`(19) World Intellectual Property
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`26 November 2015 (26.11.2015)
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2015/179571 A1
`(51) International Patent Classification:
`A61N 1/36 (2006.01)
`International Application Number:
`International Filing Date:
`20 May 2015 (20.05.2015)
`Filing Language:
`Publication Language:
`Priority Data:
`20 May 2014 (20.05.2014)
`30 May 2014 (30.05.2014)
`18 July 2014 (18.07.2014)
`18 July 2014 (18.07.2014)
`Applicant: ELECTROCORE, LLC [US/US]; 150 Allen
`Road, Suite 201, Basking Ridge, New Jersey 07920 (US).
`Inventors: ERRICO, Joseph P.; 5 Tiffanys Way, Warren,
`New Jersey 07059 (US). MENDEZ, Steven; 10 Willow
`Drive, Chester, New Jersey 07930 (US). SIMON, Bruce
`J.; 56 Pollard Road, Mountain Lakes, New Jersey 07040
`Agent: BUCK, Joel, N; DENTONS US LLP, P.(). BOX
`061080 Wacker Drive Station, Willis Tower, Chicago,
`Illinois 60606 (US).
`(81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY,
`BZ, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM,
`DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT,
`HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IR, IS, JP, KE, KG, KN, KP, KR,
`KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME, MG,
`MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ, OM,
`PA, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, QA, RO, RS, RU, RW, SA, SC,
`SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN,
`TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW.
`(84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, ST, SZ,
`TZ, UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU,
`TJ, TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE,
`DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU,
`LV, MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK,
`GW, KM, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`with international search report (Art. 21(3))
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`(57) Abstract: Devices, systems, and methods
`are disclosed that allow a patient to self-treat a
`medical condition, such as a migraine head-
`ache,an epileptic seizure, a neurodegenerative
`disease, such as dementia, Alzheimer's disease,
`ischemic stroke, post-concussion syndrome,
`chronic traumatic encephalopathy or the like,
`by electrical non-invasive stimulation of a
`vagus nerve. The system can comprise a hand-
`held stimulator which is applied to a surface of
`the patient's neck, wherein the stimulator com-
`prises or is joined to a mobile device. A camera
`of the mobile device may be used to position
`and reposition the stimulator to a particular
`location 011 the patient's neck. The system may
`also comprise a base station that is used to
`meter the charging of a rechargeable battery
`within the stimulator. The base station and
`stimulator transmit data to one another regard-
`ing the status ofa stimulation session.
`Vag us
`WO 2015/179571
`The present application claims the benefit of priority to US.
`Provisional Application Serial No. 62/001,004 filed 20 May 2014; US.
`Nonprovisional Application Serial No. 14/292,491 filed 30 May 2014; US.
`Nonprovisional Application Serial No. 14/335,726 filed 18 July 2014; and U.S.
`Nonprovisional Application Serial No. 14/335,784 filed 18 July 2014; each of which
`is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety for all purposes.
`The field of the present disclosure relates to the delivery of energy
`impulses (and/or fields) to bodily tissues for therapeutic purposes. The present
`disclosure relates more specifically to devices and methods for treating medical
`conditions, such as migraine headaches,epilepsy, or others, wherein the patient
`uses the devices and methods as self—treatment, without the direct assistance of a
`healthcare professional. The energy impulses (and/or fields) that are used to treat
`those conditions comprise electrical and/or electromagnetic energy, delivered
`non-invasively to the patient, particularly to a vagus nerve of the patient.
`The use of electrical stimulation for treatment of medical conditions is
`well known. One of the most successful applications of modern understanding of
`the electrophysiological relationship between muscle and nerves is the cardiac
`pacemaker. Although origins of the cardiac pacemaker extend back into the
`1800’s, it was not until 1950 that the first practical, albeit external and bulky,
`pacemaker was developed. The first truly functional, wearable pacemaker
`appeared in 1957, and in 1960, the first fully implantable pacemaker was
`WO 2015/179571
`Around this time, it was also found that electrical leads could be
`connected to the heart through veins, which eliminated the need to open the chest
`cavity and attach the lead to the heart wall. In 1975, the introduction of the
`lithium-iodide battery prolonged the battery life of a pacemaker from a few months
`to more than a decade. The modern pacemaker can treat a variety of different
`signaling pathologies in the cardiac muscle, and can serve as a defibrillator as well
`(see US. Patent Number 6,738,667 to DENO, et al., the disclosure of which is fully
`incorporated herein by reference for all purposes). Because the leads are
`implanted within the patient, the pacemaker is an example of an implantable
`medical device.
