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`13510: 31129111331311 Status"Patent-“£1
`PTO!A!N14 {02}- 321::
`Appravacfl Far we 11“»th 01131124314. OMB 31151-9932
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`Ammpy 1301,1291 Numbea11441314013313
`Appiéaafifin fiata Sheet 3? QFR 136 mm
`AppEwaiion Number
` 11138 of invention
`255% Bates
`Prim Appiicasian
`Continuiiy Type
`Cmtinuaiian 1:1 pain 01‘
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`{W 9533961149; 111% 531131111 331111011
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`5011311111163 the ciaim far prEGriEy % required by 35 11.3.0 119(1)) and 3?” CFR 1.535%) When 5111011131 is; claimed 10 a fareign appiicaiém
`3133115 eiigibie fer retrievai under the pricrfiy dccumem exchanges pregram (FOX): 11169 11111311331101: wiii be mad by the Office in
`auiamafimiéy aitampt miréavai pursuant 1c- 3? {EFR '1.55(h}{1) and (2}, Under the PBX prsgram‘ appiicanfi bears the 11111121318
`respamébiiity for amusing 11131.3 cop}; (31111:: fareign appiicatim Ea received by the Office 112113 the pafiicipaéing fareign iniaiiecfiuai
`pmpar‘ly office, 01 3 3311111811 mpg; of the feraign primity appiicaflcn is flied, within 111% time pariod sspaaifiad in 3? CFR 1.55m)“;
`Appiicaticn Number
`Fiiing E32215: (‘w‘YYYMMDEB)
`Aaness Code (11805311653358)
`“1355555115;1g1;‘Es115;;ng$511“‘5¥ggg“g;§;ag15153‘:1151515111313?5;1111515511?“ WWW"““““““““““““““““““““
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`This agapi‘écatien (1) cEairnS priority 10 13115113 benefit 01311 39531153311011 flied heirs-re March 16, 2613 and {2) 3150
`mntains, er oaniainad 3131131 time, a 01mm 10 a ciaimed invention 111315133 an afieaiéve {Hing date on 01 after March
`15, 21313.
`Aufimrimfigm 11:: 13mm: Aflmfis:
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`Appiacataan Number
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`ii9, Japan, Patent Office {1P0} the Korean Enieliec‘tuai Fmperty Crime {K3579} Eha We::6 iraitsiiacttiat F‘mpefiy 0ch (W390)
`86633631 02her inteiiectuai graperty 6656223 in which a fereign appilcatinn ciaiming 3360633116 the instant pamnt apniiimticrn
`' 363365516theinsta-rtpatésntagpiication, See 3? CR“ ’1 t4.(:3and (h) Tnis be»: shouid hat\3 checked if the 6963mm
`6666 not wish the ERG, JPC), K390, WEPD, or What antaiiectuat 336333663; cities; in which a fare=gn appiication calming; primrity
`fire that inittsaht patent appiinattah is 33366 to have access tr) the instant 3:63:36”: appiicatioh.
`Er: accordahee with 3? CFR 1.t4(h){333 amass wit? he provided 30 a may of the instant patent appiimiion with respect
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`ciairna primity under 35 "6.6.8. 31963336} if a mm: at the foreign 2332261596606 that satisfies the certified may requiremant 9f
`3? CFR 1.55 has been filer: in the instant patent appticatim; and 336313! US. agapiicatiah-as~fiied fmm which mnefit is
`sought in the instant patent appiicaiioh.
`in acmrciance with 3? CFR 1.1492); access may be previded to informatian mnmming the date. 0 ffiling this Autnan‘zaiscan.
`26336336663 trtfmmattfln:
`Prwviding a=signment érwftaririatim in thir section 666:; hat«substitute fer wmpiianca with any 365-2;uiramertt at part 13 at iitia 3"! 02‘ CFR §
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`ii 4.3; or the name and address 03' the assigiiae‘ perssoh t6 whom the intranet".55 under an obiigatian tr: agsigh the invention. 6r parson
`iwhe Otherwise shaws sufiician: pmpriatary interasi: h the matter wheas the appiiaaht under 3? {:3-R 1.46 it the: appiicantta an
`apaitrsant under 37 CPR t 46 (3553513696 perscn to when: the inventeras obiigated to assign 0r persen wna stharwiaa $69613 sutficient
`pmpr‘ietary interest) together with one or more train”: inventcsrs, then the joint invehtmr or inventom m are aim: the appiiaarst 53163316 336
`identifiedin 366s€8¢3§Gfl
`itagrrptiaamégthaiegat ragareszantattve ihcéieatetha autherityte titre the patentappiroatioh thatnvsnioris:
`Name at the Deceased Car Legaiéy incapacitated trimmer ii
`if tha Appiicasat is an Grgamzaiaon check here
`._____________________________________________________ 3__________________________________________________________________________________________________.______________________________________________________________________________________________,‘_________________;,,:_
`69:) Assagnes
`E C)- Legat Rapraseaxtatwee under 35 €236.13. 11?
