`Attorney Docket No. 207.0002-02000
`Customer No. 22882
`In re U.S. Patentof:
`Thomas Dyeet al.
`Patent No.: 9,253,332
`Issue Date: February 2, 2016
`Confirmation No.: 1951
`(Serial No.: 13/674,227)
`(Filed: November12, 2013)
`Certificate of Correction Branch
`Commissionerfor Patents
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`Pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 254 and 37 C.F.R. § 1.322, this is a request for the
`issuance of a Certificate of Correction in the above-identified patent. A copy of Form
`PTO/SB/44is appended; the complete Certificate of Correction involves one page.
`The mistakesidentified in the appended Form occurred through the fault of the
`Patent Office, as clearly disclosed by the records of the application which maturedinto
`this patent, and as evidenced in the attached copy of page 2 of Form PTO/SB/08
`submitted with the Information Disclosure Statement on May 18, 2015.
`Issuance of the Certificate of Correction containing the correction is earnestly
`Respectfully submitted,
`By:__/Brent D. Martin/
`Brent D. Martin
`Registration No. 62,717
`Dated: May 31, 2016
`5151 Headquarters Drive, Suite 170
`Plano, Texas 75024
`Telephone: (972) 668-3050
`Facsimile: (972) 668-3056
`PTO/SB/44 (09-07)
`Approved for use through 08/31/2013. OMB 0651-0033
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; US. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respondto a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.
`(Also Form PTO-1050)
`February 2, 2016
`Thomas Dyeetal.
`Page 1 of 1
`It is certified that an error appears or errors appearin the above-identified patent and that said Letters
`Patent is hereby corrected as shownbelow:
`Title Page 2, Section (56) References Cited, Other Publications:
`Column 2, line 53: change “Architecure” to -- Architecture --; and
`Column 2, line 67: change “vol. 8” to -- vol. 6 --.
`Martin & Ferraro, LLP
`1557 Lake O’Pines Street, NE
`Hartville, Ohio 44632
`Application Number: 13/674,227
`Lit. 1; Lit. 2
`Lit. 1; Lit. 2
`Lit. 1; Lit. 2
`Lit. 1; Lit. 2
`Lit. 1; Lit. 2
`Lit. 1; Lit. 2
`Lit. 1; Lit. 2
`Lit. 1; Lit. 2
`Lit. 1; Lit. 2
`Lit. 1; Lit. 2
`VPN Multicast Technologies LLC v. AT&T Corp.; VPN Multicast Technologies LLC v. Dimension Data North
`America, Inc., et al.; Defendants’ Invalidity Contentions including Appendix A and Claim Charts, Case Nos.
`2:14-cv-1013 and 2:14-cv-1014; April 16, 2015; 2,274 pages.
`VPN Multicast Technologies LLC v. AT&T Corp.; VPN Multicast Technologies LLC v. Dimension Data North
`America, Inc., et al.; AT&T's Objections and Responses to VPN's First Set of CommonInterrogatories; Case
`Nos. 2:14-cv-1013 and 2:14-cv-1014; April 23, 2015; 20 pages.
`Alchaal et al., "Offering a Multicast Delivery Service in a Programmable Secure IP VPN Environment," Fourth
`Lit. 1; Lit. 2
`International Workshop on Networked Group Communication (NGC '02), 2002, 6 pgs.
`Bokun et al., “The MECCANOInternet Multimedia Conferencing Architecture,” Multimedia Education and
`Conferencing Collaboration over ATM Networks and Others (MECCANO), Ver. 3.1.2, December 1999, 67 pgs.
`Cisco Systems, Inc., “Multicast VPN Design Guide — Cisco Systems,” August 9, 2003, 25 pgs.
`Cisco Systems, Inc., “Multicast VPN — IP Multicast Support for MPLS VPNs,” 2002, 86 pgs.
`Cisco Systems, Inc., “Networkers: Multicast Support for MPLS/BGP VPNs: RST-322,” cisco.com, 2001, 89 pgs.
`Comer,“Internetworking with TCP/IP VolI: Principles, Protocols, and Architecture,” Third Edition, March 1995,
`628 pgs.
`Costa et al., “An Introduction to Virtual Private Networks: Towards D-VPNs,” Network and Information Systems
`Journal, Vol. 2, June 2000, 20 pgs.
`Eriksson, “MBONE: The Multicast Backbone,” ACM Communications of the ACM 37, 8, August 1994, Pages
`54-60, 11 pgs.
`Finlayson, “The UDP Multicast Tunneling Protocol,” Network Working Group, Internet Draft, November 19,
`1997, 6 pgs.
`Higgins, L. et al. "Tunneling Multicast Traffic Through Non-Multicast A ware Networks and Encryption Devices.”
`MILCOM 2001. Proceedings. Communications for Network-Centric Operations: Creating the Information Force.
`McLean, VA Oct.28-30, 2001: IEEE Military Communications Conference. New York, NY: IEEE, US. vol. 1 of 2,
`Oct. 28, 2001. pp296-300...
`Lit. 1; Lit. 2
`Lit. += Lit. 2eeecoleteCoreaoe or the Internet Protocol,” Network Working Group, Request for Comments:
`2401, Obsoletes: 1825, Category: Standards Track, November 1998, 61 pgs.
`Lit. 1: Lit. 2
`Kirsteinet al., “The RadioActive Networking Architecture,” IEEE, DARPA Active Networks Conference and
`a Exposition, 2002. Proceedings, May 2002, 16 pgs.
`Lit. 1; Lit 2.|Kumar, “MBone: Interactive Multimedia on the Internet,” New Riders Publishing, 1996, 242 pgs.
`Labonte et al., “Group ManagementStrategies for Secure Multicasting on Active Virtual Private Networks,”
`IEEE, 25th annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, Pages 213-222, November 2000, 10 pgs.
`Lamasteret al., “Internet
`teehralogies and requirements for telemedicine,” Minimally Invasive Therapy and
`Allied Technologies 199A Vol. 6,JNo. 5-6, Pages 436-443, 1997, 8 pgs.
`Macedonia et al., “MBone Provides Audio and Video Acrossthe Internet,” U.S. Naval Post Graduate School
`Website, available at http:/Avww.nps.edu/library, April 1994, 8 pgs.
`Rosenet al., “Multicast in MPLS/BGP VPNs,” Network Working Group, Internet Draft, November 2000, 17 pgs.
`Savetz et al., “MBONE: Multicasting Tomorrow'sInternet,” IDG Books Worldwide, Inc., 1996, 259 pgs.
`Waitzmanet al., “Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol,” Networks Working Group, Request For
`Comments: 1075, November 1988, 24 pgs.
`Wittmann et al., “Multicast Communication: Protocols and Applications,” Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1999,
`Lit. 1; Lit. 2
`362 pgs.
`Lit. 1; Lit. 2
`WopLit. 1; Lit. 2
`Lit. 1; Lit. 2
`Lit. 1; Lit. 2
`Lit. 1; Lit. 2
`Lit. 1; Lit. 2
`EXAMINER:Initial if citation considered, whether ornotcitation is in conformance with MPEP § 609; Draw line through citation if not in
`Include copyof this form with next communication to the applicant.
`conformance and not considered.
`PTO/SB/08 (10-92)
`Patent and Trademark Office; US. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE