`(19) World Intellectual Property
`International Bureau
`g |I||l|||||||||lllllllllllllllllilllll|l|||ll|||||||l||l||lllllll||llllll|||l|l|||l||||l|||ll||l
`(10) International Publication Number
`(43) International Publication Date /
`WO 2013/103774 A1
`11 July 2013 (11.07.2013)
`Wl PO 1 P C T
`(51) International Patent Classification:
`B23C 3/35 (2006.01)
`(21) Internalmnampphmm“ M‘mbe“
`(22) International Filing Date:
`4 January 2013 (04.01.2013)
`Inventors: MARSH, Gregory; 9769 Wexford Circle,
`Granite Bay, CA 95746 (US), BORER, Kristopher; 200
`Street, New York, NY 10003
`SALZBANK, Zachary; 47 Longview Road, Port Wash—
`iriglon, NY 11050 (US). KIM, Jayeon; 219-23C 67th Av-
`enue, Bayside, NY 11364 (US). PRUITT. Paige; 231 San
`Juan Avenue, Half Moon Bay, CA 94019 (US).
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`(30) P112113: Data:
`English (74) Agents: DURNFORD, Dillon, E. et al; Byrne Poh LLP,
`11 Broadway, Suite 814, New York, NY 10004 (US).
`(81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`3 MW,
`71ml: 3012 i07.06.201~)
`BZ’ CA’ CH” CL’ CN’ CO’ CR’ CU“ CZ” DE’ DK’ DM’
`DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT,
`16 August 2012 (16.08.2012)
`HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KM, KN, KP,
`21 August 2012 (21.08.2012)
`KR, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD,
`(71) Applicant: KEYME, INC. [US/US]; 45-50 30th Street,
`ME, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI,
`7th Floor, Long Island City, NY 11101 (US).
`N01 NZ» OM, PA, PE, PG, PH, PL. PT, QA, RO, RS. RU,
`TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA,
`ZM, ZW.
`(84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, SZ, TZ,
`[Continued on next page]
`Davicaés} l
`(57) Abstract: Systems and methods for duplicating keys are
`provided. In some embodiments.a systems for creating keys
`are prov1ded, the systems comprismg: at least one hardware
`processor that: receives security information from a user; and
`receives geometric information about a first key associated
`with the security infoimation from a storage device; and a key
`shaping device that creates a second key using the geometric
`1;}? {3
`131 2
`3,14 /
`Mean eeism
`Network ‘
`1 18
`. M
`‘ KeyBIantq
`Key Cutting
`. and Cleaning
`WO 2013/103774 A1 |||I||I||l|l|ll||||||||||l||||||||||||l|llllllllllllIllllllllllllillllll|l||||||||ll||||||ll|||
`UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU, TJ, Published:
`TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, _ ‘.
`EE, ES, F1, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU,
`14/th znrernatmnal searrh report (Art. “IO/j
`GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`WO 2013/103774
`Ems s—Refermce t0 Reiated A zfimi‘ions
`This applimtion shims the bfiflfifif {if United. Emma Px‘os-r'isia‘nai ,‘Patent
`Appiicaiim} No. QSSZQQQ. flied January 4. ‘20} 2... {,Enimd States Provisimm} Pawn: Appiicaflm
`No. 6 15602456. {Red February 23. 2012. United States Prmisimmi Patent Application
`No. 63.56%,832, {13661 June ’7, 2GB, Uniicd States Prmisimml Patent Appiicmion
`Ne. (31.6”6833943. flied Augusf. 36,] 2.012. and {inked 54:21:33 Provisionai I93£em .s'Xp'piicatiDn
`N0 fiiffiQ'iSSFXg flied August 2'1: 2012 which are hereby flucm‘porated by reference harem in.
`their enrireties.
`Technicai Field
`The discmsed subject matter relates t0 Systems and. methods fer dupiicmiug keg
`A hack anti he}: are used as me way of limiting. access it: places {c.g flame-g
`piaees Of business. Smx'age. 814:.) and other types a? wupeny {9g vehicies, am} is a perszm in
`possessiun Ufa key that can uperate the hack. A. pmbiem arises; when a person who wmfld
`93931912112}; be authorized :0 8:118? (“12' 1338 the property prmiectied by the 20539. (ices not: have physicai
`access In the appmpriate kc} F01‘ example. if a user leeks themseives am oftheir home- with the
`EB» insida. they came: gain {IQ-{JESS if.) {the 11mm became {hey (16 mar have iii-06395 to the .1499: As
`another exampie, ifa usm' $0995 a $99} to a safe. the. USE? cannot aces 99 property that may be
`inside 1hr: safe. One vy“a'§,~r1}2.zu:1.:se;s swive the prohiem is by sailing; a. shined kmksmiih that is
`abks to {)pm the $09k wiiimui' a key and’m 15; ENE. to create a new key far the Mala; without using;
`an, existing key as a (enigma: E‘inwever. skifiedi locksmiths are expefisive 9116 may 2901'ch readiiy
`avaiia’bk Wham the 1.29:2? is in need. Anmhm' way that users 933992 the pmhiem is h}; hiding a cap}!
