`Document Description: PowerofAttorney
`oNis 49) ' Ehershy revoke.
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`Phersby appoint ihe:Patent Sractittener(s) associated withthefollowing Customer Nuniber'as my/aurattomey(s) or agent{s), and
`totransact all business in ihe UnitedStates Palent and Trademark Office connected therewith for the: application referenced in
`tha attachedtrarigmitaletter (form PTO/AIAIRZA)oF identiied above: 453795 ee
`cepegyfathphenmeee ieee
`Ihereby appoint Practitioners) naried in theatiached iist (ormm PPOVAEtAIS2C) as myfour altomeyts}.or aqeni(8), and fa transact
`all business in the United Sites Patent and Trademark Office sennacied therawith forthe patent abplication reference in the:
`attunhed tranemilial letter (orm py‘GIALNBEA)-oriderditied above. Note: Complete four PTOVAIA/e2C,)
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`Frm or
`| Address
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`f| ariheApplicant (if theApplicant is ajuristic entity, list the Applicant name in the box}:
`‘jetter onthe boxes above to:
`Sn ctnits—rtntttne
`[Board of Regentsoffthe Univerrsity of Nebraska 7 —_
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`ty inyanter orJail Inventordivenetrequired below)
`legal Represaniatve ofa Deceased or Legally incapacitated Inventor Uitte nol aquiredbelow)
`ly] Assignee or Pasate Whom tha InventorisUnder.an Obligationto Assign (provide slanar’s titleapplicant is.a juristicentihg
`‘= Parson WhoUthenvise Shows Sulficlent ProprietaryInterest {e.g., a petition under 37 CFR 1.48(b)(2)-was granted inthe
`‘applicationorsconcurrentlybelng fled with tis document) (provide signer'stitedfapplicant is.a juristic entity}
`SIGNATURE ofApplicant Tor Patent
`_ The undersigned (whosetitle {s supplied below) i¢.autiofized fo-act on behalf oftheapolicniit ie,@:, wharethe applicantis a juristic entity.
`_Signature eneteet Date (Optional)
`" Jason T, Nicita
`Director-of P, Board of Regents.of the University of Nabraske -
` HOTE:Signature ~~ This form must be signed bythe aoplicant {n secordance with 37 CFR 1.33. See aT CFKt-fer signalure requirements
`andceicerlifications. if morethethan.one applicant usemultiple forms.
`forms ate:submited:
`AEEESASD; SSOSALESRENSORETENSEIINNNNRFENFCANAILIETFNINNAOEae and 133. The lformeatin je cequiradfo obtain otvblaita Denetithy (He satwhtelr istooiletefend.by the
`phical ian. Coniidantiaity is goyetied ny 38.3.0: 422 and 32 OFR Tread 1.44, This callestion fs estimatedte lake. o-ralnutoaté coniplets.
`ineluding gathering, preparing, and submitting ihe cambletedt‘auplicationfar THe ths DBRT. Time will vary depanding upon ths. individual amas, ARy conmams-on to: amount
`of time youraquire to caniplate thitonn and/or suggdalians for. radueingthie: burden, shoild be senttothe Chief infetnalian OMfloes, US, Patent and Teadeniark Offiga, US.
`Departiiont ol Gemmoeree, PG, Box 1450, -Alexanda, VA 2299-1458. CD NOT SEND FEES OR COMPLETERFORMS TOCTHIS ADDRESS, SENS TO: Copimlastotier
`for Patents; FO, Box T48e, Alexandria, VA 225454480.
`if you need assizlance in completinghe totm, call }-800-P7O-9799 and select option 2.