`Gimp Ar: Unit 3-746
`in 1‘6 Patent Applicatien Of"
`i, Eiien R Webb, hereby cen‘ify‘ that this aorrespendence is bang
`transmitted elecuunicaliy to Hit: United States Patent and 'I‘radcn'raflr.
`Office via the E175 W-‘ii‘: e-Fiiing system on the d is ofmy signature
`Pent-(11'1” Water P005 and Spa, 1m;
`Applieatien N0: iii/937,808
` Date or blgnature
`Confirmaiion New: 41 79
`31113) 9, 20%.“:
`Examiner: Christopher S. Bobish
`Title: “Filter Loading”
`iii‘lg‘gfiiiifi“? Ti} E3333“? AP?LECANT UNEEESZR MEIER» "
`Conmiissiener for Patents
`R0. Bax 145-0
`Alexandria, VA 22313 “145 9
`Dear Commissioner:
`A Request under 37 (KKK. § 146(0) is submitted ”:0 update (me of the Applicants for the
`; :0 reflect its
`above application. Specifically, Danfass Drives AXE? Applicant 2, should be 3;; “2"
`change Magma m libanfoss Fewer Eileetmnicg A/S. Attached are an updated Application Dam
`Sheet reflecting this change, Pewers QEA‘ttomey for both Appiie-am'sg and Statements under 3 .1
`C.E?.R.§3. 3(a) for both Appiicantg,
`Applicants request that 21 ceri‘eeied {13in g receipt be issued reflecting the abuve ehange‘
`N0 fees are. beiieved due; however, please charge
`epesii‘ Aeeeuni N41 1758055 with any
`necessary fees aesociated with thia Requeat.
`Oember .17, 2019
`Respectfilliy submitted,
`File No, 14407490819
`Joel A‘ Ausiin
`Reg. N0“ 59712
`Queries <51; iiirady LL?
`«HE E: Wiseimsin Avenue
`Miiwaukem WI 5-3202
`BOC (SQ-ole: R46C.REQ
`DOCLimEEiit Description: Request under 3? CFR mam to correct, update or change the applicant.
`PTQinA/ai (04-115)
`Approved for use thin-fish lifSC-XZC-ZO. OMB (36516031
`Under1- :e!
`mmk 1w ‘
`3? EEE mama}, QR CHANEE THE
`1 ”1331511113.?“
`S£PTEMBER 16, 2012)
`Th: Cammissioner for i‘atemt
`5’“). 30K 1550
`Aiexandria, VA 223134459
`3 Appliaant hereby requests that the name of the appiicant he wrrected ur updated under 37 CF?! 1.46iciil}, or that the appiicaht be changed
`’ under 37 GR 1.45is)(23,in the above~identitied application. Requests under 37 EFR 1.46MB.) or {aim cannot be submitted after payment of
`the issue fee or if the appiicatiun has been patented.
`Please check thsz’ appiicabie boxies) ind-3w.
`'1 application stat:- sheet (ADS) in accordance with 37 CH? '1 764:.) with the c Nrrecaed or updated information shown with markings
`in}, underlining ior insertions, strikethrcugh for deietionsi. A Corrected Web‘based ADS may be used.
`Nate: Requests under 3'? CFR 1. 315(c)(1) mas; be filedtu correct typographicai errors in the r-arn-
`fthe § 1.46 appii at; or for
`updating the name at the § 1.46 appiicam {:‘e.., where there is no change in the apphcaht
`3. st in the appiicant’s name). See
`the Manual 0‘? Patent Examining Pracedure {MPEP} sectim‘: 605.01.
`:1 2. This request is to ahsnga the sppiicant lumier 37 EFR 1.45iciézii and inciudesr
`D An appiication date. sheet (ADS) in
`re wii: 3? CFRi- 76(1’ that identifies the changes With prop-2r markings (underlining for
`insertions and strikethrough for de-eticns). A Coriectec' Watt-based ADS may be used.
`".?3(:)- (FE-rm PTOmiAlQfi or equivaieait}. See MPEF- 335.
`Ettorne‘“r agent or fixed
`Regiztratiu n numb:-r 1.?12
`attorriey‘ or agate acting uncer :1? $21.34
`Ragistmiicn hummer
` u
`‘l’ypad or printed name _
`.uras'tic entitles
`.his term must be signed in ECO-fiance with 37 CFR 1.33, 599’4:CFR 1.ii tart-:ghature require:mentsA-rci certi flcatloris.
`5 must be representmt by a patent practiti-‘Jher (See 37 {FR 131, aizpiicabie t0 any paper ..
`.i on or after Septembet 16, 012 that is presented
`rig date). Submit
`uitlple form if
`,- mi
`',.r::: 1.1!».
`7CFR‘ .11 anc1.14 Tlit'- coils mm is esumated to use 12 ..inutes tn crimplete. i- mluulng
`2‘ ‘
`"4 "
`process} an. appiic .1
`ition formt-z the USPTO..lf'fie wili vary depending upon the individual case. Any comments on the
`gathering, preparing, and submitting the completed app!
`ammmt (if time mu require to compiete this farm and/m 5:13;;
`‘ans far reducing this burden, Shfiuid be sent ”to the Chief information Officer, U.S. Patent and
`Trademark Cifiica,ti.51. Denartmen: rif {Iommernm Psi). iinx 145:0, hiexandria. VA 22313-1450 DC:- NCT SEND FEES 0i? C(EMPLETED FORMS To THIS ADDRESS. SEND
`To: Cnmmlssioner for ?atents, EEO. Sax 1251?,Alexandrla; VA 22313541450.
`if you heed assimmw in completing the form. Cali 1-5300- PTO-PISQ and seiec: option 2.