`(19) World Intellectual Property Organization _
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`5 June 2008 (05.06.2008)
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2008/066857 A2
`(51) International Patent Classification:
`323C 3/00 (2006.01)
`BZ3Q 3/00 (2006.01)
`3236' 3/35 (2006.01)
`323C 1/16 (2006.01)
`BZ3Q 35/00 (2006.01)
`G013 1/00 (2006.01)
`(21) International Application Number:
`(22) International Filing Date:
`28 November 2007 (28.11.2007)
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`(30) Priority Data:
`28 November 2006 (28.11.2006)
`30 November 2006 (30.11.2006)
`(71) Applicants and
`(72) Inventors: FREEMAN, Daniel [US/US]; 369—B Third
`Street, #229, San Rafael, CA 94901 (US). FREEMAN,
`Ari [US/US]; 369—B Third Street, #229, San Rafael, CA
`94901 (US).
`(74) Agents: NEGRIN, Barry E. et al; Pryor Cashman, LLP,
`410 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10022 (US).
`(81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH,
`CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG,
`ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, HN, HR, HU, ID, IL,
`IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KM, KN, KP, KR, KZ, LA, LC, LK,
`MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PG, PH, PL,
`PT, RO, RS, RU, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, SV, SY,
`TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA,
`ZM, ZW.
`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BVv’, GH,
`GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM,
`ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM),
`European (AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, F1,
`FR, GB, GR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV, MC, MT, NL, PL,
`GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`without international search report and to be republished
`upon receipt of that report
`(57) Abstract: A fully automatic key duplicating machine. A master key alignment module is movably disposed into and out
`of proximity with a master key clamping module, the master key being aligned by the alignment module within the master key
`clamping module. A master key identification module is disposed in fixed relation to the master key clamping module and identifies
`a type of key secured in the master key clamping module. A central positioning base is provided automatically movable into and
`out of engagement with the key cutting module and optionally the alignment module, adapted to move the master key alignment
`module into proximity with the master key clamping module and adapted to secure a key blank to be cut at the key cutting module
`in accordance with the tooth pattern of a clamped master key.
`O W
`WO 2008/066857
`Domestic priority is claimed from US. Provisional Patent Applications No.
`60/867,403, entitled“Key Model Identification System and Method’, filed November
`28, 2006, and No. 60/867,796, entitled‘Key Cutting Machine and Key Duplicating
`Method’, filed November 30, 2006. The disclosures of these two provisional
`applications are hereby incorporated by reference herein.
`Field of the Invention
`The invention is directed to the field of key duplication. More specifically, the
`invention is directed to the field of apparatuses and methods of automatic key
`duplication involving as little trained human operator input as possible.
`Description of Related Art
`Duplicate keys are typically cut from pre-existing master keys using a hand-
`operated table—top tool having two clamps, a cutting wheel, a follower and a cleaning
`wheel, A schematic of such a conventional key cutting tool appears in Fig. I. In
`operation, a locksmith or someone of at least some training on the machine examines
`the master key A, tries to determine what type of key it is by eye/tool, tries then to
`determine which model of key it is by eye, and selects a corresponding key blank B
`from an array of scores of different models. The master key A is then clamped at the
`following station C, and the key blank B is clamped at the cutting station D. The two
`stations C and D are attached to a common base E, which is opposite the follower F
`and cutter G (which are both together mounted on base H).
`WO 2008/066857
`Base H is then pressed down towards base E, or, conversely, base E is moved
`up towards base H, depending on the machine model, in the direction of arrow Y.
`This causes the cutter G to be brought into contact with the key blank B. The keys are
`moved longitudinally in the direction of arrow X with respect to the follower F and
`cutter G. Since the key blank B and the master key A are mechanically linked (i.e.,
`they are clamped to the same base E), the follower F rides along the tooth pattern of
`the master key A, and the cutter G simultaneously cuts into the blank blade of the key
`blank B, removing blade material in the same configuration as the tooth pattern of the
`master key A. When the cutting is done, the operator removes both keys and places
`the newly cut key under a rotating cleaning wheel or brush (not shown) to remove
`burrs and any stray material left over from the cutting process.
