`Tel: 571-272-7822
`Entered: September8, 2023
`Patent Owner.
`Patent 9,280,678 B2
`STEPHEN E. BELISLE, Administrative Patent Judges.
`CALVE,Administrative Patent Judge.
`Granting Institution ofInter Partes Review
`35 US.C. $314
`Patent 9,280,678 B2
`Netskope,Inc. (‘Petitioner’) filed a petition requesting an inferpartes
`review of claims 1-3, 6, 8-17, and 21—27 (the “challenged claims”)! ofU.S.
`Patent No. 9,280,678 B2 (“the 678 patent”) (Ex. 1001). Paper 2, 5 (“Pet.”).
`Fortinet, Inc. (“Patent Owner”) filed a Preliminary Response. Paper 6
`(Prelim. Resp.”).
`Wehave authority to determine whetherto institute an interpartes
`review. See 35U.S.C. §314 (2018); 37C.F.R. § 42.4(a) (2022) (“The
`Boardinstitutes the trial on behalf ofthe Director.”). An interpartes review
`may notbe instituted “unless... the information presented in the petition
`... showsthatthere is a reasonable likelihood that the petitioner would
`prevail with respect to at least 1 of the claims challenged in the petition.”
`35 U.S.C. §314(a). Upon consideration ofthe evidence and arguments in
`the record, we determinethat the information presented shows a reasonable
`likelihood that Petitioner would prevail with respect toat least one ofthe
`challenged claims. We therefore grantinstitution ofan interpartes review.
`A. RelatedProceedings
`Theparties identify the following proceeding involving the ’678
`patent: Netskope, Inc. v. Fortinet, Inc., No. 3:22-cv-01852-TLT (N.D.Cal. ).
`Pet. 5; Paper 3, 2. Petitioner identifies the following interpartes reviewsin
`whichPetitioner challenges other patents ofPatent Owner: IPR2022-01587,
`IPR2023-00030, IPR2023-00175, IPR2023-00456, IPR2023-00457, and
`IPR2023-00459. Pet.5.
`' Petitioner asserts the challenged claims are claims 1—3, 6, 8-19, and 21—27
`(Pet. 7) but makes no substantive argumentsagainst claims 18 and 19 and
`seeks to cancel claims 1—3, 6, 8-17, and 21—27 in the Introduction(id. at 5).
`Patent 9,280,678 B2
`B. Real Parties in Interest
`Petitioner identifies Netskope,Inc. as the real party in interest. Pet. 5.
`Patent Owneridentifies Fortinet, Inc. as the real party in interest. Paper 3, 2.
`The ’678 Patent (Ex. 1001)
`The ’678 patent provides vendor independent secure cloud storage
`distribution and aggregation systems by interposing a cloud storage gateway
`device between third-party cloud storage platforms and enterprise users who
`access those platforms. Ex. 1001, 2:9-16. The gatewayincludes application
`programminginterfaces (APIs) thatfacilitate storage offiles, issue search
`requests forfiles, and retrieve contentof files on the cloud storage platforms.
`Id. at 2:11-17. The cloudstorage gateway devicealso assignsa file storage
`policy to each user.
`/d. at 2:17—18. “The assigned file storage policy
`defines access rights, storage diversity requirements and a type of encryption
`to be applied to files for the corresponding user.” /d. at 2:19—22.
`The gateway system “implement[s] a policy based frameworkfor
`encrypting, storing, accessing, querying and managing data across one or
`more cloud platforms.” Ex. 1001, 3:25—28. In one embodiment,
`a searchable encryption gateway frameworkprovides
`assignmentof a policy from a groupofpolicies stored in a
`policy database to one or more users such that the policy not
`only defines the mannerin whichthe users can access and
`process contentstored on the cloud, but can also configure the
`mode in which the datais encrypted, stored, searched, and
`accessed to ensure secure and vendorindependent cloud
`Id. at 3:28-35. “Cloud storage service providers” are companiesthat
`provide computer storage space and managementto other companies and
`include Dropbox, Google Drive, and Amazon WebServices. /d. at 6:9-14.