`Another such example is electrical stimulation of the brain with
`implanted electrodes (deep brain stimulation), which has been approved for use in
`the treatment of various conditions, including pain and movement disorders such
`as essential tremor and Parkinson's disease [Joel S. PERLMUTTER and Jonathan
`W. Mink. Deep brain stimulation. Annu. Rev. Neurosci 29 (2006):229—257].
`Another application of electrical stimulation of nerves is the
`treatment of radiating pain in the lower extremities by stimulating the sacral nerve
`roots at the bottom of the spinal cord [Paul F. WHITE, Shitong Li and Jen W. Chiu.
`Electroanalgesia: Its Role in Acute and Chronic Pain Management. Anesth Analg
`92(2001):505—513; patent US6871099, entitled Fully implantable microstimulator
`for spinal cord stimulation as a therapy for chronic pain, to WHITEHURST, et al].
`Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS, also known as vagal nerve
`stimulation) is a form of electrical stimulation. It was developed initially for the
`treatment of partial onset epilepsy and was subsequently developed for the
`treatment of depression and other disorders. The left vagus nerve is ordinarily
`stimulated at a location within the neck by first surgically implanting an electrode
`there and then connecting the electrode to an electrical stimulator [Patent numbers
`US4702254 entitled Neurocybernetic prosthesis, to ZABARA; US6341236 entitled
`Vagal nerve stimulation techniques for treatment of epileptic seizures, to OSORIO
`WO 2015/179571
`et al; U85299569 entitled Treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders by nerve
`stimulation, to WERNICKE et al; G.C. ALBERT, C.M. Cook, F.S. Prato, A.W.
`Thomas. Deep brain stimulation, vagal nerve stimulation and transcranial
`stimulation: An overview of stimulation parameters and neurotransmitter release.
`Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 33 (2009):1042—1060; GROVES DA,
`Brown VJ. Vagal nerve stimulation: a review of its applications and potential
`mechanisms that mediate its clinical effects. Neurosci Biobehav Rev
`29(2005):493—500; Reese TERRY, Jr. Vagus nerve stimulation: a proven therapy
`for treatment of epilepsy strives to improve efficacy and expand applications. Conf
`Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2009; 2009:4631—4634; Timothy B. MAPSTONE.
`Vagus nerve stimulation: current concepts. Neurosurg Focus 25 (3,2008):E9, pp.
`1-4; ANDREWS, R.J. Neuromodulation. |. Techniques-deep brain stimulation,
`vagus nerve stimulation, and transcranial magnetic stimulation. Ann. N. Y. Acad.
`Sci. 993(2003):1—13; LABINER, D.M., Ahern, G.L. Vagus nerve stimulation
`therapy in depression and epilepsy: therapeutic parameter settings. Acta. Neurol.
`Scand. 115(2007):23—33].
`Chronic daily headache by definition occurs with a frequency of at
`least 15 headache days per month for greater than 3 months duration. Chronic
`migraine sufferers comprise a subset of the population of chronic headache
`sufferers, as do those who suffer other primary headache disorders such as
`chronic tension-type headache [Bert B.VARGAS, David W. Dodick. The Face of
`Chronic Migraine: Epidemiology, Demographics, and Treatment Strategies.
`Neurol Clin 27 (2009) 467—479; Peter J. GOADSBY, Richard B. Lipton, Michel D.
`Ferrari. Migraine - Current understanding and treatment. N Engl J Med 346
`(4,2002): 257- 270; Stephen D SILBERSTEIN. Migraine. LANCET 363
`A migraine headache typically passes through the following stages:
`prodrome, aura, headache pain, and postdrome. All these phases do not
`necessarily occur, and there is not necessarily a distinct onset or end of each stage,
`WO 2015/179571
`with the possible exception of the aura. An interictal period follows the postdrome,
`unless the postrome of one migraine attack overlaps the prodrome of the next
`migraine attack.
