preferably flat for magnet therapy
`is placed proximate to the patient’s body.
`The magnetic flux is applied into the
`biological structure. The electric current is induced and stimulates the neuromuscular
`plate. Due to the stimulation at least a partial muscle contraction is caused.
`The present method stimulates the biological structure by pulsed magnetic
`field. The peak to peak magnetic flux density on the coil surface is at least 0.2 T, 0.4 T,
`1.5 T, 2 T, or at least 3 T and with magnetic flux density up to 7 T at repetition rates
`exceeding 50 Hz, 100 Hz, 250 Hz, 400 Hz or 625 Hz with treatment/successive
`treatments lasting several seconds or longer, for example, for at least 5, 10, 30, 60, 120,
`or 240 seconds, or longer. The pulse width is in the range of tens to hundreds of
`microseconds, e.g. 200, 400, 500 or 625 us. The duty cycle of the stimulation may be at
`least 1:50, more preferably at
`least 1:40, even more preferably at least 1:20, most
`preferably at least 1:8 or up to 1:4.
`Referring to Figure 1, the stimulation of the biological structure, a cell,
`explained by a curve 1 of an action potential. The action potential of the cell rapidly
`increases after the stimulus (induced by pulsed magnetic field) and reaches the
`threshold 2 — so called depolarization. After the reaching the maximal amplitude value,
`the membrane permeability changes and repolarization occurs. The negative value is
`reached in relation to resting potential 3. Afterwards the potential recharges back to the
`- 8 -
`Attorney Dkt. N0. 066964-8013.U802
`value of resting potential 3'. The time period from the threshold 2 to the return of
`to the threshold 2'
`(which equals threshold value 2)
`is called absolute
`refractory period 4. The cell is not able to be stimulated any more during the absolute
`refractory period 4, even by very strong stimulus. The time period from the end of
`absolute refractory period 4 to resting potential 3'
`is called relative refractory period 5.
`The cell is able to be stimulated only by the intensive over-threshold stimulus during the
`relative refractory period 5. Over-threshold stimulus is a stimulus of higher magnetic
`flux density than the value of threshold stimulus. The absolute refractory period 4 is the
`same time duration for all the cells, however,
`the relative refractory period 5 varies
`following the cell type.
`The present methods may be used for muscle stimulation and exercising,
`e.g. for treatment of pelvic floor muscles, incontinence, etc.
`Incontinence is a disability
`of mainly older patients to restrain evacuations of urine or faeces.
`Incontinence is
`currently treated by exercising pelvic floor muscles or by utilizing vaginal or rectal
`probes using direct current therapy, or using urologic chairs using stimulation by pulsed
`magnetic field. However, urologic chairs achieve low magnetic flux density at high
`repetition rate. Efficacy of urological chairs is low because the values of stimulation
`parameters, repetition rate and magnetic flux density, are insufficient. Therefore the
`therapy is relatively time consuming and uncomfortable for the patient.
`Another field of application may be treatment of erectile dysfunction. A
`synergic effect may also be myorelaxation.
`The present methods may be used for various stimulation of any other
`muscle or muscle group or any other biological structure, especially for the deep
`- 9 -
`Attorney Dkt. N0. 066964-8013.U802
`muscles, e.g. psoas major muscle, and the diaphragm. The method may stimulate
`other biological structures, e.g. selective stimulation of the particular muscle groups for
`improving their functionality or for generating a contraction pattern from the muscle
`group for improving the efficiency of the movement or generating the muscle memory.
`According to another aspect of this invention the method may be used for
`magnetic field stimulation by pulsed magnetic field at repetition rates above 50 Hz, 100
`Hz, 150 Hz, or 200 Hz are favourable mainly for treatment of denervated muscle.
`Denervated muscle lacks the ability of conscious contraction due to a lesion or nerve
`degradation caused by e.g. polio or trauma, so that the signals from the central neural
`system are not received. The muscle loses the ability of contraction and flexibility and it
`atrophies. Effects of muscle atrophy are visible just after three weeks of inactivity.
`The stimulation of denervated muscle is based on the adaptability of
`health motor unit for the raising magnetic flux density. Denervated muscle lacks an
`ability of adaptation to raise induced electric stimulus as in a normal healthy muscle.
`Hence the denervated muscle is stimulated by low magnetic flux density.