`This process is fraught with potential problems and mistakes. First, the
`operator may select the wrong type of key blank. Since each type of key (e.g.,
`Kwikset, Schlage, Segal, etc.) has a differently shaped cross—sectional profile, using
`the wrong type will result a key that will not be able to enter the lock properly.
`Second, the operator may select the right type of key but the wrong model. Keys of
`the same type come in different lengths, for example, and the operator may select a
`blank having the wrong length. Moreover, there are many models of keys currently
`on the market. Many of the models are very similar in shape and cross-section. Even
`to the trained professional, model identification can be quite difficult and erroneous.
`This problem is only made worse by the tens of aftennarket manufacturers that
`produce keys with models that are designed to have the same dimensional features,
`but are actually manufactured with differences. Key model identification is necessary
`before duplication of a key. Third, the operator may not properly align the master key
`in clamp C, thereby causing the two keys to be out of register and he may not align
`WO 2008/066857
`the blank properly. Fourth, the operator may apply too little pressure or inconsistent
`pressure on base E and cause key B to be out too shallowly or incompletely. Other
`problems may arise. In addition, since the device must be operated by someone
`trained on the device, duplicate keys may not always be readily available.
`Conventional key cutting machines are usually located in locksmith shops and
`hardware stores, or similar avenues of commerce not typically known to be open late
`into the evening. For these and other reasons, there is a long felt need to automate the
`process of key duplication so that ordinary consumers can obtain accurate duplicate
`keys by themselves, without requiring a specialty shop to be open for business, and
`without requiring a skilled tradesperson on hand to operate the machine.
`Several attempts to automate the process of key duplication have been partly
`successful at best. There are several patents to so-called‘automated’key identifying
`and/or duplicating devices, such as US. Patent Nos. 4,899,391 and 5,127,532 to
`Cimino; US. Patent No. 5,351,409 to Heredia; US. Patent No. 3,956,968 to
`Crasnianski; and 5,538,374 to Cole et al. However, in each of these and others like
`them, one or more of the steps required to duplicate a key are still manual. For
`example, in some devices and methods, the operator must still determine what type of
`key the master key is and select a corresponding key blank. In other (and/or the
`same) devices, the master key is still aligned by hand and clamped by hand. Many of
`these prior devices still require a skilled tradesman to operate the machinery.
`in fact,
`even in the most automated key machine of today, the following steps are still
`performed by the operator: insertion of customer/master key, partial alignment of
`customer/master key, clamping of customer key, identification of customer key
`model, retrieval of key blank, insertion of key blank, partial alignment of key blank,
`clamping of key blank, starting machine, unclamping of customer key, removal of
`WO 2008/066857
`customer key, unclamping of key blank, removal of key blank, de-burring of key
`blank, returning customer key to customer, giving new key to customer and charging
`the customer a fee for the service.
`Thus, there is still a long-felt need for a fully automatic key identifying and/or
`duplicating machine that can be operated by an ordinary consumer in a manner as
`easy as purchasing an item from a vending machine or receiving money from an
`automated teller machine.
`The invention fulfills the above and other long felt needs. In one embodiment,
`a master key clamping module receives and secures a master key having a tooth
`pattern to be duplicated and a master key alignment module is movably disposed into
`and out ofproximity with the master key clamping module. The master key is aligned
`by the alignment module within the master key clamping module. A master key
`identification module is disposed in fixed relation to the master key clamping module
`and identifies a type of key secured in the master key clamping module. A key
`cutting module is provided including a key blank cutter. A central positioning base is
`automatically movable into and out of engagement with the master key alignment
`module and alternately automatically movable into and out of engagement with the
`key cutting module. The central positioning base is adapted to move the master key
`alignment module into proximity with the master key clamping module and adapted
`to secure a key blank to be cut at the key cutting module in accordance with the tooth
`pattern of a clamped master key.
`Preferably, at least one magazine is provided for housing a plurality of key
`blanks; the central positioning base is movable into and out of proximity with the
`magazine and is adapted to cause removal one of the key blanks from the at least one
`WO 2008/066857
`magazine and move the removed key blank to the key cutting module. The central
`positioning base preferably includes a key blank securing groove and a key blank
`clamp on at least one side of the key blank securing groove adapted to secure a key
`blank inserted into the key blank securing groove. Preferably, a plurality of the
`magazines are provided, each of the magazines adapted to house a different model or
`color of the key blanks.
