`ntrens erAPE pails 1‘0 .
`ie pperetirrg system. En er
`re system i.
`3-25- 220 from r- appiication and
`nation compone
`{0 end the date
`> we epeci
`puter system
`(ample lay-2L:-
`desti‘ed. f0.
`enable, disabie, and perform Ct
`emmpie. a
`:m appiieation may ,during the instsiiing an eppEicstien. cree‘ri
`operating system ano
`ig the flies '
`APE csile in the System .
`.19 so
`Application pages is
`r .
`‘. 31:37.9!“ re
`Tl")! w 1. new funcflcne defin
`.. n ts of frequently accessed
`is, Tr :se ea
` 'ns. inter-process comm nicatien, operating system as!
`one of the A?! caii
`' ie eta-"1.! stop cnn'figu:
`iibrary eaiis.
`in interface in ei- cases. the host
`operating system '
`c'es some
`ms for nicest-mg the insieEEe-z! software.
`APE csile in the System 8!. vice .
`he system re
`. ew funcflcne defined in the EM-
`KEV: subceimmneht. When :5
`insteiiatien .
`applicaiion, c:._
`cfiiS of frequently accessed L.
`. stop
`Application pages pert}.
`.19 some of the m- it common eneratiuns w... .n appiicn
` APE csile in the System Service Tabie he system re ‘ "j we. . in the EM-
`KEV: subceimmneht. When 3r: insteiiatien .
`. stop the applicaiion, CI
`erits of frequently accessed oireetoriee,
`Application pages pert?
`1;; some of the most common eneratiuns within appiiceti
`9 ope-refine system.
`in": at a target address of a ,ugr
`moteThrea-j AP!
`'me tracer is configured To
`., 7 The sysiem of at
`\ r- at the seftware application to Lie ..
`sewer in conjunction with :5 syslerrr ., After tne emf of its ,
`routine ‘1 74 . As a resuit of inese operations every p
` ed software, With'
`ii: abiiity to
`‘piy, eve-“- a Si
`:0 the binding
`APE macro cal}, binding AP!
`~. \ q.-
`JOHS defined in the EM»
`PE calls in the System Sen
`hat writ
`to the System
`try w h
`KM :
`component. when an Ensiaiiation
`m: of frequentiy
`Appiicafinn pages performing some of the rr=r).<:’-:
`‘ mar: aperatiuns within applicafim
` Next > )3»
`operating system prevent calling api during installation
` i"
`not the software program can also be run
`ie, took over the an . ng interface
`ses at least one of
`he c- .
` . - .cati
`. sfiles
`rd c. ..
`tent calls APE
`in ':
`'Iion. the. operating system, the
`isl fon'tfil
`slatted on a: running system. in
` llf‘. the use “ ion of an operating system. An
`opted for preventing intrusions. 10. The
`ides a system est! .,
`, inctuding
`APE Enter
`for f etectirig and
`22. in a: computer system operating u
`cure l“pUT mass-at es
`preventing one a
`ady ins-tailed and
`(eg . using 9. Micro . .t‘v‘eindovt's "Send-Rilesssge":t$‘i cal!)
`:tcases,1he LILW operating
`., mm the generail‘y' accepted ULW APE abstracmns flies in me face of'tnis
`system at;
`ttions prevent
`operation; 3W
`i/O driver calling glatf-ai'rn control services to comm! an {/0 dev‘
`platform control se:w;es using physi
`y; l--during task
`ion :—=:‘eg:‘srnrnihg
`ng In aperating system lo:-
`ntert'ace (APi) routines f
`when the at least one ul-. .s
`: preventing the at le .
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`[0 a me:- sewer
`one call to the operating systerrr .,
`essagihg AP: comp!
`s de-ix/e:y of the mes.
`=1;- Ie a policy enforcer installed
`Server) which may
`(Le, Microsoft
`calting software- 3pplioaticns, 3 ilSI cf ci
`encountered or: each third pany computer system.
`., may also keep an inventory of the it‘d-”7168 of eii
`, 208's. which
`opera ng system Kernel 202. The
`exe‘tuted with
`operating system ke“
`-1-:‘ other he
`in'terruots'disauied at processo
` ' operating
`b .- v»
`forming :
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`h run by m'
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`l}! (ll?)
` above 1 ‘
`e the CreeteR
`". SCUSSQ '
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`ip File that can be install-ed by
`ply double ,. ck q
`le name. At the end
`. in 3 rr‘. her different from the Windows
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`of the iitstsllaiien, the user ”i
`‘1 n .
`File that can be
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