`Figure 2 illustrates the different shapes of the envelope of the stimulation
`signal and corresponding different threshold values of a healthy muscle. When the
`healthy muscle is stimulated by a rectangular envelope 6 of stimulation signal
`muscle contraction occurs at magnetic flux density A1 7. When the healthy muscle is
`stimulated by increasing envelope 8 of stimulation signal the muscle contraction occurs
`at magnetic flux density value A2 9. However, when the denervated muscle is
`stimulated by increasing envelope 8 of stimulation signal
`the denervated muscle
`contraction occurs at magnetic flux densities below A2 9. Magnetic flux density value A2
`- 10 -
`Attorney Dkt. N0. 066964-8013.U802
`9 is a multiplication of magnetic flux density value A1 7, wherein the multiplication
`coefficient is positive number greater than 1.
`The stimulation results in an at
`least partial contraction of denervated
`muscle and the contraction of healthy muscle is eliminated or minimized. Figure 3
`describes generation of various types of envelopes. The envelope may be generated on
`the basis that the biological structure, e.g. a nerve or at least one muscle fiber,
`is not
`able to distinct single pulses during the stimulation at higher repetition rates, e.g.
`exceeding 100 Hz, more preferably at least 150 Hz, even more preferably at least 200
`Hz, most preferably at least 250 Hz, or up to 700 Hz. The lower value of repetition rate
`is limited by the time duration of the absolute refractory period. Generally, at least two
`pulses are necessary to create a simple shape of the envelope, e.g. rectangular or
`trapezoid. However, the more complex envelope shape is the more pulses are needed.
`The induced energy (IE) stimulating the target neural structure is a function of repetition
`rate, magnetic flux density and/or impulse duration. The envelope may consist of
`several impulses 10 called train. The number of pulses in one train varies in range of at
`least 2 pulses to thousands of pulses. The repetition frequency of envelope is given by
`the envelope period,
`i.e. the envelope may include time with no stimulation as well. The
`envelope may consist of stimulation signals with various burst frequencies, e.g. 5, 10,
`20, 50, or more Hz. The envelope may be generated by several modulation
`Envelope may be generated by time-varying magnetic field of varying
`peak magnetic flux density hence the process is called magnetic flux density modulation
`(MFDM). The principle of MFDM is described in Figures 3a and 3b. The repetition rate
`- 11 -
`Attorney Dkt. N0. 066964-8013.U802
`of the time-varying magnetic field is constant hence the period of the pulse is constant.
`The impulse duration remains constant as well. However, the magnetic flux density of
`each impulse 10 varies with respect to the preceding impulse 10, as in Fig. 3a.
`Therefore each impulse magnetic flux density is different from magnetic flux density of
`the preceding impulse. The principle is explained by triangular shaped envelope 11 as
`shown in Fig. 3b.
`Alternatively the envelope may be generated in repetition rate domain
`hence the process is called repetition rate modulation (RRM). The principle of RRM is
`described in Figures 4a and 4b. The magnetic flux density of each impulse 10 remains
`constants. The impulse duration remains constant as well. Therefore the induced
`energy for one pulse is constant. However, the repetition rate varies hence the time
`duration of each pulse varies with respect to the preceding pulse, see Fig. 4a. The
`actual value of induced energy corresponds to the actual repetition rate of the time-
`varying magnetic field. When the repetition rate increases the value of induced energy
`increases or vice versa. The principle is explained by triangular shaped envelope 11,
`see Fig. 4b.
`According to still another aspect of the application, envelope may be
`generated in impulse duration domain. The principle of impulse duration modulation is
`shown in Figures 5a and 5b where the magnetic flux density and the repetition rate of
`time-varying magnetic field remains constant. However, the impulse 10 duration of each
`pulse varies as shown Fig. 5a. The principle is explained by triangular shaped envelope
`11 in Fig. 5b.
`- 12 -
`Attorney Dkt. N0. 066964-8013.U802
`The modulation approaches are not
`limited by exemplary waveform.
`Therefore the envelope may be rectangular, square, saw-tooth, trapezoidal, sinusoidal,
`exponential etc. Person skilled in the art of neurology and/or physiotherapy may
`modulate various envelopes and/or envelopes combination.
`The application is not limited to use the only single modulation approach.