`Patent 9,280,678 B2
`Figure | of the 678 patent is reproduced belowtoillustrate an
`exemplary network architecture of sucha system. Ex. 1001, 6:51—52.
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`Patent 9,280,678 B2
`Figure | of the ’678 patent depicts clients 102a—d operatively and
`communicatively coupled to oneothervia local area network (LAN) 104.
`Ex. 1001, 6:51—56. Clients 102 also couple to cloud stores 114a—d through
`gateway device 108 and Internet 112.
`/d. at 7:5—9. Gateway device 108 acts
`as an interface between clients 102 and cloudstores 114 to handle client
`file/data read/write requests and to identify the appropriate cloud stores 114
`to access to process the requests. /d. at 7:9-14. Figure 2 ofthe °678 patent
`is reproduced below toillustrate functional modules ofthe gateway device.
`Gloud Serving Provider
`Pioliny Datatwse
`Fig. 2
`Figure 2 depicts a policy-based framework using gateway 204 and its
`functional modules to interface transactions and execute instructions for the
`read/write/search of content between enterprise users 202 and cloud service
`providers 206 based on users’ roles and responsibilities that require different
`access rights and privileges to access data and content. Ex. 1001, 8:27—65.
`Patent 9,280,678 B2
`Policy assignment module 208 assignspolicies from policy database
`218 toa useror groupofusers 202 based on their roles, responsibilities, and
`enterprise practices. It defines the way that data, metadata, and other content
`is accessed andprocessedby each useror group ofusers 202a—c. Ex. 1001,
`9:11—19. Each policy “defines the mannerin whichfiles can be uploaded,
`stored, downloaded, searched, and/or processed in the context of one or
`more cloudplatforms,” and also includes“any other configurable aspect of
`the mode in which the user 202 accesses data stored or to be stored in the
`namespaces, directories, folders, files or other storage containers of one or
`more cloudplatforms.” /d. at 9:19—26. A “[p]Jolicy assigned to a user 202
`can also be configured to manageaccessrights relating to encryption and
`decryption of content.” /d. at 9:34—-36(emphasis added).
`Encryption module 210 encryptsfiles to upload or store on a cloud
`platform(s) “based on the policies assigned by the policy assignment module
`208.” Ex. 1001, 9:53-56. “[G]ateway 204 can share encryption/decryption
`keys based on the policy assigned to the user,” but it does not share details
`of private or public keys with any user 202 who is not authorized by a policy
`to encrypt files to store in cloud containers. /d. at 9:61—67. Encryption
`module210 can encrypt eachfile orfile part using cryptographic key data so
`the encrypted content is searchable across and within cloud platformsso that
`encryption architecture is independentof a providerof the cloud platform.
`Id. at 10:1—6. Encryption module 210 also allowsusers 202, based on their
`assigned policy, to download searchable encryptedfiles onto a local device
`for offline applications. /d. at 10:6—10. Searchable encrypted files may
`encrypt the nameofa file as part ofthe folder name,or hashes of search
`terms may be used asfile namesin searchable indices. /d. at 10:29-38.
`Patent 9,280,678 B2
`D. Challenged Claims
`Claims 1 and 16 are independent. Claims 2, 3, 6 and 8—15 depend
`from claim 1. Claims 17 and 21—27 depend from claim 16. Ex. 1001,
`Claim 1 is reproduced below with Petitioner’s annotations added to
`identify each limitation (see Pet. 23-49 (providing Petitioner’s contentions
`for the unpatentability of claim 1 under Ground1)).
`1[pre] A method comprising:
`1/a]{i] assigning to one or moreusers, by a gateway device, a
`policy for managing access to and processinga file to be
`stored on one or more cloudplatforms, 1[a][11] wherein the
`policy defines access rights ofthe one or moreusers;
`//b/ encrypting, by the gateway device, using cryptographic
`key information defined by the policy, content ofthefile to
`produce a searchable encrypted file by:
`1/6/fi] dividing thefile intoa plurality of chunks;
`1[6/fii] creating namespacesfor one or moreofthe plurality
`of chunks; and
`1[b/fiii] configuring the namespaces ofthe one or more
`chunks such that content ofthe file is encryptedin a
`manner that makesit searchable;
`1/c] storing, by the gateway device, the searchable
`encrypted file on the one or more cloud platforms based
`on the policy; and
`1/d] managingaccess to the searchable encryptedfile by the
`one or more users based on the policy.
