`: 10,261,999 B2
`: 15/343426
`: April 16, 2019
`: Funk et 211.
`Page 1 of 1
`it is certified that error appears in the above-identified patent and that said Letters Patent is hereby corrected as shown below:
`In the Claims
`Column 11, Line 8, please replace “a subsequent search result” with --subsequent search results——.
`Column 11, Line 22, please replace “trending event” with --trigger event--.
`Column 11, Line 23, please replace “the at least the content” with --the at least some of the content--.
`Column 11, Lines 44-45, please replace “one or more of the keywords; wherein” with -—0ne or more
`of the keywords, wherein--.
`Column 11, Line 58, please replace “trending event” with --trigger event--.
`Column 12, Lines l-2, please replace “the subsequent search results includes” with --the subsequent
`search results include--.
`Column 12, Line 3, please replace “after the receiving” with --after receiving--.
`Signed and Sealed this
`Twentieth Day of August, 2019
`Andrei Iancu
`Director offhe United States Patent and Trademark Ofice