`(19) World Intellectual Property Organization
`International Bureau
`29 December 2011 (29.12.2011) (10) International Publication Number
`(43) International Publication Date
`WO 2011/163206 A2
`International Patent Classification:
`A61K 9/00 (2006.01)
`AG6IK 31/4965 (2006.01)
`A61K 31/155 (2006.01)
`A61K 31/403 (2006.01)
`A61K 31/426 (2006.01)
`A61K 31/702 (2006.01)
`A61K 38/26 (2006.01)
`AGIK 31/445 (2006.01)
`AG61K 38/28 (2006.01)
`AG6IK 31/4439 (2006.01)
`A61K 31/17 (2006.01)
`A61K 31/421 (2006.01)
`A61K 31/4015 (2006.01)
`—-A61K 31/4985 (2006.01)
`International Application Number:
`International Filing Date:
`21 June 2011 (21.06.2011)
`Filing Language:
`Publication Language:
`Priority Data:
`22 June 2010 (22.06.2010)
`Applicant (for afl designated States except US). TWI
`PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.; 4f, No. 41, Lane 221,
`Kang Chien Rd., Nei Hu Dist., Taipei, 114 (TW).
`Inventors; and
`Inventors/Applicants (or US only): CHEN, Shou-Chi-
`ung; No. 87, Lane 269, Linsen E. Rd., East Dist., Chiayi
`City, 600 (TW). LEE, Shao-Ming; 2f, No. 9, Ln. 122,
`Ren'ai Rd., Taipei County, Xizhi City, 221 (TW). JAN,
`Chaur-Ming [US/US]; 512 Nw 120th Dr., Coral Springs,
`FL 33071 (US).
`Agent: KATZ, Martin, I..; Wood, Phillips, Katz, Clark
`& Mortimer, 500 West Madison Street, Suite 3800,
`Chicago, IL 60661 (US).
`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind ofnational protection available): AL, AG, AL, AM,
`AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BR, BW, BY, BZ,
`CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, Dk, DM, DO,
`DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT,
`KR, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD,
`ME, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI,
`NO, NZ, OM, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RS, RU, SC, SD,
`SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN, TR,
`TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW.
`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG,
`ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU,TJ,
`TM), European (AL, AT, BF, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK,
`GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`without international search report and to be republished
`upon receipt ofthat report (Rule 48.2(g))
`(57) Abstract: The present invention provides a controlled release pharmaceutical composition which exhibits reduced food ef-


`WO 2011/163206
`Oral administration of drugs is frequently affected by food-drug interactions,
`a phenomenon often described by the term “food effect”. As generally interpreted, food
`effect is a very broad term which refers to all aspects of interactions of food on drug
`dissolution, absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination. The implications of
`food effect include changesin bioavailability, rate of on-set, duration of therapeutic effect
`and incidence and seriousness ofside effects.
`The food effect is an important issue during the development of a drug.
`some cases where food-drug interactions lead to an increase of drug absorption, the
`drug formulation is recommended to be taken with food in order to be sufficiently
`absorbed and exert its expected clinical effect. However, such drug formulations are not
`preferred because drug absorption can vary with food types and quantity.
`For example,
`if a patient forgets to take the drug formulation with food,
`the drug may be poorly
`absorbed and therefore notclinically efficient. This problem may be avoided by a
`formulation without food effect.
`Thus, there is a need for new sustained release compositions with reduced
`or no significant food effect.
`Metformin is an oral antihyperglycemic drug of the biguanide class used in
`the management of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM).
`It has been
`widely prescribed for lowering blood glucose in patients with NIDDM.


`WO 2011/163206
`The benefits of a sustained release dosage form of metformin have been
`well known: it allows one to simplify the patient's administration scheme by reducing the
`amount of recommended daily intakes,
`improves patient compliance, and attenuates
`adverse events, e.g., related to high plasma peaks.
`Immediate release compositions of
`metformin exhibit negative food effect when orally administered to a subject.
`The commercially available sustained-release dosage forms of metformin,
`such as Glucophage® XR, Glumetza® and Fortamet®, havesignificant positive food
`they are all recommended to be taken with food to increase drug
`bioavailabiltiy and maximum therapeutic benefits.
`Thus, there is a need for new sustained release compositions of metformin
`with reducedor no significant food effect.
`In one embodiment, the present invention provides a controlled release
`pharmaceutical composition which exhibits
`reduced food effect as compared to
`conventional controlled release compositions, wherein said composition comprises an
`active agent (which may be referred to as a “drug”) which has a limited window of
`absorption and displays a negative food effect when an immediate release dosage form
`of the drug is orally administered to a subject.
`in one
`pharmaceutical composition which exhibits
`reduced food effect as compared to
`conventional controlled release formulations, said composition comprising:
`a sustained release layer comprising:


