`Dec mafia: 08111
`Document Description: Gain 01' daciarafion flied
`Approved for usa Inmugn 11:30:2020 C1948 {$8.
`U S Pawns and desmerk Office; U8. DEPARTMENT OF CCMMERCE
`Undav ins Faperwofk Reduction Act of 19135. nn permns sir
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`This statement is directen to:
`, m The smashed appiicat‘son.
`SUN 9, 2013
`men an
`Ex;Unified $131as appiicatinn er PST fisItsmationai apniicatinn number
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`LEUAL NSNEE Sf invents: In Wham this snhstfitnm niatsment apniéas:
`13/g3? 893
`{En, Given Name (first and middin {if any» and Famiiy Name or Surname;
`Robert W. Stéies Jr
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`San Mamas
`Ma:~1§ng Address (except fer a deceasafi or isgniiy incapacitated inventar):
`1281 Hnimgmve Brive
`San Marcns
`92078 \nxuvxxxv
`1 befisve the abnve-named invenicsr car jaini inventefl.0 be the angina! inventcr or an cn‘ginni Saint inveniar of a 6::'aimnrj inventinn
`in the application.
`The ahnva-Edantified anpiicafinn was made or nuthorizad to be main by me.
`imprisonment sf rm: more than five (5} years an both
`Reiatiansnfin tn the inventor tn whom this substitute staismnnt 3991183:
`B Legat Represantaiive (far dacnasnd or Engaiiy incanacfitated invenmr nniy}.
` E] Fersnn 1c wnnn‘s the inventoris. Underan nbiigation in assign.
`D Persnn who nthnrwise shew: a sufficient nmprfinias‘y ininrest in the Ingmar (petition under 37’ CFR 1.413 is required}. or
`D Joint inventor.
`21335 to 111e {and
`Tins cniiecfion of infamIation is mquirad by 35 US(2.115 and 3? CE-R 1.53.1’hniu'urnr3figznis inquired in abialn a! I»am If: finnefi't by fine nufiiic 5:.-
`by the USPTO ta procnss) an applicafinn (‘nnfidantiai'fiy is governed by 35 U S £21.11;“Sand 3? (ER 1. 11 and 1.111 “NI <4)! XianES 6311..151m in 2mm 1 minute 10
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`THES ADURESS. SENS TS: Sammissianer far Faéants, 139 Box 111513. Ainxandria VA 223134451)
`ifynu need assistanue in compisflng Ann 'bm. caii 1-sen-P169199 and 55356105511011 2,
`{supra-Jess fur use ehmugh 1113312020. OMB 9651-3332
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`3§§ invanio? has refused to anemia this oath £3? deciaratiun under 3?“ CFR 1.83,
`if them are 333m inventfim, piease check the appreprfiata berm baéaw:
` An apgfs’mfiim 313:3 $31-38: under 3? CFR 338 {PTGMWM tar equiwafient} naming the entire inveniiva @3123}! has bean
`:23? as cuzmrfiiy 513m 33233,:
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`afies 333mm effort, a? has rafuseezi it: axesute ma oath or daniaraiien under 37 CPR 1,63,
`{Fags E {if 23
`3301);:55051:"0513551 Ur declaration flied
`PTCIAA1025 '
`Approved :‘c-ruse 551mugh 511301202“:- OMB £55310-32
`U S Farm and'l'rafien1arliO?”n-3; 15.3. DEPARTMENT OF COMME .CE
`5hr:’«pw‘w‘r Remcmn Ac) (:5 5935. m1 9615:1213 are new:sdu“-:respnnd lo 3 1:51:55:
`an 0finfnrma:irzn unless )5 displays a val-i QME conircl numb-31'
`,5 5133121153311
`July E3. 2013
`] 0:155"): States application 0r PCT 11110108550035 applécatlon numberM filed 0.11 WWW...“
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`LEGAL NAME af invenmr 1:0 Wham 55155 substitute statement applies:
`.g..vi§5‘j ' Name (5513501151 111:11050 (55.110111) and 53:11: :3! Name a: Surname)
`“53555133., Jr,
`. . .hm>)I'.‘3&0xfi\\.\.\.\.\\\.\.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\~\\\\\-~I~\~W«««“
`£51113 5511153115155}:
`Residence:553.1129 535 for a deceased er'i 1131133113
`-.»\ P:
`. Ban 5. 311.05
`Mailing 51:515-331.:(except for a deceased or 5553:: 55y incapacimlm‘ énvanmr):
`1281 5-1135 mgmve Drive
`{111.1 5115315203
`5 3..~..-~.~m...mw“fim“ 551-{11515‘11-‘$1....“.m.........m...mm.
`1‘ 1m:
`MW w w
`5 believe $538 .530vewnamed ErlveMm 0153501 inventer to be the ariginal inventor 01‘ an ariginai jn4515'0121311531” 0f 21 05:21:med-:nvefiéion
`in 5515‘:
` The 85331!
`5 51516153519
` \m‘W‘W‘ummwmfi‘mfikfifixfix\kxxhfi\kk
`Relatinnsfiip‘.0 55153 lnveanlar 5:3 whom this substituia stalemani apgzfleas:
`’35"w"‘t":1N..u m’{CJ:
`553551W113$) issdvinventor only).
`51151115911515 51.11511501.111%filigszfii-m‘s *‘1351'311351111.
`1231.11:531:1 W516 :15Q‘11:A‘~:§
`5 W5
`[:1 3.05115 lnvenior.
