`tion Act of 1995. no
`PTO/SB:’3Q('i 1-17)
`Approved for use thdough i ii3G/2G20. Git/:8 0651-003.'
`US. Patent and Trademark Office; U.8 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`oersons are re threat to res 0nd to a collection ol inlorrnation unless it sor. ‘ins a vaiid OMB control number.
`Application Number
`ang Dag?
`37i( )Date. August .25, 20.5
`First Named inventor
`Cecilia Anna Wilheimina GEUl-JEN
`Continued Examination {RCE}
`Mail Stop RCE
`Commissioner for Patents
`PO. 80x1450
`Alexandria, VA 223134450
`Examiner Name
`Attorney Docket Number
`Stephen L. RAWLENGS
`4096.0“: GOGOZ.’DAS/PAC/PMR
`This is a Request for Continued Examination (REE) under 37 CFR 1,114 of the above-identified application.
`Request for Continued Examination (REE) practice under 37' CFR 1.114 does not apply to any utiiity or plant application filed priorto June 8,
`1995, orto anv d
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