`Attamey BocketNu.: MBOT~GGSE~PQE
`Combined Dectamtitm and Assignmant
`Seriai N0. 345865515
`Fiiing Dates: Oct 29, 23-13
`Ettitgtt States §atmt Agfiimtimt
`As a beiow nameé invest/trim 1 hateby deciate with msgact to the {1.8, patant appiicatien
`the specification at which was flied on Quote: 29, 2313 as appiittatien sariai no. 1439655516,
`{a}, the abovsvitienttfied agptécatitm was made m mathm‘ized t0 be madg by me;
`(b) i have read and understmd the. applicatitm; anti
`{0) I beiieve titat i am the fitiginai invsnmr or an original juint ittventm at" a ciaimed
`invmtitm it: the appiication,
`H acknowiedge the duty t0 disciose informatitm which is materiat to {its gaatanmbiiity at
`this agpiica‘tian as definite} in 3'? (ERR, § 1.56 {attacheé hereto).
`1 also ackntawiedge my duty to
`éisc‘twfi 31E intbrmaticm knttwn to be material to patgtttabiiity which became twaiiabts betwefin a
`fitng date Ufa préot appiication and the: natimai m FCT international filing date in ths event this
`is a Cetztinuatian~En—Fart apytisafian in accordance: with 37 CFR. § {53(3),
`Page 3 0.34
`Attorney Docket No: MBOT—QOS’H’QE
`Combined Deoiaratioo and Assignmom
`Seriai 1 ‘o. 14,5065516
`Fiiiog Date: Oct 29, 2313
`WHEREAS, the undersigned inventor (“ioveo’tor”) has oevoioood oettain inventions
`(“inventions”) described in the above US. patent appiioation. and has ftiii right to convey his or
`her entire iotoroot, both iogai and equitable, in and to said Inventions fret-3 from oil prior
`assignments, agroemoots. Eiooosos, mortgages, Socority interests, or othot encumbrances
`whatsoever; and
`WHEREAS. MaitotBot industries, LLC {“ASSIGNEE”; an entity organized and oxisting
`water the iaws ot‘tiio stato ot‘Now York, and having a pizzas of business at i Mottotooi’t Contoi‘,
`fat at Fioor, Brookiyo, NY 112291 is desirous of acquiring, tho ootiro right, titio, and intomst in and
`to the. inventions and any and aii patents to be obtained tiiorototo;
`NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuabie ooosidotaiiott, tho receipt and sufficiency of
`which aro homo); acknowledged by the inventor, the invontor hereby soiio, aosigns and transfers
`onto the ASSKBNEE, its soccessors and assigns, his or hot ootito right, titio and iotatost in and to
`tho inventions as doseri‘ood in tho above appiioatioo and at! apoiioatioos resuiting therefrom,
`including any and aii convoi‘sioos, divisions, cootiouatioos. oontittuations-itt—part, substitute
`appiicatioos, and reissues or extensions thereof; and ail rosuitiog patents in onyjutisdiotim
`woridwido; atong with aii rights of priority and rights to out: for past infringe-moot.
`AND the inventor hereby authorizes and motiosts tho issuing authority to issuo any and
`oil patents issuing from any of the forgoiog to the ASSEGN 53E. or its soocossors and assigns.
`AND each Inventor agrees that ASSEGNEE’S counsel. Strategic. Patents, ”RC. having
`Patent in’ioo Customer Number 43520, shaii hereinafter act on behalf of the ASSIG‘NEE with
`respect to the inventions.
`AND, tito inventor fortitot’ agroos. without any further payment or oompeosation by the
`ASSEGNEE or its successors arid assigns, to communicate: to the ASSIGNEE. its representatives
`or agents or its successors and assigmt any facts toiating to tho iiwontions inoiuding ovidottoo for
`iotetteroooo potposos or for other iegai prooeodiogs ‘wheoevor toquootod; to testify in any
`irttorferoooe or othot iogai proceedings, whomever t'eqoooted; to execute and doiivot, on toouost.
`oii iawfol papers toooirod to make any oftho foregoing provisions eitootivo; atto‘ to gonoraiiy do
`ovot‘ything possible to aid the ASSIGNEEt its succosoors or assigns and nominates to sooure.
`obtain and enforce proper patent protection for the inventions in this or any foreign country.
