`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`PO. Box 1450
`Alexandria1 Virginia 22313-1450
`Peter Joseph Schmehl
`PO. BOX 920629
`NEEDHAM, MA 02492
`Please find below and/or attached an Office communication concerning this application or proceeding.
`The time period for reply, if any, is set in the attached communication.
`Notice of the Office communication was sent electronically on above—indicated "Notification Date" to the
`following e—mail address(es):
`patents @ stratpat.c0m
`PTOL—90A (Rev. 04/07)
`Commissioner for Patents
`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`PO. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`In re ?atent No. 9,475,233
`Application No. 14/065,449
`Issue Date: OCtober 25, 2016
`Filed: OCtober 29, 2013
`Attorney Docket No.
`{fiDfiTfiRM NAT ON OF
`JWDj? 3/ CFR 1./05
`?equesu jor Reconsideration 0:
`This is in response to the
`Patent Term Adjustment under 37 CF? 1.705(b)”, ‘i'ed December 5,
`Patentee requests that
`the determination or pauent
`adjustment be corrected rom "ive hundred and eighteen (518)
`days to Live hundred and ,hiruy-nine (539) days.
`This redetermination or paten,
`term adjustment is NOT the
`DireCtor's decision on the applicant's reques, jor
`reconsideration for purposes 0: seeking judicial review under 35
`J.S.C. 154(b)(4).
`This application was ‘i'ed on OCtober 29, 2013. On October 25,
`the application matured into U.S. Patent No. 9,475,233
`The instant petition
`with a patent term adjustment 0: 518 days.
`under 37 CFR 1.705 was filed on December 5, 2016.
`Patentees dispute the reduction of 21 days entered a:ter the
`NOtice o: Al'owance and Issue Fee Due was mailed on June 20,
`The reduction to the patent term adjustment 0: 21 days
`was entered jor the "iling 0‘ an “Amendment A ,er NOtice o:
`Allowance under 37 CF? ’.3’2” was filed on July 12, 2016.
`Pauenuees surmise that the reduction to the pauen,
`adjustment 0: 21 days was improper because the tiling o: the
`amendment under 37 CF? ’.3’2 tell under the exception inder 37
`CF? 1.704(c)(8) because the paper was expressly requested by the
`Pauenuee’s argument as to the reduction of the patent term
`adjustment or 21 days has been considered and is not persuasive.
`A review 0:
`,he application reveals that a reduction of the
`patent term adjustment 0: 21 days was entered jor the "iling 0'
`the “Amendment A ,er NOtice O“ Al'owance under 37 CFR 1.312” on
`Application/Control Number: 14/065,449
`July 12,2016, after the mai'ing o
`the NOtice of Allowance and
`Issue Fee Due on June 20, 20l6.
`The reduction to the patent
`term adjustment is entered pursuant
`to 37 CF? 1.705(c)(10), not
`37 CFR 1.705(c)(8) as th pap rs w r
`fil d after the mailing
`Notice of Al'owance and lssue fee Due.
`?atenLee states that
`“Amendment After NOtice O“ Allowance under 37 CFR ’.3’2”
`filed a he reques __or he O ice.