`Ex. 1001, 19:57—20:8.
`Patent 9,280,678 B2
`EI. Asserted Grounds ofUnpatentability
`Petitioner asserts unpatentability on the following grounds (Pet. 7):
`1-3, 8-14, 16, 17, 21-27
`Cidon » Shikta ,
`Cidon, Shikfa,
`Cidon, Shikfa,
`Auradkar’, Chiueh??,
`Chambers, Inoue!”
`Petitioner also relies on a Declaration ofDr. Wenke Lee. Ex. 1002.
`Patent Ownerrelies on a Declaration ofDr. John Black Jr. Ex. 2001.
`* Petitionerlists claims 18 and 19 in Grounds 1 and 4, but no substantive
`arguments are provided for either claim. See Pet. 7, 15-69, 72-135.
`3 The Leahy-Smith America Invents Act (“AIA”) revised35 U.S.C. § 103
`effective on March 16, 2013. Because the °678 patent has an effectivefiling
`date after March 16, 2013, we use the AJAversion of 35 U.S.C. § 103.
`* US 2014/0013112 Al, published Jan. 9, 2014 (Ex. 1004, “Cidon’).
`> US 2014/0359282 A1, published Dec. 4, 2014 (Ex. 1006, “Shikfa”).
`° US 2003/0055994 A1, published Mar. 20, 2003 (Ex. 1005, “Herrmann’’).
`TUS 2005/0010593 A1, published Jan. 13, 2005 (Ex. 1007, “Fellenstein’’).
`® US 6,622,248 B1, issued Sept. 16, 2003 (Ex. 1008, “Hirai’”).
`” US 2011/0119481 A1, published May 19, 2011 (Ex. 1009, “Auradkar’”).
`10 US 2013/0159694 A1, published June 20, 2013 (Ex. 1011, “Chiueh’”).
`'T US 2014/0068030 A1, published Mar. 6, 2014 (Ex. 1010, “Chambers”).
`2 US 2003/0063321 A1, published Apr. 3, 2003 (Ex. 1012,“Inoue”).
`Patent 9,280,678 B2
`A. Level ofOrdinary Skill in the Art
`The parties substantially agree on the level of ordinary skill in theart.
`Petitioner asserts that a skilled artisan “would have had aB.S. in computer
`science, computer engineering, or electrical engineering, with at least two
`years’ experience in computer networking/security.” Pet. 15. Patent Owner
`asserts that a skilled artisan “would have hada Bachelorof Science degree
`in electrical en gineering and/or computerscience, and two years ofwork or
`research experience in the fields ofnetwork and datasecurity, ora Master’s
`degree in electrical engineering and/or computer science and one yearof
`workor research experiencein related fields.” Prelim. Resp. 15—16. Patent
`Ownerasserts that the positionsset forth in the Preliminary Response would
`be the same undereither parties’ proposal. /d. at 16. We adoptPetitioner’s
`proposal as more consistent with the prior art and the 678 patent. Our
`decision would be the same undereither formulation.
`B. Claim Interpretation
`Weinterpret claims “using the same claim construction standard that
`would be used to construe the claims in a civil action [held] under 35 U.S.C.
`282(b).” 37C.F.R. § 42.100(b). Under this standard, we construe claims
`“in accordance with the ordinary and customary meaning of such claim as
`understood by oneof ordinary skill in the art and the prosecution history
`pertaining to the patent.” /d. Weconstruethe claims only to the extent
`necessary to determine whetherto institute interpartes review. See Nidec
`Motor Corp. v. Zhongshan Broad Ocean Motor Co. , 868 F.3d 1013, 1017
`(Fed. Cir. 2017) (“[W]e need only construe terms‘that are in controversy,
`and only to the extent necessary to resolve the controversy.’”’).