`The: invootot hoto‘oy authorizes the attorneys and agooto associated with Patent Office
`Customer Nombot 43520 to instant hereon any t‘utthot’ information oooossat'y or desirabio for
`rocordation ot‘tiiis dooumont.
`t’age 3 of 4
`Attomay {Rocket N11: MBGT~GGSI—PG'E
`Combinad Daciaration and Assignment
`Saria‘: 1\'-1.) Mitt365516
`Fiiing Date: Oct 29 2013
`E accept and agree it} the terms at the ASSIGNMENT abave.
`I Emraby daciare that at! statements matte. in that": BECLARATEGN above Qfmy own knowtadge
`are true and that at} Statemttnts made an informatimt and Enlist“ are beiieved to be true; and
`further that these statements wart: made with the kmwlefige that wiiitui fats: statcments and the
`iike 30 made are punisttabts: by fine or irngrésonment, or both, art-star Section 1001 of Title 38 of
`the United States Code and that such wiiifut faise statamsms may jmpardize the WEEK}! of'the
`appliaatim 1)? any patent iSsui-ztt thereon.
`Fail Name 13'? invetltat: Aijflszt Kemperte
`E Risitienca: Bmakiyn NE
`Pest fifties Address:
`Makeer Industriem LLC‘
`1 i‘vtetrotectt Center‘Est E3001
`Smoktym NY E 5203
` Signature:
`Atjosa Kempm‘ie
`,1”,2 fl“ N v 21;“); fié
`Page 4 01‘4
`Attorney D0ci<et N0; MBGT~EEGS l “FEET
`{3011133011110 Declai'atim 311d ASSignE’ElEE’El
`Seiiai N0. E4fliéi515
`Filing Date: Oct 29, GOES
`§ 1.56 Duty to 01303050 01123011111200 material :0 patentahility.
`.1 patch: byits very 11121111111 ESE-"113130106 witha puhlic interest. "The public mistress is:hast sewad. and ihe
`111051 effectivs 1321112111 fixamination 01211111; when, at the time an appiicatim‘:IS bei-11g Examined the Office:is aware of
`and evaluates the teachings 0f ail E11150:3131mm material to patezitabiiiiy. hash individual asso-siaieci with the filing
`and 11103001111011 of a patent appiicaiion has :1 duty 01“ cahdrir and gbmi faith in deaiing wiEh the Offics- whiah
`EXEClUdES a duty ts) disci use 150 the Office ali infomiaiim known 1‘0 1E1111'1111liyidiiai 10 Em materi-11E 10 paismabi iii}: as
`definedin this section. The duty 10 disciose: infomatibn exists wiih1051300110 each ;ending claim until {he ciaim is
`canceied or withdrawn {113111 ctimisieraticsai, or the application becomfis; iihamioried.
`information material 10 Elm
`patentahiiity 0f 21 03213111111101 is canceied 01' withdrawn £10111 censidermibn need 1101131: submitted ifthe ini‘hmiaiihh is
`1101 material 10 the hateiiiahiiit}; of any ciaim remaining. made? consideration in 1111: appiicatisn. There is 110 0111:3110
`submit infm'mation which is 1101 1113100211 10018 pataiitabiiifiy 0:311}! existing glaim. The duiy 10 (Eisalese all
`infermation ksmwri :0 he material 10 patehtabiiity is deemed 10 be satisfied if alE infbnhatibh hum-11110 b1: matsriai 10
`patehtahiiiiy 0l’a1'1y claim isms-.0' 111 a 132001111133 sitad h}! the Office or submitted 10 the Office in the manner
`prescribedby §§ Eflay}(1E) and 1.98. Plowman 1101;101:3111; wi:'E he granzcd 00 an applicailcsn1n connection with
`which fraud on 1111 Office: was 111210012120 0: 21110111131110.01 the duty of discibsuie was violated tiircugh had fanh u:
`intamianal misconduct. The Office encouragea applicants ’10 cai'efuiiy examine:
`prior an cited E11 search 112130115 ofa foraigh hatch: QETCB 311 21 00111111311130 applicatibh, and
`{he clizsest 111E131111141011 0101' which intliwiduais associaiaci with the liEiEmg or prosecution ofa patent
`aypiisafiion heihim: any pending ciaim 3031011135) 1y (111611133, :0 makes<00:111111 any mamriai
`infermafian mntaimxi lherain Es disclossii t0 the Office.
