14/857,590 | U.S. Patent Application

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Filed Sept. 17, 2015
Class 536
Art Group 1674
Patent No. 9,453,225
Case Type Utility - 536/023100
Status Patented Case
Parent 14/523,610 Abandoned
Parent 12/605,276 Patented
Parent 61/108,416 Expired
Last Updated: 5 years, 7 months ago
Date # Transaction
3/20/2018Change in Power of Attorney (May Include Associate POA)
3/20/2018Correspondence Address Change
9/27/2016Sequence Moved to Public Database
9/27/2016Recordation of Patent Grant Mailed
9/27/2016Patent Issue Date Used in PTA Calculation
9/27/2016177.5PTA 36 Months
9/27/2016177Patent Issue Date Used in PTA Calculation
9/8/2016Email Notification
9/7/2016Issue Notification Mailed
8/15/2016Dispatch to FDC
8/15/2016Application Is Considered Ready for Issue
8/15/2016175Dispatch to FDC
8/15/2016174Application Is Considered Ready for Issue
8/12/2016Issue Fee Payment Verified
8/12/2016Issue Fee Payment Received
8/12/2016173Issue Fee Payment Verified
8/12/2016172Issue Fee Payment Received
7/29/2016Printer Rush- No mailing
7/29/2016Printer Rush- No mailing
7/29/2016Information Disclosure Statement considered
7/29/2016Information Disclosure Statement considered
7/29/2016171Printer Rush- No mailing
7/29/2016170Printer Rush- No mailing
7/29/2016169Information Disclosure Statement considered
7/29/2016168Information Disclosure Statement considered
7/28/2016Pubs Case Remand to TC
7/28/2016167Pubs Case Remand to TC
7/26/2016Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
7/26/2016Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
7/26/2016Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
7/26/2016166Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
7/26/2016165Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
7/26/2016164Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
5/19/2016Printer Rush- No mailing
5/19/2016160Printer Rush- No mailing
5/18/2016Sequence Forwarded to Pubs on Tape
5/18/2016Pubs Case Remand to TC
5/18/2016162Sequence Forwarded to Pubs on Tape
5/18/2016159Pubs Case Remand to TC


Mail Notice of Allowance


Mail Reasons for Allowance
5/16/2016Mail Interview Summary - Examiner Initiated - Telephonic
5/16/2016153Mail Notice of Allowance
5/16/2016152Mail Reasons for Allowance
5/16/2016151Mail Interview Summary - Examiner Initiated - Telephonic


Notice of Allowance Data Verification Completed
5/11/2016148Notice of Allowance Data Verification Completed
5/5/2016Information Disclosure Statement considered
5/5/2016Information Disclosure Statement considered
5/5/2016Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
5/5/2016Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
5/5/2016Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
5/5/2016158Information Disclosure Statement considered
5/5/2016157Information Disclosure Statement considered
5/5/2016155Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
5/5/2016147Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
5/5/2016146Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
5/3/2016Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
5/3/2016Electronic Information Disclosure Statement


