`(19) World Intellectual Property
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`4 June 2015 (04.06.2015)
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2015/081142 A1
`International Patent Classification:
`A61F 2/44 (2006.01)
`A61F 2/46 (2006.01)
`International Application Number:
`International Filing Date:
`25 November 2014 (25.11.2014)
`Filing Language:
`Publication Language:
`Priority Data:
`26 November 2013 (26.11.2013)
`Applicant: XENCO MEDICAL, LLC [US/US]; 9930
`Mesa Rim Road, San Diego, CA 92121 (US).
`Inventors: PRADO, Gustavo, R.; 9930 Mesa Rim Road,
`San Diego, CA 92121 (US) HAIDER, Jason; 9930 Mesa
`Rim Road, San Diego, CA 92121 (US).
`Agent: ZHONG, Jia; Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati,
`650 Page Mill Road, Palo Alto, CA 94304 (US).
`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind ofnational protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`A0, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY,
`DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT,
`KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME, MG,
`MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, No, NZ, OM,
`PA, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, QA, Ro, RS, RU, RW, SA, SC,
`SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN,
`TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW.
`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, ST, SZ,
`TZ, UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU,
`TJ, TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE,
`DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU,
`LV, MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK,
`GW, KM, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`with international search report (Art. 21(3))
`Fig. 1b
`(57) Abstract: Injection—molded devices and systems for graft or other tissue delivery, methods for their single—use in delivery of an
`implant, and kits for their sterile delivery to a practitioner are disclosed herein. Systems for implant delivery comprise an injection
`moldable implant body and an insertion device comprising: an inner and outer shaft that form a locking mechanism that secures an
`implant body in place and releases it upon placement within a patient. Systems are configured to be manufactured by injection mold -
`ing, such that they can be cost—effectively manufactured and discarded after a single use to avoid costs and risks associated with re—
`sterilization and cleaning, but can in some cases optionally also be manufactured by machining to be re-sterilized and reused.
`WO 2015/081142
`[001] This application claims priority to United States Provisional Patent Application Serial
`Number 61/908,733, filed November 26, 2013, which is explicitly incorporated herein by reference
`in its entirety.
`[002] Traditionally, implant insertion device and spinal implant are machined individually to
`accommodate the need of different patient and different surgical procedures.
`[003] Machinable implant insertion devices and implants can be individually tailored to the needs
`of the patient, practitioner and/or the medical procedure. However, the cost of machining each
`implant insertion device and implant with different materials and sizes is significantly higher than
`molding an injection moldable equivalent. The cost of these reusable devices and implants is
`manifest in their manufacture but also in the expense of professional device cleaning, autoclaving,
`sterilization, transport, and maintenance. The risk of contamination rises with the complex
`procedure for cleaning and transporting the devices and implants between usages. There are also
`costs and risks associated with dealing with infections caused by failure to clean and sterilize.
`Injection moldable implant insertion devices and implant bodies can be molded using one or
`more durable materials at a lower price than their machinable equivalents. In addition, the injection
`moldable implant insertion devices and implant bodies are easily made and can be deployed for
`single use only, so that the contamination associated with the cleaning, autoclaving, sterilization,
`transp ortation, or maintenance of the machined equivalents are significantly reduced or completely
`eliminated. Thus, the cost of the implant insertion device and implant body per usage is
`significantly lower than the re-usable machined equivalent, even if the devices are discarded after a
`single use. Further, injection moldable implant insertion devices and implants can be packed in
`sterile and peelably sealed kits to prevent contamination and facilitate surgical needs in different
`medical procedures.