`WO 2011/163206
`an active agent, wherein said active agent has a limited window of
`absorption and displays a negative food effect when an immediate release
`formulation of said active agent is orally administered to a subject;
`optionally, at.least one release modifier; and
`atleast one sustained release agent; and
`(b) an immediate release layer comprising said active agent and at least one
`pharmaceutically acceptable excipient.
`In one embodiment, the active agent is metformin.
`In one embodiment,
`the invented controlled release pharmaceutical
`composition further comprises a second therapeutic agent.
`In another embodiment,
`the invention provides a controlled release
`pharmaceutical composition of metformin, wherein the bioavailability of metformin is not
`increased more than 50% when said controlled release composition is orally
`administered to a subject in the fed state.
`In yet another embodiment, the invention provides a method of reducing
`the food effect of a controlled release composition, said method comprising a step of
`formulating an active agent into a unit dosage form, wherein the unit dosage form
`comprises at least one sustained layer and one immediate release layer.
`In yet another embodiment, the invention provides a method of reducing
`the time necessary to reach steady state for metformin, said method comprising
`administering a controlled release composition of metformin to a subject in need thereof,
`wherein the controlled release composition has higher bioavailability than a comparable
`dose of Fortamet® (metformin hydrochloride) tablets.


`WO 2011/163206
`In yet another embodiment, the invention provides a method of improving
`the bioavailability of a controlled release dosage form of metformin in a fasted mode, said
`method comprising formulating metformin into a dosage from comprising a sustained
`release layer and an immediate release layer, wherein metformin is present in both the
`sustained release layer and the immediate release layer.
`In yet another embodiment,
`invention provides
`a method of
`manufacturing a matrix controlled release tablet, said method comprising: (a) mixing a
`portion of an acid salt form of an active ingredient with an alkaline agent to form a mixture;
`(b) granulating said mixture with a controlled release agent; and (c) compressing the
`granules from step (b) into tablets.
`The term “food effect”, as used herein, refers to a relative difference in AUC
`(Area under the curve), Cmax (Maximum plasma concentration), and/or Tmax (Time to
`maximum concentration) of an active substance, when said substance or a formulation
`thereof, such as a tablet or a capsule, is administered orally to a mammal, preferably a
`human, concomitantly with food or in a fed state as compared to the same values when
`the same formulation is administered in a fasted state. The food effect F is calculated
`wherein Yieq aNd Yiasteq are the found values of AUC, Cmax Or Tmax in the fed and fasted
`state, respectively.
`The term “reduced food effect’, as used herein, refers to the food effect of a
`composition of an active substance whichis less than 50%, preferably less than 40%,


`WO 2011/163206
`and more preferably less than 30%. The food effect is calculated by the formula defined
`The term “positive food effect”, as used herein, refers to a food effect where
`.the AUC and/or Cmax is higher when the drug is administered orally in a fed state than
`when it is administered in a fasted state.
`The term “negative food effect” refers to a food effect where the AUC and/or
`Cmax IS.
`lower when the drug is administered orally in the fed state than when it
`administered in the fasted state. Drug-food interactions leading to a reduced incidence
`and/or severity of side effects are referred to as an “enhanced tolerability food effect”.
`The term “concomitantly with food” or “administration in the fed state”, as
`used herein, refers to administration from about 30 minutes before a meal to about 1 hour
`after a meal.
`The term “administration in the fasted state”, as used herein, refers to
`administration at least 4 hours after a meal. Moreover, the fasted state also requires
`continued fasting for at least 2 hours after the administration.
`The terms “sustained release” and “controlled release”, as used herein, are
`used interchangeably in this application and refer to the release of a drug from a dosage
`form at such a rate that when a once-a-day dose or twice-a-day dose of the drug is
`administered in the sustained release or controlled release form, blood (e.g., plasma)
`concentrations (levels) of the drug are maintained within the therapeutic range but below
`toxic levels over a period of time from about 4 to about 24 hours.
`The term “immediate release”, as used herein, refers to the release of a
`drug from a dosageform within sixty minutes after administration to a subject.