`In the preferred application any combination of the upper mentioned approaches may
`be used.
`Magnetic stimulation at high repetition rates according to proposed
`invention is further applicable for the effect of myorelaxation. The repetition rate of at
`least 100 Hz, 110 Hz, 120 Hz, or 130 Hz may be used for the purpose of the muscle
`One of the myorelaxation approaches is non-paralyzed muscle adaptation
`to high repetition rate of stimuli. The magnetic flux density is sufficient to induce current
`in the biological structure causing motoric intensity or over-motoric intensity at the
`beginning of the application and it becomes below-motoric intensity after several
`minutes at constant magnetic flux density since the non-paralyzed muscle can
`accommodate for the stimulus of constant repetition rate. The impulse time duration is
`in at least tens of us, more preferably at least 250us or 500us. The time duration of a
`pulse is at least 1 ms, 2.5 ms or 5.5 ms. A repetition rate of pulses around 180 Hz is
`highly effective. A temporary reflex adjustment of hypertonic muscles or muscle groups
`is achieved by the application of magnetic stimulation thereafter myorelaxation is
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`Attorney Dkt. N0. 066964-8013.U802
`Further application of magnet
`therapeutic method using sufficient
`magnetic flux density at high repetition rates over 100 Hz is focused especially on
`spastic muscle and its trigger point. The method proposes stimulation of muscle
`hypertonia of the overloaded muscle fibres to relieve a local spasm (the hypertonia in
`stimulated muscle fibre is relieved). The method affects the muscle insertion as well.
`The method may even affect the whole muscle group for specific movement.
`The stimulation by pulsed magnetic field is divided into two separate
`periods. The neuromuscular plate is stimulated by pulsed magnetic field during the first
`period. The magnetic flux density is sufficient to induce at least motoric intensity of
`electric current to cause at least partial muscle contraction in the stimulated biological
`structure. The muscle is activated by isometric contraction and sedation follows. The
`most reactive fibres are selectively inhibited. During the second period the repetition
`rate is increased to at least 100 Hz, 150 Hz, or 200 Hz. The muscle is relaxed due to
`high repletion rate. The method is used for high-quality relaxation of at
`least one
`muscle fibre.
`The method may be used also in sport medicine for stretching of athletes
`before a performance and muscle relaxation after the performance,
`thereafter it
`significantly contributes to muscle regeneration. Further applications are treating for
`muscle imbalance or muscle relaxation caused by overload, pain relief or elimination
`and preparation the muscle for physical activity.
`The present method may also be used for functional
`joint blockade
`treatment. A joint may include muscular structure providing the movement of the joint,
`joint itself including synovial fluid. Functional joint blockade may be caused by spastic
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`Attorney Dkt. N0. 066964-8013.U802
`muscles in the vicinity of the joint whose secondary effect is pain. The most common
`joint blockades are in the backbone.
`These can cause vertebrogenic
`problems, headache and backbone pain, migraine, perfusion ailment
`resulting to
`dizziness, backbone sharp pain directing to limbs, visual
`toothache or earache etc. The scoliosis, sacral pain (even after fractures), weakness of
`pelvic floor muscles and incontinence, urine retention or constipation or functional
`sterility may also be treated by treatment of functional joint blockade.
`For the purpose of functional blockade treatment and joint movability
`improvement the preferred repetition rates may be at least 50 Hz, 60 Hz, 70 Hz or 100
`Hz, magnetic flux density at least 0.2 T, 0.4 T, 0.5 T, or at least 1 T and up to 7 T.
`Formerly the
`joint blockades were
`treated by manual
`traction, mobilization of
`reflex therapy or even
`pharmacologically. The present method achieves at least partial muscle contraction in
`the vicinity of the joint, e.g. backbone, by stimulation of neuromuscular plate by pulsed
`magnetic field at low repetition rate and high magnetic flux density providing at least
`partial muscle contraction. The joint contact surfaces are moved and the joint is moved
`due to at least partial muscle contractions of muscles in the vicinity of the joint, e.g. the
`muscles in the vicinity of the backbone are represented by rotators which causes local
`microrotations of the backbone. The functional joint blockade is unblocked via muscle
`mobilization by mechanical approach.
