14/789,967 | U.S. Patent Application

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Filed July 1, 2015
Class 356
Art Group 2877
Patent No. 9,677,993
Case Type Utility - 356/432000
Status Patented Case
Parent 14/562,066 Patented
Parent 13/355,458 Abandoned
Parent 61/435,250 Expired
Child 15/584,974 Pending
Last Updated: 5 years, 5 months ago
Date # Transaction
6/13/2017Sequence Moved to Public Database
6/13/2017Recordation of Patent Grant Mailed
6/13/2017Patent Issue Date Used in PTA Calculation
6/13/2017185.5PTA 36 Months
6/13/2017185Patent Issue Date Used in PTA Calculation
5/25/2017Email Notification
5/24/2017Issue Notification Mailed
5/18/2017Dispatch to FDC
5/18/2017183Dispatch to FDC
5/16/2017Workflow - Drawings Finished
5/16/2017182Workflow - Drawings Finished
5/10/2017Email Notification
5/10/2017Mail PUB other miscellaneous communication to applicant
5/10/2017181Email Notification
5/10/2017179Mail PUB other miscellaneous communication to applicant
5/8/2017PUB Other miscellaneous communication to applicant
5/8/2017178PUB Other miscellaneous communication to applicant
5/1/2017Email Notification
5/1/2017Printer Rush- No mailing
5/1/2017Mailing Corrected Notice of Allowability
5/1/2017177Email Notification
5/1/2017175Printer Rush- No mailing
5/1/2017174Mailing Corrected Notice of Allowability
4/28/2017Dispatch to FDC
4/28/2017176Dispatch to FDC
4/26/2017Application Is Considered Ready for Issue
4/26/2017173Application Is Considered Ready for Issue
4/25/2017Issue Fee Payment Verified
4/25/2017Issue Fee Payment Received
4/25/2017172Issue Fee Payment Verified
4/25/2017170Issue Fee Payment Received
4/20/2017Corrected Notice of Allowability
4/20/2017169Corrected Notice of Allowability
4/19/2017Information Disclosure Statement considered
4/19/2017Information Disclosure Statement considered
4/19/2017168Information Disclosure Statement considered
4/19/2017167Information Disclosure Statement considered
4/13/2017Pubs Case Remand to TC
4/13/2017166Pubs Case Remand to TC
4/12/2017Reference capture on IDS
4/12/2017Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
4/12/2017Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
4/12/2017Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
4/12/2017Applicant Has Filed a Verified Statement of Small Entity Status in Compliance with 37 CFR 1.27
4/12/2017165Reference capture on IDS
4/12/2017164Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
4/12/2017163Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
4/12/2017162Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
4/12/2017161Applicant Has Filed a Verified Statement of Small Entity Status in Compliance with 37 CFR 1.27
3/24/2017Email Notification
3/24/2017Printer Rush- No mailing
3/24/2017Mailing Corrected Notice of Allowability
3/24/2017160Email Notification
3/24/2017159Printer Rush- No mailing
3/24/2017158Mailing Corrected Notice of Allowability
3/17/2017Corrected Notice of Allowability
3/17/2017Information Disclosure Statement considered
3/17/2017Information Disclosure Statement considered
3/17/2017156Corrected Notice of Allowability
3/17/2017155Information Disclosure Statement considered
3/17/2017154Information Disclosure Statement considered
3/7/2017Pubs Case Remand to TC
3/7/2017153Pubs Case Remand to TC
3/6/2017Reference capture on IDS
3/6/2017Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
3/6/2017Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
3/6/2017Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
3/6/2017152Reference capture on IDS
3/6/2017151Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
3/6/2017150Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
3/6/2017149Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
3/1/2017Sequence Forwarded to Pubs on Tape
3/1/2017148Sequence Forwarded to Pubs on Tape
2/23/2017Electronic Review
2/23/2017Email Notification


Mail Notice of Allowance
2/23/2017146Electronic Review
2/23/2017145Email Notification
2/23/2017144Mail Notice of Allowance


Notice of Allowance Data Verification Completed
2/17/2017140Notice of Allowance Data Verification Completed