`The prodrome stage comprises triggering events followed by
`premonitory symptoms. The prodrome is often characterized by fatigue,
`sleepiness, elation, food cravings, depression, and irritability, among other
`symptoms. Triggers (also called precipitating factors) such as excessive stress or
`sensory barrage usually precede the attack by less than 48 h. The average
`duration of the prodrome is 6 to 10 hours, but in half of migraine attacks, the
`prodrome is less than two hours (or absent), and in approximately 15% of migraine
`attacks, the prodrome lasts for 12 hours to 2 days.
`[001 1]
`The aura is due to cortical spreading depression within the brain.
`Approximately 20-30% of migraine sufferers experience an aura, ordinarily a
`visual aura, which is perceived as a scintillating scotoma (zig-zag line) that moves
`within the visual field. However, aura symptoms, regardless oftheir form, vary to a
`great extent in duration and severity from patient to patient, and also within the
`same individual.
`Although the headache phase can begin at any hour, it most
`commonly begins as mild pain when the patient awakens in the morning. It then
`gradually builds at variable rates to reach a peak at which the pain is usually
`described as moderate to severe. Migraine headaches often occur on both sides
`of the head in children, but an adult pattern of unilateral pain often emerges in
`adolescence. The pain is often reported as starting in the occipital/neck regions,
`later becoming frontotemporal. It is throbbing and aggravated by physical effort,
`with all stimuli tending to accentuate the headache. The pain phase lasts 4—72 h in
`adults and 1—72 h in children, with a mean duration generally of less than 1 day.
`The pain intensity usually follows a smooth curve with a crescendo with a
`diminuendo. After the headache has resolved, many patients are left with a
`WO 2015/179571
`postdrome that lingers for one to two days. The main complaints during the
`prodrome are cognitive difficulties, such as mental tiredness.
`For more background information on the use of noninvasive vagus
`nerve stimulation to treat migraine/sinus headaches, refer to co-pending,
`commonly assigned application number US 13/109,250 with publication number
`US20110230701, entitled Electrical and magnetic stimulators used to treat
`migraine/sinus headache and comorbid disorders to SIMON et al; and application
`number US 13/183,721 with publication number U820110276107, entitled
`Electrical and magnetic stimulators used to treat migraine/sinus headache, rhinitis,
`sinusitis, rhinosinusitis, and comorbid disorders, to SIMON et al, which are fully
`incorporated by reference for all purposes.
`Dementia is a clinical diagnosis that is based on evidence of
`cognitive dysfunction in both the patient's history and in successive mental status
`examinations. The diagnosis is made when there is impairment in two or more of
`the following: learning and retaining newly acquired information (episodic
`declarative memory); handling complex tasks and reasoning abilities (executive
`cognitive functions); visuospatial ability and geographic orientation; and language
`functions. The diagnosis may be made after excluding potentially treatable
`disorders that may otherwise contribute to cognitive impairment, such as
`depression, vitamin deficiencies, hypothyroidism, tumor, subdural hematomas,
`central nervous system infection, a cognitive disorder related to human
`immunodeficiency virus infection, adverse effects of prescribed medications, and
`substance abuse [McKHANN G, Drachman D, Folstein M, Katzman R, Price D,
`Stadlan EM. Clinical diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease: report of the
`NlNCDS-ADRDA Work Group under the auspices of Department of Health and
`Human Services Task Force on Alzheimer's Disease. Neurology
`34(7,1984):939—44; David S. KNOPMAN. Alzheimer's Disease and other
`dementias. Chapter 409 (pp. 2274-2283) In: Goldman's Cecil Medicine, 24th Edn.
`(Lee Goldman and Andrew I. Schafer, Eds.). Philadelphia : Elsevier-Saunders,
`WO 2015/179571
`2012; THOMPSON S B. Alzheimers Disease: Comprehensive Review of Aetiology,
`Diagnosis, Assessment Recommendations and Treatment. Webmed Central
`AGING 2011; 2(3): WMCOO1681, pp. 1-42].
