2/6/2018 | | Recordation of Patent Grant Mailed |
2/6/2018 | | Patent Issue Date Used in PTA Calculation |
2/6/2018 | 51.5 | PTA 36 Months |
2/6/2018 | 51 | Patent Issue Date Used in PTA Calculation |
1/18/2018 | | Email Notification |
1/17/2018 | 1-1-US-153326530FP1 | Issue Notification |
1/17/2018 | | Issue Notification Mailed |
12/28/2017 | | Dispatch to FDC |
12/28/2017 | | Application Is Considered Ready for Issue |
12/28/2017 | 49 | Dispatch to FDC |
12/28/2017 | 48 | Application Is Considered Ready for Issue |
12/27/2017 | 1-1-US-153326530EP1 | Issue Fee Payment (PTO-85B) Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants |
12/27/2017 | 2-2-US-153326530EP1 | Fee Worksheet (SB06) In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results |
12/27/2017 | 4-2-US-153326530EP1 | EFS Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications |
12/27/2017 | | Issue Fee Payment Verified |
12/27/2017 | | Issue Fee Payment Received |
12/27/2017 | 47 | Issue Fee Payment Verified |
12/27/2017 | 46 | Issue Fee Payment Received |
10/2/2017 | 1-1-US-153326530CP1 | Search information including classification, databases and other search related notes Documents including classifications |
10/2/2017 | 2-3-US-153326530CP1 | Issue Information including classification, examiner, name, claim, renumbering, etc. Documents including classifications |
10/2/2017 | 5-2-US-153326530CP1 | List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner Documents including citations |
10/2/2017 | 7-1-US-153326530CP1 | Bibliographic Data Sheet Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants |
10/2/2017 | 8-8-US-153326530CP1 | Notice of Allowance and Fees Due (PTOL-85) Office Actions Communications |
10/2/2017 | 16-3-US-153326530CP1 | Examiner's search strategy and results In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results |
10/2/2017 | | Electronic Review |
10/2/2017 | | Email Notification |
10/2/2017 | | Mail Notice of Allowance |
10/2/2017 | 44 | Electronic Review |
10/2/2017 | 42 | Email Notification |
10/2/2017 | 41 | Mail Notice of Allowance |
9/28/2017 | | Notice of Allowance Data Verification Completed |
9/28/2017 | 35 | Notice of Allowance Data Verification Completed |
9/25/2017 | | Examiner's Amendment Communication |
9/25/2017 | | Reasons for Allowance |
9/25/2017 | 34 | Examiner's Amendment Communication |
9/25/2017 | 33 | Reasons for Allowance |
9/19/2017 | | Information Disclosure Statement considered |
9/19/2017 | 26 | Information Disclosure Statement considered |
8/4/2017 | | Date Forwarded to Examiner |
8/4/2017 | 25 | Date Forwarded to Examiner |
8/2/2017 | 1-1-US-153326530AP1 | Response to Election / Restriction Filed Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants |
8/2/2017 | 2-3-US-153326530AP1 | Claims Application Documents |
8/2/2017 | 5-1-US-153326530AP1 | Applicant Arguments/Remarks Made in an Amendment Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants |
8/2/2017 | 6-2-US-153326530AP1 | EFS Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications |
8/2/2017 | 1-1-US-153326530BP1 | Fee Worksheet (SB06) In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results |
8/2/2017 | | Response to Election / Restriction Filed |
8/2/2017 | 24 | Response to Election / Restriction Filed |
6/23/2017 | 1-7-US-1533265308P1 | Requirement for Restriction/Election Office Actions Communications |
6/23/2017 | | Electronic Review |
6/23/2017 | | Email Notification |
6/23/2017 | | Mail Restriction Requirement |
6/23/2017 | 23 | Electronic Review |
6/23/2017 | 22 | Email Notification |
6/23/2017 | 21 | Mail Restriction Requirement |
6/19/2017 | | Restriction/Election Requirement |
6/19/2017 | 19 | Restriction/Election Requirement |
3/27/2017 | | Case Docketed to Examiner in GAU |
3/27/2017 | 17 | Case Docketed to Examiner in GAU |
2/10/2017 | | Email Notification |
2/10/2017 | 16 | Email Notification |
2/9/2017 | 1-1-US-1533265306P1 | Notice of Publication |
2/9/2017 | | Application ready for PDX access by participating foreign offices |
2/9/2017 | | PG-Pub Issue Notification |
2/9/2017 | 15 | Application ready for PDX access by participating foreign offices |
2/9/2017 | 14 | PG-Pub Issue Notification |
1/10/2017 | 1-2-US-1533265305P1 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08) Information Disclosure |
1/10/2017 | 3-2-US-1533265305P1 | EFS Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications |
1/10/2017 | 5-13-US-1533265305P1 | Non Patent Literature |
1/10/2017 | | Electronic Information Disclosure Statement |
1/10/2017 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
1/10/2017 | 18 | Electronic Information Disclosure Statement |
1/10/2017 | 13 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
11/4/2016 | 1-1-US-1533265302P1 | Fee Worksheet (SB06) In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results |
11/4/2016 | 1-3-US-1533265303P1 | Filing Receipt |
11/4/2016 | | Email Notification |
11/4/2016 | | Application Is Now Complete |
11/4/2016 | | Filing Receipt |
11/4/2016 | 12 | Email Notification |
11/4/2016 | 8 | Application Is Now Complete |
11/4/2016 | 7 | Filing Receipt |
11/3/2016 | | Application Dispatched from OIPE |
11/3/2016 | | FITF set to YES - revise initial setting |
11/3/2016 | 11 | Application Dispatched from OIPE |
11/3/2016 | 10 | FITF set to YES - revise initial setting |
10/26/2016 | | Cleared by OIPE CSR |
10/26/2016 | 4 | Cleared by OIPE CSR |
10/24/2016 | 1-4-US-1533265301P1 | Power of Attorney Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants |
10/24/2016 | 5-5-US-1533265301P1 | Drawings-only black and white line drawings Application Documents |
10/24/2016 | 10-4-US-1533265301P1 | Oath or Declaration filed Application Documents |
10/24/2016 | 14-15-US-1533265301P1 | Specification Application Documents |
10/24/2016 | 29-3-US-1533265301P1 | Claims Application Documents |
10/24/2016 | 32-1-US-1533265301P1 | Abstract Application Documents |
10/24/2016 | 33-2-US-1533265301P1 | Fee Worksheet (SB06) In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results |
10/24/2016 | 35-3-US-1533265301P1 | EFS Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications |
10/24/2016 | 38-8-US-1533265301P1 | Application Data Sheet Application Documents |
10/24/2016 | | Patent Term Adjustment - Ready for Examination |
10/24/2016 | | PTO/SB/69-Authorize EPO Access to Search Results |
10/24/2016 | | Applicants have given acceptable permission for participating foreign |
10/24/2016 | | IFW Scan & PACR Auto Security Review |
10/24/2016 | | Initial Exam Team nn |
10/24/2016 | 9 | Patent Term Adjustment - Ready for Examination |
10/24/2016 | 6 | PTO/SB/69-Authorize EPO Access to Search Results |
10/24/2016 | 5 | Applicants have given acceptable permission for participating foreign |
10/24/2016 | 3 | IFW Scan & PACR Auto Security Review |
10/24/2016 | 1 | Initial Exam Team nn |
10/24/2016 | 0.5 | Filing date |