`afar; in‘lpm'tam key in a piace fhat is not Stature, such as under a dcsm'mat m: in a: fake mck piactd
`scmewhere accessssibie by 'ihe user. This preseui’s a security flask :19 a persun. miter than the {3931‘
`can 1159 the hidfien key :0 gain 360993 to the ieck.
`‘E‘herefmre, {have is a need far mecimnigms {at duplicating $339 that (in mi: require:
`the Services at“ a skiiied locksnmh and are secure. amimg mher things.
`WO 2013/103774
`311 acmrflance with various embodimeim 0f {he ‘éisclased subject matter, systems
`and methods for (implicating keys are: provided.
`in accordance with same. emimdimanisfi systen‘ls {at examing Raga are pmvidei
`file systems smug-33mg: at EeaSt ms hardware pine-€530:
`that receives security infhmmfian {mm
`a user; and receives: gwmeiric infbrmasian abum a firm key assasiaied with {he securiiy
`infammzion from a flange device; and a key shaping device {hat m‘eateg a Second key using the
`geometric infermatian,
`In some embodiments; systema far creming “@373 are pmvida$ the. systems
`comprising: a key receiver that: fawn-sis a first key; a he}, scanner that capmz‘es gmmeific
`infommtiun abeui the firs: key; a haréware pracessm‘ that determines a its-355131133 and hitting
`pattern of £1112: first key based {m the gemmcn‘ic infommtimi; and. a key shaping device that create
`1-: Secm‘ld key based (.111 {ht} key fypa and {fining pane-:21). {feiermined by the pmcessmx
`In some embedimemfi, methods for creating keys are provided, the methmig
`comprising: recsiving security infbrmmion from a user; remixing gmmeu‘ic information 350L112:
`first kw associaieci with the securi‘iy infcm'nation fmm a. signage device; and creating a secmd
`key using that gmmctric iafi‘ormafiun.
`In seme embodm'xemsfi math-ads; for creating keys. are provided, the methods;
`comprising: receiving a first key; scanning gmmevrric infibrmaiicm 3.50111 tbs: first kg}:
`determining a key type and biiti‘ing pattern 03“ {he first kit}? based 0:111:43 gmmefiic izfibmiafion;
`and naming a seumd key baxed 0n the key type and hitting {133mmdeiermined by the. procesam
`Brief iiiegcri Tim): 0f the. Drawin s
`The abm-‘e and (whey {Meats mu} advantages affix: inventim w i]? be iippfifent
`upon cansidermicm of the fo'iiowing dexaviled descripflm}, taken in mnjunetion with the
`acccsmpanying drawings, in which like: i‘efhrence characters refs? {0 m: parts fizi‘ougimut, am in
`mm x;
`FIG. I sham-*5 an ilinstmtive mamgie a? a schmmfic diagram of a gaystem for
`duplicating kays in accordance with same embodiments 0f the disclosed subjeci matter;
`WO 2013/103774
`222222 ‘22}
`FM}. ‘2 Shaw's an ilhmtmtive 82232229123 cf 3 138.2‘3pective View (22“ a has}; far
`duplicating keys in ace-011122122323 with same embodimmns ofthe disciosefi suhjeetx2kz-12ter;
`IF1'6. ‘3 shows an fifiusn‘arive exampie Of a process fear dupiicating keys 222
`accordance with same smfbadimems of’tha diaciosed subject matter;
`Fifi}. 4,252. slmws an iiiugmatiive 8x32229223 of a scanning za‘rangemem for capturing
`gammy-is information 313022.: a. key in accm‘dauce with some embodiments ofthe disciosed
`subj'cct matter;
`MG. 4 B 322022252 3.21 Biumati‘ve examph: ofa222823123211732213 far iimiciing 2212:8322 m a
`partimflar positien whiie geometric infln‘matim about the key i:2 samurai 2.22. accordance with
`some embsdimams 02‘ 2222': disciosad subject marten
`F 1G. 5 shows an illustrative examfiie of gmmetria infarmmion about a £222}
`{:aptmed front: a Side 2:22:22: 01“ the km in accordance: mm 50122222 embmiimemg of the d‘iscfiosed
`whiz-202 me‘tter;
`F36. (3 shows an ilhisimiiva mmmie of gemuenic 17221222211ati2222 211323122. 22 km
`captured frmn an 25-2223 View of the key in accm'danee with same enfimdinmus of‘ihe dimlasad
`Subj act matter;
`Fifi. ‘F Shaw-s an iifiusuat‘ive 822222211226 ofa physimi scanning an‘aagemem for