`Patent 9,280,678 B2
`The parties assert that the claims should be given their ordinary and
`customary meaningin light ofthe specification and no claim constructions
`are necessary at thistime. Pet. 15; Prelim. Resp. 16.
`Weagree that no express claim constructionsare required at this time
`to renderour decision.
`C. Principles ofLaw
`A patent claim is unpatentable under 35 U.S.C. § 103 if differences
`between the claimed subject matter andtheprior art are such that the subject
`matter, as a whole, would have been obviousat the time the invention was
`made to a person having ordinary skill in the art to which said subject matter
`pertains. 35 U.S.C. § 103; KSR Int'l Co. v. Teleflex Inc., 550 U.S. 398, 406
`(2007). “The combination of familiar elements according to known methods
`is likely to be obvious whenit does no morethan yield predictable results.”
`KSR,550 U.S. at 416. Similarly, “ifa technique has been used to improve
`one device, and a person ofordinary skill in the art would recognizethatit
`would improve similar devices in the same way, using thetechniqueis
`obvious unlessits actual application is beyondhis or herskill.” /d. at 417.
`The question of obviousnessis resolved based on underlying factual
`determinations including: (1) the scope and content ofthe prior art; (2) any
`differences between the claimed subject matter and the priorart; (3) the level
`of ordinary skill in the art; and (4) when in evidence, objective evidence of
`non-obviousness. Graham v. John Deere Co., 383 U.S. 1, 17-18 (1966).
`Neither party presents any objective evidence ofnon-obviousnessat this
`stage ofthe proceeding.
`Patent 9,280,678 B2
`D. Ground 1: Alleged Obviousness Over Cidon, Shikfa, Herrmann
`Petitioner asserts unpatentability of claims 1—3, 8-14, 16, 17, and 21—
`27 under 35 U.S.C. § 103 over Cidon, Shikfa, and Herrmann. Pet. 7, 15-69.
`Cidon (Ex. 1004)
`Cidon discloses managementserver 100 that stores encryptedfiles in
`segments using policiesfor file placement, access, and sharing as shownin
`Figure 2, reproducedbelow. Ex. 1004 9] 10, 102, 108, 206-212, 221-223.
`'3 Petitionerlists claims 1-3, 8-14, and 16-27 as the challenged claims in
`Ground 1 (Pet. 15) but provides no substantive argumentfor claims 18—20
`(id. at 15-69). Cf, id. at 5 (seeking to cancel claims 1-3, 6, 8-14, 16-19,
`and 21-27), 7 (listing claims 1—3, 8-14, 16-19, and 21—27 for Ground1).
`Patent 9,280,678 B2
`Figure 2 depicts managementserver 100 that encrypts cloud files and
`controls accessto the files by providing decryption keys. Ex. 1004 4 102.
`System metadata module 115 managesfile metadata.
`/d. J] 105, 106. IP
`Policy Enforcement Module 120 allows administrators to organize users into
`groupsandassign different access policies to each group. /d. 4108. Data
`Manager and Login Module 130 processes requests to access a securefile.
`Id. § 109. Encryption Key Manager140 generates, stores, and retrieves
`encryption keys. /d. 4110. Policies specify placementoffiles in specific
`directories, access and sharing permissions, copy control, and encryption.
`Ex. 1004 9] 206-212. Files may be segmented, and each segment may be
`encrypted and stored. /d. 9305, 309, 383, Fig. 13.
` Shikfa (Ex. 1006)
`Shikfa’s broker system encrypts and searches encrypted documents
`using encryption keys and indexes as shownin Figure 2, reproduced below.
`Patent 9,280,678 B2
`Figure 2 of Shikfa depicts a broker system for searchable encryption.
`Client 16 encrypts documents 26, generates indexes 24 for documents 26,
`encrypts indexes 24, and stores encrypted documents and indexesin cloud
`storage providers 18. Ex. 1006 43, 10, 12,29. Broker server 12 receives
`encrypted documents 14, encrypted indexes 28, and encryption information
`and generates a translation table T1 to identify which encrypted document
`14 is stored on which cloud storage provider 18.
