`Approved fgrugethmgh .4 nor/014 OMB 055141051
`Document Description: Power of Attorney
`USLPatent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OFCOMMERL:E
`Under theaaper‘rrrorrr Reduction Act of 199‘3, no persons are required to respond to a soiieofion of information duress E’r disprays a vaiid OMB comm! number
`hereby revoke air previous powers of attorney given in the appiication identified in erther the, attached transmittai Eetter or
`he cores heiow.
`Appiécation Number
`Firing Date
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`(Note: The boxes above may be left biank ifan?urination is provided on form PTOIAJAISBA)
`E hereby appoint the Patent Praetitionefls) associated with the foiiowino Customer Number 215; rnyfour attornefls) or agendas), and
`:0 transact ail businessto the United Stores Patent and redemarkT Ofiioeoonneoted therewith for the appiioation referencedin
`fire 8388th iransmitta! ietier (form PTOIAEA/BZA) or identified above:
`[:3 E hereby appoint Practitioneds} named in the attached iist (form PTOIAEAISQC) as ray/our attorney/(5) or agentrs}, and to transact
`aii business in the United States Patent and Trademark Office oonneored therewiih for the parent appiicetion referenced in the
`attached transmitter Eetter (form PTO/AEAIBZA) or identified above (Note: Compiete form PTOIAEAIBZC. )
`Piease recognize or change the oorreepondenoe address for the anpiicafion EdentEfiedm the attached transmittai
`Eelier or the boxes above ton
`QRS TheaddressassocratedwrihCustomerNomber:
`Firm or
`individuat Name
`I am {he Appiicant (if the Applicanirs a juriséio entity JisEthe AppEEcant name in me box):
`{:1 inventor or Join: inventor (titre not required beiow)
`[:1 Logo! Representative of a Deceased or Legaiiy incapacitated inventor (tEEJe not requErecE beiow)
`Assignee or Person to Whom the inventor is Under an Obiigafion to Assign (provide signer‘s tiiie if applicant is a Euristio entity)
`‘3 Person Who Otherwise Shows Sufficient Proprietary Jnterest (e.9., a peiiii’on under 37 CFR E .@6(b)(2) was granted in the
`a pEEcdfion or is concurrenfiy being:filed with this document) (provide signers titEe if apiicanire a 'urisfio emit ‘
`sronmune of Apprrcam for Patent
`The undersigned {whose title is sugp'rerj beiow; <3.author§zed to act on behaéf of the appiicant (e.Q where the appiicantrs a juristio entity)
`3F:(:euEEveVice PresEdent and Group General CounsefVVVVVVV ........................................................................................
`NOTE: Signaiure -- This form must be signed by the appiicané in accordance wiEh 37 CFRJ.3.3 See 37 CPR; .4 for signature requ:remenES
`and certifications. if more than one appiicant, use muitipie forms.
`forms are submitted
`one ('3)
`.Toiai of
`n is required to ob‘iain or retain a benefii by the puhfic which is Err fife {and by {he
`ed by 327 CFR 1 1’34 1. 32 and 1.33 The Enforrna
`This ooiie
`ion of informationrs req
`USF‘TO‘to orocrsss) an appiication Confidentiaiityas governed by 35 U.c:('2. E22 and 37 CFR 1.11 and 1.14. This ooiiecrion is estimated m take 3 minutes to complete.
`inciuding gathering. preparing, and submi‘dirrg the oorrrpieted application form E0 the USPTO. Time wiii vary depending upon the individual case. Any comments on the amount
`of time you require in complete this form and/or suggestions for reducing this burden, should be sent to the Chief information Officer, (18. Patent and Trademark Office, US.
`Department of Commerce, P.O. Box 1450, Aiexandn'a, VA 223134450, DO NOT SENE- FEES OR COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS. 3END TO: Commissioner
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`ii'you need assisfence in conmi'er‘ing the form, 0311 1—800‘PTO-9199 and 391901 opfion 2.

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