`capturing geommric imfm'niation. 22232212222 key in («lacerdamfi with 502212: mnbodiments '01" the
`disc'insgd subjfiei 1122222222:
`FIG, 8 Shaw: an sax-22mph iilust‘mting 23123 cane-22p: ofremming a kit}: {22m pattern m
`'fhfitc22'y specéficai'ifms 224122.12 making 21 2322;232:323 he}! in accm‘fianca with 32222.12: egtibmdinzents 0f the
`disciosed. subjec: 122222262;
`MG. 9925221022322 2222 iiiustxai‘iw 8x32112322: of 22 rotating carousel 0f 22.222352225221222 fax use
`in a key {12291223221ng 33231823222} accordance with same 23.222130512222612223 of the disciosed subject
`FIG. 98 shows an iiiusn‘ative exam-2pm of a retain1,, 62222222323} nfinagazims
`instafled in a Sym‘m "far (12213228222222 g keys in accuxt‘damtf: wkh some. ez‘nbodimgzms Oi" 212.2: disciased
`$22.12)} sci 2212222232;
`FIG. 10 mews an illustrative exmmp‘ie 0f 22. Mask with hmizomaily instaiied
`nmgazines in accmdance with some em{20212122222123 027 me disclosati sub} eel mafia};
`WO 2013/103774
`HG. 3 1A shows an iiiusfi'atise exampie mfg kiosk with vefiicaiiy instaiied
`magazinss and a fume}. and aiigxmnem mechanism in accm‘mmce with. 5mm: embodiments afthe
`disciosed subgect mat‘ier;
`PEG. MB shows: an iiiustmtive example Ufa yempective View ofa kiosk. with
`multipie muss 0f xv‘eziiicaiiy insmfied n’xagazines and a funnel and aiignmem machzmism in.
`acmrdance with some embodimexm {3me discinsed subject matter; and
`FIG, 12 skews an iiiusm‘stiw exampie Qfdifihreflf key types sfi'gmged in {me
`magazine in accordance with some ssnbofiirnemts of the disclosed subject matter.
`Hetaifiled Descri 1mm
`in secordauce with various mnbmiimema, systems and msthods {at dupiicming
`keys are provided
`in same. embodiments, these systmns and mahoifis snow 21 113mm create 3 Emily m"
`1-: ksy‘. Fm exampie, a user can cream a cepy 0%. key ifihe key has beam 305%; if the. user wishes
`to make a copy for a friends or for any mher suitalfle reason.
`in urder to d9 50,, in some
`embcdimentsq these: systems and methods can detect a bifiing partsm and a blank typs of‘a user‘s
`'Ti‘his {wining pattern, maul»: type, anti any {fisher Stumble infm‘matian can then be stored; in
`any suiiabm stowage machsnisntz, A: a suitabie subsequent point in time {such as when the user
`has 103$ 131$ key), these systems and methods can genesate a. dupiicafie offing key wimom the
`grasmsf: Disks miginai key“ This can E36.- ssmmplished by rstrieving the stored infmmsfisn {mm
`sm‘fage, seiecting a {flask 1:63; can‘esponding to the {flank typify cutting the blank key awarding to
`the. hitting pattern, and dispensing the key {0 the user. An}? suimbie security mechanisms can be
`.imiudsd in flmss systems and meti‘loiis m prevent Lmaufiumzed key signification.
`One fifths uses: 03“ such systems and methads can be to pmv’ide a. use: with a. way
`of creating a dupiicaie key when the {sigma} is net zwsiiahie, fmf instance during a kmkom
`situatien. Another use of these systems and mefimds can silsw a user to shtain a duplicate key
`in a. selflsen-‘ice fashim} William assistance from, far exampie, a ski‘lied locksmith or an
`empinyes at a hardware mm: ihat dupiicates keys Additimnmy, tbs sysies‘ns ans n‘lei‘hm'is can he
`uses to verify uses identificafim: thmug}: biometric. scanning :0 provide. a secure method for
`duplicating sensiiive keys (23g a flame key? a vehicle key, em).
`WO 2013/103774
`'i’amiag ta FIG. 3. an exampie a? hardware 1 GE! thin can be used in some
`embadiments is iH’usa‘aied. As shown, hardware 309 ram include a diapiay 1.02, one or more
`input devieeia) .304. one or mere key detectaris} .106. sewage £03, a hardware processar 11%., a
`cnmmuaicaiiaa aetwark ,iaierfaee 1 $3., a key movemem meehaaism I :4, a key cutting and
`cleaning mediamsm 3 iii, anther an}; {aha suitable components.