`Jami: invents:
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`k: Perscn whit ShOWS sufficient preprietary interest
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`3 Postal £3668
`Fax: Number
`Rwy-mam E'QE E2959 Ehmugh CEEE‘B'EE'I‘EQN. {3MB GSSE5'33?
`U.S S’aEanE and s‘radamad: £3353; ‘JS. UEE’JSRTMENTC FCQMMERC4.
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`Fiiter Loading
`Emaia Address
`ASSEEinnaE AppEEcanE Data may be generated within EEEES form by seieciéng the Add button.
`if the appEEcaEEE Es: EEEe Envamm (at the remaining EGEEE invents)? GE“ Envenian‘. UE‘EE‘EQE‘ 37 (:FR 1.45), this sactEaEE ghouEd not be cempEeEeS.
`The Enfarmatinn to be provédadEEE EE‘EEs seetion ia the name and addresa of the Eega! rapEesenEaEEE/e WEEEE Es Ehe applicant under 3? CFR
`1 43; or Ehe name aEEEE address 0? the assignee persnn E0 whom the invenior is under an nbiiga‘EEan E0 assign Ehe Enventian (EE person
`wnc otharwiaa snows: sufficient promintaw interest in fine maEEaE‘ wnnES the appEEcanE under 3.7 CFR E 46 EE‘ the appiicaritES an
`appEEcarEE under 3‘? CFR 1.43 {assEgnae, person E4) whm‘n theEn mentor is chEQaEe-j to assign, OE gunman who ntEEeEwEse Shaw's sufficient
`prapnetary interest} togefiher wEEEE one or more joint inventors. Ehen Ene Eaini inventor 0E Enveniars who are aim the appEEcant shouid be
`Edemifiad in this; aeciéen.
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`Joint inventor
`CE Legal Repreaeniativa under 35 L534). 11?
`{é} Assignae
`(:3 Person EC: whom the inventor E5 0E3 gated to assign.
` Pansnn WEEK) shows: sufficient prmrietary interest
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`Emazi Address
`Additianai Apniicant DiaEa may be generated WEEEEEn thEa form by $eEeCEEng the Add bufion.
`Nanwknniifiani AaaEgnaa ififflfmafiflfi
`F‘E‘WESEEEQ assignment Enfnnnation En Eh‘Es seciion (E095 net subseiute for campiiance with any requirement af part 3 of Title 3'? of CPR in
`have an assEgnmeni recnrded by Ehe Gffica
`EFS Web 236
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`Afiorne‘ {Ericka Number
`144074 (33819
`Agypiieatign {Ema Sheet 3? {BFR “i 3% j“mwmmmmm
`Appiicaiion Number
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`Fiiter Leading
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`ecwrdarice withi3? CFR 1215(2)). 00 rimNICE:Liein this seciim an appiicant under 3? CH? 1.48 (assignee‘ rhersarr in whom Erie
`inventor is abiigaied to assign, or gserssr: Wm otherwise shews suificieni proprietary interest): as the patent appiicaiisn publicatiarr wiii
`enniucies ihe name 0f the appiicanfls).
`an Organiratian ($196k here
`Siven Name
`Maiiir‘sg Addreszs infcrmaiiarr Far NanAppiisanr Asgignee:
`Aridress 1
`Address 2
`i Siaieivaince
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`i Fax Numbar
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`2 2
`Additionai A555gnee Data may be generated Within ihas form by seiecimg the Add buttm.
`FarsiName '
`Additianai Signaiure may be generated inithin this farm by seiecting the Add button
`‘i'his colieciion of infarmaiisn is required by 3? CFR 1.?6. The informariuri is required is Obtain or retain a benefit by the pubiic which
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`Trademark Office Li. S Degaarimeraiiraf {Zarnmerca F” C} Bax MSG Aiexarrdria VA 223134450 DO ’\30'?” SEND FEES {3R
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