`In some aspects, disclosed herein are implant delivery systems comprising: an implant
`body comprising a support structure and an internal space, the support structure comprising: an
`outer surface; a main slot indented into the outer surface; a chamber indented from the main slot,
`WO 2015/081142
`the chamber being deeper than the main slot; two side slots at the outer surface proximal to the
`main slot; wherein the implant body is substantially toroidal, the internal space is not covered at a
`top cross section and a bottom cross section thereof by the support structure, and the internal space
`is configured to receive at least one graft material therewithin; and an implant insertion device
`comprising: an inner shaft comprising: an inner shaft body; a knob at a base of the inner shaft
`body, the knob comprising a cam feature; an inner shaft tip at an insertion end of the inner shaft
`body, wherein the inner shaft tip is not substantially cylindrically circular and the inner shaft tip is
`wider than the inner shaft body immediately adjacent thereto in at least one dimension
`perpendicular to a plane of rotation of the inner shaft tip; an outer shaft configured to hold the inner
`shaft body therein, the outer shaft comprising: a hollow outer shaft body, wherein the outer shaft
`body is configured to accommodate the inner shaft body therewithin; an outer face; an outer shaft
`opening at the outer face of the outer shaft, the outer shaft opening being configured to allow
`passage of the inner shaft tip; two outer shaft tips at the outer face to fit the two side slots of the
`implant body; a first sulface at a base of the outer shaft configured to receive the cam feature of the
`knob at a first position; a second surface at the base of the outer shaft configured to receive the cam
`feature of the knob at a second position; a stopper at the base of the outer shaft configured to stop
`the cam feature at the first or the second position; a ramp at the base of the outer shaft, wherein the
`ramp connects the first surface to the second surface, wherein the inner shaft is configured to rotate
`within the outer shaft such that the cam feature moves to the first position or the second position at
`the base of the outer shaft, wherein the rotation of the inner shaft is configured to transform into a
`linear movement of the inner shaft along a direction perpendicular to a plane of the rotation of the
`inner shaft tip, wherein the inner shaft tip is configured to fit through the main slot of the implant
`body and rotate in the chamber of the implant body so as to lock or unlock the implant body to the
`inner shaft, and the two side slots of the implant body are configured to fit the two outer shaft tips
`at the outer face of the outer shaft so as to attach the implant body to the outer shaft, and wherein
`the inner shaft is unlocked from the outer shaft at the first position and the inner shaft is locked to
`the outer shaft at the second position.
`In some aspects, disclosed herein are implant delivery systems comprising: an implant
`insertion device comprising: an inner shaft comprising: an inner shaft body; a knob at a base of the
`inner shaft body, the knob comprising a first interface; an inner shaft tip at an insertion end of the
`inner shaft body, wherein the inner shaft tip is not substantially cylindrically circular; an outer shaft
`configured to hold the inner shaft body therein, the outer shaft comprising: a hollow outer shaft
`body, wherein the outer shaft body is configured to accommodate the inner shaft body therewithin;
`an outer face; an outer shaft opening at the outer face of the outer shaft; a first complementary
`WO 2015/081142
`interface at a base of the outer shaft configured to receive the first interface of the inner shaft; a
`second complementary interface at the outer face to receive a second interface of the implant body;
`wherein a rotation of the inner shaft is configured to associate the first complementary interface to
`the first interface at a first position or at a second position, wherein the inner shaft tip is configured
`to fit through a main slot of an implant body and rotate in a chamber of the implant body so as to
`lock the implant body to the inner shaft.
`In some cases, disclosed herein are implant delivery systems comprising: an implant
`insertion device comprising: an inner shaft comprising: an inner shaft body; a knob at a base of the
`inner shaft body, the knob comprising a first interface; an inner shaft tip at an insertion end of the
`inner shaft body, wherein the inner shaft tip is not substantially cylindrically circular; an outer shaft
`configured to hold the inner shaft body therein, the outer shaft comprising: a hollow outer shaft
`body, wherein the outer shaft body is configured to accommodate the inner shaft body therewithin;
`an outer face; an outer shaft opening at the outer face of the outer shaft; a first complementary
`interface at a base of the outer shaft configured to receive the first interface of the knob; a second
`complementary interface at the outer face; an implant body comprising a support structure and an
`internal space, the support structure comprising: an outer surface; a main slot indented into the
`outer surface; a chamber indented from the main slot and deeper than the main slot; a second
`interface at the outer surface proximal to the main slot to fit the second complimentary interface at
`the outer face; wherein the implant body is substantially toroidal, the internal space is not covered
`at a top cross section, a bottom cross section, or the top and the bottom cross sections thereof by the
`support structure, and the internal space is configured to receive at least one graft material, wherein
`a rotation of the inner shaft is configured to associate the first complementary interface to the first
`interface at a first position or a second position, wherein the inner shaft tip is configured to fit
`through a main slot of an implant body and rotate in a chamber of the implant body so as to lock the
`implant body to the inner shaft.