`This hardware can be arranged in any saitab'ie manner in same embadixaems. Fay
`e.x.amp§e, this harem-ere can be arranged in a Mask, such as hos-.1»: 200 of FIG, 2, in same
`in some en:zbed.imanta, a aubsei‘ 0f the hardware shown in HQ. i can be
`impiemeated in a est-enemy kiosk that can be med m save a key template but. am: a) create a key
`copy. Fer example, Such a kiosk can emit mechanisms 1 $4, an, and HS in same embaaimeats.
`D‘iapia}; 1102 mm be any aah‘aifie diapiay, such as an LCD display; a caihode ray
`tube dispiay. an eiectranic paper adispiay, etc. Input devieeia) 104 can incitude any saitabie iap‘u:
`devices. 5311:3135 a keypad, a keybaard. a fingerprint reader. an eye acanner {e.g.. a retina or iris
`scanner}, a touchpaii. a credix care! scanner, a smart cam. reader. a. aear fieid cmmmaicaaoa
`device, an RFED Scanner. a {math sensor. a camera, a Quick Response code {QR cede} mafia}; a
`barscaae a‘eaz’ier, ate. {a some emimdimems. dismay 103. and an input device 104 can be
`cambinea as a touch scnaifive diapiay {ax ia'mthscreea device}.
`Key detector 11% can be am sujiahie mechanism fer aeteeting the hitting pattern.
`andfor the biaak ape Ufa key, Fm“ example, the key {fie-meter Can be any anita‘oie device that
`detects the hitting pan‘em andfm‘ biank’ @138 03" a key" using an}! s‘aiiab‘ée tea-hmfiegy such as
`optical technologies. mechaaiea} teeaaeiogiea eieea’ical teriimeIagiesx andfer an}; other
`tecinmiagy, as described farmer heiaw. More gmemfiy. key detee am 106 can detect
`infarmatiaa abet}: a key. Fm" example. key deieemr 396 can detect the dimensieas of a key (53.13
`'1 engrh, width heigia. pmffie, ahaak‘ier shape, etc.) and features ohm key. Examples affeana‘ea
`at“ the key can ineiade, but are mi flamed. ta. a hazing pane-m, ammherances, dismiss, voids,
`aromas, a mining gamma, 3 aiming paetem uf the key from me at more side views, a mining
`pattern ei’the key 'fis‘am a fleet View {Vega {oakiag from the hp affine key raw-ma the heari ef the
`key}. etc.
`11‘}. some eaflmdimemg, key deiecmr me can. detem the presence 0.? an instructim:
`m net Liupiicate the key. Fm” example, Such an iastmciien caa be pri'atefi {a engraved an a key
`WO 2013/103774
`h}; wards, such as, ”$10 um fingfi'icate." A3 anmher eximp'ia such an instruction can. be embedded
`in. the key as an RFID chip, or {he iike. As another exampie, such. an instruci‘ém‘s can. be. indicamd
`by 3:11;: pregame-e {tafa physica? indium-inn to not {309}; the key. Fear inflame. a match can be. cut in
`the tap nf‘the key, 3:“ materiai mu. added m a portion 0f the Ray that is not inserted. inm a {06k in
`such mnbmdiz.nems, the presrsnce Mam instructiun m not duplicate tins key can cause {he
`mechmtaisms described herein to inhibit scanning andfm‘ dupiicatian 0f the key as described
`Smmge 108 can be any suitable storage. Fm exampia. Smmge 108 can he. madam
`31566185 menmry {RAM}. elegtmce My emisa’ble programmmme mad M13; n‘zemory {’EEPROM}, flagh
`menmry. disk memos; nemaz‘k smraga a fiatabase. {my other suitabie smrage, 01' any suitaifie
`combination {hereof
`}'§.z‘n'{h\rmfe pi‘emssm‘ '1 EC! can be. any suitable processing hardware. Fm exampie,
`hardware. procassw 210 can be, a micmpmcessm, a micrummmlier, dedicated lugic, a field.
`pmgratmnable gain: astray. a genera} pumuss: cum‘3.;_3ute.r, a spatial pul‘puse cumgml‘er, a diam; a
`sewer, ant‘h’m' an}; ather suitable pmcessing hardware.
`Communication neiwmk interface H: can ‘96 gm}; suitahie interface i‘ii-Lti'iiiamg
`cmmmmicvatmns on a cmmnunicafifln nerwmrk. Fm‘ examgle, cairnmun‘iumhm netwmk interface.
