`Niamey Docket No; MBG’I‘»E}(}48~PGI
`Combined Decias‘a‘zim‘: and Assignmené
`Starla} Nix Mf‘flt’irififl
`Fiiing Sate: 007: 28, 2813
`fihimafi Sixes; 1333mm A§E§Eimfi§fi§§
`CthiNEh hhcm’hmmh ANh ASSEGNMENT
`As a heiow named inventor i hereby {leciare with rsspect m the US. patent appiicaiion
`the spesifieatiah of which was fiiefi on {)cteher 2S, 2013 as applicaiihh series} he, Er-E/fjéfé—séii
`{a} {he aheveddantified apphcatfim was maids 0r authorized to ha made by me;
`{h} 1 haw: reels} and undersmmd the applicatiah; and
`{c} I behave. thati am Ehe ariginai invanwr Or an originai joint inmhtgr of a ciaimed
`invention in the: appiicatioh.
`1 ackhmviadge the duty to disciogs informafion which is materiai to the patanmhiifity of
`this aphlicafian as dafihed in 3’? CPR. § 1.56 (attached hereto).
`1 3350 acknowiedge my duty to
`discinsa a“ infommtien known t0 he materiai to patentahiiiiy which hacame avaiiahie between a
`33ng date of a. prior apyhsaticm and the national or P‘CT internationai ’fiiihg dais in the want. this
`is a Camihuatihh~Eh~Part apphcation in accerdahce with 37 (ERR. § E.63{s).
`Page 2 ot‘n~
`Attorney Docket No: MBOT«0048~PGE
`Combined Deeiaretion and Assignment
`Seriei Nor 142’064,633
`Fiiing Date: Oct 28, 2313
`WHEREAS: the undersigned inventor (“inventor”) has deveioped certain inventions
`(“inventions”) described in the above LES patent anniiostion, and has foii right. to convey his or
`her entire interest“ both iegai and eqoitebim in and to said inventions free from aii prior
`assignments, agreements, iieertsesg mortgages“, seenrity interests, or other encumbrances
`whatsoever; and
`WHEREAS, MatterBot industries, iii: {“ASSiGNEE”), an entity organized and existing
`under the iews ot‘the state ot‘New York, and having a piece of business at i Metroteei’i Center;
`21st Fioor, Brookiyn, NY iiEGi
`is desirous of acquiring the entire right, titie, end interest in and
`to the inventions and any and oh patents to be oirtained therefore;
`NOW, 'i‘iiEREIFORE for good anti veiuabie consideration, the receipt end safiieieney of
`which are hereby acknowledged by the inventor, the inventor hereby seiis, assigns and transfers
`unto the ASSEGNEE its successors anti assigns, his or her entire right, titie and interest in and to
`the inventions as described in the above appiieation end aii appiieations resoitiog therefrom,
`ineiuding any and aii conversions, divisions eontinnations, eontinne‘tionsvin—pafi, substitute
`anniientionsg anti reissues or extensions thereof; and aii resniting patents in any jtrrist‘iietion
`wortdwicie; siong with aii rights of priority and rights to sue for past infringement.
`AND the inventor hereby authorizes and requests the issuing authority to issue any and
`sit patents issuing front any oi‘the forgoing to the ASSEGNEE or its sneeessors and assigns.
`AND each inventor agrees that ASSIGNEE’S eonnsei, Strategic Patents, RC. having
`Patent Office. Customer Nortiber 4352.0, sheii hereinafter act on behsif ot‘the ASSTGNEE with
`respect to the inventions
`AND, the inventor further agrees? without any firrther payment or compensation by the
`ASSIGNEE or its successors and assigns, to communicate to the ASSIGNEES its representatives
`or agents or its successors and assigns, any facts resisting to the inventions inoinding evidence for
`interference purposes or for other iegai proceedings whenever requested; to testify in: any
`interference or other iegni proceedings, whenever requested; to execute and rieiiver, on request,
`sii iawt‘ni papers required to make any of the foregoing provisions effective; and to generatiy on
`everything possihie to aid the ASSEGNEE, its successors or assigns and nominees to secure,
`obtain and enforce proper patent protection for the inventions in this or any foreign country.
`The inventor hereby antho ieos tire attorneys and agents associated with Patent {Effiee
`Customer Number 43520 to insert hereon any further information necessary or desirabie for
`reeortiation of this tineoment,
`Page 3 of 4
`Attorney Decket Nix; MBOT~ihfl48uPfil
`Combined Declaration and Assignmem
`Eerie} No. Mffi64$613
`Fiiing Date: 031138, 261‘3
`I accept anti agree to the teens affine ASSESNMENT aheve.
`I hereby L‘Iedere that aii statements made in the DECLARATEQN above {3f my own knowiedge
`are true and that ail statements made on infmmetiom and belief are believed is be true; and
`further that these statements were made with {he keewiedge that wilifui faiee statements and the
`iike so made are punishebie 13:; fine 01° imprisenmem er both, under Section mm 0‘? Titie ii? if
`the United States Cede and that such willfui feise statements mayjeoperdize the veiiéity of the
`epp‘iieafien or any patent issued {immune
`Fm}! Name ef invenmr: Peter Joseph Sehmehi
`Residence: New York? NY
`Pest Qffice Address:
`Makerfiet industries, LLC
`1 Metmtech Center, 21.363001”
`[”7 ‘flflmeki‘ynNY 1120=
`r /
`f"? 4,
`I 23“»
`Signature “fee/fie”.................................... Date: Hedwig——
`B’eter iosephScnmehi
`Page 4 13131
`Attorney Docket No; 111301-0048101
`Combined Declaraficn 211121 Assignment
`Serisi N0.