`In some aspects, disclosed herein are methods for delivering an implant body using an
`implant insertion device comprising:
`locking the implant body to the implant insertion device by
`rotating a knob of an inner shaft of the implant insertion device in a manner such that the rotation of
`the knob: rotates an inner shaft tip within a chamber of the implant body such that a major axis of a
`main slot and a major axis of the inner shaft tip are not substantially parallel, linearly moves the
`implant body towards an insertion end of an outer shaft of the implant insertion device so as to
`secure the implant body against the insertion end of the outer shaft, delivering the implant body into
`a subject using the implanting insertion device; reversely rotating the knob of the inner shaft of the
`WO 2015/081142
`implant insertion device in a manner such that the reverse rotation of the knob rotates the inner
`shaft tip Within the main slot in the implant body such that the major axis of the main slot and the
`major axis of the inner shaft tip are substantially parallel, associates the first interface of the knob to
`the first complimentary interface at the outer shaft at a second position. In some aspects the
`methods comprise inserting the implant into an intervertebral space. In some aspects the
`intervertebral space is lumbar. In some aspects the intervertebral space is cervical. In some aspects
`intervertebral disk material is removed from the intervertebral space prior to inserting the implant.
`In some aspects the implant is inserted into the interior of an intervertebral disk.
`In some cases, disclosed herein are methods for delivering an implant body using an implant
`insertion device comprising releasing an implant body into an intervertebral space of a patient
`comprising: rotating a knob of an inner shaft of the implant insertion device in a manner such that
`a rotation of the knob rotates an inner shaft tip Within a main slot in the implant body substantially
`in a coronal plane such that a major axis of the main slot and a major axis of the inner shaft tip are
`substantially parallel, and associates a first interface of the knob to a first complimentary interface
`at an outer shaft at a unlocked position; and depositing the implant body in an intervertebral space
`of the patient. In some aspects the methods comprise inserting the implant into an intervertebral
`space. In some aspects the intervertebral space is lumbar. In some aspects the intervertebral space
`is cervical. In some aspects intervertebral disk material is removed from the intervertebral space
`prior to inserting the implant. In some aspects the implant is inserted into the interior of an
`intervertebral disk.
`In some aspects, disclosed herein are sterile kits containing a single—use implant body
`insertion device and a single use implant, the sterile kit comprising: a sterile kit cover sealed to
`enclose at least one device tray, at least one implant body, and at least one implant insertion device
`therewithin, wherein the at least one implant body and the at least one implant insertion device are
`configured for a single usage; the at least one device tray is configured to secure:
`the at least one
`implant insertion device; the at least one implant body; the at least one implant insertion device
`comprising: a shaft; a tip; a first interface for locking the at least one implant body; a second
`interface for locking the at least one implant body; a first position; a second position; and the at
`least one implant body comprising: an internal space; a slot for locking the at least one implant
`body against the at least one implant insertion device at the first position; a first complimentary
`interface for receiving the interface of the at least one implant insertion device at the first position
`or the second position; a second complimentary interface for receiving the second interface of the at
`least one implant insertion device at the first position. In some aspects, sterile kits may also contain
`WO 2015/081142
`pre—assembled grafting material within the graft window of implant. Grafting material may be
`packed allograft bone (demineralized or not), packed biocompatible ceramics granules (beta-
`tricalciurn phosphate, hydroxyapatite, calcium sulfate, and equivalents) to assume the graft volume
`shape, biocompatible ceramic granules held by biocompatible matrix such as collagen with or
`without bioglass and with or without hyaluronic acid.
`[011] Fig. 1a shows an embodiment of the implant insertion device and the implant body attached
`to the implant insertion device.
`[012] Fig. 1b shows an embodiment of the implant insertion device.
`[013] Fig. 2 shows an embodiment of the implant insertion device.
`[014] Fig. 3 shows an embodiment of the implant body.
`[015] Fig. 4 shows an embodiment of the implant body.
`[016] Fig. 5 shows a 3-part mold that is used to mold the embodiment shown in Fig. 3
`[017] Fig. 6 shows an embodiment of the implant body.
`[018] Fig. 7 shows the embodiment of the inner shaft and outer shaft of the implant insertion
`device in Fig. 2.
`[019] Fig. 8 shows an embodiment of the inner shaft tip.
`[020] Fig. 9 shows an embodiment of the base of the outer shaft.
`[021] Fig. 10 shows an embodiment of the locking interface of the inner shaft and the outer shaft.
`[022] Fig. 11 shows an embodiment of preventing the inner shaft from being accidentally
`removed from the outer shaft.