`Still another approach of the present method is affecting the rheological
`properties of synovial fluid by pulsed magnetic field. The total effect of this method may
`be synergic. Although the method is explained on example of backbone functional joint
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`Attorney Dkt. N0. 066964-8013.U802
`blockade, the application of the method is not limited to the backbone. A person skilled
`in anatomy or physical therapy is able to apply the method for any other joint provided
`by sufficient amount of neuromuscular structures in vicinity. The present method may
`be preferably used in combination with analgesic methods.
`It is very convenient to use
`the present method in combination with method providing myorelaxation since the
`functional joint blockade is caused by spastic biological structures in vicinity.
`the described methods of stimulation provide trophotropic, anti-
`oedematous or placebo effect which contributes to the patients health state and
`comfort. Local metabolism may be increased as well.
`The values of magnetic flux density and repetition rate are cited in several
`preferred applications since the perception of the stimulation is subjective. Nevertheless
`the magnetic flux density and repetition rates are not limited by the recited values. A
`person skilled in physical therapy is able to repeat and apply the therapy methods
`adjusting the magnetic flux density or repetition rate following the patient’s needs.
`A person skilled in the physical therapy is able to use various envelopes of
`the stimulation signal and waveform, e.g. pulse,
`rectangular, square,
`triangular, saw-tooth, trapezoidal, exponential etc. for the purpose of muscle stimulation.
`The invention is not limited to recited shapes of stimulation signals.
`Stimulation signal of biological structure by pulsed magnetic field following
`the recited methods may be but not limited to continuous, pulsed, randomized, burst.
`The pulse may be but not limited to symmetric, asymmetric, most preferably biphasic.
`As used here, proximate to includes in actual contact with the skin of the patient.
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`Attorney Dkt. N0. 066964-8013.U802
`In the methods described above,
`the patient
`is seated on a patient
`supporting means maintaining the patient in sufficiently seated position such as a chair
`or the patient
`is in sufficiently horizontal position such as supine, prone or lateral
`position on suitable patient supporting means, e.g. a treatment table or a bed. One or
`more applicators providing the magnetic stimulation are positioned adjacent to the
`patient, or in contact with the patient’s skin. Generally, the patient’s head, torso and
`limbs are unrestricted,
`the patient is free to move and no part of the patient is
`secured, e.g. strapped, to the patient supporting means. The applicator or applicators
`are generally placed near the patient, but may not be attached to the patient, so that no
`part of the treatment apparatus, i.e. one or more applicators and the patient supporting
`means is attached to the patient and does not restrain or guide a movement of any part
`of the patient. The magnetic stimulation typically does not cause the patient to move
`continuously, although some movement may occur via muscle contraction, during
`certain treatments.
`The methods described above do not
`involve exertion or voluntary
`contraction of muscle. Rather,
`the patient
`is idle and in a relaxed state.
`In some
`applications the methods may be used to treat any healthy tissue, and the methods may
`be used with only magnetic stimulation alone, without any other form of stimulation.
`As used here muscle means a single muscle or a group of muscles.
`Actively moving means physically moving any part of the patient via external apparatus
`exerting physical force on the patient.
`Thus, novel systems and methods have been described.
`changes and substitutions may of course be made without departing from the spirit and
`- 17 -
`Attorney Dkt. N0. 066964-8013.U802
`scope of the invention. The invention, therefore, should not be limited, except by the
`following Claims and their equivalents.
`/ / /
`/ / /
`- 18 -
`Attorney Dkt. N0. 066964-8013.U802
`curve of action potential
`threshold potential
`threshold potential after depolarization
`resting potential
`resting potential after action potential
`absolute refractory period
`relative refractory period
`rectangular envelope
`magnetic flux density A1
`increasing envelope
`magnetic flux density A2
`The following additional applications are incorporated herein by reference:
`US 14/951,093 which was filed November 24, 2016
`US 15/073,318 which was filed March 17, 2016
`US 15/099,274 which was filed April 14, 2016
`US 15/151,012 which was filed May 10, 2016
`US 15/178,455 which was filed July 9,2016
`US 15/344,811 which was filed November 7, 2016
`US 15/396,073 which was filed December 31, 2016
`- 19 -
`Attorney Dkt. N0. 066964-8013.U802
`US 62/357,679 which was filed July 1, 2016
`US 62/440,912 which was filed December 30, 2016
`US 62/440,905 which was filed December 30, 2016

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