`WO 2011/163206
`The term “limited window of absorption”, as used herein, refers to an oral
`bioavailability of less than about 75%, usually less than about 60%, usually decreasing
`with the increasing dose of a drug, and almost invariably having permeability/transit time
`limited absorption.
`The term “release modifier’, as used herein, refers to any excipient which
`modulates the release rate of a drug from a dosageform.


`WO 2011/163206
`in one embodiment, the present invention provides a controlled release
`pharmaceutical composition comprising an active agent, wherein said controlled release
`composition exhibits a reduced food effect as compared to conventional controlled
`release compositions of the active agent.
`The active agent generally has a limited window of absorption and displays
`a negative food effect when an immediate release formulation of said active agent is
`orally administered to a subject.
`The food. effect of the compositions may be measured by AUC, Ca, and/or
`Tmax Values.
`a preferred embodiment,
`the active agent
`is metformin
`or a
`pharmaceutically acceptable salt of metformin.
`the novel controlled
`release compositions of metformin of
`the invention exhibit
`reduced food effect.
`Specifically, the food effect as measured by AUC is less than 50%, preferably less than
`40%, and more preferably less than 30%.
`In one embodiment, the controlled release pharmaceutical composition of
`the invention comprises a sustained release layer and an immediate release layer.
`In a preferred embodiment,
`the invention provides a controlled release
`pharmaceutical composition comprising:
`a sustained release layer comprising:
`an active agent, wherein said active agent has a limited window of
`absorption and displays a negative food effect when an immediate release
`formulation of said active agent is orally administered to a subject;
`optionally, at least one release modifier; and


`WO 2011/163206
`at least one sustained release agent: and
`an immediate release layer comprising said active agent and at least one
`pharmaceutically acceptable excipient,
`wherein said controlled release pharmaceutical composition exhibits reduced food
`In a preferred embodiment,
`the pharmaceutical compositions of
`invention have the following amounts of the ingredients:
`Ingred ient
`More preferred
`(weight % based on each layer)
`Sustained release layer:
`active agent
`(ex., metformin)
`release modifier
`sustained release agent
`Immediate release layer
`active agent
`(ex., metformin)
`In one embodiment of the invention, the ratio of the active agent in the
`sustained release layer and the immediate release layer is between about 1:10 and
`about 10:1, preferably between about 2:8 and about 8:2, most preferably between about
`3:7 and about7:3.
`In some embodiments, the compositions of the invention maybe in the form
`of a bi-layer tablet. The immediate layer may either surround the sustained release
`layer or be located at the top or the bottom of the sustained release layer.


`WO 2011/163206
`In some embodimenis of the invention, the compositions may optionally
`contain at least one release modifier. Examples of release modifiers include but are not
`limited to alkaline agents and surfactants. Examples of the preferred alkaline agents
`include, but are not
`limited to, sodium phosphate, potassium phosphate, calcium
`phosphate, sodium hydroxide, sodium tartrate and sodium succinate. Examples of
`surfactants include, but are not limited to, sodium lauryl! sulfate and Polysorbate 80.
`preferred embodiment, the release modifier is a phosphatesalt.
`In some embodiments of the invention, the compositions may optionally
`include at least one sustained release agent.
`Examples of sustained release agents include, but are not
`limited to,
`hydrophilic polymers, hydrophobic polymers and wax materials.
`Hydrophilic polymers which may be employed in the invention include, but
`to, hydroxypropylmethylcellulose,
`carboxymethylcellulose, carboxymethylcellulose calcium, ammonium alginate, sodium
`alginate, potassium alginate, calcium alginate, propylene glycol alginate, alginic acid,
`polyvinyl alcohol, povidone, carbomer, potassium pectate, potassium pectinate, and the
`Hydrophobic polymers which may be employedin the invention include, but
`are not
`limited to, ethyl cellulose, hydroxyethylcellulose, ammonio methyacrylate
`copolymer (Eudragit® RL or Eudragit® RS), methyacrylic acid copolymers (Eudragit® L
`or Eudragit® S), methacrylic acid-acrylic acid ethyl ester copolymer (Eudragit® L 100-5),
`dimethylaminoethylmethacrylate-methacrylic acid esters copolymer (Eudragit® E 100),
`vinyl methyl ether/maleic anhydride copolymers, their salts and esters (Gantrez®).