`[023] Fig. 12 shows an embodiment of the implant insertion device.
`[024] Fig. 13 shows molds to make the implant insertion device of Fig. 12.
`[025] Fig. 14 shows an embodiment of the knob of the inner shaft and the base of the outer shaft.
`[026] Fig. 15 shows an embodiment of the knob of the inner shaft.
`[027] Fig. 16 shows an embodiment of the rotation of the inner shaft and linear movement of the
`inner shaft with respect to the outer shaft so as to lock the implant body to the implant insertion
`WO 2015/081142
`[028] Chronic spinal pain is a common issue among a large number of people worldwide, and is a
`major health and quality of life concern. Back pain can impair onc’s ability to work, concentrate
`and exercise, thus having a substantial effect on one’s quality of life. Spinal pain, either in the neck
`or back, is often associated with damage to one or more intervertebral discs. A herniated disc may
`exude its soft, internal protective material (nucleus pulposus) outside of the disc area. When this
`exuded material presses on the nerves that run down the spine, the result can be a loss of range of
`motion, sharp localized pain, and/or dull radiating pain to one or more extremities. Secondary
`effects of spinal pain can include depression, loss of work efficiency, and early cognitive
`[029] One effective approach to addressing spinal pain is fusion of the adjacent vertebrae. Fusion
`of adjacent vertebrae can be accomplished by introduction of graft tissue between the vertebrae,
`such as into the herniated disc or into a space created by removal of the herniated disc. Graft tissue,
`as used herein, may comprise autologous patient tissue, such as bone tissue taken from elsewhere in
`the patient during the procedure. Graft tissue may be cadaverous, or cultured or synthetically
`produced from differentiated or undifferentiated cell populations derived from the patient or
`elsewhere. Graft tissue, if properly inserted and protected, can lead to filsion of the adjacent
`[030] Stabilizing graft tissue is a major challenge. The spinal column, particularly the lumbar
`spine and the cervical spine, must sustain substantial pressures, and these pressures can easily
`disrupt an unstabilized graft. The graft material must be delivered into the intervertebral space with
`a minimum of damage to the surrounding tissue.
`In addition, contamination or infection of the graft material or the insertion site during the
`procedure is a major risk. Current methods and devices for insertion of graft material involve
`reusable, machined materials that must be sterilized between uses. Although this process allows re-
`use of the devices, the sterilization process is costly and not without risk, as unsuccessfully
`sterilized or unclean materials can lead to major complications.
`Injection-molded devices can be made out of materials that are substantially less costly to
`produce, without loss in single—use material durability. These injection molded devices can be
`sterilely manufactured and packaged, so that they can be delivered to an operating room without
`risk of contamination. Once used, they are disposed of rather than being cleaned and sterilized. This
`single-use aspect has both medical and economic benefits:
`the risk of infection is greatly reduced
`WO 2015/081142
`relative to the risk associated with multi—use devices; and the cost of manufacturing inj ection-
`molded devices is substantially lower than the cost of sterilizing devices for re—use.
`[033] Accordingly, the single—use, injection moldable devices and methods disclosed herein are
`able to increase patient health, reduce risk of infection and reduce health costs.