`1:31an a wired neiwmk imcrface {Such as an Efimmct netwcrk interface card {NIC}. a USB
`interface, a. Bahia Iteievision network interface, a telephone HEW-"ark interface, etc), a wireisas
`netwark inter-rims (such as an EEE‘EB 892.11x intwface. a Bluetooth isitarfimz, a mobiie i‘fiiephcme
`interfiice, 2: wireless data ne’iww‘k inimfima, a 33mm 1L mnmmnicatiuns intefl’acm em). an mpi‘im}
`interfaca With}? any other suitabie interface.
`Key movement mechamism I 14 can be any suimbie ‘n'w‘chamsz‘n fox‘ moving a. key
`{mm 2.1 key blank mirage area 1: 18 10 key cutting and cieaniag mechanism 1.16. E701“ exampie, key
`movement mechanism 3 M can includ! a key biank homing maehanzism cmmected to mm. m more
`belts arzd=‘01‘sta’bii.izer bars in which the posit-inn and operation. of the gripper is cmm'oiiabie. by
`imam-are pm‘ccessm i 10 and-“01‘ any whey suitahifi mechanism. AS 3110mm“ mample, key
`movement mecimnism 3 14 cam ha a mhmic am} $11M its; mmm'ila'i‘fle by hmdware pres-a 93m '3 HI!
`£3.21de any flihfi‘f suitabie mechanism. Additienaliy 0x ahemativaiiv. as describééi in more detaii
`bBIm—v in. cmmection with Hi}. I? ‘1. key nuwemem n‘xechmjir‘sm 1 M can inclmia a fume} antifor
`WO 2013/103774
`aiignmm}: mechanism that meek-res a 1383 blank .fi‘mn a stack and waitians the key 1323133: :0 be
`moved 1'0 key cutting and Meaning nmchanism E I :3.
`31} same embadfimnis, key biizmk Storage. 1.18 can heme an. inventory afany
`suitabis munber 35‘ types of key blanks {sometimes mfm‘red is herein as "bianks"}.
`In same
`mnbodhumm, M35 oi’mch blank type {6.3}, key Hanks with differem filming patterns, key
`{flanks Ofdiffiemnt sizes, etc.) can be stored in stacks within the storage area. Each stack can
`incmée any smmbie number mfbhmks,
`invenwry kWh; belanks can be mnniwred {$822111}; m‘
`mmmeiy} to keep track; 0374wa many key Mani-Ls; aye remaining in each stack,
`In some
`embadimeam, each, flack can have. me or more sensors whici can be used {0 detennine haw
`many blanks; remain in the stack.
`In some embodiments, in .respmsa m sensing that {he Immber
`0f blanks in a stack {01‘ the numbm‘ ofhianks ()f a certain type) has faii‘cn beiow a fin‘eginfiti a
`{Ethnic-fan can be. aim‘ied and dispatched in add blanks. The technician can be aierted using any
`suitabie cmnmunicatiun method. Fur 6x31111318. an emaiL a {a x: message m a voice: message mu
`be semi m the: {Edmiciml As anmher 2x31113336, sum-$331148 can be 833111303 the technician using a
`speciaiizec'i appiicafien that incimies safiware far managing inventm‘y levais of key Hanks.
`h} some amhcdimeni's. bianks can he rammed frem a Stack as needed. by M3
`mavez‘nam nwzhanism 3 14 Far example. the magazines fielding stacks ofim-‘enmried key
`{flanks can be aiigmd vcfiifiaiiy. in some embcdimems. This. cm: Mow 4701‘ key bianks to be: fed
`to the boitmn Gffi'ifi magazine by gravity as key {flanks an: rammed by key movement
`mechanism :14.
`if the. stacks are aiigned 3s-ertica'fl3g the {flank {m the human: ofeach stack can bi
`mmmrahga bf; $1133" inuvenrmm sniéchanjsm ‘i ’14,
`3.11 an alternaiive m’éimpifl, if the Sum-ks are
`aziigned verticaiiy, the blank at the. tap of each stack can be renmvabie by key mavemem
`mechsmimx 114.
`in. 35331 maxim: 63.311.19.153? key mmsemem mechalrxism H4 can remove a {Rank
`{mm an arbitrary pagiimn in each stack. h} same enfimdime‘nm, siacks can be arranged in any
`cmitabfie miemmicm, such as hmimnmfly.
`2115331116 emhadimants. a magazine can mm the Hanks inf inventm‘ie-S 1713:3195.