`WO 2011/163206
`Wax materials which may be employedin the invention include, but are not
`limited to, beeswax, carnauba wax, microcrystalline wax, and ozokerite; fatty alcohols
`such as cetostearyl alcohol, stearyl alcohol; cetyl alcohol and myristyl alcohol; and fatty
`glyceryl monostearate,
`glycerol monooleate,
`monoglycerides, tristearin, tripalmitin, cetyl esters wax, glyceryl palmitostearate, glycery!
`behenate, and hydrogenated castor oil.
`in a preferred embodiment, the sustained release agent is a hydrophilic
`polymer such as hydroxypropylmethyicelluiose.
`Other excipients which may function as fillers, binders,
`disintegrants, and plasticizers may also be included within either the sustained release
`layer and/or the immediate release layer.
`In one embodiment, the composition of the invention may contain 0-20%
`w/w of a binder, 0-50% w/w offiller, 0-5% wiw of a lubricant, 0-5% w/w of a disintegrant or
`0-20% w/w ofa plasticizer in the sustained release layer and/or immediate release layer.
`When the active agent is metformin, the total dose of metformin in the
`compositions of the invention can be equivalent to 250-2500 mg metformin hydrochloride,
`preferably from 250 mg to 1500 mg, and more preferably from 500 mg to 1000 mg.
`When necessary, an additional active agent may be included to achieve the
`desired therapeutic effect.
`For example, when the active agent is metformin, another
`antihyperglycemic agent may be included with the immediate release layer with
`lt has been knownthatthe first line blood glucose lowering therapy of type
`it diabetes is metformin or sulfonylurea monotherapy.
`line treatment
`unsatisfactory, patients may be moved to second line combination therapies such as


`WO 2011/163206
`metformin with sulfonylurea or other antihyperglycemic agents. Accordingly, a second
`drug may be addedto the formulations of invention to maximum the therapeutic efficacy.
`The second drug may be selected from currently available anti-hyperglycemic drugs
`and/or investigational anti-hyperglycemic drugs.
`Examples of currently available antihyperglycemic drugs include, but are
`not limited to, sulfonylurea, biguanides, alpha-glucosidase inhibitors, thiazolidinediones
`(TZDs), dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors (DPP-4 inhibitors), meglitinides, glucagon-like
`peptide-1 analogs (GLP-1 analogs) and insulin. More specifically, the antidiabetic drugs
`include, but are not
`limited to, metformin, glyburide, glimepiride, glipyride, glipizide,
`chlorpropamide, gliclazide, acarbose, miglito!, pioglitazone,
`troglitazone, rosiglitazone,
`isaglitazone, muraglitizar, peliglitazar,
`saxagliptin, vildagliptin,
`linagliptin, dutogliptin,
`repaglinide, nateglinide, mitiglindine,
`albig!utide and insulin.
`Examples of
`investigational anti-hyperglycemic drugs include, but not
`IL-1 modulators, Sodium-glucose
`Dual-PPAR modulators, 11811-beta- hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (HSD) inhibitors,
`CCR2 antagonists,
`inhibitors of
`fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase,
`modulators, cortisol synthesis inhibitors, Gastrin-Releasing Peptide (GRP):
`agonists, G protein-coupled receptor 119 (GPR 119) agonists, Toll-like receptor-4 (TLR-4)
`agonists, FXR antagonists, and antisense drugs targeting glucagon receptors. More
`the investigational drugs include, but are not
`limited to, rhein, diacerein,
`monoacetyirhein, berberine, dapagliflozin,
`remogliflozin, etabonate, canaglifiozin, and


`WO 2011/163206
`The compositions of the invention may be administered twice-a-day or
`In some embodiments, the invention provides a method of reducing the
`food effect of a controlled release composition comprising formulating an active agent of
`said controlled release composition into a unit dosage form, wherein said unit dosage
`form comprises at least one sustained layer and one immediate release layer. The
`method of reducing food effect is especially suitable for an active agent which has a
`limited window of absorption and displays a negative food effect when an immediate
`release dosage form of the active agent is orally administered to a subject. Preferably,
`the ratio of the active agentin the sustained release layer and immediate release layer is
`‘between about 1:10 and about 10:1, more preferably between about 3:7 and about 7:3.
`lt was surprisingly found that when the compositions of
`the present
`invention which included metformin were administered to patients with food,
`bioavailability of metformin did not
`increase more than 50% as compared to the
`controlled release composition of metformin orally administered to patients in the fasted
`state. This result is an improvement as compared to commercially available extended
`release compositions including metformin such as Fortamet®, Glucophage® XR and
`It was also surprisingly found that when metformin was formulated into a
`dosage form comprising a sustained release layer and an immediate release layer, the
`bioavailability of metformin is improved in a fasted mode as compared to a comparable
`dose of a commercially available product such as Fortamet®, Glucophage® XR and