`L." 1111111 Ellis ssciion, infhrmatimis materiaE £0 paihniabii ity whenit is not cumulative
`already of’rccord 01' being made afreeoidin the appiicahmi, and
`E1 establisims by iisciEE"01111 130mhi1111ti-01- with 0titer11:fhrmfilion a prima T31111: 011500
`isnpatentahiiity 01" £1 011E111; 01'
`it refutes, 01' is; inccmsistem with. a. goshicm EEK: appilcaht takhs in:
`(E) Gpphsing 1.111 111511111011? 0? unpatcniahil ity raiihd 011 E13! tha Office, 01"
`(1E) Asserting. an argumsnt 0f patentahiiiiy.
`A prima i‘acie case Of unpatehtahility is egtablished when Ehc iiifmmatibh compels a conclusion that 21 ciaihi is
`LGpatenhihie 1111013111113 11109011115112.1100 0i“ evidenca, hurdseh0'?p100}? standard,givi11g ecu-3h term in the claim its
`1310210031 rheasona11: 00113111;01i011 consister:1: with the specificatibii, and hafare any COIlSEdBE‘aEZE-DE’E1< given to evil:Esme
`which may he suhmiiteri11': 2111 2111811113110 esiahlish :1 1301111111}! 1301103110011 0Tpeatehtahiiity.
`5000011 are:
`individuals associatefi with the filing 01331093011001} 0f 11 {31116111 application within EEK: meaning of this
`{1) Each inventm 1113111130 in the. appiicatimi:
`{2) Each attorney 01' agent; whb prepares 01 1110501111 es the applic. 111011; and
`E1011; ether persan wha is suhsiantiveiy Ema-Wad in the preparatihh or pmsscutihn oftha
`application and whu is 115500521100. with this invaritor, with the assighae 01' with anyone to Wham
`there is 2111 0hligati00 10 assign the agihlicatibh.
`l'raiiivieiuais other than the 2111011103, agent 01' inventor may comply with Ehis 5000011 by discihsing
`infbrmation 10 the 31101116131, agent, 01 invanmr.
`111 any 00.1101111300114115131‘: applicaiiaiE, the claw wiser thi: sectich includes the duty 10 disui031: to the.
`01’11120 EEEE informehion l'11011211 10 thi: parsing 10 he materiai 111 patentability :15 110121100 in paragraph {b} 0f1his 32011011,
`which became avai Eahie between the filing date 01‘ the prim appiication and the 113001101 01' FEET 17111101021120th filing
`601:9. 0f tht: coniihuaizien-i11—pin“: appiicaikm.
`Page 3 of»?
`Attomay Docket No; MECFE-fiGSl—PGI
`Combined Declaratien and Assignment
`Smiai No.
`léifléfifi 16
`Fiiing Bate: Get 29, 2013
`Einifizafi Siaéeg Faiefl‘i Aggfimfimfi
`As a beiaw named invenmfl hamby decéare with impact to the US. patent appiiaafion
`{ha specificatim of which was flied on {)cmbgr 293 2013 as applicaticm sariai :30. 141136555 E 65
`{a} the abuvewidanéifiad application was made or authorized is: be made by me;
`{33) E have mad and undarstaoé the application; and
`{a} i" believe that him this originaé iiwenmr m.“ an miginai joint inventor m? a ciaimed
`invention. in that” apfiiicatim.
`i ackmwiedgc the duty :0 disciesg infmmatien which E3 materiai to ma: patantahiiity of"
`this appiicaiitm as defined in 3‘? CVFLR. § 1.55 {attached harem}.
`I aim aeimowEedge my duty t0.
`{iisciesa ail infm'xriatim; knewn :3 b3 matariai {0 patentabiiity whisk became avaiia‘oifi bat‘waefi a
`fiiing date, of a prim appiicafiflfi and the na‘timai er PCT Emematienai fiiing date in the event this
`is a Cmfinuaiionwinwapai‘t appiication in accordance with 3"} CPR. § £,{53{fi).
