`2 9,667,477 B2
`I 15/136311
`: May 30, 2017
`: Martin Kacin and Michael R. Gray
`Page 1 0f]
`It is certified that error appears in the above-identified patent and that said Letters Patent is hereby corrected as shown below:
`In the Claims
`Claim 2, Column 15, Line 5, “the second node a create” to read as -- the second node, a create --
`Claim 3, Column 15, Line 17, “request and” to read as -- request; and --
`Claim 9, Column 16, Line 31, “the create request” to read as -- the create request; --
`Claim 16, Column 18, Line 10, “request and” to read as -- request; and --
`Claim 18, Column 18, Line 31, “the first node a move” to read as -- the first node, a move --
`Signed and Sealed this
`Thirteenth Day of March, 2018
`Andrei Iancu
`Director ofthe United States Patent and Trademark Oflice