`WO 2011/163206
`in one embodiment,
`the present invention provides a method of
`improving bioavailability of a controlled release dosage form of metformin in a fasted
`In a preferred embodiment,
`the invention provides a controlled release
`composition of metfomin with improved bioavailability as compared to the administration
`of a comparable dose of a Fortamet® tablet
`in a fasted mode. Administering the
`inventive controlled release compositions of metformin allows one to reduce the time
`necessary to reach a steady state in a subject in need thereof.
`in one embodiment,
`the present invention provides a method of
`reducing the time necessary to reach a steady state for metformin in a subject in need
`thereof comprising administering to said subject
`the compositions of
`the present
`In one embodiment, the present invention provides a method of reducing the
`time necessary to reach a steady state for metformin in a subject in need thereofin the
`fasted state.
`The controlled release compositions in accordance with this invention can
`be prepared by common methods well knownto thoseskilled in the art of manufacturing
`drug compositions.
`However, a traditional manufacturing process may be not applicable when
`a controlled release composition contains a higher dose of an active ingredient.
`example, a traditional manufacturing process is not suitable for manufacturing a matrix
`controlled release tablet containing more than 750 mg of an active ingredient. A matrix
`controlled release table usually requires at least 10% by weight of total weight of a
`controlled release agent. A combination of high dose of active ingredients, controlled
`release agent(s) and other excipients results in a higher total weight of a tablet. When


`WO 2011/163206
`compressedbya traditional method, the tablet size may be too big and not suitable for
`The present invention surprisingly resulted in reduced tablet size of a matrix
`controlled release tabiet.
`in a preferred embodiment,
`the method of the invention
`comprisesthe following steps:
`(a) mixing an acid salt form of active ingredient with an alkaline agent to form a
`(b) granulating said mixture with a controlled release agent; and
`(c) compressing the granules from step (b)into tablets.
`The method of reducing tablet size of the invention is especially suitable for
`a controlled release tablet comprising more than 750 mg of an active ingredient. By
`mixing an alkaline agent with an acid salt form of an active ingredient, the required
`amountof the controlled release agent may be decreased but still able to achieve the
`desired controlled release results. Accordingly, the size of the controlled release tablet
`is reduced.
`Ina preferred embodiment, ihe method is suitable for a controlled release
`tablet comprising about 750-1250 mg of metformin HCI.
`The following Examples are provided solely for illustrative purposes and are
`not meantto limit the invention in any way.


`WO 2011/163206
`A. Preparation of a controlled release composition
`Example 1
`A controlled release tablet containing 1000 mg of metformin HCl was
`prepared as follows:
`Sustained release layer
`Sustained release layer
`mg/ tabiet
`Metformin HCl
`HPMC K100M CR (intra)
`HPMC K100M CR (extra)
`Magnesium stearate
`HPMC K100LV CR was dissolved in purified water as a binder solution.
`Metformin HCl, NagHPO, and partial HPMC K100M CR (intra) were blended and passed
`through a 30 mesh screen. The blended powders were wet granulated in a high shear
`mixer by sparing with the binder solution. The granules were dried in a fluidized bed
`granulator at 70°C until the loss on drying is not more than 3%. The dried granules were
`passed through a Comil equipped with a 20# mesh screen. The HPMC K100M CR
`(extra) was passed through 30# mesh screen and blended with the dried granules by a
`V-blender. Magnesium stearate was passed through 30# mesh screen and blended
`with the mixtures.


`WO 2011/163206
`immediate release layer
`immediate release layer
`mq/ tablet
`Metformin HCl
`Microcrystal cellulose
`Hydropropyl cellulose
`(Klucel® EF)
`Magnesium stearate
`Kiucel® EF was dissolved in purified water as a binder
`Metformin HCI and Microcrystal cellulose were blended and passed through a 30# mesh
`screen. The blended powders were wet granulated in a high shear mixer by sparing
`with the binder solution. The granules weredried in a fluidized bed granulator at 70°C
`until the loss on drying is not more than 3%. The dried granules were passed through a
`Comil equipped with a 20# mesh screen. Ac-Di-Sol was passed through 30# mesh
`screen and blended with the dried granules by a V-blender. Magnesium stearate was
`passed through 30# mesh screen and blended with the mixtures.
`The sustained release and immediate release mixtures were compressed
`to form a capsule shaped tablet.
`The size of the capsule shapedtable of the invention is 21.5mm x 12.0 mm.
`The thickness is 8.25mm. The shape of Fortamet® 1000mg is round.
`Its diameteris


