`Gerard Prendergast
`4853 North Springfield
`Chicago,Illinois 60625
`Prepared By:
`Reid Eric Dammann,Esq.
`One Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 2000
`Los Angeles, California 90017
`(213) 629-7611
`942135.1 1
`Docket No. 33378.001
`This United States Non-Provisional Patent Application is a continuation of United States
`Application No. 14/226,393 entitled “Pressure Activated Recharging Cooling Platform,”filed on
`March 26, 2014, whichis a continuation of United States Application No. 12/760,045 entitled
`“Pressure Activated Recharging Cooling Platform,” filed on April 14, 2010, claiming priority
`under 35 U.S.C. §120, the disclosure of which is hereby incorporated byreferencein its entirety
`as if fully set forth within.
`1) Field of the Invention
`The invention relates to temperature controlled platforms, particularly, cooling platforms
`for animals.
`2) Discussion of the Related Art
`Pet beds serveas a place to rest or sleep, for pets such as cats and dogs. Manytimes,
`dependingonthe application, these pet beds are directed towards cooling or heating pets. These
`beds can be used during post-surgery recovery, dysplasia, or post-chemotherapy. Generally,
`these pet beds aid in the comfort andsafety ofthe pet.
`Manypet beds are knownto have cooling mechanisms. Somepet bedsprovide a
`centralized cooling plate with no mechanism to circulate. These pet beds areelectrically
`connected to a power source. Powersources often times fail, negating the "portable" aspectof a
`product. Further, such systems require heavy and complex equipment, andarenot typically
`portable or user friendly.
`942135.1 2
`Docket No. 33378.001
`There are other pet beds available which use alternative or "non-electric" means to cool a
`pet. These pet beds generally use ice packs. However, these ice packs eventually melt and need
`to be replaced. Accordingly,it is desirable to provide an improved cooling bedforpets.
`942135.1 3
`Docket No. 33378.001
`Theinvention is described by way of example with reference to the accompanying
`drawings wherein:
`Figure | illustrates a top angled perspective of a cooling platform.
`Figure 2 illustrates a top view of a temperature regulation layer of the cooling platform.
`Figure 3 illustrates a cross-sectional view ofthe cooling platform.
`Figure 4 illustrates a detailed cross-sectional view of the cooling platform.
`Figure 5 illustrates a cross-sectional view of a channeled covering layerofthe cooling
`Figure6illustrates a detailed cross-sectional view of an alternative embodimentof the
`cooling platform.
`Figure 7 illustrates a detailed cross-sectional view of the alternative embodimentof the
`cooling platform.
`Figure 8 illustrates a top angled perspective of an alternative embodiment ofthe cooling
`Figure 9 illustrates a cross-sectional perspective of the alternative embodimentof the
`cooling platform.
`Figure 10 illustrates a cross-sectional perspective of an alternative embodimentof the
`cooling platform.
`Figure 11 illustrates a detailed cross-sectional view of the alternative embodiment of the
`cooling platform.
`Figure 12 illustrates a cross-sectional perspective ofan alternative embodimentofthe
`cooling platform.
`942135.1 4
`Figure 13 illustrates a detailed cross-sectional view of the alternative embodimentofthe
`cooling platform.
`Docket No. 33378.001
`942135.1 5
`Docket No. 33378.001
`The present invention is now described with referenceto figures where like reference
`numbersindicate identical or functionally similar elements. While specific configurations and
`arrangements are discussed, it should be understoodthatthis is done forillustrative purposes
`only. A person skilled in the relevant art will recognize that other configurations and
`arrangements can be used without departing form the spirit and scope ofthe invention.
`The invention described herein is multilayered. Each layer, in an embodiment, is bonded
`to the next layer in some fashion,in that, each layeris comprised ofa first and a second side and
`is bondedto the respective side accordingly. As such, the term "bonded"refers to the joining,
`adhering, affixing, connecting, attaching, threading orthelike, through chemical, mechanical or
`electrical avenues, ofat least two elements of a cooling platform, such that the elements tendto
`be and remain bonded during normaluse conditionsof the cooling platform.
