`Aphieed0"130 thrcuqh {111'
`””615 (31-11?- (lt-.11 1313 31
` he 991091331. fled-3311311 Act -:1.'
`3111151113111 1111113113 31* :33 '1 3...:
`11111311311111.-113511~111Owneh 139111311“ ”113161 P001 and Spa, 1111:.
`Apprtcatron 11aeaten-110.: __,_1,3/13‘3"1"15138
`H Fiied/‘iseue Dare: £7
`Titled: FiiterLoading
`Per-11111111153111" P301 and S )3
`{Name 01
`(Type of A331
`, 11.9., corporation, earth .
`. ip, univers. _', governrn.... agency, 91c.)
`states 111211, for the patent eppiieetien/ee1eh1 ideh1ifiee‘ above, 11 1e {choose he of eptiens 1 23 0114 beiew):
`m The assignee of the entire right, 11119, and 11111311351.
`3.15%”sisghee 01-:ess than the er11ire 1191111111111. and 111‘ieres1(cite1:11 appliczifie hex):
`E1 There are unspecified he 39.111131131315101:er1111101'siiip.111e 0111121rpartiee. in;Ending inverrtere, who together own the entire
`right, 1. e and interest are:
`Adciiiti0.1131 $1eternen11e) 133,11the owner's) heiding the balance of the interest {nu‘ggjutg‘e‘e‘gbflj‘t‘teg to aeceunii for the e.hire
`11111111, 1131, and 111191931.
`J The assignee of en undivided interest 11111113 er11irety {a1 compiete aesigrirnent ire-'11 one e1111ejoin11nveh1ore was made).
`3 E
`The other parties, neiudihg inventors, who 10:; her own 1he entire right, tiiie, and interest are:
` Ae
`one! Sta.emehtr‘e) by1he ewnerte) heiding1he be: ance ef the interest.35‘“
`to account fer the entire
`right, 1111e, and 1111132111131.
`4. U The recipient, via a court proceeding or the iike (eg, bankruptcy, preheie), of an undivided interest in the entirety (a
`completetransiereimvnership11111311111511.1135 made}. 11186811111131 documenfis)110Wii'igt“é=1”“‘feris 5111310111111.
`The ir1teree11<;e1.1iiiedin 11111101112 or '3 above (not when 4) is evidenced by e11her (choose one 01 options A or B 1>e1ew12
`[21 Ah eeeighmeht from the inventor1si 01 11111 patent application/patent idem-ifiecs' above The assignment was recorded in
`11112 United States Patent and Trademark Qiiice 3111-1115313”
`1 er for which a may
`therec-i is attached.
`B. D A chain of titie from the inventor-'8a»). of 1” petem 91113113511nipatent identified ebeve. to the current assighee 33101101115:
`1 . Frorn:
`The document was recorded in the United Staies 13211-3111 and Trademark Qifice at
`,or tor which a copy theieetis attached
`. Frame
`or for which a co "1'1hereof'15 attached
`The deeument was recorded in 1he United 8131123 Paten1 and Trademark Office at
`. (andfly ihe USF'TO to
` F‘aiem a1:1
`{2122:2222 2h
`PTO}A-:WQE (Gd 22)
`{hemmed tor use through Giffiii2013.0-’v‘-B ($52 $032
`. aiid2.372822222122223 rm\\\\\\
` 22222:)22*.222‘. red: 2,
`e2meme“ {2222222222 {22*{:ee {M332
`The documen2 wee reeerciee' in the United States Patent and Trademark foiee at
`Reei “
`2 Frame
`or ier which a cepy-222ereoi2" "attached.
`2 Frame
`, or 202 which a copy there-:22 is 2222222222233.
`{:2 33C; 3
` The document was recorded in the
`2 Frame:
`2 er tor which a copy thereef is aha-shed.
`e. From;
`The document was recorded
`92 States Patent and Trademark Office at
`, Frame
`2 (22‘ for which {a copy thereof is2.22tie-shed.
`Additional documents in the chain of ii2ie are its2e:2 (222 a sup); iemerite isheetisi
`Ae2Eequ=i2ed by37CFF2 373(2‘2))(‘2)(i),-the documentarv evidence eflhe cite222 of ti2ieirom the orig:rte: ownerm the
`ass hem/vet orcehcurrenti;<2being:seem!iodiormeordetnhremnant{-337 CF23 8.21.
`[NOTE A separate copy (2 e. a true 599;! of the origihei assignment documenttsfi must be submitted to Assignment
`Division22: accordance with 37 (EFF? Part 3. 20 record We assignment in the records of the USPTO. See MFEF‘ 302.08}
`5 The undersigned’whese title is supplied beiew) is authorized to act err behalf of ihe aesignee:
`’Jeei A Austihi
`Qetehei 2722323
`Jeei A Aueiih
` e hr Regsetietieh Numbe‘
`' 1535323. he eerssns 19 teen
`Us '
`1:- tea-seed to s n
`“ti and Trade-111.21% Git
`AphiicenE/F‘etehi t.