`These magazines can be, far example, 3 Storage and feefling fiance. fur: heiding a stack. m"
`iiwe'nm'ry biaflka, Tim magazines for hniding {he siacks of imr'em'm‘y can he made frmn any
`guitable materiaL 33123432153: Ste-EL ahmfinum, mastic, rubbery; carbon fiher, em. The magazines can.
`bi? shaped m fadiimte selectimn and{611103-11}0471483! biankss {mm the siacl-zwflbianksb32196}!
`mmez‘nem mechanism 3 14. In $01118 embedimems. the magazims can be replaceable in a
`WO 2013/103774
`imaging that Emma hardware 10%) m faciiitme fgflacement of masks: for use by aiiawing muitipie
`keys to be phased m the same {$316. For exarnpieg ifa technician is aierted that an im’emmy of a
`particuiar type ofhiarnk is 'hsmw a. {fireshoidfi the iechnician tan refii} the inventm'y m“ the.
`particuiar type 0f hianis;
`in same embodimerna [he magazmes ht‘yiding stackizs 0fi:m-<r3x1m;ried1m}: bianks
`can be placed on a rotating camusei, A11 élhzsm'at‘ive exampifl is shew-n in F3133. 9a. a:1«:‘i.§)b, Such
`an. mnhadimem can aBOW {at a greater 2311thth cf magaximm and mn‘espendingiy’ unique key
`typea whim a given kimk wimme cmnpareci with a mommed set of Static. magaxine&
`A'lferrnativehx, Ice}; maven-gent n'aechanism 1 M can. mime to reach gummzndiflg nmgazines m
`achieve a similar resuk 0f accommofiming a 'Earge numhzar 9f magazines inside- the Sinai} interim
`(:sfa Mask in some atmbodimcms.
`In 5mm: cases: in which i312: kiosk height is greater than ifs width, far exampmfi
`magazines Can be. aligned hmizmuafly 5a) that the mimber ofnmgazines which can be
`accmm'nodated is increased in sums mnbadimemis. This can ailow for more {was Ufkeys m be
`stacked, fer 6x33113315, in. a Mask 11th g; a iimited fm‘tmim. A11 iliumtative example is in FIG. 10;
`in 3mm emhmfiimmm a passive. puEh machanism {cg a; Spring or springs} 0: active pus};
`machaaism {3;} a screw mechaniam, a. com-‘eyexg am.) can @933" pregsure t0 the herizmnafiy
`stacked 3033' blanks and the blanks can be whim-able by 1w}: mm'mnem mechanism 3 M at (me. or
`bath sides ofeach shack.
`In same. embedimems, he}? blanks can be. dispensed fmm the magazmes {aging
`any suitable mechanikmn} mm 3; fauna} 21le 31345111111311: mschanism where they 2:213} bi: pmperiy
`oriented and than muffin-ed by key mmremem mashmism 1 M‘
`It 3110331113: netefi that the funnel
`and afignmezm mechaniszm mung with nmchanisms Fm dispmaing biafiks from the magazines
`can 218 timught ofas part Ufkey mmemem mechanism 1 $4,; in some embociimenm. A1}.
`iilusn‘afive 23:2“:sz is shown in HG. 1 1A 31min 3 maimed can aim“! fur significant {madam in
`the gfiacemem (vi-magazines within {ha kiosk, so that a Large nmnber 0f magazines can he.
`acccmnmdated. {3m exampia, magazines can bfi: mmnged in a [we dimensimim may FIG.
`1 EB
`shim-’3 em iiiugn‘ai‘ive ammpié: of‘a perspective vim-v t3'f"1»:,i05k2€)0 in which fim vet‘fica} magazines
`132mb: ammgeé in rows fmm mm: side a? kiask 208 m tin: mixer and in mws from me from. 01?
`kiogk 200 Mn-vard the back 01“ kiosk 2m}. Nternafivelyi the magazines can be Engaged in. may
`suimbie mnfigmmian that allews blanks stored ix} the. magazineg to be dispensed inm the: fimnei
`WO 2013/103774
`and afignmeni lilfichim'ifii‘fl included in key 2‘1}{3\~'ame'ni .n‘nechanism :14 EC: be miemed and than
`mtrieved by a key gripping and moving11:1e-chanism5 that is inchnied in key movamem
`mmharnism HQ.
`1111mm: smhadiments, each magazine can contain an invenmry nf muhiple key
`types 30 that the nun'zher of magazines doea mm L‘esi‘x‘im {he wanker mfkey types wifich can. be
`acmnmmdated in a, Magic, An iléugtrative example is Shown in if {C}. 12.
`In this embodiment, a
`key typa detection meflwd (6.31,, mystical imaging}, can be aged to iéemif}; the imatim) mfg. given
`bian'k type within a magazina. Key n'm'vemem mechauism ‘i ‘34 can. then retrieve a required key
`Nam}; type fi'am an ampropriate hearing} within {he magazim‘ie.