`Page 2 0M
`Attemey Docket Ne; MBGT—flflfii—PG E
`Combined Declaration and Aseignmem
`Seriai Ne“ Mffléfijté
`Filing Date: Oct 29, EOEB
`WHEREAS, the undersigneé inventet {“Inventor”) has deveieped certain inventiens
`{“Enventiene”) deseg‘ibed in the above US. patent epyiieatien, and has felt right to eem’ey his or
`her entire interest, both iegai and equitabie, in and to said inventions free from at} prior
`assigrtments, agreements, iieenees, merigages, security interests, er ether encumbrances
`whatsoever; and
`WHEREAS, MakerBet industries, LLC (“ASin?Et‘vaNEE'“?e an entity organized end existing
`under the ans 0f the state efNew York, and having a piece of business at E Metmteeh Center,
`219: 1310013 Brooklym NY 3 3203 ES desirous (wt-acquiring the entire righta titte, and interest in and
`to the inventieas and any and ail patents it) be ebtained therefore;
`NGW, ’i‘i‘tEREE’QRE, for gwd and vaiuabie eensideration, the receipt and sufficiency of
`which are hereby aekmewiedgefi by the inventor, the Inventer hereby sells? assigns and transfers
`ante the ASSIGNEE, its see-Gasser?» and assigns: his at her entire right titie and. interest in and t0
`the inventions as described in the abeve aeeiieetien and aEE appfiieatiens s‘esuiting therefmm,
`inetusting any and 2131 eem'ersiene divisions? continuation; centimitations—impart, substitute
`appiieatiensa amt reissues or extenstens thereef; and 3:31 remitting patents in e ty jurisdietien
`weridwtde; aieng with eii rights ot‘prierity and rights to sue fer past infringement,
`AND the inventor hereby authorizes and requeets the issuing autherity t0 issue am and
`gait patents issuing from any 0? the forgoing to the ASSIGNEE or its Siteeessers and aseigns.
`AND each inventor agrees that ASSEGNEESS eetinset, Strategic Patents? RC. having
`Patem Qt‘fiee Custemer Number LESSQG, ska“ hereinafter eat on behalf of the ASSEGNEE with
`respect to the inventiem.
`AND? the inventor further agrees, without any further payment or eempensatien by the
`AQQEG‘QFF {35“ its Successors and assigns” te eemmtmieete to the ASSEGNEE, its representatives
`er agents er its successors and assigns, any facts reiating t0 the inventions ineiuding evidence fer
`interferenee purpeses or for ether iegai proceediegs Whenever requesteci; te testify in an};
`interferenee 01‘ rather iegai pmeeedings, whenever requested; to execute and deii‘ver, {m request,
`ail iawfei papers required :0 make any et‘the foregoing provisiens effective; and t0 genereiiy do
`everything peseibie te aid the ASSIGNEE, its successers or assigng and nominees t0 secure?
`obtain and enforce proper patent preteetien for the Inventiens i1} this or any fereign eeuntryn
`The inventor hereby autherézes the attemeys and agents aseeeiated with Patent Qffiee
`Customer Number 43520 te insert hereon any further int‘erma‘tien necessary 01" desirebie for
`reeerdatioe effihis deeument.
`Page 3 0134
`Attorney Dockat N0; MBOFGGSLPGE
`Cambincd Declaration and Assignment
`Seriai Ni). Mffiéifi {ii
`Filing Data: Set 29, 2533
`i accept and agrefi :0 the {firms of the ASS‘SGNMENT above}.
`i hmcby daciam that ail statements made in the BBCLARA’I‘ION above of my own kmwigdge
`are true and that ail Statements made an information and beiéef are beliaved to E36 true; and
`further that thase statemants wars made with the kmwiadge tha‘: wiiifui false Statsmenm and {7513
`Hike 30 mads are punishabis by fine or imprisonment, or both, Llfitifii‘ Section mm of Tiiie $3 of
`the Unitad Siatas Cade and that Such wiiifui faiss statmnmts mayjmpardize the validity of tha
`appéicatior; or any patent iSsuad tharefin.
`F113} Name of izwenmr: Fifipp Geiman
`Residence: Simian island, N ‘1’
`Post Qfficfiz Addresgz
`Makmfiot inéustriasg LLC
`3 Meimtech Canter, Eist Piggy
`Emokiyn, NY 1 REM
`'3; {23,53 ‘Im
`I: ’
`I’i‘fi/ ’1»! M5}
`I ”6553!? WWW Date:
`Page 4 of4
`Attorney Doclret No.1 MBQ’l‘~005 1 ~Ptll
`Combined Declaration and Assignment
`Seria1 No. 14/065,516
`filing Date: Oct 29, 2013
`§ l.56 Duty to disclose information material to patentability.