`/d. 931,32. Index 28
`includes keywords for encrypted documents 14 and pointers to documents
`containing the keywords. /d. 429. Broker server 12 maystore encrypted
`indexes 28 locally or send them to cloud storage providers 18.
`/d. 432.
`To search for encrypted document 14 that contains certain keywords,
`client 16 generates encrypted search query 30 for the keywords using the
`searchable encryption mechanism that encrypted indexes 28 and sendsthe
`encrypted query 30 to broker server 12. Ex. 1006 434. Broker server 12
`uses the searchable encryption mechanism that was used to encrypt query 30
`and to encrypt indexes 28 as inputto identify (via identifiers D1, D2, D3)
`encrypted documents 14 that satisfy the encrypted search query. /d. 4] 34—
`36. Broker server 12 thereby allowsclients 16 to store secure, encrypted
`documents 14 on cloud storage providers 18 and also provides searchable
`encryption so clients 16 can search andretrieve encrypted documents by
`using translation tables T1, T2 or encrypted indexes 28. Jd. 937.
`3. Herrmann (Ex. 1005)
`Herrmanndiscloses a gateway server 350 that controls accessof client
`machinesto protected data resources 390 by verifying accessis authorized
`as illustrated in Figure 3, which is reproduced below. Ex. 1005 460.
`Patent 9,280,678 B2
`VERSION 1.2.34)
`fvarsinn 236
`3 Jan, 202
`34 por GP)
`FIG. 3
`Figure 3 depicts gateway client 330 of client computer 310 connected
`to gateway server 350 to access protected data390. Gateway server 350
`grants access whenintegrity server 370 indicates access is permissible under
`a policy specification applicable to client computer 310. Ex. 1005 9] 60, 67.
`Patent 9,280,678 B2
`Independent Claim I
`IL[pre]: “A method comprising:”
`Petitioner asserts that Cidon discloses a method of “encryptingafile”
`by segmenting the file into multiple file segments, encrypting eachfile
`segmentto yield multiple encryptedfile segments, and sending the multiple
`encryptedfile segments to a storage service. Pet. 23 (citing Ex. 1004 44 10,
`309, Fig. 15). Petitioner cites Figure 15 of Cidon, whichis a flowchart for
`retrieving a file from storage service 1610, segmentingthefile, calculating
`signatures for each segment, encrypting eachfile segment, and sending
`encryptedfile segments to storage service 1650.
`/d. This contention, which
`Patent Ownerdoesnot contestat this stage, 1s supported by record evidence.
`Lfa]fi]: “assigning to one or more users, by a
`gateway device, apolicyfor managing access to and
`processing afile to be stored on one or more cloud
`Petitioner contends that Cidon discloses a managementserverthat
`providesaccesspolicy configurations for users, implementsaccesspolicies,
`and processesfiles to be stored on cloud platforms. Petitioner contendsthat
`Cidon’s managementserver configures a user access policy and enforces the
`access policy for secure file access, and the policy dictates whether certain
`files are encrypted. Petitioner contends that Cidon’s managementserver
`allows an administrator to organize users into groups and define different
`securefile access policies for each group. Pet. 24—25 (citing Ex. 1004 4499,
`100, 102, 108, 224, 227; Ex. 1002 4] 74-79). These contentions, which
`Patent Ownerdoesnot contestat this stage, are supported by record
`evidence. IT Policy Enforcement Module 120 allows administrators to
`define accesspolicies for different users and groups. Ex. 1004 4 108.
`Patent 9,280,678 B2
`Petitioner asserts that Herrmanndiscloses a gateway server 350 that
`acts as a gatewayto protect data or resources 390 and accept access requests
`to the resources from client machines. Pet. 25 (citing Ex. 1005 4 60, Fig. 3).
