Receipt date: 03/21/2015
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`September 29, 2014
`(USE as many sheets as necessary)
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`Ricci, Craig D
`Attorney Docket Number
`Include name of the author (in CAPITAL LETTERS), title of the article (when
`appropriate), title of the item (book, magazine, journal, serial, symposium, catalog, etc.),
`date, page(s), volume-issue number(s), publisher, city and/or country where published
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`/Craig RiCCi/
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`September 29, 2014
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`Ricci, Craig D
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`appropriate), title of the item (book, magazine, journal, serial, symposium, catalog,
`etc.), date, page(s), volume number, publisher, city and/or country where published
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`*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whether or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Draw line through citation if not in conformance
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`September 29, 2014
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`Ricci, Craig D
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`appropriate), title of the item (book, magazine, journal, serial, symposium, catalog,
`etc.), date, page(s), volume number, publisher, city and/or country where published
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`03/22/201 5
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`Cam I lete i Known
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`September 29, 2014
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`Ricci, Craig D
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`appropriate), title of the item (book, magazine, journal, serial, symposium, catalog,
`etc.), date, page(s), volume number, publisher, city and/or country Where published
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`.h 5/
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`Cam I lete i Known
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`September 29, 2014
`(USE as many sheets as necessary)
`Examiner Name
`Ricci, Craig D
`Attorney Docket Number
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`appropriate), title of the item (book, magazine, journal, serial, symposium, catalog,
`etc.), date, page(s), volume number, publisher, city and/or country Where published
`PRESTON, K.L., et al., "Buprenorphine and naloxone alone and in combination in
`opioid-dependent humans," Psychopharmacology 94 :484-490, Springer-Verlag,
`Germany (1988)
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`Publishers Ireland Ltd., Ireland (1990)
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`"Suboxone : EPAR - Scientific Discussion," published by EMEA on October 19, 2006,
`42 pages
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