Reasons for Allowance
2/6/2017135Reasons for Allowance
1/26/2017Information Disclosure Statement considered
1/26/2017129Information Disclosure Statement considered
1/18/2017Disposal for a RCE / CPA / R129
1/18/2017124Disposal for a RCE / CPA / R129
1/4/2017Workflow - Drawings Finished
1/4/2017Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
1/4/2017Incoming Letter Pertaining to the Drawings
1/4/2017Request for Continued Examination (RCE)
1/4/2017Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
1/4/2017Workflow - Request for RCE - Begin
1/4/2017133Workflow - Drawings Finished
1/4/2017128Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
1/4/2017126Incoming Letter Pertaining to the Drawings
1/4/2017125Request for Continued Examination (RCE)
1/4/2017123Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
1/4/2017122Workflow - Request for RCE - Begin
11/15/2016Email Notification
11/15/2016Mail PUB other miscellaneous communication to applicant
11/15/2016120Email Notification
11/15/2016119Mail PUB other miscellaneous communication to applicant
11/10/2016PUB Other miscellaneous communication to applicant
11/10/2016118PUB Other miscellaneous communication to applicant
11/3/2016Email Notification
11/3/2016Printer Rush- No mailing
11/3/2016Mailing Corrected Notice of Allowability
11/3/2016117Email Notification
11/3/2016116Printer Rush- No mailing
11/3/2016115Mailing Corrected Notice of Allowability
10/28/2016Corrected Notice of Allowability
10/28/2016Information Disclosure Statement considered
10/28/2016Information Disclosure Statement considered
10/28/2016113Corrected Notice of Allowability
10/28/2016112Information Disclosure Statement considered
10/28/2016111Information Disclosure Statement considered
10/14/2016Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
10/14/2016Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
10/14/2016Email Notification
10/14/2016Mail PUB Notice of non-compliant IDS
10/14/2016107Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
10/14/2016101Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
10/14/2016100Email Notification
10/14/201696Mail PUB Notice of non-compliant IDS
10/12/2016Sequence Forwarded to Pubs on Tape
10/12/2016Pubs Case Remand to TC
10/12/2016PUB Notice of non-compliant IDS
10/12/2016110Sequence Forwarded to Pubs on Tape
10/12/201699Pubs Case Remand to TC
10/12/201695PUB Notice of non-compliant IDS
10/11/2016Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
10/11/2016Information Disclosure Statement considered
10/11/2016Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
10/11/2016Supplemental Papers - Oath or Declaration
10/11/2016Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
10/11/2016Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
10/11/2016106Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
10/11/201698Information Disclosure Statement considered
10/11/201697Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
10/11/201694Supplemental Papers - Oath or Declaration
10/11/201693Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
10/11/201692Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
10/7/2016Electronic Review
10/7/2016Email Notification


Mail Notice of Allowance
10/7/201690Electronic Review
10/7/201689Email Notification
10/7/201688Mail Notice of Allowance