Reasons for Allowance
5/3/2016Information Disclosure Statement considered
5/3/2016Information Disclosure Statement considered
5/3/2016Information Disclosure Statement considered
5/3/2016Information Disclosure Statement considered
5/3/2016Information Disclosure Statement considered
5/3/2016Information Disclosure Statement considered
5/3/2016Information Disclosure Statement considered
5/3/2016161Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
5/3/2016154Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
5/3/2016144Reasons for Allowance
5/3/2016114Information Disclosure Statement considered
5/3/2016113Information Disclosure Statement considered
5/3/2016112Information Disclosure Statement considered
5/3/2016111Information Disclosure Statement considered
5/3/2016110Information Disclosure Statement considered
5/3/2016109Information Disclosure Statement considered
5/3/2016108Information Disclosure Statement considered
5/2/2016Interview Summary - Examiner Initiated - Telephonic
5/2/2016Date Forwarded to Examiner
5/2/2016Supplemental Response
5/2/2016Terminal Disclaimer Filed
5/2/2016145Interview Summary - Examiner Initiated - Telephonic
5/2/2016142Date Forwarded to Examiner
5/2/2016141Supplemental Response
5/2/2016106Terminal Disclaimer Filed
4/22/2016Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
4/22/2016Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
4/22/2016Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
4/22/2016105Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
4/22/2016101Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
4/22/2016100Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
4/8/2016Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
4/8/2016Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
4/8/2016Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
4/8/2016104Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
4/8/201699Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
4/8/201698Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
4/6/2016Information Disclosure Statement considered
4/6/2016Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
4/6/2016Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
4/6/2016Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
4/6/2016115Information Disclosure Statement considered
4/6/2016103Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
4/6/201697Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
4/6/201696Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
2/29/2016Date Forwarded to Examiner
2/29/201692Date Forwarded to Examiner
2/28/2016track 1 ON
2/28/201695track 1 ON
2/18/2016Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
2/18/2016Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
2/18/2016Response after Non-Final Action
2/18/2016Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
2/18/2016Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
2/18/201694Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
2/18/201693Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
2/18/201691Response after Non-Final Action
2/18/201690Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
2/18/201689Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
1/8/2016Email Notification
1/8/201688Email Notification
1/7/2016PG-Pub Issue Notification
1/7/201687PG-Pub Issue Notification
11/19/2015Electronic Review
11/19/2015Email Notification
11/19/2015Mail Non-Final Rejection
11/19/201586Electronic Review
11/19/201585Email Notification
11/19/201584Mail Non-Final Rejection
11/17/2015Email Notification
11/17/201583Email Notification
11/13/2015Non-Final Rejection
11/13/2015Information Disclosure Statement considered
11/13/2015Information Disclosure Statement considered
11/13/2015Information Disclosure Statement considered
11/13/2015Information Disclosure Statement considered
11/13/2015Information Disclosure Statement considered
11/13/2015Information Disclosure Statement considered
11/13/2015Information Disclosure Statement considered
11/13/2015Information Disclosure Statement considered
11/13/2015Information Disclosure Statement considered
11/13/2015Information Disclosure Statement considered
11/13/2015Information Disclosure Statement considered
11/13/2015Information Disclosure Statement considered
11/13/2015Information Disclosure Statement considered
11/13/2015Information Disclosure Statement considered
11/13/2015Information Disclosure Statement considered
11/13/2015Information Disclosure Statement considered
11/13/2015Information Disclosure Statement considered
11/13/2015Information Disclosure Statement considered
11/13/201581Non-Final Rejection
11/13/201576Information Disclosure Statement considered
11/13/201575Information Disclosure Statement considered
11/13/201574Information Disclosure Statement considered
11/13/201573Information Disclosure Statement considered
11/13/201572Information Disclosure Statement considered
11/13/201571Information Disclosure Statement considered
11/13/201570Information Disclosure Statement considered
11/13/201569Information Disclosure Statement considered
11/13/201568Information Disclosure Statement considered
11/13/201567Information Disclosure Statement considered
11/13/201566Information Disclosure Statement considered
11/13/201565Information Disclosure Statement considered
11/13/201564Information Disclosure Statement considered
11/13/201563Information Disclosure Statement considered
11/13/201562Information Disclosure Statement considered
11/13/201561Information Disclosure Statement considered
11/13/201560Information Disclosure Statement considered
11/13/201559Information Disclosure Statement considered
11/10/2015Track 1 Request Granted
11/10/2015Mail-Record Petition Decision of Granted to Make Special
11/10/201542Track 1 Request Granted
11/10/201541Mail-Record Petition Decision of Granted to Make Special
11/9/2015Record Petition Decision of Granted to Make Special
11/9/201540Record Petition Decision of Granted to Make Special
11/3/2015Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
11/3/2015Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
11/3/2015Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
11/3/201539Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
11/3/201538Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
11/3/201537Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
10/15/2015Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
10/15/2015Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
10/15/201536Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
10/15/201535Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
9/29/2015Email Notification
9/29/2015Application ready for PDX access by participating foreign offices
9/29/2015Application Is Now Complete
9/29/2015Filing Receipt
9/29/201533Email Notification
9/29/201532Application ready for PDX access by participating foreign offices
9/29/201527Application Is Now Complete
9/29/201526Filing Receipt
9/28/2015Case Docketed to Examiner in GAU
9/28/2015Application Dispatched from OIPE
9/28/2015FITF set to NO - revise initial setting
9/28/2015Applicant Has Filed a Verified Statement of Small Entity Status in Compliance with 37 CFR 1.27
9/28/201531Case Docketed to Examiner in GAU
9/28/201530Application Dispatched from OIPE
9/28/201529FITF set to NO - revise initial setting
9/28/201525Applicant Has Filed a Verified Statement of Small Entity Status in Compliance with 37 CFR 1.27
9/23/2015Cleared by L&R (LARS)
9/23/201521Cleared by L&R (LARS)
9/22/2015Error(s) in CRF Corrected by STIC
9/22/2015Referred to Level 2 (LARS) by OIPE CSR
9/22/201534Error(s) in CRF Corrected by STIC
9/22/201520Referred to Level 2 (LARS) by OIPE CSR
9/21/2015Preliminary Amendment
9/21/201558Preliminary Amendment
9/18/2015Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
9/18/2015Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
9/18/2015Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
9/18/2015Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
9/18/2015Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
9/18/2015Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
9/18/2015Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
9/18/2015Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
9/18/2015Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
9/18/2015Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
9/18/2015Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
9/18/2015Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
9/18/2015Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
9/18/2015Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
9/18/2015Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
9/18/2015Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
9/18/2015Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
9/18/2015Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
9/18/2015Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
9/18/2015Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
9/18/2015Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
9/18/2015Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
9/18/2015Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
9/18/2015Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
9/18/2015Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
9/18/2015Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
9/18/2015Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
9/18/2015Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
9/18/2015Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
9/18/2015IFW Scan & PACR Auto Security Review
9/18/201556Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
9/18/201555Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
9/18/201554Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
9/18/201553Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
9/18/201552Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
9/18/201551Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
9/18/201550Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
9/18/201549Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
9/18/201548Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
9/18/201547Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
9/18/201546Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
9/18/201545Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
9/18/201544Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
9/18/201543Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
9/18/201519Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
9/18/201518Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
9/18/201517Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
9/18/201516Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
9/18/201515Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
9/18/201514Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
9/18/201513Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
9/18/201512Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
9/18/201511Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
9/18/201510Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
9/18/20159Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
9/18/20158Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
9/18/20157Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
9/18/20156Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
9/18/20155Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
9/18/20154IFW Scan & PACR Auto Security Review
9/17/2015Preliminary Amendment
9/17/2015Patent Term Adjustment - Ready for Examination
9/17/2015Applicants have given acceptable permission for participating foreign
9/17/2015CRF Disk Has Been Received by Preexam / Group / PCT
9/17/2015Track 1 Request
9/17/2015Petition Entered
9/17/2015Initial Exam Team nn
9/17/201557Preliminary Amendment
9/17/201528Patent Term Adjustment - Ready for Examination
9/17/201524Applicants have given acceptable permission for participating foreign
9/17/201523CRF Disk Has Been Received by Preexam / Group / PCT
9/17/201522Track 1 Request
9/17/20153Petition Entered
9/17/20151Initial Exam Team nn
9/17/20150.5Filing date