`A patent by its very nature is affected with a, public interest. The public interest is best served, and the
`most effective patent examination occurs when, at the time an application is being examined, the Office is aware of
`and evaluates the teachings ofall information material to patentability. Each individua1 associated with the filing
`and prosecution ofa patent app1ication has a duty ofcandor and good faith in dealing with the Office, which
`includes a duty to disclose to the Office a1l information known to that individual to be material to patentability as
`defined in this section. The duty to disclose information exists with respect to each pending claim until the claim is
`canceled or withdrawn from consideration, or the application becomes abandoned. Information material to the
`patentability ofa claim that is cance1ed or withdrawn from consideration need not be submitted if the information is
`not material to the patentability of any claim remaining under consideration in the application. There is no duty to
`submit information which is not material to the patentahility of any existing claim. The duty to disclose all
`information linown to be material to patentability is deemed to be satisfied if all information known to be material to
`patentahility of any c1aim issued in a patent was cited by the Office or submitted to the Office in the manner
`prescribed by §§ l.97(b)—(d) and L98. However, no patent will be granted on an app1ication in connection with
`which fraud on the Office was practiced or attempted or the duty of disclosure was violated through bad faith or
`intentional misconduct. The Office encourages applicants to carefully examine:
`prior art cited in search reports of a foreign patent office in a counterpart application, and
`the closest information over which individuals associated with the filing or prosecution of a patent
`application believe any pending claim patentably defines, to make sure that any material
`information contained therein is disclosed to the Office.
`Under this section, information is material to patentability when it is not cumulative to information
`already of record or being made of record in the application, and
`It establishes, by itself or in combination with other information, a, prima facie case of
`unpatentability of a claim; or
`It refutes, or is inconsistent: with, a position the applicant takes in:
`(i) Opposing an argument of unpatentability relied on by the Office, or
`(ii) A ssertirig an argument of pa’teritahility.
`A prima facie case of nnpatentability is est: hl isl ,ed when the information compels a conclusion that a claim is
`unpatentahle under the preponderance of evidence, burden--of--proof standard, giving each term in tl ,e claim its
`broadest reasonable construction consistent with tl ,e specification, and before any consideration is given to evidence
`which may he submitted in an attempt to establish a contrary conclusion of patentahility.
`section are:
`lndividuals associated with the ill ing or prosecution of a patent application within the meaning of this
`Each inventor named in the application:
`Each attorney or agent who prepares or prosecutes the application; and
`Every other person who is substantively involved in the preparation or prosecution of the
`application and who is associated with the inventor, with the assignee or with anyone to whom
`there is an obligation to assign the application.
`lndividuals other than the attorney, agent or inventor may comply with this section by disclosing
`information to the attorney, agent, or inventor.
`ln any continuation~in~part application, the duty under this section includes the duty to disclose to the
`Office all information lrnown to the person to be material to patentability, as defined in paragraph (b) of this section,
`which became available between the filing date of the prior application and the national or PCT international filing
`date of the continuation-in-pait app1ication.
`Attamey Deckst Net: MBQTnx’l-OS 145301
`Page i 054
`Ssriai Ni)“ Miiiéij 15
`Combined fiesiaratiorz ami Assignment
`Filing Date: Oct 29, 2013
`Emimfi Smieg 9mm Amfiémfim
`As a beimv namw irwantor I hereby dficiars with respect 2:0 the US. 333mm: amiiication
`the: specification 0f which was filed on Quaker 29, 2MB as agyiicatim seriai m. E41965; 16,
`(a) the abovwidentifieé appiication was, made er authorized to 33:: made by ms;
`{b} i haw: mad and understood the. appiication; and
`{{1} I beiiave that i am the urigénai inventor m: an originai jeint invenmr (3f a ciaimed
`inventien in the appfiicafisn,
`1 ackmwiedge the duty to éiseiose inflammation which is rnaiariai to the patentabiiity of
`this applicatien as definec‘i in 3? CPR. § E56 (afiachad harem}.
`E aEsc- acknowiedge my duty t0
`digciase aii infbrmatien kmwu to be matcriai t0 patentabiiiiy which bscame: avaiiabie bstween a
`fiiing date ofa prim appiicatifm and the nationai or PCT internafiaaai filing this in the amt this
`is a ContirxuatiQn—InvPart appiicatian in acmrfiance with 3? {2.3K § 1.633(3).
`Page 2 my;
`Attorney gooke‘c No; MBOT—{EGS {-1301
`Combined Deeiarafion and Assignment
`Serial No. 14.:‘1365516
`Fiiing Cate: Oct
`WHEREAS, the undersigned inventor (“Inventor”) has deveioped eettain inventions
`(“inventions”) described in the above US. patent apptieation, and has felt tight to convey his or
`her entire interest, both Iegat and equitahie, in and to said Inventions free from a‘it prior
`ansignments, agreementti, iieenses, mortgages, seenrity interests, or other encumbrances
`whatsoever; and
`WHEREAS, MeketBot industries, LLC {“ASSIGNEE”), an entity organized and existing
`under the iaws of the state of New York, and having a piece ot‘business at i Metroteeh Center,
`Elst Floor, Btookiyn, NY 33201 is desirous of acquiring the entire right, title, and interest in and
`to the inventions and any and at} patents to be obtained therefore;
`NOW, Tt-EEREFORE, t‘or gooti and vaieehie eoneidemtion, the receipt and sufficiency of
`which are hereby aeknowiedged by the inventor, the Inventor hereby gotta, assigns and transfers
`unto the ASSIGNEE, its successors and assigns, his or her entire right, titie and interest in and to
`the inventions as descnbed in the above appiieation and ah applications resetting therefrom,
`ineinding any and at! conversions, divisions, continuations, oozttinutttiohsuinnpett, substitute
`applications, and reissues or extensions thereof; and alt resulting patents in any ititisdietiott
`woritiwitie; atong with alt tights ot‘ptiority and rights to one for past infringement.
`AND the inventor hereby authorizes and requests the issuing authority to issue any and
`{iii patents isssuing from any of the forgoing to the ASSEGNEE or its successors and assigns.
`AND each Inventor agrees that ASSIGNEEES eotttttet, Strategic Patents, PC having
`Patent Office Customer Number 43520, shait hereinatter act on hehatt‘of the ASSIGNEB wit
`respect to the inventions.
`AND, the inventor further agrees, without any further payment or compensation by the
`ASSIGNEE or its successors and assigns, to communicate to the ASSIGNEE, its representatives
`or agents or its successors and assigns, any facts relating to the Inventions including evidence for
`interference purposes or for other Iegai pt‘oeeetiings whenever requested; to testify in any
`interference or other iegai proeeedings, whenever tequested; to execute and detiver, on request,
`at} lawfot papers required to make any of the foregoing provisions effective; and to generatiy {to
`everything possibie to aid the ASSIGNEE, its successors or assigns and nominees to secure,
`obtain and enforee proper patent protection for the inventions. in this or any foreign country,
`the inventor hereby authorizes the attorneys and agents aseociatet} with Patent Office
`Customer Number 43520 to insert hereon an}: thither information necessary or desirable for
`reeotttation ot‘titie document.
`Page 3 afai
`Attorney Decks: NCL: MBO'E‘wGOSM‘GE
`Combined Deciarafion and Assignment
`Seriai No“ E4.r'(?65,516
`Filing Date: Oct 29, 2M3
`i acct-3p”: and agree to the terms ofthe ASSEGNMENT abave,
`E hereby dsciam that 21%} statements mafia in the DECLARA'I‘EON above of my own kmwiedgc
`are firm: and that a3} atatsments made an infomaa‘zima and beak-3f are believed in be true; ami
`further {hat thase statements were: mafia with thi: knowiédge tha‘: Wiiifiii false Staicmeifis and the
`iiks so made are punishabifi by fine or imprisanmsni, 0r bath, unciar Secticn 3363 0'? Title 38 of
`the United States Code and that such wiiif’ui faise statements mayjmpardize the vaiidiiy affine.
`appiication in“ any patent issued theraon.