`Petitioner contends that Herrmann’s gatewayserver 350 verifies that a client
`computer 310 is authorized to access protected data 390, assigns an access
`policy to the connection/session between the gateway server 350 and client
`computer 310 from policy store 371, and maintains an “appropriate policy
`specification 373 applicable to the client computer 310.” Pet. 26—27 (citing
`Ex. 1005 {[ 60, 67, 77, claim 16; Ex. 1002 4 79). Policies can be retrieved
`by a user, group, or computer. /d. These contentions, which Patent Owner
`does not contest at this stage, are supported by record evidence. Gateway
`server 350 prevents session access until integrity server 370 indicates access
`is permissible by retrieving policy specification 373 for client computer 310
`from policy store 371 to ensure that users comply with security policies,
`access rights, and anti-virus enforcement. Ex. 1005 4] 60, 66, 67.
`c. Motivation to combine Cidon and Herrmann
`Petitioner asserts that a skilled artisan would haveadded Herrmann’s
`gatewayserverand its functionsof assigning an access policy and accepting
`requests for access to resources from clients to Cidon’s managementserver
`so “the modified system would have allowed automatic policy assignment
`and implementation, improving system efficiencies” and “would have
`allowed better real-time protection”“instead ofwaiting for an administrator
`to assign a policy manually.” Pet. 26—29 (citing Ex. 1004, Figs. 2; Ex. 1005
`44 18, 60, 65, 77, claim 21; Ex. 1010 9§ 66, 82; Ex. 1002 §§| 80-82); id. at 22
`(combining Herrmann’s gateway with Cidon’s server would allow automatic
`policy assignment to improve system efficiency and reduce humanerrors).
`Patent 9,280,678 B2
`Lfa]fii]: “wherein thepolicy defines access rights
`ofthe one or moreusers”
`Petitioner contends that Cidon’s managementserver provides and
`enforces secure access policy configurations for secure file access and can
`assign different policies “by user or by group.” Pet. 29 (citing Ex. 1004
`99 67, 102, 108, 112, 115; Ex. 1002 § 83).
`e. Does Cidon disclose a single policy
`Patent Ownerarguesthat elements 1[a][11], 1[b], 1[c], and 1[d] recite a
`single “policy”that defines (1) access rights ofusers, (2) thefile contents to
`be encrypted “using cryptographic key information defined by the policy,”
`(3) storing searchable encryptedfiles on cloud platforms, and (4) managing
`access to a searchable encrypted file. Prelim. Resp. 17. Patent Owneralso
`asserts that Petitioner treats disparate policies in Cidon “as if they were one
`andthe same.” /d. Patent Owner arguesthat Petitioner combines “access
`policies” that control access to securefiles with “placementpolicies”that
`store encryptedfiles, and these policies are different.
`/d. at 18.
`For reasons that follow, we find these arguments unavailing.
`“As a general rule, the words‘a’ or ‘an’ in a patent claim carry
`the meaning of ‘one or more.’” 7iVo, Inc. v. EchoStar
`Commce’ns Corp., 516 F.3d 1290, 1303 (Fed. Cir .2008). “The
`exceptionsto thisrule are extremely limited: a patentee must
`evince aclear intentto limit ‘a’ or ‘an’ to ‘one.’” Baldwin
`Graphic Sys., Inc. v. Siebert, Inc., 512 F.3d 1338, 1342 (Fed.
`Cir. 2008)... . “The subsequentuse of definite articles ‘the’ or
`‘said’ in a claim to refer back to the same claim term. . . simply
`reinvokes that non-singular meaning.” /d.
`01 Communique Lab., Inc. v. LogMeIn, Inc. , 687 F.3d 1292, 1297 (Fed. Cir.
`2012). At this stage, Patent Owner has not demonstrated a clear intent to
`limit “a policy” to a single policy as asserted. See Prelim. Resp. 3—6, 17-20.
`Patent 9,280,678 B2
`Wefind insufficient record evidenceat this stage that the °678 patent
`limits “a policy”to a single policy or what sucha single policy comprises.
`Afile storagepolicy “defines accessrights, storage diversity requirements
`and a type of encryption to be appliedto files for the correspondinguser.”