`Dementia prevalence increases with age, from 5 % of those aged
`71—79 years to 37% of those aged 90 and older. However, despite their
`prevalence in old age, dementias such as Alzheimer's disease are not an integral
`part ofthe aging process [NELSON PT, Head E, Schmitt FA, Davis PR, Neltner JH,
`Jicha GA, Abner EL, Smith CD, Van Eldik LJ, Kryscio RJ, Scheff SW. Alzheimer's
`disease is not "brain aging": neuropathological, genetic, and epidemiological
`human studies. Acta Neuropathol 121 (5,201 1 ):571—87]. Genetics plays a role in
`early-onset AD (less than 1% of cases). The most powerful genetic risk factor for
`the more common forms of AD is the APOE e4 gene, one or more copies of which
`are carried by 60% of AD patients in some populations. Otherwise, the risk of AD
`may be increased by a low level of education, severe head injury, cerebrovascular
`disease, diabetes and obesity.
`The principal diseases that cause dementia are three
`neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer’s disease, Lewy body disease, and
`frontotemporal lobar degeneration) and cerebrovascular disease. In the United
`States, Alzheimer’s disease accounts for approximately 70% of cases of dementia,
`and vascular dementia accounts for 17% of cases. Lewy body dementia and
`frontotemporal lobar dementia account for the remaining 13% of cases, along with
`less common causes (e.g., alcoholic/toxic dementia, traumatic brain injury,
`normal-pressure hydrocephalus, Parkinson’s dementia, Creutzfeldt—Jakob
`disease, and undetermined etiology). In absolute numbers, it is estimated that
`about 5.4 million Americans are currently living with Alzheimer's disease, and
`Lewy Body dementia affects about 1.3 million Americans.
`Patients with each type of dementia exhibit certain typical symptoms.
`In Alzheimer’s disease, anterograde amnesia is a dominant symptom -- loss of the
`ability to create new memories of events occurring after the onset of the disease.
`WO 2015/179571
`Dementia with Lewy bodies is characterized by parkinsonism, visual hallucinations,
`and a rapid-eye-movement sleep disorder. Frontotemporal lobar degeneration is
`characterized by prominent behavioral and personality changes or by prominent
`language difficulties early in the course of the disease. Cerebrovascular dementia,
`which may be a sequela of atherosclerosis, is due to one or more cerebral
`infarctions (ischemic strokes) in brain locations that are responsible for the
`cognitive deficits. The simultaneous presence of Alzheimer’s disease with
`vascular dementia is common, and it may be difficult to distinguish these two
`dementia on the basis of symptoms alone.
`Hour—to—hour and day—to—day changes in cognition may also be
`exhibited by individuals with dementia. Thus, caregivers of patients with dementia
`often notice that the patient may be confused and incoherent at one time, and only
`a few hours later, or the next day, the patient is alert and coherent. The
`time-course and situational antecedent of those so-called cognitive fluctuations
`may also be helpful in distinguishing one form of dementia from the others, using
`clinical scales have been developed to analyze such fluctuations (Clinician
`Assessment of Fluctuation, One Day Fluctuation Assessment Scale, Mayo
`Fluctuation Questionnaire). Dementia with Lewy bodies is associated with
`transient and spontaneous episodes of confusion and an inability to engage in
`meaningful cognitive activity, followed by reversion to a near normal level of
`function, often within hours. In contrast, cognitive fluctuations in Alzheimer’s
`disease are often elicited by situations in which an underlying cognitive impairment
`manifests itself, typically as repetitiveness in conversation, forgetfulness in relation
`to a recent task or event, or other behavioral consequences of poor memory. In
`addition to this situational triggering aspect of a cognitive fluctuation in patients
`with Alzheimer’s disease, the confusion is often a more enduring state shift (good
`days/bad days), rather than an hour—to—hour shift.