`A key extraction module is provided engageable with the central positioning
`base substantially adjacent the key blank securing groove and slidingly disposed
`along the plurality of magazines and movable to a selectable one of the magazines by
`the central positioning base. The key extraction module preferably includes a
`reciprocatable push rod, disposable behind a lowermost key blank housed in one of
`the magazines, adapted to push the lowermost key blank out of the magazine. A
`guide roller is disposable adjacent the key blank being pushed out of the magazine by
`the push rod, substantially opposite the key blank securing groove of the central
`positioning base when the central positioning base engages the key extraction module.
`The guide roller preferably includes a circumferential guide groove receiving the key
`blank being pushed out of the magazine.
`The extraction module preferably further includes an extraction base
`supporting the push rod and the guide roller and a cam rider projecting from and
`mechanically linked to the push rod. A key support arm is hingedly attached to the
`extraction base and cammingly connected to the push rod via the cam rider, the key
`support arm having a blade support platform at a distal end, the key support arm being
`spring-biased upward towards the push rod. When a key blank is being removed from
`one of the magazines, the key support arm is biased upward to cause contact between
`the blade support platform and the blade of the emerging key blank. The key support
`WO 2008/066857
`arm preferably further includes a proximal raised camming surface, a distal raised
`camming surface, and a central lowered camming surface. When the cam rider rides
`over either of the proximal or distal camming surfaces, the cam rider pushes the key
`support arm down away from the emerging key blank to prevent contact between the
`emerging key blank head and the blade support platform.
`Each of the key blank magazines preferably further includes a pair of
`substantially parallel leaf springs disposed at one end of the magazine, the leaf springs
`being spaced apart to guide a lowermost key blank in the magazine out of the
`magazine during extraction, and generally to avoid the bottom keys from being
`knocked out/coming out by accident.
`The master key alignment module preferably includes an alignment head,
`spring mounted on a reciprocating shaft, preferably in a distal position, the head being
`engageable with the master key as the master key is being inserted into the master key
`clamping module when the master key alignment module is in proximity to the master
`key clamping module. A locking switch is preferably provided engageable with the
`reciprocating shafi; when the locking switch engages the reciprocating shaft, the shaft
`is pushed with greater force and locked in the distal position. The locking switch
`preferably includes a rotating locking lever engageable with the reciprocating shaft by
`movement of the central positioning base against the locking lever in a direction
`substantially perpendicular to a sliding direction of the master key alignment module.
`The master key alignment module preferably further includes a master key shoulder
`detecting switch. When the master key is fully inserted into the master key clamping
`module, a shoulder of the inserted master key abuts against the master key shoulder
`detecting switch. The alignment head preferably includes a sloped leading surface
`WO 2008/066857
`and more preferably a groove adapted to accommodate and lead a master key as the
`master key is being inserted into the master key clamping module.
`The master key clamping module preferably includes guideway projections
`that receive and guide a master key being inserted into the master key clamping
`module as well as an open section exposing teeth of the inserted master key.
`The master key identification module includes a blade length sensing element
`spring-biasedly disposed within the master key clamping module and abuttable
`against a distal end of a master key inserted into the clamping module. At least one
`blade cross—section detector is also provided laterally engageable with the blade of the
`inserted master key, the cross-section detector having a profile corresponding to a
`cross-sectional profile of a given type of key. When the blade cross—section detector
`engages a key of the type corresponding to the profile, the profile substantially
`engages the blade and the master key is determined to be of the given key type. When
`a key type match is determined and the blade length sensing element determines the
`length of the inserted master key, the master key is determined to be a specific key
`model. The blade cross-section detector includes at least one pair of sliding elements
`disposed within the clamping module on opposite sides of the inserted master key,
`each of the sliding elements having a profile. When the sliding elements engage a key
`ofthe type corresponding to its profile, the sliding elements substantially close around
`the master key blade, and when the sliding eiements engage a key not of the type
`corresponding to the profile, the sliding elements do not close around the master key
`blade or close too far around the master key blade.