`Ex. 1001, 2:18—22. It does not define cryptographic key information for
`element 1[b] or manage access for element 1[d]. Apolicy-basedframework
`for encrypting, storing, accessing, querying, and managing data across cloud
`platforms can assign a policy that “defines the mannerin which the users can
`access and process content stored on the cloud, [and] the mode in which the
`data is encrypted, stored, searched, and accessed.” /d. at 3:25—34. Policies
`of this framework do not define cryptographic key information in element
`1[b] or manageaccess to a searchable encryptedfile in element 1[d].
`A policy of a policy assignment module can be used to define howa
`file is uploaded, stored, searched, downloaded, and/or processed, and it can
`“be used to configure access rights” that dictate howusersprocess uploaded
`encrypted files. Ex. 1001, 3:45—52. Claim 1 recites that “the policy defines
`access rights ofthe one or more users” (emphasis added) in element1[a][11].
`The ’678 patent describes a policy of a policy assignment module is “used to
`configure access rightsof... users.” /d. (emphasis added). The policy does
`not define or configure accessrights. It is used to define or configurerights.
`An encryption module can encryptfiles to upload or store on cloud
`platforms based ona policy defined by the policy assignment module and a
`selectedpolicy can be used to define encryption keys. Ex. 1001, 4:1-7. The
`policy does not define cryptographic key information as in element1[b]; it is
`used by an encryption module to define encryption keys. On this record, we
`find insufficient evidence to depart from the general rule described above.
`Patent 9,280,678 B2
`Cidon’s managementserverdefines, assigns, manages, and enforces
`secure accessrights to encrypted cloud files. Ex. 10049102. A policy can
`(1) provide accesstofile repositories, (2) store file repository information,
`(3) analyze and encryptfiles, (4) store andretrieve encryption keys,
`(5) provide access policy configuration for securefile access, (6) enforce a
`securefile access policy, and (7) report file access use and devices used for
`/d. Each access policy has a numberof components that control
`securefile access, encryption, storage, andmanagement. /d. J] 102, 108.
`Cidon’s managementserver 100 includes an IT Policy Enforcement
`Module 120 that allows enterprise administrators to define and enforce the
`policies for accessing securefiles by different users/groups. Ex. 1004 § 108.
`Different encryption parameters are used to encryptdifferentfiles associated
`with different users and groups. /d. 99324, 326; see Pet. 24-25, 30-34.
`Cidon also defines placementpolicies that control (1) file placement
`(storage) in specific directories, (2) file access and sharing permissions,
`(3) encrypting file content, and (4) managing user access. Ex. 1004 9] 206—
`217. A placementpolicy defines directoriesto store files, access and sharing
`permissions, copying, and file encryption. /d. §]206—212. A policy covers
`user “[a|ccess and sharing permissions”to files.
`/d. 99 210,212. A policy
`detects and handles accessviolationsby alerting users and administrators so
`they can changethepolicy. Id. J§ 213-217. Althoughfi/es are placed in
`directories (Prelim. Resp. 18; Ex. 2001 § 63), a policy controls and manages
`user access to encryptedfiles, encryption, and policy changesas claimed
`(Ex. 1004 §§] 206-217). Atthis stage, Petitioner has madeasufficient
`showing that Cidon teachesor suggests a policy of element1[a][11].
`Patent 9,280,678 B2
`1/b]: “encrypting, by the gateway device, using
`cryptographic key information defined by thepolicy,
`content ofthefile to produce a searchable encrypted
`file by:”
`Petitioner asserts that a skilled artisan would have combined Cidon’s
`managementserver with Herrmann’s gatewayserver to perform Cidon’s
`operationsat a gateway. Petitioner contendsthat the gateway would encrypt
`cloudfiles as a searchable encryptedfile by segmenting and encryptingfile
`segments to form an encryptedfile ofthe multiple encrypted file segments.
`Petitioner asserts that encrypted file segments wouldbe searchable by a web
`service API fora documentsearch and using metadata text/tags. Petitioner
`contends that Cidon taught or suggested searchable encryptedfiles because
`users could accessa file or folder by browsing a webservice accountusing
`an API to perform a document search. Petitioner asserts that Cidon’s
`managementserver extracted metadata from files uploadedto it, and the
`metadata could be used to help in file search operations using text or tags for
`searching. Pet. 29-32 (citing Ex. 1004 9991, 102, 166, 171, 222, 303-305,
`309, 337, Figs. 13, 15; Ex. 1002 99 84-91).