`FIG.1 illustrates a cooling platform 100. The cooling platform 100 is comprised of a
`temperature regulation layer 110 (illustrated in FIG. 2), a support layer 140(illustrated in FIG.
`3), and a channeled covering layer 150.
`FIG.2 illustrates the temperature regulation layer 110 in moredetail. The temperature
`regulation layer 110 is adapted to hold a composition 110A(illustrated in FIG. 3) and provides
`temperature regulation to the cooling platform 100. The temperature regulation layer 110 has an
`angled segment 120, which includesa top side and a bottom side(illustrated FIG. 8 and FIG 9),
`The angled segment 120 is formed by channels 130 and includesa sealed perimeter.
`In an embodiment, andasillustrated in FIG. 2, the temperature regulation layer 110
`includesa plurality of angled segments 120 formed bya plurality of channels 130. The channels
`130 effectively space the top and bottom sides of each angled segment 120 at a predefined
`942135.1 6
`Docket No. 33378.001
`In an embodiment, the predefined distance can equal zero, thus completely forming
`each angled segment 120 and cutting off any interconnection or communication therein.
`Tn another embodiment, that predefined distance can be measured depending on the
`object using the cooling platform 100.
`In this embodiment, the predefined distance allows for
`interconnection between the angled segments 120 of the composition 110A (including pressure
`portions 110B as seen in FIG. 6 and FIG. 7). In this embodiment, the interconnection would
`apply to those angled segments 120 within the perimeter of the temperature regulation layer 110,
`as the perimeteris sealed.
`The cooling platform 100 is adapted to provide cooling to a wide variety of objects. As
`used herein, the term "object" can mean a variety ofthings including but not limited to domestic
`animals, such as cats and dogs. The use of the cooling platform 100 can extend to humanuse in
`vehicles or similar circumstancescalling for such regulation. Generally, the cooling platform
`100 can be used for anything that needs or requires either heat, cool or temperature regulation.
`FIG, 3 and FIG.4 illustrate a cross-section of the cooling platform 100, which includes
`the support layer 140. The support layer 140 is substantially bonded to the bottom side of the
`temperature regulation layer 110. The support layer 140 comprised of material sufficiently
`pliable to deform and sufficiently rigid to withstand collapse in response to the weight of the
`In an embodiment, the support layer 140 can be made from polyurethane foam, elastomer
`foam, memory foam,orother suitable material.
`In another embodiment, the support layer 140is
`madeof an orthopedic foam, of a consistency designed to protect joints and provide appropriate
`support to the skeletal system.
`942135.1 7
`Docket No. 33378.001
`In an embodiment, the support layer 140 can includesoft, pliable, and removable stuffing
`material to provide cushioning, allowing a user to establish the firmnessor softnessdesired.
`Such material can include synthetic pillow stuffing such as polyesterfilling, or can include
`feathers such as goose or duck down. Asa further embodiment, the support layer 140 can
`include a combination of dense foam andsofter pillow stuffing. It is contemplated that different
`types of cushioningcan beutilized for different types, sizes, and weight of objects.
`FIG.3 and FIG. 4 furtherillustrate the composition 110A within the temperature
`regulation layer 110. The composition 110A serves to control the temperature of the cooling
`platform 100. The cooling platform 100 can handle a range ofdifferent temperatures depending
`on the object in use. This can mean that the composition 110A can encompassa variety of
`cooling and heating compounds.
`In an embodiment, the composition 110A can be activated by a wide variety of means,
`e.g. the addition of water.
`In this embodiment, the composition 110A can include ammonium
`nitrate and distilled water.