`A plurality of the pairs of the sliding elements are preferably provided. Each
`of the pairs of the sliding elements preferably have different respective profiles each
`corresponding to different types of keys.
`WO 2008/066857
`The key cutting module preferably further includes a cut key cleaner, such as,
`for example, a rotating cleaning wheel; the key blank cutter may be, for example, a
`rotating cutting wheel. A first enclosure is provided substantially but not entirely
`surrounding the key blank cutter, the first enclosure having a first window exposing a
`portion of the key blank cutter for cutting. A second enclosure is provided
`substantially but not entirely surrounding the cut key cleaner,
`the second enclosure
`having a second window exposing a portion of the cut key cleaner for cleaning. A
`vacuum source is in communication with the first and second enclosures that creates
`negative pressure substantially around the key blank cutter and the cut key cleaner to
`substantially remove debris created during cutting and cleaning of a key blank.
`Flexible flaps are preferably disposed on proximal and distal sides of the first and
`second windows (and more preferably, also on the top and bottom of the windows),
`engageable with the central positioning base when the central positioning base is
`securing a key blank at the key cutting module. The flaps on the distal sides ofthe
`windows are preferably longer than the flaps on the proximal sides of the windows.
`The key blank cutter preferably includes a cutting wheel rotatable in a first direction,
`and the cut key cleaner includes a cleaning wheel rotatable in a second direction
`opposite the first direction.
`The central positioning base is preferably movable in an X direction by a first
`motor, preferably a gear box motor, and a Y direction by a second motor, preferably a
`direct drive motor. The central positioning base preferably includes a follower tracing
`the tooth pattern of the secured master key. When the central positioning base is
`securing the key blank at the key cutting module, the second motor is preferably
`provided with a variable amount of power depending on a substantially instantaneous
`height of the master key tooth pattern being traced. More preferably, when the
`WO 2008/066857
`follower rides along an uphill portion of the master key tooth pattern, the power
`provided to the second motor is reduced, and when the follower rides along a
`downhill portion of the master key tooth pattern, the power provided to the second
`motor is increased.
`The master key alignment module is preferably slidingly disposed on a first
`rail in the Y direction, and the extraction module is preferably slidingly disposed on a
`second rail in the Y direction.
`In another embodiment, the invention is an automatic key duplicating machine
`having a master key clamping module adapted to receive and secure a master key
`having a tooth pattern to be duplicated. A master key alignment module is movably
`disposed into and out of proximity with the master key clamping module, the master
`key being aligned by the alignment module within the master key clamping module.
`A key cutting module is provided including key blank cutter. A central positioning
`base is automatically movable into and out of engagement with the master key
`alignment module and alternately automatically movable into and out of engagement
`with the key cutting module. The central positioning base is adapted to move the
`master key alignment module into proximity with the master key clamping module
`and adapted to secure a blank key to be cut at the key cutting module in accordance
`with the tooth pattern of a clamped master key.
`In another embodiment, the invention is an apparatus for automatically
`determining a type ofa master key for duplication having a key clamp into which the
`master key is inserted and secured, the key clamp having a key receiving guideway,
`and at least one blade cross-section detector movably disposed within the key clamp
`in a direction substantially perpendicular to the key receiving guideway and laterally
`engageable with the blade of the inserted master key. The cross-section detector has a
`WO 2008/066857
`profile corresponding'to a cross—sectional profile of a given type of key. When the
`blade cross-section detector engages a key of the type corresponding to the profile, the
`profile substantially engages the blade and the master key is determined to be of the
`given key type.
`In another embodiment, the invention is an apparatus for automatically
`aligning a master key to be duplicated, having a key clamp into which the master key
`is inserted and secured, the key clamp having a key receiving guideway. An
`alignment base is provided movable into and out of proximity with the key receiving
`guideway. An alignment head is mounted on a reciprocating shalt substantially
`perpendicular to the key receiving guideway and spring-biased in a distal position
`away from the alignment base. The alignment head is engageable with the master key
`as the master key is being inserted into the master key clamping module when the
`master key alignment module is in proximity to the master key clamping module. A
`master key shoulder detecting switch is disposed on the alignment base. When the
`master key is fully inserted into the key clamp, a shoulder of the master key abuts
`against the master key shoulder detecting switch to indicate full insertion of the
`master key.