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`15m:01:213150?: 53 55:31:11ed 5335 as 5.550.175 and a? LFR 163 The 5:1501m5550r‘. is required :0 05.15%". or retaln :3 5111110511 51y 7m: puulic which 15 50 file [and
`,Cmflceniiaiib,:2. 9011:5030 by 35.J. 853122 and 3? CFR 5.1) and 1.5:: :nia wl>c550r59 6515111359. 0 :akel 111311515910
`auam:51.g':*1a completed 003150351011 ‘crmlhe USFTO ’ .w"va:y dependlng upcn 5' emdw‘ a 01150. Any
`:0 .mants {:11
`:ic complew ihl:1‘or...3r:0‘for sagas-550.13 for 1105:0511g5h5s bu.
`. ssh-355,56 m 56115305513 Chie!‘ infarmafiun G5ficer. 5.5.3.
`'13 3‘
`Fifi9.01 and£~
`Office. U"‘.2. D-zparlmem 05 Summers», PC), £50): 14:.no A:axan5515a.‘JA 22313-1453 09 NOT SEND FEES 0R COMP). TED FQRMS T0
`THES ADDRE§3¥I SEND T113: Cammlssfianerfor 53215531111. 5’ 0 80311455) Alexandria VA 2231311555)
`5! ram near! assisamte in complain-'1 ihe farm, as)! 18&0-PTO9 '5” and 5:112:25 optima.
` 4W~W~Ww.xWxx~«x\«“‘x‘v~\xx“1“xx.«xxxwanxxnx...a“......xx“....~\\\\-\\\\\\\\\\\«x---~\\\xx~1“xx\\~«\“xwxxx--wx“““x-\--“\“«.w~.«\\\x~“w\\
` :5 permitting axe-autism at thiS substitute statement:
`111311131 deceased,
`1 1'
`l 1111;311101133111101 131-1113111113 (11 reached after 1111133111 effort. C1“
`11311121111111 has rammed 11> axes-.1113 the (113111 or 11312131811011 under 37 CFR 1.53
`itpformaticn is attached. See 37 CFR 1.84113).
`Petitioner'apnétcant is cautioned to avoid 3111:1111 itting 133151111313 infm‘mati'n 111 documents fated 111 a patent 31111111311011 that may
`contribute 111 tdenetty theft. 9311301131 intermatien $11-31"- as s-ciat 8861;:‘1:31 numbers. 119.1111 account numbers 01’ credit card 1111111111313
`{1111131111311 3 Check 11101511111 ca 16 11111110111311011 1:: "111 PTO4038 submitted fm 1131111113111 1111110111133) :5 11131191 required 111/1113‘13.‘iPTO
`to supporta111315111111 01 an appttcatém If this 13:we cfpersanate‘hfo1n1attoa1 1911161115181"!111 documents. submitied to 1111': USPTO
`pettteonera'eppttcants shoutd 601151691 redacttn-g such 1331551121! informatte11 tron”: the dc:121111131113 before submming them to the
`USPTO. Petitioner/391111331111 is adv-311119131 the recs-1113121 patent appticaténh 12. 3112111111313 to the puhti: 31131311131031ic-n of the
`31112110311011 {11316521 3 non p131.11113111311 request 111 30111111 nee with 7 CFR 1.213(3) 15 made 111 the appiication) :11
`3113.131:.11 a
`patent. Furthern’aore. the recent from an abandoned apptecation 11131; 3150 be avatiabte to the public 11‘ the appéication is
`refs-1011:1211 111 a publish-11d appiicaiiem 131* an 1111:1133 pa:3111 1511313 ‘51? CFR.’- .14) Checks and credit card authcrtzation forms
`F‘TO2”355 submitted 1‘31 payment purposes are not retasnea 511 tne apptication 11111 and therefore 21161 1101 pubtiaty 311113131113.
`§. .0111 application 11313 1.11111: under 3? CFR 1.?“13 {PTO/111191114 31 equivatent) naming the entire 111ve111t1ve arttity haa been
`11113 currentiy 51113113
`$.3ter11L11t 81.111111311131113: Sheet (PTQIAEAI‘H 01611111111311.1111”) 11311111191113 3.111.113 inventive 3111113121113 providing invantur
`--~w--~xx~s‘xxxx“-vs~sxxx~NNN\\Kxxxx\\xxx\xxx\X\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\kaxxxxxnxxxxmxxxxxxxxu9})‘39) ... www-
`?ES. St‘A’t‘E9135.111
`ttthe anplicant1. a 111115.13 entity, its‘ tha appticant name 3111311131113 9118639111511:
`[33111033 Power Electronics AIS
` Anptic3311‘: Mama:
`-xx\\\xxx\\\x\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\x\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\x\mn\mw\ .
`Title 611731313011 Executing
`W“““\““““““.“ i.\.\\\\.\\\.
`3'11“ Ktfifffit .
`11-111 0111‘311111111
`(1. 5131121111
`....‘..‘.‘......v.‘..‘....{ \31
`1111.111111 an 331.11g}.t1311111111, 13:11.13 53.111131 PW.) 111111111car 1:.
`Residencegot t.
`Mating 111151111191; 11111111 611131111111 (11111111111 11111111111311 in 1111 3991133111311 data 311331: PTQEAEAIM 01' 31111113111111)
`Uisnaess 1
`E. 12'
`Nate: the an ac‘diti.nest PTOJANICE form 11133311 11111111311111.111013 deceased.tegattyi 11039301181611. 23711101133101.1113 1.1.1 reached
`W ~ssx\~\-s\~\xssx~x\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\Kx\.\.\.\.\.\.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'\\\\\v-xixnnnan
`3113' 511111th effort or has refusedto 3x31311161 tha 03111:: «131::31311011. 1.1111191371CFR 2163
`[P311332 otZ}

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