`1n re Appfiieatien 01":
`Roger M. Snow
`SeriaE Nee: 13/631,821
`Fflflii 36131911135391" 23, 2012
`VARIABLE WAGER (as previeusty
`Cenfirmatieh Nam: 3537
`Examiner: Michael D. Dennis
`Gmup Art, Unit: 371 t
`Atterney Becket Neg 3286—P124Z3US
`(FAA-021 .apUS)
`Viz-‘1. 1111.113C’1‘RGNEC FHJNG
`March 24, 21116
`Cemmiesiener fer Patents
`PO Bax 1450
`Aiexendrie, VA 22313—1450
`The renewing amendments and remarks are filed in response to the Examiner’s remarks
`in the fo’rce Action dated December 24, 2015, the three—merit}: shortened stamtery period for
`response to which expires March 24-, 2016.
`Amendments t0 the {Tiaims are reflected in the Listng at" Claime that begins err page 2
`Of this paper.
`Remarks begin On page 7 Of this paper.
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