`In another embodiment, the invention is a system for extracting a key blank
`from a pre-selected plurality of key blanks for cutting into a duplicate of a master key.
`At least one magazine houses a plurality of key blanks. A base is movable into and
`out of proximity with the magazine, the base having a key blank securing groove and
`a key blank clamp on at least one side of the key blank securing groove adapted to
`secure a key blank inserted into the key blank securing groove from the magazine. A
`key extraction module is provided engageable with the movable base substantially
`adjacent the key blank securing groove and movable to the magazine by the movable
`WO 2008/066857
`base. The key extraction module includes a reciprocatable push rod, disposable
`behind a lowermost key blank housed in one of the magazines, adapted to push the
`lowermost key blank out of the magazine.
`The invention also includes a fully automated method of duplicating a master
`key. A master key inserted into a guideway in a clamping base is aligned by pressing
`down on outward-facing teeth side of the inserted master key. Complete insertion of
`the master key into the guideway is detected. A locking force is applied on the blade
`against the clamping base in a direction substantially perpendicular to the axis of the
`blade. The master key is clamped while the master key is subject to the locking force
`applying step. The type of master key that is clamped is identified by determining a
`plurality of physical parameters of the key. A key blank to be cut is secured in a
`movable base having a follower. The follower of the movable base is pressed against
`the master key tooth pattern while simultaneously pressing the secured blank against a
`key cutter such as a cutting wheel.
`Preferably, a plurality of key blanks are provided in at least one magazine,
`more preferably a plurality of magazines each housing a different type, model, or
`color of key blank. The physical parameters determined in said identifying step
`enable automatic selection and extraction of a key blank from a specific magazine.
`Preferably, one key blank is extracted from the magazine by pushing on the
`lowermost key blank in the magazine and guiding the lowermost key blank into a key
`blank receiving groove. Preferably, the complete key insertion detecting step further
`includes the step of detecting the abutment of a shoulder of the master key against an
`alignment base.
`Preferably, the master key identifying step further includes the steps of sensing
`a length of the inserted master key and detecting the cross-sectional profile of the
`WO 2008/066857
`blade of the inserted master key. The profile detecting step preferably further
`includes the step of attempting to close at least one pair of sliding elements around the
`blade of the inserted master key, the sliding elements being provided with the profile
`of a model/type of key. If the attempting step is successful and the sliding elements
`substantially close around the blade, the inserted master key is determined to be of the
`type having the profile of the sliding elements. A plurality of pairs of sliding
`elements are preferably provided, each pair being provided with a different profile
`corresponding to a different type of key.
`Preferably, a vacuum source is provided substantially around the key blank
`cutter that removes substantially all debris created during cutting of a secured key
`blank. Additionally, a cut key cleaner is provided such as a rotating cleaning wheel,
`and the vacuum source is provided substantially around the cut key cleaner, and
`substantially all debris created during the cleaning of a secured cut key blank is
`removed. The key blank cutter is preferably rotated in a first direction while cutting
`the secured key blank, and the cut key cleaner is preferably in a second direction
`opposite the first while applying the secured cut key blank to the cut key cleaner.
`The pressing step of the inventive method further includes the steps of varying
`the amount of power provided to a motor tasked with generating torque for the
`pressing step depending on a substantially instantaneous height of the master key
`tooth pattern in contact with the follower. More specifically, the power is reduced
`when the follower rides along an uphill portion of the master key tooth pattern, and
`the power is increased when the follower rides along a downhill portion of the master
`key tooth pattern.
`In another embodiment, the invention is an automated method of duplicating a
`master key, including the steps of: aligning a master key inserted into a groove by
`WO 2008/066857
`pressing down on outward-facing side teeth of the inserted master key; detecting
`complete insertion of the master key into the groove; applying a locking force on the
`blade of the master key; clamping the master key thus aligned; extracting a key blank
`from a plurality of key blanks housed in at least one magazine; securing a key blank
`to be cut in a movable base having a follower; and pressing the follower of the
`movable base against the master key tooth pattern while simultaneously pressing the
`secured blank against a key blank cutter such as a cutting wheel.
