`enclosed) is being transmitted via the Office electronic filing system in accordance with
`37 CFR §1.6(a)( ).
`Dated: OC‘Obe’ 27' 2017
`Electronic Signature for Amy E. Mandragouras, Esq.:
`/Amy E. Mandragouras, Esq./
`Docket No.: AVN—009DVCN6
`In re Patent Application of:
`Peter Sazani er al.
`Application No.: 15/349,778
`Confirmation No.: 1502
`Filed: November 11, 2016
`Art Unit: 1674
`Examiner: J. Mcdonald
`Commissioner for Patents
`PO. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313—1450
`Dear Sir:
`In compliance with 37 C.F.R. § 1.56, 1.97 and 1.98, the attention of the US. Patent and
`Trademark Office is hereby directed to the documents listed on the attached PTO/SB/08. In
`accordance with 37 C.F.R. § 1.98(a)(2)(i)—(iv), Applicant submits herewith copies of the foreign
`patent and non—patent literature references, but has not included copies of US. patents and/or US.
`patent applications.
`It is respectfully requested that the documents listed on the PTO/SB/08 be expressly
`considered by the Examiner during the prosecution of this application, and that the documents be
`made of record therein and appear among the “References Cited” on any patent to issue therefrom.
`Application No.: 15/349,778 (Information Disclosure Statement)
`Docket No.: AVN—009DVCN6
`Applicant calls to the attention of the Examiner the following Application and provides
`herewith an Office Action from an application previously made of record:
`Serial No.
`Filing Date
`— 15/359,152
`First Named
`Docket No.
`aie from
`— 15/274,772
`September 18, 2017
`K. Chong
`The Examiner is requested to review the file histories of these applications, including cited
`references, Office Actions, Responses, etc., and is asked to contact Applicant’s Attorney if the
`Examiner would like the Applicant to supply copies of any or all of the information included in any
`of these applications. For any of these applications, if Applicant’s Attorney is not contacted by the
`Examiner with such a request, then it will be concluded that the Examiner has reviewed or will
`review the file content of these applications.
`Applicant respectfully request that the Examiner initial the blank column next to the cited
`Application and Office Action, to indicate that the information has been considered by the
`Examiner. Alternatively, Applicant request that the Examiner insert the phrase, “All references
`considered except where lined through,” on each page of the Information Disclosure Statement,
`along with the Examiner’s initials.
`The filing of this Information Disclosure Statement is not to be interpreted as a
`representation that the cited documents are material, that an exhaustive search has been conducted,
`or that no other relevant information exists. Nor shall the citation of any documents herein be
`construed per se as a representation that such document is prior art. Moreover, Applicant
`understands the Examiner will make an independent evaluation of the cited documents.
`This Information Disclosure Statement is filed before the mailing date of a first Office
`Action on the merits (37 C.F.R. § l.97(b)(3)). Applicant believes no fee is due with this statement.