`Key gaming and clawing mechanigm 1 '36 can be any suitable medlanism for
`cutting, and shaming a key. For examplfl; kfiy’ «cutting amt? cleaning merchanism i 26 can indude a
`key {flank Miding mechanism, a stuffing {no}, a dabuwing toot a Lac-mp 111L213? guard and debris
`mmainen and-‘0r any mixer suimbie key cutting anch‘or ks}; cleaning device. In smile
`embodin‘mms) varimss parts dfiscfibed herein can be part Ufa computer nun’mricai can 1m} {CNC}
`machime used Is create a dupiicme key. Fer exanm’ie, mechanisms :24 and '1 '16 cambined can
`togmher be part at“ a CNC machine. mat can be precisely controiied. Fm exampie, such a L..NC
`machine can have a key biank heiding mechanism attached {me 01‘ mars bah: andfi’m‘ stahiiizing
`bars that. cam remix-=6 a blank key from key storage area 1 £3. The key bismk heidmg mechanism
`Qf'ihe ENC machine can then be maved whit the blank key in a cutting {ziacie of the cutting {or}!
`undrzr the. centre} 0? me. hardware pmcassm“ anti {231156. the. key it} be {tut awarding ‘83
`spacifica’iiuus. After a key is can, the {NC manhine cam $11131} 1110?? the Hank key to ‘ihe
`deburring {an} m be: cit-33mg} 0f burrs that. can remit fmm 13hr: suiting pmcess. After daburring i3
`compkm, the ht'fldéng mec'i‘imism can relieaae the new key imam a key dispex‘gsing chute where ii‘
`can ha retrieved by the user.
`As mower 6&5“?le megthanism £16 can include a CNC machine. having a.
`robotic mu that can "be precisew controiiesi. A key biamk hmdmg mechanism can be attachad to
`[ha and at” such a mbotic arm {hat can he {ism to retrieve a key i‘E‘om key max-amen? machémism
`£14 {a g the {mane} and aiigmneni mechanisn'l dascrihaa’l ahave}. Thee mhmfic arm nf {he {INC
`machine can, then max-'5 the blank key :0 a cutting blade offhe cutting moi mafia? the comm} 3f
`the hardware procegsm‘ and cause the key in be cut awarding m specificafiomx. ARE? :1 key is
`cut, the CNC infichine can {hen mave the {flank key m the Liebufliing [001 m be flawed 0? bum:
`WO 2013/103774
`that cam resub; frail: the gaming pmcega Mm deburring is campie‘ie, the hokiing meci’mnism can
`milease the new key mm a. key difipcnsing chum where it can. be retrieved by me. aser.
`A scrap metai guard and debris cantainer can include {me 0.? more. flaps
`surrmmding the cutting blada These flaps can contain and direct scrap men-3i generated during:
`the cul‘iiug pIOCfiES‘S m the scrap meta} mmaine: This mummy can be located heimw {he cutting
`“(00], The container can be easily accessible {a facilitate convmient removal of Scrap metai
`during muting: maimename,
`11} same emimdimenm a key can: be mpi‘icawfi h}; an a‘dflitive manuihcmring
`pmcesg finch 3.3 three-dimen.3iom11 priming, whereby a new key is fixbricmed by iayizng schesgiw
`layers 0f an inventor-Ed materiai m the desimd specificat‘iong. Such a. mchnique can aliew fm‘ the
`dupiication of a iargc numhar of different. key types and, can negate 1hr": new fer invenmried
`Hank keys
`in same. embodiments, Rays can be :‘ep‘iicated fmm a. sheet, has” or soil ofmetai
`(generaiiy referred to hemin as ”smek"). Fur amalgam: maimiai to create .3 MW key cm: be
`removed from the stack as needed. Am suitabie iecimique can be met? for ramming a required.
`amount. rjfmamriaj {mm the Smc}; to create: a new key. Fm cxampifl, a requimfi amount. mi“
`materiai can be rammed fi‘um the sizock by Stamping, As math-er exampiq a. .raquired amrmni to
`material mm cut {mm the mack {13ng em}! suitable technique (cg {2m with. g: blame, milied, cm
`with in 121381;, cut w M1 23 plasma 1003, a water §ei cuitimg 1001, etc.) The materiw rammed {mm the
`stack 0311mm: ha fihaped mm a new key 115mg any suimbie i‘fichniques‘ For Example, tha (\C
`machine disscri‘bad abgwe can be {15611 in shape a new kw}: Emu}. mz‘ntmiia} {Rammed {mm {he ‘Smak.