`In another embodiment, the invention is a method of duplicating a master key,
`including the steps of: aligning the master key within a clamp on a first base;
`clamping the master key thus aligned; securing a key blank to be cut in a second base
`having a follower, the key blank and the follower being fixed relative to each other;
`and engaging the follower of the second base with the master key tooth pattern while
`simultaneously engaging the secured blank with a key blank cutter.
`in another embodiment, the invention is a fully automatic key duplicating
`machine, having a master key clamping module adapted to receive and secure a
`master key having a tooth pattern to be duplicated. A master key alignment module is
`provided movably disposed into and out of proximity with the master key clamping
`module, the master key being aligned by the alignment module within the master key
`clamping module. A master key identification module is disposed in fixed relation to
`the master key clamping module, and identifies a type of key secured in the master
`key clamping module. A key cutting module is provided and includes a key blank
`cutter such as a rotating cutting wheel. A central positioning base is automatically
`movable into and out of engagement with the key cutting module and secures a key
`blank to be cut at the key cutting module in accordance with the tooth pattern of a
`clamped master key.
`WO 2008/066857
`Fig. 1 is a schematic of a conventional manual key duplicating machine.
`Figs. 2A-B are schematics of a key duplicating machine in accordance with
`the invention.
`Figs. 3A-B are schematic overviews of a fully automatic key duplicating
`machine in accordance with the invention.
`Figs. 4A-G are schematics of an automatic master key alignment system in
`accordance with the invention.
`Figs. 4H-l are schematics ofthe key alignment system ofFigs. 4A-G including
`a master key clamping module in accordance with the invention.
`Fig. 5 is a top elevation view of a master key alignment module in accordance
`with the invention.
`F ig.6A is a side elevation view of a typical key.
`Figs. 6B-D are exemplary cross sectional views of different types of keys
`taken at the sectional line in Fig. 6A.
`Figs. 7A—D are front, side, and top elevation schematic views, respectively, of
`an automatic key identification system in accordance with the invention.
`Figs. 8A—B are front sectional schematic views of one pair of sliding elements
`opening and substantially closing around a key blade of the same corresponding type
`as that of the sliding elements in accordance with the invention.
`Fig. 9 is a front sectional schematic view of the sliding elements of Fig. 8
`failing to close around a key blade of a different type not corresponding to that of the
`sliding elements in accordance with the invention.
`WO 2008/066857
`Fig. 10 is an exploded perspective view of a key identification module in
`accordance with the invention.
`Figs. 1 IA and B are perspective views of a key identification module in
`relation to a key clamping module in accordance with the invention.
`Figs. 12A-C are right, lefi, and top elevation views of a key extractor module
`in accordance with the invention.
`Fig. 13A is a top perspective view of the key extractor module of Fig. 12
`removing a key blank from a magazine and guiding it into a key blank securing
`groove in accordance with the invention.
`Fig. 13B is a top perspective view of a key blank secured in the securing
`groove of the central position base on its way to be cut in accordance with the
`Fig. 14 is an exploded perspective view of the key cutting module with the
`cutting wheel and brush removed for clarity.
`Fig. 15 is an enlarged perspective view of a mechanism for removing a
`finished duplicate key in accordance with the invention.
`Figs. 16A and B are top perspective and top elevation views, respectively, of a
`central positioning base in accordance with the invention. Fig. 16C is a
`corresponding side elevation view.
`Fig. 17A is an exploded perspective view of a fully automatic key duplicating
`machine in accordance with the invention.
`Fig. 173 is an enlarged view of the detail identified in circle 17B shown in
`Fig. 17A.
`Fig. l8 is a lower perspective view of a key blank magazine in accordance
`with the invention.
`WO 2008/066857
`Description of the invention will now be given with reference to Figs. 2-18. It
`should be understood that these figures are exemplary in nature and in no way serve
`to limit the scope of the invention, which is defined by the claims appearing
`Key duplication requires the analysis of the master key to determine model
`and tooth pattern, and then the forming of corresponding teeth on a key blank. It is
`generally necessary to firmly hold the master key and key blank. As shown in Fig. 1
`and described above, existing key duplication machines accomplish this task by fixing
`the master key and the
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