`[034] Disclosed herein, in certain embodiments, are implant delivery systems comprising: an
`implant body comprising a support structure and an internal space, the support structure
`comprising: an outer surface; a main slot indented into the outer surface; a chamber indented from
`the main slot, the chamber being deeper than the main slot; two side slots at the outer surface
`proximal to the main slot; wherein the implant body is substantially toroidal, the internal space is
`not covered at a top cross section and a bottom cross section thereof by the support structure, and
`the internal space is configured to receive at least one graft material therewithin; and an implant
`insertion device comprising: an inner shaft comprising: an inner shaft body; a knob at a base of the
`inner shaft body, the knob comprising a cam feature; an inner shaft tip at an insertion end of the
`inner shaft body, wherein the inner shaft tip is not substantially cylindrically circular and the inner
`shaft tip is wider than the inner shaft body immediately adjacent thereto in at least one dimension
`perpendicular to a plane of rotation of the inner shaft tip; an outer shaft configured to hold the inner
`shaft body therein, the outer shaft comprising: a hollow outer shaft body, wherein the outer shaft
`body is configured to accommodate the inner shaft body therewithin; an outer face; an outer shaft
`opening at the outer face of the outer shaft, the outer shaft opening being configured to allow
`passage of the inner shaft tip; two outer shaft tips at the outer face to fit the two side slots of the
`implant body; a first surface at a base of the outer shaft configured to receive the cam feature of the
`knob at a first position; a second surface at the base of the outer shaft configured to receive the cam
`feature of the knob at a second position; a stopper at the base of the outer shaft configured to stop
`the cam feature at the first or the second position; a ramp at the base of the outer shaft, wherein the
`ramp connects the first surface to the second surface, wherein the inner shaft is configured to rotate
`within the outer shaft such that the cam feature moves to the first position or the second position at
`the base of the outer shaft, wherein the rotation of the inner shaft is configured to transform into a
`linear movement of the inner shaft along a direction perpendicular to a plane of the rotation of the
`inner shaft tip, wherein the inner shaft tip is configured to fit through the main slot of the implant
`body and rotate in the chamber of the implant body so as to lock or unlock the implant body to the
`inner shaft, and the two side slots of the implant body are configured to fit the two outer shaft tips
`at the outer face of the outer shaft so as to attach the implant body to the outer shaft, and wherein
`WO 2015/081142
`the inner shaft is unlocked from the outer shaft at the first position and the inner shaft is locked to
`the outer shaft at the second position.
`[035] Also disclosed herein, in certain embodiments, are implant delivery systems comprising: an
`implant insertion device comprising: an inner shaft comprising: an inner shaft body; a knob at a
`base of the inner shaft body, the knob comprising a first interface; an inner shaft tip at an insertion
`end of the inner shaft body, wherein the inner shaft tip is not substantially cylindrically circular; an
`outer shaft configured to hold the inner shaft body therein, the outer shaft comprising: a hollow
`outer shaft body, wherein the outer shaft body is configured to accommodate the inner shaft body
`therewithin; an outer face; an outer shaft opening at the outer face of the outer shaft; a first
`complementary interface at a base of the outer shaft configured to receive the first interface of the
`inner shaft; a second complementary interface at the outer face to receive a second interface of the
`implant body; wherein a rotation of the inner shaft is configured to associate the first
`complementary interface to the first interface at a first position or at a second position, wherein the
`inner shaft tip is configured to fit through a main slot of an implant body and rotate in a chamber of
`the implant body so as to lock the implant body to the inner shaft. In some cases, the implant
`delivery system comprises an implant body comprising a support structure and an internal space,
`the support structure comprising: an outer surface; a main slot indented into the outer surface; a
`chamber indented from the main slot, the chamber being deeper than the main slot; the second
`interface at the outer surface proximal to the main slot; wherein the implant body is substantially
`toroidal, and the internal space is not covered at a top cross section, a bottom cross section, or the
`top and bottom cross sections thereof by the support structure, and the internal space is configured
`to receive at least one graft material; and an internal space configured to contain at least a graft
`material. In some cases, the second interface of the implant body is configured to fit the second
`complementary interface at the outer face of the outer shaft so as to attach the implant body to the
`outer shaft. In some cases, the implant insertion device is disposable. In some cases, the implant
`insertion device is for one—time use only. In some cases, the implant insertion device is injection
`moldable. In some cases, the implant delivery system is disposable. In some cases, the implant
`delively system is for one-time use only. In some cases, the second interface comprises at least one
`side slot indented into the implant body proximal to the main slot, wherein each side slot is
`configured to receive an outer shaft tip. In some cases, the at least one side slot is peripherally
`proximal to the main slot. In some cases, the at least one side slot is shallower than the main slot. In
