`Claims 6 and l5 are arnended herein Please note that all claims currently pending and
`under consideration in the referenced application are shown below. Please enter these Claims as
`amended This listing ofelairns will replace all prior versions and listings of claims in the
`Serial No. l3/63l ,SZl
`{Previously Presented) A method of administering a fonncard wagering game,
`receiving an ante wager associahle with a player;
`providing virtual cards from a deelr of cards electronically stored by an at least partially
`electronic system, comprising:
`providing live cards for a dealer hand? the live cards derived from the deck of
`cards; and
`providing five cards for a player hand associable with the player, the five cards
`for the player hand derived from the declt of cards;
`determining a player hand rank of a best four—card player hand from the five cards for the
`player hand associahle with the player;
`communicating, to the player, options comprising
`a fold option, and
`at least one play wager option limited to a maximum multiple of the ante wager,
`the maximum multiple defined based on a comparison of the player hand
`rank to a predetermined triple down threshold ranking;
`receiving an election selected by the player from the options; and
`resolving all wagers
`{Previously Presented) The method or" claim l, wherein resolving all wagers
`comprises resolving the ante wager based at least in part on a comparison of a dealer hand rank
`to a. qualification threshold rank, the dealer hand rank being of a rank of a. best four—card dealer
`hand from the five cards for the dealer hand.
`(Previously Presented) The method of claim 2, wherein the qualification threshold,
`rank is at least a king-high
`Serial No. lS/tfil ,SZl
`(Previously Presented) The method of elairn l, wherein the triple down threshold
`ranking is a pair of aees.
`(Previously Presented) The method of claim l, wherein resolving all wagers
`comprises resolving a bonus wager assoeiahle with the player, comprising awarding the player a
`bonus payout on the bonus wager for the player hand rank at least meeting a predetermined
`bonus threshold rank.
`(Currently Amended) A method of administering a fonncard wagering game,
`providing a game table having integrated therewith an at least partially electronic system,
`identifying, by the at least partially electronic system, the existence of anantewager
` J
`;a wager;
`identifying five cards for a dealer hand, the five cards for the dealer hand being randomly
`identifying five cards for a player hand, assoeiahle with theplayerqa player the live cards
`for the player hand being randomly arranged;
`providing the five cards for the player hand to a player hand position of the game table;
`providing the live eards for the dealer hand to a dealer hand position of the game table;
`determining a player hand rank based on a best founcard poker hand achieved from the
`five cards for the player hand;
`providing options eornpri sing
`a fold associahle with the player, and
`at least one play wager option identili ed, from a predetermined set of play wager
`options, based at least in part on a comparison of the player hand rank to a
`triple down threshold ranking;
`receiving an election selected by the player from the options; and
`resolving all wagers.
`Serial No. l3/63l ,SZl
`(Previously Presented) The method of claim 6.4 tnrther comprising before
`resolving all wagers, determining whether a dealer hand rank meets a qualification threshold
`rank. the dealer hand rank being a rank of a best founcard poker hand achieved trom the live
`cards for the dealer hand.
`{Previously Presented) The method or" claim 7, further comprising displaying, by
`the at least partially electronic system, the qualification threshold ranking to be at least a king"
`(Previously Presented) The method of claim 6.4 further comprising displaying, by
`the at least partially electronic system, the triple down threshold ranking to be a pair of aces.
`(Previously Presented) The method of claim 6:
`further comprising displaying, by the at least partially electronic system, a bonus
`threshold rank; and
`wherein resolving all wagers comprises resolving a bonus wager based at least in part on
`a comparison of the player hand rank to the bonus threshold rank.
`(Previously Presented) The method of claim 6.4 wherein providing a game table
`having integrated therewith an at least partially electronic system comprises providing the at
`least partially electronic system in operable communication with a remote user device associable
`with the player.
`{Previously Presented) The method ot" claim ll, wherein providing options
`comprises instructing, by the at least partially electronic system, the remote user device to
`display to the player, on a display of the remote user device. the options.
`(Previously Presented) The method of claim ll, wherein receiving an election
`comprises identifying, hy the at least partially electronic system, the existence of an election
`selected by the player from the options and communicated from the remote user device to the at
`least partially electronic system.
`Serial No. l3/63l ,SZl
`(Previously Presented) The n'iethod of claim l3:
`wherein providing a game tahle having integrated therewith an at least partially electronic
`system further comprises providing a player action display at the game table; and
`further cornpri sing instructing, hy the at least partially electronic system, the player action
`display to display, to a live dealer at the game table, an indication of the election
`communicated from the remote user device,
`(Currently Amended) The method of claim 6, wherein providing options
`comprises indicating to the player, by the at least partially electronic system, the options of
`the fold associahle with the player, and
`the at least one play wager option identitl ed, from the predetermined set ofplay wager
`options, based at least in part on the comparison of the player hand rank to the
`triple down threshold ranking, the predetermined set of play wager options hein g
`a maximum 3 \ multiple of the ante—wagefiyager designated for the comparison
`identil‘ying the player hand rank as at least equaling the triple down
`threshold ranking, and
`a maximum l>< multiple of the ante—wageryyuage; designated for the comparison
`identifying the player hand rank exceeded by the triple down threshold
`Serial Ne. l3/63l ,SZl
`(Previeusly Presented) The methetl of claim l, wherein communicating, to the
`player, options oempri ses cemmimieating, t0 the player, options of
`the fold optieh, and
`the at least one play wager option, limited to a maximum multiple ef‘the ante wager, the
`maximum multiple defined based en the cemparlseh of the player hand rank te
`the predetermined triple down threehold ranking, the maximum multiple defined
`te he 3 X the ante wager fer the eempariseh concluding the player hand rank at
`least equals the predetermined triple down thresheltl ranking, the maximum
`multiple defined to he l X the ante wager for the comparison eehelutlirig the player
`hand rank does not at least equal the predetermined triple down threshold ranking.