`The mechanism of cognitive fluctuation is unknown, either for the
`hour-to-hour type that is common in dementia with Lewy bodies, or the day-to-day
`WO 2015/179571
`type that is not uncommon among Alzheimer patients. However, the mechanism is
`clearly different than the ones involved in circadian phenomena, such as
`"sundowning," because the cognitive fluctuation need not occur around a
`particular time of day. Whatever the mechanism of cognitive fluctuations, it would
`be very beneficial to be able to prevent or reverse them, if only as a prophylactic or
`symptomatic treatment, so as to spare the patient and caregiver of the stress
`associated with fluctuating cognitive impairment as it relates to impairment of
`activities of daily living [Jorge J. PALOP, Jeannie Chin and Lennart Mucke. A
`network dysfunction perspective on neurodegenerative diseases. Nature
`443(7113,2006):768—73; WALKER MP, Ayre GA, Cummings JL, Wesnes K,
`McKeith IG, O'Brien JT, Ballard CG. The Clinician Assessment of Fluctuation and
`the One Day Fluctuation Assessment Scale. Two methods to assess fluctuating
`confusion in dementia. BrJ Psychiatry 177(2000):252-6; BRADSHAW J, Saling M,
`Hopwood M, Anderson V, Brodtmann A. Fluctuating cognition in dementia with
`Lewy bodies and Alzheimer's disease is qualitatively distinct. J Neurol Neurosurg
`Psychiatry 75(3,2004):382-7; BALLARD C, Walker M, O'Brien J, Rowan E,
`McKeith l. The characterisation and impact of 'fluctuating' cognition in dementia
`with Lewy bodies and Alzheimer's disease. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry
`16(5,2001):494—8; CUMMINGS JL. Fluctuations in cognitive function in dementia
`with Lewy bodies. Lancet Neurol 3(5,2004):266; David R. LEE, John-Paul Taylor,
`Alan J. Thomas. Assessment of cognitive fluctuation in dementia: a systematic
`review of the literature. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 27(10, 2012):
`989—998; BACHMAN D, Rabins P. "Sundowning" and other temporally associated
`agitation states in dementia patients. Annu Rev Med 57(2006):499-511].
`Early staging of the patient's disease progression makes use of
`biomarkers, which are cognitive, physiological, biochemical, and anatomical
`variables that can be measured in a patient that indicate the progression of a
`dementia such as AD. The most commonly measured biomarkers for AD include
`decreased A842 in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), increased CSF tau, decreased
`WO 2015/179571
`fluorodeoxyglucose uptake on PET (FDG—PET), PET amyloid imaging, and
`structural MRI measures of cerebral atrophy. Use of biomarkers to stage AD has
`developed to the point that biomarkers can be used with revised criteria for
`diagnosing the disease [MASDEU JC, Kreisl WC, Berman KF. The neurobiology of
`Alzheimer disease defined by neuroimaging. Curr Opin Neurol
`25(4,2012):410-420; DUBOIS B, Feldman HH, Jacova C, Dekosky ST,
`Barberger-Gateau P, Cummings J, Delacourte A, Galasko D, Gauthier S, Jicha G,
`Meguro K, O'brien J, Pasquier F, Robert P, Rossor M, Salloway S, Stern Y, Visser
`PJ, Scheltens P. Research criteria for the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease:
`revising the NlNCDS—ADRDA criteria. Lancet Neurol 6(8,2007):734—46;
`GAUTHIER S, Dubois B, Feldman H, Scheltens P. Revised research diagnostic
`criteria for Alzheimer's disease. Lancet Neurol 7 (8,2008): 668-670].
`In the remainder of this background section, current methods of
`treating AD are described. As summarized here, they include methods to treat
`cognitive symptoms of AD patients, as well as methods that are intended to treat
`the underlying pathophysiological progression of AD. Because the methods
`described in the publications cited below have not been demonstrated to exhibit
`more than very modest success in treating only symptoms of AD, and no method is
`known to stop the progression of AD, additional methods are clearly needed. Due
`to the effect of vagus nerve stimulation on the patient's locus ceruleus, and the
`consequences of that effect, the literature below is relevant to those subjects and
`is emphasized in what follows.
`Before the currently favored amyloid cascade hypothesis of AD (and
`subsequent variants of that hypothesis), the focus of AD research was the search
`for a clearly defined neurochemical abnormality in AD patients, which would
`provide the basis for the development of rational therapeutic interventions that are
`analogous to levodopa treatment of Parkinson’s disease. This led to the
`cholinergic hypothesis of Alzheimer’s disease, which proposed that degeneration
`of cholinergic neurons in the basal forebrain and the associated loss of cholinergic
`WO 2015/179571
`neurotransmission in the cerebral cortex and other areas contributed significantly
`to the deterioration in cognitive function seen in patients with Alzheimer’s disease.
