`EAST Search History
`EAST Search History (Prior Art)
`‘Plurals {Time
`eed heed haeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDeEEEfiet fet bE
`naceLet baEEEEEERS Een beeeeeeeennd hie
`nnnLeEEERS Eee beeen hasten
`(6 74 Qu or L2 or L3 or L4 or LS or L6 or L7_=~SUS-PGPUB; 08 OFF Poisio7sr
`file:///Cl/Users/rpatel/Documents/e-Red%20Folder/13662663/EASTSearchHistory.13662663_AccessibleVersion htm[7/3 1/2013 8:34:04 AM]
`EAST Search History
`Shweed hinnnnnnnnnnnns baneee! nnnneed hinnent bine!
`4L1 or L2 or L8 or L4 or L5 or L6 or L7
` 4L17 and ((proximity adj5 detect$3 adj5 {US-PGPUB;
`(thermostat or temperatue or hvac or
`dheat$3 or cool$3)) and ((tele or mobile —USOCR;
`Yor cell or smart) adj3 phone) and
`(interface) and ((enabl$3 or disabl$3)
`Jadj5 (adjust$3 or alter$3 or chang$3 or
`"S91" and ((proximity adj5 detect$3 adj5: US-PGPUB;
`(thermostat or temperatue or hvac or—}USPAT;
`dheat$3 or cool$3)) and ((tele or mobile
`“ior cell or smart) adj3 phone) and
`(interface) and ((enabl$3 or disabl$3)
`dadj5 (adjust$3 or alter$3 or chang$3 or
`117 and ((proximity adj5 detect$3 adj5
`(thermostat or temperatue or hvac or
`uheat$3 or cool$3)) and ((tele or mobile
`‘or cell or smart) adj3 phone) and
`(interface) and ((enabl$3 or disabl$3)
`iadj5 (adjust$3 or alter$3 or chang$3 or
` 417 and ((proximity adj5 detect$3 adj5
`(thermostat or temperatue or hvac or
`iheat$3 or cool$3)) and ((tele or mobile
`“ior cell or smart) adj3 phone) and
`(interface) and ((enabl$3 or disabl$3)
`dadj5 (adjust$3 or alter$3 or chang$3 or
`i((proximity adj5 detect$3 adj5
`(thermostat or temperatue or hvac or
`iheat$3 or cool$3)) and ((tele or mobile
`“ior cell or smart) adj3 phone) and
`(interface) and ((enabl$3 or disabl$3)
`dadj5 (adjust$3 or alter$3 or chang$3 or
` u((proximity adj5 detect$3 adj5
`(thermostat or temperatue or hvac or
`Yheat$3 or cool$3)) and ((tele or mobile
`‘or cell or smart) adj3 phone) and
`(interface) and ((enabl$3 or disabl$3)
`adj5 (adjust$3 or alter$3 or chang$3 or
`48 and ((proximity adj5 detect$3 adj5
`thermostat) and ((tele or mobile or cell)
`‘adj3 phone) and (interface) and
`u((enabl$3 or disabl$3) adj5 (adjust$3 or |
`jalter$3 or chang$3 or modif$3)))
`file:///Cl/Users/rpatel/Documents/e-Red%20Folder/13662663/EASTSearchHistory.13662663_AccessibleVersion htm[7/3 1/2013 8:34:04 AM]
`EAST Search History
`48 and ((proximity adj5 detect$3 adj5
`‘dthermostat) and ((tele or mobile or cell) $USPAT;
`‘iadj3 phone) and(interface) and
`u((enabl$3 or disabl$3) adj5 (adjust$3 or $FPRS; EPO;
`dalter$3 or chang$3 or modif$3))).clm.
` 4JPO;
`{((proximity adj5 detect$3 adj5
`uthermostat) and ((tele or mobile or cell)
`‘ladj3 phone) and(interface) and
`i((enabl$3 or disabl$3) adj5 (adjust$3 or
`ialter$3 or chang$3 or modif$3)))
`i((proximity adj5 detect$3 adj5
`thermostat) and ((tele or mobile or cell)
`adj3 phone) and(interface) and
`i((enabl$3 or disabl$3) adj5 (adjust$3 or
`dalter$3 or chang$3 or modif$3))).clm.
