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`{mg} 772—8674
`June 9, 2017
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`Cemmissioner fbr Patents
`PO Box 3450
`Alexandria, VA 22313~1450
`Can armation N . 2133
`Art U’ifit 244' 7
`US. Uiiii'iy Patent Application
`Apple N0. 15,’400,584; Filing Date: January 6, 203 7
`PENDSE e! az’.
`Our Ref:
`Transmitted here-with for appropriate action are the signed Inventvr’s Declaratiansg
`which are submitted eiectronieafiy.
`En the event that extensions of time are necessary to prevent abandomlaent of this patent
`application, Then such extensions of time are hereby petitioned.
`The US. Patent and fi‘rademark Office is hereby authorized to charge any fee deficiency
`and any additional fees required to continue prosecution 0r appeai 01‘? this application (:ineiuding
`issue fee? fees for net additian of claims or fbrwardmg to appeai) er credit any overpayment to
`our Deposit Account No. 19«0036.
`fififichae} Q. Lee
`Attorney for Appiieant
`Registratien No. 35,239