`The symptomatic drug treatments that arose from that research are currently the
`mainstay of AD treatment, even though their effectiveness is very modest, and no
`drug delays the progression of the disease. Approved drugs for the symptomatic
`treatment of AD modulate neurotransmitters -- either acetylcholine or glutamate:
`cholinesterase inhibitors (tacrine, rivastigmine, galantamine and donepezil) and
`partial N -methyl-D-aspartate antagonists (memantine) [FRANCIS PT, Ramirez
`MJ, Lai MK. Neurochemical basis for symptomatic treatment of Alzheimer's
`disease. Neuropharmacology 59(4—5,2010):221—229; FRANCIS PT, Palmer AM,
`Snape M, Wilcock GK. The cholinergic hypothesis of Alzheimer's disease: a
`review of progress. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 66(2,1999):137-47; MESULAM
`M.The cholinergic lesion of Alzheimer's disease: pivotal factor or side show? Learn
`Mem 11(1,2004):43-49].
`The symptomatic treatment of AD by modulating neurotransmitters
`other than acetylcholine or glutamate has also been considered. One such
`neurotransmitter is norepinephrine (noradrenaline), which in the brain is principally
`synthesized in the locus ceruleus. A rationale for therapeutic modulation of
`norepinephrine levels has been that in AD, there is loss of noradrenergic neurons
`in the locus ceruleus, and the treatment would compensate for that loss
`[HAGLUND M, Sjobeck M, Englund E. Locus ceruleus degeneration is ubiquitous
`in Alzheimer's disease: possible implications for diagnosis and treatment.
`Neuropathology 26(6,2006):528—32; SAMUELS ER, Szabadi E. Functional
`neuroanatomy of the noradrenergic locus coeruleus: its roles in the regulation of
`arousal and autonomic function part II: physiological and pharmacological
`manipulations and pathological alterations of locus coeruleus activity in humans.
`Curr Neuropharmacol 6(3,2008):254—85; Patricia SZOT. Common factors among
`Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and epilepsy: Possible role of the
`noradrenergic nervous system. Epilepsia 53(Suppl. 1,2012):61—66].
`WO 2015/179571
`Accordingly, several investigators proposed to increase brain
`norepinephrine as a therapy for AD patients [EM VAZEY, VK Hinson, AC
`Granholm, MA Eckert, GA Jones. Norepinephrine in Neurodegeneration: A
`Coerulean Target. J Alzheimers Dis Parkinsonism 2(2,2012):1000e114, pp. 1-3].
`Administration of norepinephrine itself is not feasible as a method for increasing its
`levels in the central nervous system because norepinephrine, as with other
`catecholamines, cannot cross the blood-brain barrier. Many other drugs such as
`amphetamines and methylphenidate can increase norepinephrine brain levels, but
`they affect other neurotransmitter systems as well and have significant side effects.
`Consequently, less direct methods have been used or suggested as ways to
`increase norepinephrine levels in the central nervous system, or to activate
`adrenergic signaling. They include the use of special drugs that mimic
`norepinephrine, that serve as precursors of norepinephrine, that block the
`reuptake of norepinephrine, and that serve as adrenoceptor antagonists that
`enhances norepinephrine release [MISSONNIER P, Ragot R, Derouesné C, Guez
`D, Renault B. Automatic attentional shifts induced by a noradrenergic drug in
`Alzheimer's disease: evidence from evoked potentials. Int J Psychophysiol
`33(3,1999): 243—51; FRIEDMAN Jl, Adler DN, Davis KL. The role of
`norepinephrine in the pathophysiology of cognitive disorders: potential
`applications to the treatment of cognitive dysfunction in schizophrenia and
`Alzheimer's disease. Biol Psychiatry. 46(9,1999):1243-52; KALININ S, Polak PE,
`Lin SX, Sakharkar AJ, Pandey SC, Feinstein DL. The noradrenaline precursor
`L-DOPS reduces pathology in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiol
`Aging 33(8,2012):1651-1663; MOHS, R.C., Shiovitz, T.M., Tariot, P.N.,
`Porsteinsson, A.P., Baker, K.D., Feldman, P.D., 2009. Atomoxetine augmentation
`of cholinesterase inhibitor therapy in patients with Alzheimer disease: 6—month,
`randomized, double—blind, placebo—controlled, parallel—trial study. Am. J. Geriatr.