`_t is noted that
`1ed as one of
`amendment under 37 CFR 1. 312 is nOt identi:
`ing 0" which the Director has specifical'y deemed
`papers the "i
`be a "fai'ure to engage in reasonable efforts" within the
`meaning 0: 37 CFR 1.704(c)(10)1. ft is also roted that the 37 CFR
`1It is noted that Changes to Patent Term Adjustment in View of the Federal
`Circuit Decision in Novartis v. Lee, 80 FR 1346 (January 9, 2015 )states,
`pertinent part,
`. In view of the changes that have been brought about by the electronic
`filing and processing of patent applications,the Office is clarifying
`what papers may be submitted after a notice of allowance without the
`applicant being considered to hav
`fail d to ngag
`in r asonable efforts
`to conclude processing or examination of the application under §
`1.704(c)(10). Specifically,
`the submission of the following papers after
`a notice of allowance will not be considered a failure to engage in
`reasonable efforts to conclude processing of examination of the
`apolication under § 1.704(c)(10):
`(1) An Issue Fee(s) Transmittal
`a power of attorney;
`a power to inspect;
`a change of
`a change of entity status (micro, small, non—small);
`response to the examiner’s reasons for allowance or a request to correct
`an error or omission nithe ”Nomce<fi Ahowamm' or “Notice of
`(9) an
`requests for a refund;
`(7) status letters;
`inventor’s oath or declaration;
`(10) an information disclos1re statement
`with a statement
`in compliance with § 1.704(d);
`the resubmission by
`applicant of unlocatable paper(s) previously filed in the aoplication (§
`a request for acknowledgment of an information disclosure
`in compliance with §§ 1.97 and 1.98, provided that the
`applicant had requested that the examiner acknowledge the information
`disclosure statement prior to the notice of allowance, or the request for
`acknowledgement was applicant’s first opportunity to request that the
`examiner acknowledge the information disclosure statement;
`(13) comments
`on the substance of an interview where the app'icant—initiated interview
`resulted in a notice of allowance; and (14)
`letters related to government
`interests (e.g.,
`those between NASA and the Office). The Office
`previously indicated that three types of these papers (written status
`requests for refund, an inventor’s oath or declaration) were a
`type of after-allowance submission that would be considered a failure to
`engage in reasonable efforts to conclude processing and examination of
`the application. See Clarification of 37 CFR 1.704(c)(10) b Reduction of
`Patent Term Adjustment For Certain Types of Papers After a Notice of
`Allowance has been Mailed, 1247 Off. Gaz. Pat. Office 111 (June 26,
`2001); see also MPEP section 2732. The Office no longer considers
`submission of a written (or other type of) status inquiry,
`request for
`refund, or an inventor’s oath or declaration to be
`Application/Control Number: 14/065,449
`makes no distinction relative to the purpose
`37 CFR 1.704(c)(10)
`which papers were filed.
`states tha t
`ing 0'
` lter
`ther paper,
`the reduc
`esult in
`is noted tha
`an amendment under 37 CFR 1.312,
`: a NOtice or
`Allowance will
`the mailing 0:
`to the patent
`term adjustment.
`further states that:
`the "inal
`The O
`: other
`”ice reminds applicants that the submission 0:
`' a
`'1owance has been
`types or papers after a notice
` :ai
`given or mailed constitutes a
`'ure to engage in reasonable
` e
`”orts to conclude processing or examination 0" an application"
`in which case
`03 shall
`”orth in §
`the period or adjustment se
`The number 0:
`’ a
`the lesser or:
`be reduced by
`days, i:
`on the da
`the amendment under §
`‘2 or Other paper
` "ice
`the O
`tion or
`filed and ending on the mailing date of
`notice in
`the amendment under §
`four months.
`2 or s JCh
`paper; or
`for a
`in compliance with §
`See § 1.703(c)(l0).
`An exemplary
`An amendment
`such papers includes:
`listing 0:
`or b
`taining a claim for priority
`a paper con
`§ 1.312;
`or rques
`t to correct priority or bene i
`ta shee
`i'ed to
`a new or supplemental application da
` "it
`a I
`tic bene
`joreign or domes
`a certi
`filing receipt;
`Lied copy or a
`a letter rel
`priority document;
`ting to
`a request to change or correct
`biologic deposits;
`statement not
`an information disclosure
`accompanied by a statement
`l2, 2016,
`ce responded
`treated as an amendment under
`the amendmen'
`t under 37 CFR
` 20l6,
` with a “Response to Rule 312
`term adjus
`The reduction to pa
`is warranted.
`to 37 CFR l.704(c)(lO)
`tment ol
`The paper
`filed July
`37 CFR 1.312.
`The O"
`1.312 on Augus'
`days pursuant
`In view thereo:,
`the determination of
`the time o:
`the issuance o:
`the patent is 518 days.
`patent term adjustment at
`Patentee has two (2) months from the date of the Office’s
`redetermination of patent term adjustment to request
`reconsideration of the patent term adjustment if patentee
`continues to disagree with this determination (no petition fee).
`.ude processing and
`a failure to engage in reasonable efforts to concl
`examination of the application under § 1.704(c)(10)due to the changes
`that have been brought about by the electronic fi:
`patent applications.
` _ing and processing of
`Application/Control Number: 14/065,449
`Page 4
`This two month period is extendable under 37 CFR 1.136(a). The
`new/renewed request for reconsideration may be filed without any
`additional fee. However, patentee who responds more than two
`months after the mail date of the redetermination is required to
`pay the extension of time fee.
`Telephone inquiries specific to this matter should be directed
`to the undersigned, at
`(571) 272—3222.
`/Kenya A. McLaughlin/
`Kenya A. McLaughlin
`Attorney Advisor
`0""ice 0" Petitions