`This decimatinn is
`directesi to:
`Tha attached appiicatiusa, 81‘
`X United $r'ates applicatian 0:“ PCT intemmimai appiicafiefl number '1 5:’E?S.I§5S
`fiiesfi On June 9. 233$,
`The abgve—iden’tificd appiifizatien was made. gr auihmized in be made: by me.
`E believe {hat 1 am the: ariginafi invmmr 0? an originai joint firm/enter of a ciafimed inventien in
`the applicaiian,
`I hemh‘y state: that K have a‘avigwed and umierstand the summits 0f fin: aboveuidemified
`appiicai’ion, including the ciaima
`3 acknowlecfigfi the duty to aiisalcse: infermaticn which is mamfiai E0 pawntabiiity as defined in
`3’? CFR £56.,
`WHEREAS, B'E‘L HOEDE‘NGS LEMI'TED; {heminaficr rtferred to as “ASSIGNEE”}, with a
`rsgistemd office: at Kennedy €24, offisz C, 30%, Niwsia, Cyprus, flesires i0 acquim the: entire righi, titie
`“mi intereszt in the: invcntion and to any Patents that may be grantsd thereibre in 31? mumries;
`NOW, THEREFORE, far vaiuabie cansideratima, {ha recaipt and sufficimcy ofwhich i hereby
`3 ackamwiedge, E do 3%“, assign and transfer is thc ASSKSNBE an rights to the invzmtion in 2:11 mumriss
`{including the right is) claim prioriiy undsr internaiionai Converxtians and Treatias) and the entire right,
`this and interssi in a}! Paiefits which may be grantfzd themfm in 335 muntrias, and tea any divisic-ns,
`5 rcissucs, cantimuaiiomt 0r squivaiemt rights.
`Ehemby authmizs issue 0f any E‘atam, when granmcig :0 file ASSEGNEE as the assigneg Qfmy
`entire tight, titié; arm? interest, and to its successors and assigna “(a the fill} and af flu: term far which
`Patents may be gj‘anmd, as fifths same: wouid have been held by me had {his Assignmgm and 32139 no:
`bean mafia
`Furthsn i agate that I WEE} communiaate in the ASSEGNEE 02‘ its mpressntatiws any facts
`known to me respecting the: invemim, and testify in any isgai proactsding, Sign 23%} 321Wqu papem,
`ail divisimmfi‘ cantinuatien and reissue agfipiicmions and azssignmem papsrs {a cause gii Patents
`to has issued to the ASSIGNEE made ggneraiiy d0 sverything passime m aid fine ASSEGNEE its
`succéssnrs and assigns, m obtain and enfcrce proper protection fer the inventien in any country“
`1 harehy acknewiadg: that any wiiifui {335:3 statemzznt maids in this decimation is puriishabie
`unéer 18 US$13, mm by fins or imprisanman’i of not mere than five (5) years, at bath.

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