`WO 2011/163206
`8.73mm and thickness is 12.98 mm. The table size and shape ofthe invention is more
`suitable for swallow when comparedto Fortamet®.
`Dissolution test
`The tablets were tested in an USP type I! apparatus at 50 rpm in 900ml of
`simulated gastric fluid (0.1 HCl). The result was asfollows:
`0.1N HCI, 900mg, USP Apparatus [I with sinker, 50 rom
` Time(hr) % metformin released
`10 100.0
`Bioavailability study
`Study Design
`A crossover bioavailability study to compare metformin HCI 1000 mg
`controlled release tablets of the invention and Fortamet® in healthy subjects.


`WO 2011/163206
`Blood Samples Schedule
`Pre-dose (0 h) and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 hours post dosefor test
`drugs and reference drugs with heparinized tubes.
`Bioavailability study of the metformnCR formulation (1000mg) of
`the invention and Fortamet® (1000 mg)
`Fed (n=7)
`Fasted (n=7)
`PK parameters
`(ng * h/ml)
`(ng » h/ml)
`38. -


`WO 2011/163206
`A controlled release pharmaceutical composition with a reduced food effect, said
`composition comprising an active agent and at least one pharmaceutically acceptable
`excipient, wherein said active agent has a limited window of absorption and displays a
`negative food effect when an immediate release dosage form of said active agent is
`orally administered to a subject.
`The controlled release pharmaceutical composition of claim 1, wherein said
`composition comprises a sustained release layer and an immediate release layer.
`The controlled release pharmaceutical composition of claim 2, wherein said active
`agentis incorporated into said sustained release layer and said immediate release layer
`at a weight ratio from about 1:10 to about 10:1.
`The controlled release pharmaceutical composition of claim 1, wherein the food
`effect is less than 50%.
`The controlled release pharmaceutical composition of claim 4, wherein the food
`effect is less than 40%.
`The controlled release pharmaceutical composition of claim 5, wherein the food
`effect is less than 30%.
`The controlied release pharmaceutical composition of claim 2, wherein the
`sustained release layer comprises(i) the active agent; (b) optionally, at least one release
`modifier; and (c) at least one sustained release agent.


`WO 2011/163206
`The controlled release pharmaceutical composition of claim 2, wherein said
`composition further comprise a second active agent.
`The controlled release pharmaceutical composition of claim 1, wherein said active
`agent is metformin or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof.
`The controlled release pharmaceutical composition of claim 8, wherein said
`second active agent is selected from currently available antihyperglycemic drugs and
`investigational antinyperglycemic drugs.
`The controlled release pharmaceutical composition of claim 10, wherein said
`currently available antihyperglycemic drugs include, but are not limited to, sulfonylurea,
` dipeptidyl
`peptidase-4 inhibitors (DPP-4 inhibitors), meglitinides, glucagon-like peptide-1 analogs
`(GLP-7 analogs) and insulin.
`The controlled release pharmaceutical composition of claim 10 wherein the
`antihyperglycemic drugs include, but are notlimited to, metformin, glyburide, glimepiride,
`acarbose, miglitol,
`troglitazone, rosiglitazone,
`isaglitazone, muraglitizar, peliglitazar, sitagliptin, saxagliptin,
`linagliptin, dutogliptin,
`repaglinide, nateglinide, mitiglindine,
`exenatide, liraglutide, albiglutide and insulin.
`The controlled release pharmaceutical composition of claim 10, wherein said
`investigational antihyperglycemic drugs include, but not
`limited to,
`IL-1 modulators,
`Sodium-glucose transporter-2 (SGLT-2) inhibitors, Dual-PPAR modulators, 11811-beta-
`hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (HSD) inhibitors, CCR2 antagonists, selective inhibitors


`WO 2011/163206
`fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase,
`immune modulators, cortisol synthesis
`Gastrin-Releasing Peptide (GRP) receptor agonists, G protein-coupled receptor 119
`(GPR 119) agonists, Toll-like
`receptor-4 (TLR-4) agonists, FXR antagonists, and
`antisense drugs targeting glucagon receptors.
`The controlled release pharmaceutical composition of claim 13, wherein the
`investigational drugs include

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