`Appi iicaten Ne’Patent i\.i0.::
`Titied Fiiter Loading
`.. Filed/issue WWW/0912013
`Denfess Power Eiehtrnnies NS
`1 a cornerstien
`(Name of Assignee)
`, 1ee,e.g.:cnrporatio . psi ..
`.ip, u we 0
`. L,1evernmentagency. etc.)
`states that, for the patent espiicaiien/pstenE identified aheve it is (ch0ese 011s of eptiens 1.”)_. 3.3014 heiew):
`7 The essignee hi the entire right, iitie. and interesi.
`2:1 Ana
`gnee 0t tees than the entire right, tide, andinterest (ch-eck appi-ieabie h0x):
`9/0. Additideei Statement-(s) by the owners
`ence r1ithe interesthgjgst be tubn11tte'it'11es‘3t1unt for 100% 0tti1eewr1ership interest.
`Additional Statemeniis} by the ownerts) heiding the hetahce er’ the interestgigimtgggwk;..
`itie, and interest.
`3, m The assign-3e 01 an undivided ihEeresE in the entirety (a campiete assignment ir0m one 01’ the joint invents-rs was made).
`The other parties ine' =d' g inventers whe tegether own the e11tire11gi1t titte, and interest are:
`Additiehat Statemeni’si by the ewnerg’s) heiding the heiahee e1c the interest r
`righttitie,sind interest
`151110 as‘euh-1511119 entire
`4.1—1 The recipient via a court proceedings.“r the like (8.9, bankruptcy. probate). of an undiirided interest in the eniirety (a
`son1nieetranste1 of ewnerehipi.11terest was made) The certified document-(s) shew-11d the transferis attached.
`einieresi identit:e-:'>i:11 spti en 1 2 era above (not option 4) is evidertee-st by e-:itnear (-wheese ene 91‘ epitons A er i3 beiew):
`5 A. 1: An assignment from the inventerts) oi the patent eppticeiieni’petent identified abnve. The assidhntent was recorded in
`the United States Patent and Trademark Office at Ree! .
`erferwi1-0t11:: may
`thereof is attached.
`A chain ef titie from the inventortsi, 0f the patent apeiication/patent identified above is the hi-rier1tess ignee as teii
`'i'e: Dehfoss Drives NS
`The document was reserrated ih-ii1e United States Pete.11 an"31 Trad-arnerk Office at
`, or 101 which a copy thereei13 attached.
`Deht‘ess Drives AIS
`To: Deniess Power Eiecirehics NS
`The document was recorded in the tinned States Patent and Tr:idemark Cittce at
`1111. or tor which a copy thereef is attachea
`1.5:! S. behartmehts‘veor‘trercc PO Box 145O Aiemmna VA :2313-14SOnO NOT'SEND‘h
`TO: {Zemrhissiener fer Patents, RC. Sex 1450, Atexandris, VA 22313111513.
`{11"}10n'- new(tssniamr in cWhine: iii: ,t"021;: 1655!?! .i-Stir‘G-PTO-QE 95* and sates: 03.111911 2
`am mathred R‘- test
`533ATEMERT {SRE3EZR ‘3? GER 3'?3§C§
`iT:AMA/86 (05 12)
`througnr‘ii31/2013 OMB 0651-002‘:
`or far whieh a copythereof is attached.
`7 Frame
`The document was recorded in the United States Patent and Trademark Office at
`. Frame ‘
`7 or for which a oepy thereof is attached.
`The document was recorded in the United States Patent and Tradematk Office at
`‘17.?.F- rorn ,
` or for which a hop}2 theienfis attached.
`The document was recorded in the United States Patent and Trademark foice at
`'r which a copy thereof is attached.
`Additiehai documents in the chain oitit leaere tisted on a supp!<2:vnentai sheetts}.
`As required by 32 CPR: “Sic)( ‘iitjtfi thedecumentary evidence ofthe chain ottiiie truth the ertgirtai owneric the
`assignee was orenoutrertt-iw‘is heihg, sub.ni tied for ie:)orciation pursuant to 37 CFR 3.11.
`[NC-TE: Aseparat e copy (i e a true copy oi the orighe' assignmentdocument! 3)) must be submitted to Assign.nent
`Divasion'53‘: accordance with 32’ CPR Pai'St tc- receici the assignment ii": the records of the USPTO. See MPEF‘"<92 .08}
`:The ur.[dereigr.» (i ’whase title:5; sup pi-ieci heihwi is authorized to actsrt hehaii of tt e assigttee,
`’Jer A Austin!
`Oetehei’ 1?. we
`Jhei A, Austin
`{Page 2 0i 2}

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