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`Doc Code: PA.
`Aporoved for use through 11/3"20'14.0MB 0651:3051)
`Document Description: Power of Attorney
`US Patent and TrademaIk Office; 11.8 DEPAR . MFNT OF COMMF-CE
`Under the Paperwork Reductior1 Act of19..95r10 persons are required to respond to a collection of intern15,-.iorI urI less it 011er!aye a valid OMB centric nu mber.
`NOTE: This form is to be submitted with the Power of Attorney by Appiioant form (PTOiAiA/BZB) to identify the appiicetioh to which the
`Power of Attorney is directed, in accordance with 37 CFR 1.5, uniess the aopiication number and tiiihg date are identified in the Power of
`Attorney hv AppiicanE form.
`if neither form PTOIAiA/‘BEA nor form PTO/AEABZB identifies the eppiioation to which the Power of AEtorney is
`directed, the Power oiAttorney wiii nottLie recognizedin the appiirzetion
`i more than one appiicant, use muitipie iorrhs.
`Titie (if Appiicent'is a Attorney 3f RSCGEG
`in risEir: entity)
`Appiicant Name (it Apoiinant is ajuristie entity)
`SLEBPOWQE” Corporation
`NQTE: This form must be signed in accordance with 37’ CFR 1.33. See 37 CFR 1.4(d) for signature requirements and certifications. ii
`This coiiectioh of information is required by 3'!“ CFR 1.1131, 1.32‘ and 133. The information is required to obtain or retain a benefit by
`Ehe puhiic which is to fiie (and by the USPTO to process) an eppiication. Confidentiaiity is governed by 35 U.S.C. 212 and 3? CFR
`1.1.1- err-d1- 1.4. This ooiiection is estimated to take 3 minutes to compiete, incioding gathering, preparing, and submitting the comoieted
`apptication form to the US3'Pi'Cifi:'1ne wiii vary depending upon the individiiai case. Any comments on the amount of time you require
`to compiete this form and/or suggestions for reducing this burden sheuid he sent to the Chief information Officer ti 8. Patent and
`Trademark Office. U. S. DepaitmenE of Commerce. P O Box11+5O.Aiexandria VA 22313 1450 DO NOT SEND FEES OR
`CGMPL ETED FORMS TO "ii-its ADDRESS. SEND TO; Commissioner for Patents, Rt}. Box145ti,Aiexandria VA 22313-1453.
`ifyou need assistance in completing LereformsPail :f—BOO—P‘i'O—QEQQ and select option 2.
`rare-Amaze (:7 3
`Dec Code: PA“
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`Abprcvad for use through resubmit. one css‘masi
`Dccument Descripticn. Power of Aticrney
`us. Patent and Trademark Office; us. DEPARTMENT 0F COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, he persons are required to respond to a collection of infurmeticri unless it displays a valid OMB central number
`PQWER Ci? AFTQRNEY er ePPLICANt ‘ 1 mmmmmm' W' “““W"""""""" \X'V‘' '
`ii hereby revoke all previous powers of attorney given in the application identified in either the ettechett transmittet letteror
`\\.\.~.~.~.\.~.~..\.\.\.\..~-. WV.....................................
`\..\. .-....................~.
`....~. ..................................................................................................................................................................
`:the boxes below.
`.' Address Legal Representative of a Deceased or Legaily incapacitated inventor {title net required below)
`Appiication Number
`(Note: The boxes above may be left blank if infcrnieticn is crowded on form PTQiAiA/BEA.)
`i hereby appeint the Patent Practitionerts} esscciateti with the fcticwing Customer Number as mylcur attorneyis) or agent(s) and
`to tiansact ail businessin the United States Patent and Trademark Office connected therewith fer the application referencedin
`t hereby appoint Practitionertsi named in the attached list (form PTOI’AWSZC) as myl'our attcmeyis.) or agentis), and to transact
`all business in the United States Patent and Trademark Office connected therewith for the patent application referenced in the
`attached transmittal letter {form PTO.‘AW82A) or identified above.
`(Note: template form PTOIAWBQC.)
`‘\ \'.w.w.u.\.Wmu“NM“.\\\\\\.\\\\\\\\\\\\\.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\V\\\.\\\\\\\\\\V\VwwaVw.w\V M“wVww\me-\-.N am. mtVt.tm. Mm:
`Pieese recognize er change the ccrresbcnctehce address fer the ramification identified‘in the ettachect transmittal
`Setter er the mixes above to:
`The address associated: with the above—mentioned Customer Number
`The address asscciated with Customer Number:
`iric‘iviciuai Name
`Assignse or Person to Whom the inventor is Under an Obligation to Assign (provide signer's title if applicant is a juristic entity}
`Person Who Otherwise Shcws Sufficient Preprietery interest (e.9.. a petition under 3? CFR “i46(b)(2) was grantedin the
`a iiicatlcn or is ccncurrentl bein filed with this document i . rcvide siners title if a iicani is a uristic enti ,,
`MOTE: Signature This form must be signed by the applicant in accordance with 37 CFR 1.33. See 37 CFR 1.4 tcr signature requirements
`and certifications if more than one applicant use mtritipte forms.
`forms are submitted
`ii:5 collection of information is required by 3? C; R i 131 1.32. amt 1,33Jihc- intormetion is required tc obtain or retain a benefit by the public which is to tile (and by the
`.iSPTO to process} an application. Ccnfidentiatttyis governed by 35 U.86.122 and 3f GFP t t1 and i. M Tints collectionis estimated it: take 3 m:nutes to complete;
`including gathering. preparing, and submitting the ccmrileted epplicaticn form tn the USPT‘0 Tune will vary tiepending mean the ind:viduai case. Any comments on the amcuiit
`of time. you require to complete this term andier-suggesticris for reducing this burden. shcutd be sent to the Chief iniormaiicri Officer US. Patent and Trademark Office LiS.
`Department of Commerce, PO. Box 1450, Alexandria. VA 2231"! 3-1450. DO NOT SEND FEES OR COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS. SEND To: Commissioner
`far Patents. F80. Box “50. Alexandria, VA 2231 3:1 456.
`If you need assistance in completing the farm, cal! 1~-809~-PTO-9199 and select cpti'cm 2.
`“ “-