`Fiiihg 02111310513, 2M3
`§ 1.56 Duty to disclose 1111‘1111111111011 materiai 111 patemehiiity.
`A 3311113111: by its very 111111111: is effected with 11 euhiie interest. The puhiie interess is best sewed5 11116 the
`111051 effective paieni {3.1121111111311011 secure; when, at 1heiime 2111 applicaiien is being examined, the Office is aware of
`and evaiuates the teachings of 113i information material 11) patentsbiiiiy. Each individuai asscaeiaied with the i’iiihg
`E11111 preseemion 0f1. 3111119111 appiieatien 1139121 duty of 1111111101 and 3310011 faith in (11:111ng with the Office: which
`ineiudes 11 duty in diseiose 11) the Office 1131 infhmiatie111 1111911111 11) 1hat individuai to he 111311111111 11) paienisbiiity as
`defined11) this section The duty in disciese 11119111113-1011 exists with respect to each pending claim 111111! the 01111111 is
`canceled or 1111:11111‘11111'11 1’131'11E: Hnsideraiion, 011111: 21ppiieatien beeemes abaaidened infemiatien materiai to the
`312111-111121.1)i1i1:}; ()1 a eiaim that13 01111111311111 111' 11111111111111.1211 1mm censideraiion need 1101. he suhmified 1111111: infematien11
`1112-1 maieriei 11) the patentahiiiiy (if 111131 eisim remaining 111111121 eonsidesatien111 the applieaiim. There11 111:- 12311131 1:0
`submit 11601111311011 which is 1101‘. 1112111211111 1:) the paiemehiiiiy (if 1111;: existing eiaim. The 11111}! to disciose aii
`infermatien k110w11 111 he 1112111111111 111 patentshiiity is deemed 111 be satisfied if ail infomatien hue-11111 10 be material 11)
`patentshiiiiy of 3111111131111 issued 111 3 3.1311131111111121 "fired by the Office 1): submitted 11') the Qfiiee in the 111111111111
`prescribe-ti by §§ 1 5131111Md} and 1 98 Hewever 111) paieni 1V1 iihe g1shied 011 1111 sepiicatien'111 eermeeiion with
`which fraud (111 the 01”1'(:2: was praeizieed 111* aite.empt11 (111111: 1111132 of (1151110511113 was Vieistcd ihreugi’i bad £11111 or
`intentiensi miseeeduet The Office e11e0u1ages appiiesnis 10 “211E1"11E1:):13111111111:
`3111911111 cited 111 search repens of a foreign patent office in a eeianierpart Eappiiissiien, 211111
`the eiesest infernmtion over which imiividhsis 11551101111ed 11111111111: iiiing or present-111111 of a paiem
`appiieafion heiieve any pending eieim paimtehiy defines, 12) 111211113 11111: that any 1111111215311
`infermaiian 1:1)11iained therein is di eiesed 11) the Office.
`Under 1115:; 511611011, inihrmaties is 1111111111211 11) patentshiiity when it is net eumuiaiive te- 1111'011111111011
`sh'esdy (if reserd 1);" heihg made 01112110111 in 11111 11313111111111111111 111111
`‘11: esiabiishes by itseii’or in combination with other information, 11 111111111 facie case 1:11“
`u11pate111ai1iiiiy 01‘ a ciaim; 111
`it refines, 01 is inesnsisteht with, :1 3395111611 1111: appiieem takes 111:
`{i} Opposing 2111 argument of 11113zete11tabiii1y reiieii 1111 by the Office: 111
`{ii} Asserting an argument ofpaieniahiiity.
`A prime iiieie ease ei‘ impatentshiiiiy is esiabiished when the 11111111112111011 Dempeis a echeissieai 111211 a eiaim is
`usestemahie 11111111111111 111‘e111111de1's11ce 11f evidence 11111111111Hef—preei’stsndard giving each term 111 the claim its
`breadest ressehahie eeestruction consistent with the speeifieatior1,ai1ci befm'e araye11.111113111111111 is given 1'11 evidence
`winch may he submitted111 1111 2111111111331: 111 estabhsh1 60111111131 conclusign 01'.“ patentahi} 1131
`51112111111 are;
`individuals asseeiaized with 1119. filing or praises-111mm 111‘ 21 31:11th appiieaiim 11111111111111: meaning oftiiis
`{i} Each inventor 11111111211111 the 1113311113?11011:
`('2) Each 1111113111631 01‘ ageni whE) prepares or preseeuies the zippiieatieng 111111
`(3)- Every other peisen who is subsiantiveiy involved is the preparation or prosecutien (11"11111
`1131331111311(111 and 11111111s assezziated with hashivemer, whh the assiguee or with anyone to whom
`thereis 2111 Uhiigatien to assign the sppiieaiimi.
`individuais othei 11121111111: afieiney agent 01 in‘JCfliO} may 121111111111 111111111113 seeti1)11 by discieshig
`information 11) 12he 11110111131 ageni 01‘ invemor
`in any ceniinuziiion-ihugmfi applicatieni the duty under this seetieri includes the 111111110 diseiese 1'11) 1:111:
`Office 1111 111 11:11:11-111‘111 known 11) 1118 person 11:» he materiai 111 pateniahii 113', 215 defined 111 paragraph {i1) ofthis section
`which beeame evaiiahie between the 1311115.; 113111 01111:. prim 11321111 1::111111 and the nationsi 01‘ PC1’ iniemaiionai {111117
`date 111 the 13(11111111131111114111331111(11111111133151.1111