`As it below nanied inventor, l hereby declare that:
`My address is, stated below next to my name
`l believe that l son an original, firet and joint inventor of the onbieet matter which is
`elairned and for which a patent is, sought on the invention entitled ”FlL'l'léllt l...OADth3-“
`(Attorney Docket No. 144074.008l9i; the specification of which was ti led with my authority on
`July 9, 2C: 3 as Applieation Serial No. l3/937,8li3.
`The ahoyeddentitied application was made or authorized to he made by the
`l herebj;i state that l have reviewed and understand the contents of the aboveidentitied
`Specification inelnding the claims referred to above.
`l acknowledge the duty to disclose to the Patent and Trademark foiee all information
`known to me to be material to patentnhility as defined in "Title 3?, Code ct’l’ederol Regulations,
`l hereby elairn the benefit oi" the United States applications listed below and, ineol’nr as
`the subject matter ot‘eaeh of the claims of these applications are not diseloeed in the prior United
`States applieations in the manner provided by the first paragraph ot‘Title 35, United States Code,
`§ 112, l aeion‘iwiedge the duty to disclose material information as defined in Title 37, Code of
`Federal Regulations? l,56(n) wbieh occurred between the filing, date ot‘ the prior application and
`the national or PCT international tiiing date of these applieatione:
` Steins
`l 0/926,5 l 3
`The undersigned hereby grants the USll'l‘O authority to provide the European Patent
`Office (lipid), the Jainiriese baitent Olliee UFO), the Korean lntelleetnal Property {Zlffiee (KEPO),
`the World lntellectual Property Office {WlPO}, and any other intellectual property offices in
`which a foreign application elitirning priority to the above-identified potent application is filed
`aeoess to the olnoyeddeniified patent application, See '37 CPR. l.l4tfo) and {h}.
`in neeordanee with 37 (2&th l.l4th)(3), neeess will he. provided to a eopy of the
`aboveddentified patent application with respect to: l) the above-identified patent
`applicationunsmtiled; 131) any foreign applieetion to which the abovewidentitied patent application
`claims priority under 35 USE. 119(n3—(d) it‘a copy of the loreign application that satisfies the
`certified copy re inire nent of 37 CPR. 1.55 has been tiled in the ahoy'euidentitied patent
`applicaii‘ou; and 3:} any U .S. applicatimbasnfiifld frem which benefit is wright in the
`aboveédemified mien: applicaélien.
`in aecmdancg with 37" QRR. 1.14533), access may be pmvided to informaticm concerning
`the data 0f filing the Authmizatien :0 Permit Acceas to Aypiica’tion by Pmicipafing f3ffices.
`{hereby ackfiawledge that 3113 statements made herein of my own knowiadge are true, final
`2111 S'taictmrmi's made: on infcrmaticn and indie? an“: balievafl m be ima; and l hereby afiknowigdgfi:
`that any Wiili’u} faise staiament made: in this daclaratian i3 gaunighahlc under 13 US$- mm by
`fine at imprismmem 01'"th mom than five (:3) yams, or bath. and that. such willfizi misc
`sizztements may jeopardizc the validity {3f ths application or any patsm: issued ’rherean.
`Fuii mama 0f firstjoim' inwsntor:
`Rabat W. Stilss, Jr,
`invamm’s Signature:
`San Marcos, Califaa'nia
`Peat Office Addresgi
`128E Haimgmvg Drive
`Sam Marcos? CA 92073
` Data: 1.6.
`Post Office Address: Harwaenget 28
`Dkéflfifl Kolding
`Fun name of third jam; inventar:
`Hamid B. Rmbcfl
`Im'mmr'fi Sigflfimw .........................................................................
`Savannah. Gmrgia
`Post Office Address: 73 Whiie Oak Bluff
`Savannah, GA 31405
`appiicafion; and 3) any UHS applicationfiskfiicd {mm which hensfii is swught in “aha
`abavanidemificd patent application.
`‘E’n aacurdanae with 37 {313.11 134(0)? access. may be provided i0 ini’ommim awe-arming
`aha: data: {3f filing the. Authorizaiian m Permit ACCSSS {a Appiiuaiion by Participating Offices,
`I hereby ackmwieziga that aii Statements made herein Qfmy mm kmwicdge are {'YUQ, film:
`31E Statements: made an infibrmation and 3363wa are: believed m be true; and I hcrcby ackmwiadge:
`that any willfu} {Elisa statement made in this dcclamtim is; p‘unisha’tfle um‘iezr 18 11.38. mm by
`firm or imprisonment of not mom than five (5) yams, 02‘ both, 5131mm? such wflifui fake:
`staicmcms may jeopardixa the vaiidity 0f ”(he appiicaiion 5}? any paiant €53;er
`Fulfil name offirstjaiufi inventor:
`Rebefi W1 Séiieg, Jr.
`invamr‘s Signature:
`Post Office AddreSS:
`San Marcos, Califbmia
`1283 i-iafimgmve Drivc
`San Mates, CA 920733
`Fail name ofsacemdjoim inventor: Lars Hafi‘hmm BefihaiSen
`Invenim'fi Signaim:
`Date: WWW
`Rowing? Denmark,
`Past {ibffice Addmss: Hamvacngci 23
`V Strandhuse
`I)K»6000 Kslfiing
`Fa}? name: afthirfijaimfi imamor;
`Roiiaid By Rahal
` ,”x
`Emmi“? S Sigfifitm‘ei MCEE‘
`:I‘ ,,
`) \
`' W
`Pas": Office Ai‘sdress:
`Savannah, Geargia
`”£3 White 031»; Biui’f
`Savannah GA 31405
`i g1
`Full name (sf fourth joint 3mm“ 'x
`Gm}; Kjaar
`Past Office AfldeSi
`Swendarborg Dramatic
`.Faikevej 4
`Soanderbmg DKnMGG
`F1131 name of fifihjaint inventor:
`Sinai“ Marian Rumi'ssan
`im'emor’s Signature:
` Data
`Saxenderborg, Demmz‘k
`Post Offic: Address: Grundivigs Mia £14
`Semdmbmg DK~6400
`Fuli name of ‘01.:rthj0intinventor: Geri Kjaer
`hwmmr's Si gnaiure: WW
`Dave: MW
`Poss Gi‘fice Address: Falkevej 4
`Socnderhmg, EEK—6400
`Seamfisrborg, Banmark
`Past Office Address: Grundivigs AIR-“s E34
`Soenciarhmg DK»64OQ