`In another embodiment, the composition 110A can be activated by pressure, wherein the
`pressure of a object sitting on the cooling platform 100 activates the composition 110A,
`triggering an endothermic process and subsequent cooling. Upon therelease ofthat pressure, the
`composition 110A undergoes a subsequent recharge, essentially the reverseofthe initial
`reaction. The above is consistent with Le Chatelier's principle, in that, the reaction reverses upon
`the application or absenceof pressure. In this embodiment, the composition 110A is comprised
`of: thirty percent carboxmethyl cellulose; twenty percent water; thirty-five percent
`polyacrylamide; andatleast fifteen percent alginic acid. The aforementioned composition 110A
`also providesa cooling effect for an increased duration over other known compositions.
`942135.1 8
`Docket No. 33378.001
`FIG.5 illustrates a cross-section of the channeled covering layer 150. The channeled
`covering layer 150 can encompassboth the support 140 and temperature regulation layers 110.
`The channeled covering layer 150 can comprise a piece offabric or netting, which can include,
`butis not limited to, plastic, nylon or cloth netting, or a micro-fiber material with a waterproof
`The fabric or netting can allow circulated air to penetrate and escapeto the surface,
`effectuating the cooling process. The fabric or netting can beair tight or resistant to air
`penetration, to provide indirect cooling. In another embodiment, the channeled covering layer
`150 can be madeofa firm material, such as plastic, which retains its shape whensat upon by an
`object. Additionally, the channeled covering layer 150 can include paddingto provide a
`comfortable seating surface.
`In an embodiment, the channeled covering layer 150 can be easily removed via a bottom
`and/or zipper or any other similar means attached thereto. The channeled covering layer 150 can
`be madeof material such thatit can be easily replaced with a different top portion made of
`another material (and/or having different thickness) as desired. Further, in an embodiment, the
`channeled covering layer 150 can contain antibacterial, stain resistant, chew resistant, and/or anti
`flea materials.
`FIG.6 and FIG. 7 illustrate an alternative embodimentofthe invention. In this
`embodiment, the temperature regulation layer 110 includes a pressure portion 110B. The
`pressure portion 110B allowsforthe ability to increase or decrease the firmness of the
`temperature regulation layer 110 and thus the cooling platform 100 by the addition of gases such
`as oxygen. This feature can be predeterminedorvariedas set forth below.
`942135.1 9
`Docket No. 33378.001
`In an embodiment, the pressure portion 110B can include a meansforinflating or
`deflating 115 the pressure portion 110B andthe temperature regulation layer 110. The meansfor
`inflating and deflating 115 can includea variety ofstructures designed forair intake and out
`take. Often, the structures involved in such meansinclude a protruding valve stem and a cap.
`The valve stem can be connected or coupled with a threaded portion for attachmentto a
`mechanicalor electrical pump, or can be comprisedofa plastic valve allowing for human
`pressure inflation.
`In an embodiment, the meansfor inflating or deflating can interconnect the pressure
`portions 110B held within the plurality of angled segments 120.
`In another embodiment, each
`pressure portion 110B can be provided for individually within each angled segment120at either
`a fixed pressureor established using the above mentioned interconnected means.
`FIG.8 and FIG.9 illustrate an alternative embodimentofthe invention. In this
`embodiment, the temperature regulation layer 110 is adapted to hold a composition 110A ina
`single angled segment 120. Therefore, the temperature regulation layer 110 becomesthe single
`angled segment 120. The perimeter ofthe angled segment 120, which includes a top side and a
`bottom side, is sealed preventing the composition 110A from leaking.
`FIG. 10 and 11 illustrate another alternative embodimentofthe invention.In this
`particular embodiment, the temperature regulation layer 110/120 is adapted to hold the
`composition 110A.In this embodiment, the temperature regulation layer 110/120 has an angled
`segment 120 formed as described herein. However, this embodiment doesnot include the
`channeled covering layer 150 as well as support layer 140.
