`This annex Hate the patent famiiy members reiatmg to the patent decumen‘rs mired in the above-mentioned European seareh repart
`The members are as contained in the European Patent Office EDP file an
`The European Patent Office is in m way liable for these particuiars which are mereiy given ferthe purpase of information.
`Patent document
`cited in search remark
`Patent family
`543115 A
`29%6099616 A1
`28i6147952 Al
`2009976246 Al
`2911312086 41
`2013072671 Al
`2613382886 Al
`2014213635 Al
`2614275212 A1
`2914357698 Al
`2614357855 Al
`2814378527 Al
`2915218559 Al
`2004083432 41
`2004083446 42
`7—Hr: Tl
`. or mere deiails about this annex : 358 Official Journal ofthe Eumpean Patent Office, No. 12/82
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