`Prelim. Amdt. filed August 13, 2012
`By the present amendment, claim 1 has been amendedto correct typographicalerrors.
`The Abstract has also been amended to reduce word count.
`Paragraphs [0055], [0058], [0060], [0064], [00118], [00140], [00155] and [00191] of
`the specification has been amended to provide 1.5 line spacing between lines of lists or
`bulleted text. The text in the tables remains single spaced as permitted by 37 C.F.R. 1.58(c).
`Applicants respectfully submit that these changes should overcome the alleged informality
`stated in the Notice to File Missing Parts of Nonprovisional Application mailed June 12,
`2012. Applicants also wish to note that the same application text was previously filed as U.S.
`application Serial No. 11/303,025 (now issued as U.S. Patent No. 7,969,959) and as U.S.
`application Serial No. 13/154,138 (now issued as U.S. Patent No. 8,199,740), and neither of
`these applications was deemed to be non-compliant.
`While no fees are believed to be due, authorization is hereby made to charge any fees
`due or outstanding, or credit any overpayment, to Deposit Account No. 18-2220 (Order No.
`Respectfully submitted,
`{Stacey J. Longanecker/
`Stacey J. Longanecker
`Attomey for Applicants
`Reg. No.: 33,952
`Roylance, Abrams, Berdo & Goodman, L.L.P.
`1300 19"Street, N.W., Suite 600
`Washington, D.C. 20036-2680
`(202) 659-9076
`Dated: August 13, 2012