`Psychiatry 17, 752—759; SCULLION GA, Kendall DA, Marsden CA, Sunter D,
`Pardon MC. Chronic treatment with the a2-adrenoceptor antagonist fluparoxan
`WO 2015/179571
`prevents age—related deficits in spatial working memory in APPXPSi transgenic
`mice without altering rs-amyloid plaque load or astrocytosis. Neuropharmacology
`60(2—3,2011):223-34]. Other agents that are thought to alter norepinephrine levels,
`via locus ceruleus activity, include chronic stress, chronic opiate treatment, and
`anti-depressant treatment [NESTLER EJ, Alreja M, Aghajanian GK. Molecular
`control of locus coeruleus neurotransmission. Biol Psychiatry
`46(9,1999):1131-1139; SAMUELS, ER, and Szabadi, E. Functional
`neuroanatomy of the noradrenergic locus coeruleus: its roles in the regulation of
`arousal and autonomic function part II: physiological and pharmacological
`manipulations and pathological alterations of locus coeruleus activity in humans.
`Curr. Neuropharmacol. 6(2008), 254—285].
`However, for several reasons, it is not settled that a
`pharmacologically-induced increase of norepinephrine, or increased signaling
`through the adrenergic receptors in the central nervous system, will substantially
`benefit AD patients. First, in patients with AD, clonidine (a centrally acting alpha2
`adrenergic agonist) was reported to have no effect on cognitive functions, and may
`even impair sustained attention and memory. Another putative
`alpha2—adrenoceptor agonist, guanfacine, has consistently been shown to be
`without effect on cognitive functions. Thus, administration of clonidine or
`guanfacine does not appear to provide any consistent improvement in cognitive
`functions, either in normal subjects or in patients with AD or other cognitive
`impairments. On the other hand, the alpha2-adrenoceptor antagonist, idazoxan,
`improved planning, sustained attention, verbal fluency, and episodic memory but
`impaired spatial working memory in patients with dementia of the frontal type
`[MARIEN MR, Colpaert FC, Rosenquist AC. Noradrenergic mechanisms in
`neurodegenerative diseases: a theory. Brain Res Brain Res Rev
`Second, norepinephrine significantly worsens agitation and anxiety
`in AD patients, such that any potential benefits of increased norepinephrine levels
`WO 2015/179571
`may be offset by behavioral side effects, as well as cardiovascular side effects
`[HERRMANN N, Lanctot KL, Khan LR. The role of norepinephrine in the
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`Propranolol for disruptive behaviors in nursing home residents with probable or
`possible Alzheimer disease: a placebo-controlled study. Alzheimer Dis. Assoc.
`Disord. 19(2005): 23—28].
`Third, loss of locus ceruleus cells in AD may lead to compensatory
`production of norepinephrine in other cells, such that there may actually be an
`increase in norepinephrine levels in some AD patients [Fitzgerald PJ. ls elevated
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`cerebrospinal fluid norepinephrine concentration. Am J Psychiatry
`Even if there is a decrease in overall brain norepinephrine levels in
`AD, this decrease does not necessarily occur uniformly among brain regions that
`are modulated by the locus ceruleus, and patterns of compensatory receptor
`alterations may also be complicated, with selective decreases and increases of
`noradrenergic receptors subtypes in different regions of the brain [HOOGENDIJK
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`Eikelenboom P, Swaab DF. Increased activity of surviving locus ceruleus neurons
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`Greenup JL, Leverenz JB, Peskind ER, Raskind MA. Compensatory changes in
`the noradrenergic nervous system in the locus coeruleus and hippocampus of
`postmortem subjects with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia with Lewy Bodies. J
`Neurosci 26(2006):467—478; SZOT P, White SS, Greenup JL, Leverenz JB,
`Peskind ER, Raskind MA. Changes in adrenoreceptors in the prefrontal cortex of
`WO 2015/179571
`subjects with dementia: evidence of compensatory changes.Neuroscience
`Therefore, what is needed is not a pharmacological method that
`increases norepinephrine levels indi