Notice of Allowance Data Verification Completed


Reasons for Allowance
10/3/201683Notice of Allowance Data Verification Completed
10/3/201682Reasons for Allowance
9/28/2016Information Disclosure Statement considered
9/28/2016Information Disclosure Statement considered
9/28/2016Information Disclosure Statement considered
9/28/2016Information Disclosure Statement considered
9/28/2016Information Disclosure Statement considered
9/28/201677Information Disclosure Statement considered
9/28/201676Information Disclosure Statement considered
9/28/201675Information Disclosure Statement considered
9/28/201674Information Disclosure Statement considered
9/28/201673Information Disclosure Statement considered
8/30/2016Reference capture on IDS
8/30/2016Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
8/30/2016Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
8/30/2016Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
8/30/2016Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
8/30/2016108Reference capture on IDS
8/30/2016105Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
8/30/2016102Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
8/30/201672Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
8/30/201671Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
7/6/2016Case Docketed to Examiner in GAU
7/6/201667Case Docketed to Examiner in GAU
6/29/2016Reference capture on IDS
6/29/2016Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
6/29/2016Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
6/29/201670Reference capture on IDS
6/29/201669Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
6/29/201666Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
6/1/2016Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
6/1/2016Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
6/1/201665Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
6/1/201664Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
5/5/2016Date Forwarded to Examiner
5/5/201662Date Forwarded to Examiner
4/20/2016Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
4/20/2016Response after Non-Final Action
4/20/2016Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
4/20/201663Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
4/20/201661Response after Non-Final Action
4/20/201660Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
2/19/2016Email Notification
2/19/201659Email Notification
2/18/2016Application ready for PDX access by participating foreign offices
2/18/2016PG-Pub Issue Notification
2/18/201658Application ready for PDX access by participating foreign offices
2/18/201657PG-Pub Issue Notification
1/21/2016Electronic Review
1/21/2016Email Notification
1/21/2016Mail Non-Final Rejection
1/21/201655Electronic Review
1/21/201654Email Notification
1/21/201653Mail Non-Final Rejection
1/12/2016Non-Final Rejection
1/12/201650Non-Final Rejection
1/11/2016Information Disclosure Statement considered
1/11/2016Information Disclosure Statement considered
1/11/2016Information Disclosure Statement considered
1/11/2016Information Disclosure Statement considered
1/11/2016Information Disclosure Statement considered
1/11/201645Information Disclosure Statement considered
1/11/201641Information Disclosure Statement considered
1/11/201640Information Disclosure Statement considered
1/11/201639Information Disclosure Statement considered
1/11/201638Information Disclosure Statement considered
1/8/2016Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
1/8/2016Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
1/8/201656Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
1/8/201637Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
12/28/2015Preliminary Amendment
12/28/201536Preliminary Amendment
12/16/2015Case Docketed to Examiner in GAU
12/16/201535Case Docketed to Examiner in GAU
12/15/2015Email Notification
12/15/2015Mail Non-Compliant Preliminary Amendment
12/15/201534Email Notification
12/15/201533Mail Non-Compliant Preliminary Amendment
12/11/2015Non-Compliant Preliminary Amendment
12/11/201532Non-Compliant Preliminary Amendment
11/13/2015Electronic Review
11/13/2015Email Notification
11/13/2015Email Notification
11/13/2015Mail Pre-Exam Notice
11/13/2015Application Is Now Complete
11/13/2015Application Is Now Complete
11/13/2015Filing Receipt - Updated
11/13/201527Electronic Review
11/13/201526Email Notification
11/13/201525Email Notification
11/13/201524Mail Pre-Exam Notice
11/13/201520Application Is Now Complete
11/13/201519Application Is Now Complete
11/13/201518Filing Receipt - Updated
11/12/2015Application Dispatched from OIPE
11/12/2015FITF set to NO - revise initial setting
11/12/201523Application Dispatched from OIPE
11/12/201522FITF set to NO - revise initial setting
11/10/2015CRF Is Good Technically / Entered into Database
11/10/201528CRF Is Good Technically / Entered into Database
11/3/2015Preliminary Amendment
11/3/2015Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
11/3/2015Patent Term Adjustment - Ready for Examination
11/3/2015Payment of additional filing fee/Preexam
11/3/2015A statement by one or more inventors satisfying the requirement under 35 USC 115, Oath of the Applic
11/3/2015Applicant has submitted new drawings to correct Corrected Papers problems
11/3/2015Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
11/3/2015Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
11/3/2015Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
11/3/2015Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
11/3/201531Preliminary Amendment
11/3/201530Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
11/3/201521Patent Term Adjustment - Ready for Examination
11/3/201517Payment of additional filing fee/Preexam
11/3/201516A statement by one or more inventors satisfying the requirement under 35 USC 115, Oath of the Applic
11/3/201515Applicant has submitted new drawings to correct Corrected Papers problems
11/3/201514Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
11/3/201513Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
11/3/201512Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
11/3/201511Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
8/3/2015Electronic Review
8/3/2015Email Notification
8/3/2015Email Notification
8/3/2015Notice Mailed--Application Incomplete--Filing Date Assigned
8/3/2015Filing Receipt
8/3/201510Electronic Review
8/3/20159Email Notification
8/3/20158Email Notification
8/3/20157Notice Mailed--Application Incomplete--Filing Date Assigned
8/3/20156Filing Receipt
7/21/2015Cleared by L&R (LARS)
7/21/20155Cleared by L&R (LARS)
7/5/2015Referred to Level 2 (LARS) by OIPE CSR
7/5/20154Referred to Level 2 (LARS) by OIPE CSR
7/1/2015Preliminary Amendment
7/1/2015IFW Scan & PACR Auto Security Review
7/1/2015Initial Exam Team nn
7/1/201529Preliminary Amendment
7/1/20153IFW Scan & PACR Auto Security Review
7/1/20151Initial Exam Team nn
7/1/20150.5Filing date