`FIG, 12 and 13 illustrate another embodiment ofthe invention.In this embodiment, the
`temperature regulation layer 110 adapted to hold the composition 110A, has a plurality of angled
`942135.1 10
`Docket No. 33378.001
`segments 120. And asalready described herein, the angled segments 120 are formed by a top
`side and a bottom side at a predefined distance, and by channels 130. In an embodiment, the
`channels 130 may completely segmentthe plurality of angled segments 120.
`As mentioned in conjunction with the channeled covering layer 150, the temperature
`regulation layer 110 may be comprised of similar materials making up the channeled covering
`layer 150. The temperature regulation layer 110, in an embodiment, mayalso beplastic or of
`similar material, and in another embodiment be such that the composition 110A is viewable
`through clear material.
`In use, the cooling platform 100 is able to regulate the temperate of an object. The object
`contacts the channeled covering layer 150 exerting pressure overthe cooling platform 100. The
`support layer 140 is designed to be sufficiently pliable to deform and sufficiently rigid to
`withstandcollapse in response to the weight of the object. Asstated herein, the support layer
`140 can be comprised of a wide variety of components.
`Depending on the composition 110A used, the temperature regulation layer 110 transfers
`heat from the object. In further effectuating heat transfer, the channels 130 have atleast two
`advantages. First, the channels 130 are designed to mix air with the cooling process betweenthe
`object and the channeled covering layer 150. Second, the channels 130 substantially prevent or
`minimize the composition 110A from being pushed out of the angled segment 120. Obviously,
`in other embodimentspresented herein, the angled segments 120 can be completely segmented,
`fully preventing such an issue. The channeled covering layer 150 also aidsin effectuating heat
`transfer from the object by its composition of channels. Of course, the degree of such aid
`dependsin large part on the type of material used with the cooling platform 100.
`942135.1 11
`Docket No. 33378.001
`In adjusting to accommodatethe object, the pressure portions 110B are used. Asstated
`above, the pressure portions 110B can be individual and predeterminedor variable and
`interconnected. Thus, the interconnected pressure portions 110B can bevaried through the means
`for inflating and deflating 115. Also, as stated herein, the channeled covering layer 150 can
`provide a degree of comfort and firmness depending on the material used, lending to the overall
`versatility of the cooling platform 100.
`The invention containsa large amount of advantages. An advantage of the inventionis
`the composition 110A. The composition 110A is able to be re-used without the need for
`electricity, refrigeration, additional treatments, or extraneous equipment. The advantage stems
`from the components within the composition 110A, which effectively keep a temperature of 3-4
`degrees Fahrenheit lower than body temperature. This particular composition 110A is able to
`recharge after the alleviation of pressure (after the object moves). This particular advantage
`further allows for low-cost and eco-friendly solutions to temperature regulating and aids in the
`"mobility" aspectof the invention by not requiring input from other sources and by virtue of
`being a non-toxic substance.
`Another advantage ofthe invention is the unique design. The design enhances and
`optimizes the cooling performance. The channels 130 allow for a mixture ofair flow between
`the object and the cooling platform 100,effectively cooling the object at a quickerrate.
`Furthermore, the presence ofthe predefined distance from the top and bottom ofthe angled
`segment 120, essentially prevents the dispersion of the composition 110A from the pressure the
`object exerts on the cooling platform 100. The overall effect increases the rate of cooling on the
`targeted object.
`942135.1 12
`Docket No. 33378.001
`Another advantageof the inventionis the interconnectedpressureportions 110B. The
`pressure portions 110B providethe ability to increase or decrease the overall pressure of the
`cooling platform 100. This feature is particularly advantageous given the large variation in
`object weight.
`While certain exemplary embodiments have been described and shownin the
`accompanying drawings,it is to be understood that such embodiments are merelyillustrative and
`notrestrictive of the current invention, and that this invention is not restricted to the specific
`constructions and arrangements shownand described since modification can occurto those
`ordinarily skilled in the art.
`942135.1 13

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