`FuEi Mama 0%” invenmr: Petcr Jawsaph 33:31};th
`Residgnoez New “fork, NY
`Post Q‘ffice Address:
`Makerfim Industrifisfl LLC
`1 Mieimteah Canter” 213E: Fimr
`f/ Signature:
`Bram, EvnqN " “26%
`Page 5i of 4
`Attorney Donna: No.2 MBQ’l‘nGOfi i ni’Gl
`Combinoti Beclararion i no Assignment
`Seriai No.
`l4.f€}65,5 l 5
`Fiiing Doro: Got 29, 3013
`§ 156 Duty to disclose information materiai to paramability.
`A patent by its very nature is affected with a pniriic interest. The. piibiic interest is has: served, and the
`roost effnotivo irritant examination occurs whens an rho time an application is being examined, tho Offico is aware of
`and evaluates the teachings of ail information material to patentabiiity. Each individual association with tho filing
`and prosecution of a patient ziprslioariori has; a rim); ofcancior and good faith in {inaiing with the Office, which
`incinrios a duty to discioso to the Office aii inforlrrariori known to that individual to be maieriai to gratitntaliiiity as
`defined in rials seoiion. Tire duty in disoioso infom‘iaiion exists with respect to each pending claim unrii rho oiairn is
`canceled or withdrawn from oonsidoraiion, or the application becomes abandoned.
`information material to the:
`patentai‘iiiiry of a oiaim inert is conceived or witirrirawn from consideration noon not be submitted ifflie information is
`not maioriai to the psiiontability ofaoy oiairn remaining minor considorarion in the appiioariori. There is no duty to
`submit inforxriation wirioh is not roatoriai lo the paroinabiliiy of any oxisring oiaim. The our}; to {iisciose aii
`information irnown to be motorini to parentability is doomed to be satisfied if ali irit’brrnaiion known to ix: material to
`patentairiiiry of any claim issued in a patent was; cited i>y tire Union or soil-minor} to the Silica in tho manner
`prosoribrrri by §§ i.97(b)~{_d} and 1.93. Howovar, no parent will be granted on an application in connection with
`which friars-2i on the Qffioe was practiced or attempted or the duty of disclosure. was vioirriori through bad faith or
`intentional misconduct. The Office: encourages oppiioanrs to c rofnliy examine:
`prior an cited in soaroii reports oi‘a foreign patient office in a counterpart appiicarion, anti
`Hire closest information over which individuals associated with the iiiing or prosecution of a patent
`anpiication heiieve any pending oiaim parozitabiy defines, in main: sure that any material
`information contained riinroin is disoiosoci to tin: Office.
`Dozier this section, ini’onnation is material to pntontability when it is not cumulative to information
`it ostahlisiios, by itseif or in combination with other information, a primer facsie onso of
`unparom‘aniiit}: ofa oiairn; or
`it refutes, or is inconsistent with, a position the agrpiioant rakes in:
`{i} Gpposing an argument ofnnpatontabiiity nailed on by the Office, or
`(iii) Asseriing an argumrsnr oi‘paientabiliiy.
`A prion: i‘acie case of unpalornabiiiry is established whom the initialisation oompois a conclusion that a claim is
`airipatonrairlo under {his preponderance of evidence, bunion-of—proof standard, giving each term in the claim its
`brondosr roasonnbio construction consisront wia‘n tire. specification? and before any consideration is given to avirlenoo
`which may be submitted in arr otiernpt to establish a contrary conclusion of patentnbiliry.
`indiviiiuals associated wilh tin: ‘Eiiirig, or prosecution of a patent appiicarion wiihin {no meaning oftliis
`r‘“.”if“\mEu.)mm M;Ma
`3.11 Each inventor named in tire appiicariori:
`Each rn‘rorney or argon"; who prepares or prosccutos tin: appiication; and
`Every other person who is substantlveiy involved in the preparation or proseonrion Ofiili:
`application and who is associated with rho inventor, with lira nssigneo or with anyone. to whom
`more is an obiigafiion to assign the appiioarion.
`indivinuais other than tire attorney, agent or invemor may compiy with this seatiion by disoiosing
`information to tire: nnorrioyi agent, or invnnior.
`in any oontimrationnimpam apoiioarion, the out}; under ibis section includes inn duty to disclose to tire
`infioe ail information known to the person to be maierial to portraitalailiiy, as cie‘firrod in paragraph {b} of this section
`which income available herwoan the filing date ofrho prior appiioation and the national or PCT inrarriarionai filing
`date of tile continuationdmoart nomination.

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