`Sawneee heedEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE DeEEEEEE Beeed fent bee
`EAST Search History (Interference)
`Ref (Hits ‘Search Query
`iI MES- KEVIN-R.in.
`‘Plurals ;
` uIMES-KEVIN.in. HOLLI STER-JAMES.in. §3HOLLISTER-J.in. Shaansaeneat avnsaeaenend bavneennaeaeneaeaeaeeaeaeasgaeasegaeasegseasesgsensegayaeaeaseseaegeseaesaseaseseaeaeaseseasaseaeasanesRaseaeaeaseaeaeaees basaauaeasaseaeasaseaeaeasd dasassaeasassseaeaed basaeaseasasaaeaeasaaeeeey
`4L9 or L10 or L11 or L12 or L13 or L14 or L15
`eeeeeeeed Sveeeeeeeeed haceseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeneeeeeeGeen! haan! heeneenbie!
`nents hace haEEEEEEEEEDed hacen fueeee! beeen
`file:///Cl/Users/rpatel/Documents/e-Red%20Folder/13662663/EASTSearchHistory.13662663_AccessibleVersion htm[7/3 1/2013 8:34:04 AM]
`EAST Search History
`#L19 #0
`"S91" and ((proximity adj5 detect$3 adj5
` 4OR
`(thermostat or temperatue or hvac or heat$3_
`ior cool$3)) and ((tele or mobile or cell or
`smart) adj3 phone) and (interface) and
`4((enabl$3 or disabl$3) adj5 (adjust$3 or alters;
`"S91" and ((proximity adj5 detect$3 adj5
`(thermostat or temperatue or hvac or heat$3
`‘lor cool$3)) and ((tele or mobile or cell or
`‘ismart) adj3 phone) and (interface) and
`i((enabl$3 or disabl$3) adj (adjust$3 or aterS3
`#17" and ((proximity adj5 detectS3 adj5
`(thermostat or temperatue or hvac or heat$3
`or cool$3)) and ((tele or mobile or cell or
`‘ismart) adj3 phone) and (interface) and
`i(adjust$3 or alter$3 or chang$3 or
`4((enabl$3 or disabl$3) we (adjust$3 or ates
`1"17" and ((proximity adj5 deteaté3 adj5
`(thermostat or temperatue or hvac or heat$3
`‘lor cool$3)) and ((tele or mobile or cell or
`‘ismart) adj3 phone) and (interface) and
`i((enabl$3 or disabl$3) adj5 (adjust$3 or aterS3
`i((proximity adj5 detect$3 adj5 (thermostat or
`dtemperatue or hvac or heat$3 or cool$3)) and ;
`4((tele or mobile or cell or smart) adj3 phone):
`and (interface) and ((enabl$3 or disabl$3) adj5
`i((proximity adj5 detect$3 adj5 (thermostat or
`utemperatue or hvac or heat$3 or cool$3)) and }
`u((tele or mobile or cell or smart) adj3 phone):
`‘land (interface) and ((enabl$3 or disabl$3) ade
`(adjust$3 or alter$3 or chang$3 or
`116 and ((oroximity adj5 detect$3 adj5
`‘ithermostat) and ((tele or mobile or cell) adj3
`iphone) and (interface) and ((enabl$3 or
`‘Idisabl$3) adj (adjust$s or alter$3 or chang$s
`416 and ((oronimity adj5 detect$3 adj5
`thermostat) and ((tele or mobile or cell) adj3
`phone) and (interface) and ((enabl$3 or
`idisabl$3) adj5 (adjust$3 or alter$3 or chang$3
`i((proximity adj5 detect$3 adj5 thermostat) and
`i((tele or mobile or cell) adj3 phone) and
`(interface) and ((enabl$3 or disabl$3) adj5
`7/31/2013 8:34:01 AM
`C:\ Users\ rpatel\ Documents\ EAST\ Workspaces\ 13662663.wsp
`file:///Cl/Users/rpatel/Documents/e-Red%20Folder/13662663/EASTSearchHistory.13662663_AccessibleVersion htm[7/3 1/2013 8:34:04 AM]