`Such a icc‘hnique can aimw for the (iapficatim of a. large number (3f different km gyms; and can
`[165325 the need for imremmied bias}: keys.
`In Some embodimema keys can he repiicmaé fmm a materiai such as hard piasfic
`(fig, thermopiastics m thermosetfing pelymers, such as, polyethyime, polypmpyiene,
`polystyrene, poiiyvi—nyii ch’ioride, and poiyietrafluamethylane, am, paiyvinyi chieride (PVCTQL 0:“
`any other suitabke piastic}.
`In, such, an ambodimm’u, a bimck {or Mocks} of such a piastic can he
`Sfm‘iid m be: usad m repiicake keys. A requirad ama’nmi nfmam‘ia? f1); repiiam‘jng a key can be
`removed, fmm the binck as required and can. be shapefi into an ap'pmpriate ghapr: for 'repficating a
`partic’uiar km Such a {feci'mique can aflmw fur the dupiicatimx Ufa. Earge number deiffex‘en‘t key
`types and can negate {he need for immmried biamk keys. In other embadimentsg key blanks can
`WO 2013/103774
`he made 0?? plastic rather than metal. Using plastic rather than .meial 1'0 replicate. keys can allow
`in: kayak to be replicated {hat can be e: sil‘y am‘l safely dispesefi Qi’b} a usm‘ altar the key has
`fulfilled a. pameular puprse.
`l?01' example. if the may gets lucked out affixeir home, the. user can
`create a. replica key from plastic. and I‘Gli’iEVE the: m‘igimal key. The user can then dispose Of the
`plastic replica loaf}; {6.31. by L‘uulx‘ig up 01‘ shredding the key) so ihat them are not nmltiple unused
`copies; ofthe key far the user to keep track of.
`{38111}; plastic can: 315:3 allaw for keys :0 be mare
`easily created as slaying plastic is generally easier {has} Shawn}; metal.
`Any suitable malerial can be used fm‘ replicating keys using the mechanisms
`described herein.
`In some embodiments. a user can supply an apmapfiate Ra}; blank f0!“ raplimting
`a. particular key.
`In me}: an embodinmm, a 113m can dei‘m‘mine :1 €pr 0? key {flank ‘i‘€{}uli‘€{l
`replicating a particular key and obtain {lac—31'. type efli’ey blank m use in. replicating the key. For
`example. the. user can leak up the type {Ji‘key blank using a mn'ipuler applicatmn, nmbile
`applicatiam. 01‘ web platl‘urm. In 3mm: cases a usey can buy 21 blank Q‘ft'he required gape 32 a retail
`locatien {3515... a. ‘Emrdware more}. 01” blanks can be available art a lumtmn where the kiosk for
`replicating keys is located where {Inc 1182:" can Salem 3 k6}? blank herselfor acquire take
`appropriate blank {mm an allemiam (8.5;... a. clerk}. When {he user has acquired the appmpriate
`blank typsz. the user can. supply {he blank, to the machauism for 1=¢piicatimgtlm key.
`In such an
`embodin'mm. the n'zechemism scan verify chm: the blank. su§3plied by the user is: the. CDYI‘siECi {we of
`blank for film particular key in be replicamd. This can be time by ramming (we or mare images
`{If the. blank~ m by using an}; other S’uimble technique fin" deiwmining “the; mommies Hi" the blank,
`such as the. techniques fin“ {ietermining the. mummies 0f 3. key described. herein. Such 21
`{2:11:15 q me can allow {mi the duplicai‘lm} 0f 2: large {lumbar m‘.‘ {lifi’erem key types and can negale
`the aged for inventm‘ied bl‘zmk keys.
`Taming :0 FIG. 3,211} example mfg. process 300 that ‘zm be used. {0 control the
`creation 0f kayg by hardwam, such as. harclware {00 of FIG. l. is illustrated. in acmrdaime with
`same m‘nbmlimmfls. This process can be exacutml in haréwari: processes“ 1 10.
`As; shown. after pmcess 3m“; begins at 302. {he pmcegs can receive a user lngml' (if
`an amen m be taken. Fm example. in Same mnimdimemg. this amim} can be to immediately
`cream a implicate ofa key, to save a {cumming of a key) 03' m laureate a key from a ten'xplam. A113,:
`ether am" (3113 can aaldizionally or alternatively be taken in same emboéimems. Thig user input
`WO 2013/103774
`can he received, ii} any suiia'ifie maximal: Fm example, in same embadimentg this user input Can
`he spacifimi by the user pregsmg a but‘im: on a much screen interface, E3321 user imening a key in
`m a ksy detector? by a use}? swiping a finger an a fingerpfim reafler m“ scanning an eye with a
`retina. scanner, ands’m by th