`Petitioner contends that Cidon usesdifferent encryption parameters to
`encryptfiles for different users. Petitioner also asserts that a skilled artisan
`would have foundit obvious that these encryption parameters would include
`“cryptographic key information”defined by the policy, and the encryption
`parameters would vary for specific users and groups. Petitioner asserts that
`Cidon also describes using encryption parametersto encrypt files, and an
`encryption key was a well-known encryption parameter. Pet. 33-34 (citing
`Ex. 1004 ff 108, 207, 208, 212, 324, 326; Ex. 1002 49 89-91; Ex. 1001,
`4:4—7, 10:1-3).
`Patent 9,280,678 B2
`Patent Ownerarguesthat the references do not disclose “encrypting
`... content ofthe file to produce a searchable encryptedfile.” Patent Owner
`asserts that Cidon “contains no such disclosure”of encryption processes that
`produceasearchable encryptedfile and searching the encrypted content of a
`file was highly unconventional. Prelim. Resp. 21. Patent Ownerasserts that
`Cidon’s ability to accessafile, search a document, andbrowsea file using
`metadata and text or tags does not teach or suggest the contents of encrypted
`documents are searchable. /d. at 22 (“As Dr. Black explains, a [skilled
`artisan] would have understood that the ability to search for andfindfiles in
`a system is distinctly different from the ability to search the contents ofthe
`files themselves.”).
`Element1[b] of claim 1 recites “a searchable encryptedfile.” It does
`not recite that the encrypted contents ofthe encryptedfile are searchable as
`Patent Ownerargues. See Prelim. Resp.22.
`This argumentalso ignoresPetitioner’s reliance on Shikfa to teach the
`use of indexes ofkeywords ofthe encrypted content of documentsto search
`the contents ofencrypted documents as discussed at element 1[b][111] below.
`Pet. 40-43. The ’678 patent system similarly uses indexes of encrypted
`keywordsto search encrypted file content. Ex. 1001, 11:29-12:57, Figs. 3A,
`3B. Obviousnessis not determined on an element-by-element basis but on
`the claim as a whole based on the combined teachings ofthe references. See
`Inre Merck, 800 F.2d 1091, (Fed. Cir. 1986) (“Non-obviousness cannot be
`established by attacking references individually where the rejection is based
`upon the teachings of a combination ofreferences.”’).
`At this stage, Petitioner has made a sufficient showing that Cidon
`discloses element1[b].
`Patent 9,280,678 B2
`1[b]fi]: “dividing thefile into a plurality ofchunks”
`Petitioner contends that Cidon segmentsa file into multiple segments,
`and Figure 13 of Cidon illustrates a segmentation that dividesfile 1410 into
`three segments 1430. Pet. 34—36 (citing Ex. 1004 44 35, 305, 309, Figs. 13,
`15). This contention, which Patent Ownerdoesnot contestat this stage, is
`supported by record evidence.
`1[b]fii]: “creating namespacesfor one or more of
`the plurality ofchunks; and”
`Petitioner contends that Cidon describes calculating and creating a
`unique file segmentidentifier or signature for each file segment (chunk)
`based on the content ofthe file segmentusing aSHA2signature. Petitioner
`asserts that a skilled artisan would have understood that a signature would
`identify the segments, and the segmentidentifiers are “namespaces” because
`they are “theset ofnames available for naming”file segments. Pet. 36—40
`(citing Ex. 1004 F¥ 106, 305, 309, 383, Figs. 13, 15; Ex. 1002 J 96, 98).
`These contentions, which Patent Owner doesnot contest at this stage, are
`supported by record evidence. File metadatamay include the name, content
`type, and description of each file. Ex. 1004 9§ 104-107, 113-121.
`i.=L[b][iti]: “configuring the namespacesofthe one or
`more chunks such that contentofthefile

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