`a Sa Nans
`Document Description: Power of Atlorney
`eeovedforusethrough at/9t/2018, OMB o6t'-008
`demark Offioa:US.
`PewerofRieeneyis directed,inaccordanceyt 37 CFR1.5, unlesstheeteetonnumberandstingdate areidentified|inthe Powerof
`| Attorney by Applicantform,
`Ifneither formPTO/AIA/S2<norform PTO/AIAB2Bidentifiesthe application to-which the PowerofAttomeyis
`Grected,the Power of.Atomeyawill notbe recagnizediinthe application
`|Application Number 43/740,909
`_|danuary14, 2013
`| First Named Inventor
`| Donald We Miler
`Examiner Name
`Title (ifApplicant is @
`Date (Optional)
`morethan one applicant, usemultipleforms,
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`This collection of informnation |issraquited by 37 CFR1:434, n32,:and 4,33. The informationi1B“required to obtain or retain-abenefitby
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