`some cases, the main slot and the at least one side slot are indented into the supporting structure. In
`some cases, wherein the main slot is indented deeper into the wall of the implant body than the two
`side slots along the insertion direction. In some cases, the internal space of the implant body is
`WO 2015/081142
`filled at least partly by at least one graft material. In some cases, the implant body is substantially
`toroidal. In some cases, wherein a toroidal shape is a shape with a plurality of cross sections
`stacked together continuously, each cross section having an arbitrary two dimensional empty area
`enclosed by a wall. In some cases, the height of the implant body is non-uniform along the anterior—
`to—postcrior direction so as to accommodate the lordosis angle of the spinal cord when the implant
`body is properly inserted. In some cases, a toroidal shape is a shape comprising a hole throughout
`an arbitrary three dimensional volume. In some cases, the internal space is not covered at the top
`cross section, bottom cross section, or top and bottom cross sections thereof by the implant body. In
`some cases, the implant body enclosing the internal space has a wall thickness of at least 1
`millimeter but no more than 3 centimeters. In some cases, the implant body comprises at least one
`selected from polyether ether ketone (PEEK), carbon fiber-reinforced polymer, carbon fiber-
`reinforced plastic, carbon fiber—reinforced thermoplastic, glass fiber—reinforced polymer, glass fiber—
`reinforced plastic, and polyaryletherketone (PEAK). In some cases, the implant body is injection
`moldable. In some cases, the implant body is machinable. In some cases, the implant body
`comprises a saw tooth configured to allow unidirectional insertion into a subject on an outer surface
`of the implant body. In some cases, the saw tooth is further located on the longitudinal plane of the
`implant body. In some cases, the saw tooth is configured to prevent sliding back—out of an implant
`body after an insertion. In some cases, the implant body comprises at least one space for
`accommodating at least one detectable tag. In some cases, the at least one detectable tag comprise a
`radio frequency detectable tag. In some cases, the at least one space are in the wall of the implant
`body. In some cases, the implant body comprises two spaces for detectable tags, the two spaces
`being not greater than 5 mm in their widest dimension. In some cases, the implant body comprises
`two spaces for detectable tags, the two spaces being spatially separated from each other. In some
`cases, the implant body comprises four spaces for detectable tags, the four spaces being spatially
`separated from each other. In some cases, the cross section of the implant body along a longitudinal
`plane comprises a closed contour formed by the implant body. In some cases, wherein the closed
`contour encloses an area therewithin. In some cases, the internal space is enclosed by closed
`contours in a plurality of adjacent longitudinal planes. In some cases, the cross section of the
`implant body along a longitudinal plane is a square, a rectangle, a circle, an ellipse, a rhombus, a
`trapezoid, a pentagon, or an arbitraly two dimensional shape enclosing an empty two dimensional
`area in a closed contour by a wall. In some cases, the cross section of the implant body along a
`longitudinal plane is a two—dimensional shape similar to a cross section of the intervertebral space
`to be inserted therein. In some cases, the cross section of the implant body along a longitudinal
`plane is comprises a closed contour with a non-uniform thickness along the closed contour. In some
`WO 2015/081142
`cases, the non-uniform thickness along the closed contour is filled with at least one selected from
`polyether ether ketone (PEEK), carbon fiber-reinforced polymer, carbon fiber-reinforced plastic,
`carbon fiber-reinforced thermoplastic, glass fiber-reinforced polymer, glass fiber-reinforced plastic,
`and polyaryletherketone (PEAK).In some cases, the chamber of the implant body is connected to a
`slot indented from a top-most region or a bottom-most region of the outer surface along the
`longitudinal direction. In some cases, wherein the slot at the top-most region or the bottom-most
`region of the support structure is configured to facilitate injection molding of the chamber. In some
`cases, the slot at the top-most region or the bottom-most of the support structure is configured to
`enable Visualization of the inner shaft tip. In some cases, the inner shaft is disposable. In some
`cases, the inner shaft is for one-time use only. In some cases, the inner shaft comprises at least one
`selected from carbon fiber-reinforced polymer, carbon fiber-reinforced plastic, carbon fiber—
`reinforced thermoplastic, glass fiber—reinforced polymer, glass fiber—reinforced plastic, and
`polyarylamide. In some cases, the inner shaft comprises about 50% glass. In some cases, the inner
`shaft comprises a glass content of at least 10% to no greater than 70%. In some cases, the inner
`shaft tip comprises at least one metal. In some cases, the inner shaft body comprises at least one
`metal. In some cases, the inner shaft is injection moldable. In some cases, the inner shaft tip is
`injection moldable. In some cases, the inner shaft body is injection moldable. In some cases, the
`knob is injection moldable. In some cases, the inner shaft is injection moldable and machinable. In
`some cases, the inner shaft body is substantially cylindrical. In some cases, the inner shaft body is
`flexible so as to fit in a curved outer shaft body. In some cases, the inner shaft body is a cylinder. In
`some cases, the knob of the inner shaft is not enclosed in the outer shaft. In some cases, the inner
`shaft tip is not enclosed in the outer shaft. In some cases, the inner shaft tip is connected to the
`inner shaft body in