`WSGR / Align Technology , Inc.
`650 Page Mill Road
`Palo Alto, CA 94304
`US. Patent and Trademark Office
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, Virginia 22313-1450
`Paper N0.
`Application N0.:
`Date Mailed:
`First Named Inventor:
`Chunhua Li
`Attorney Docket N0.:
`Art Unit:
`Confirmation N0.:
`565 5
`Filing Date:
`05/ 14/2012
`Please find attached an Office communication concerning this application or proceeding.
`PTO-90c (Rev.08-06)
`Commissioner for Patents
`Response to the
`. RequeSt fOI'
`Certlficate 0f Correctlon
`Patent No.
`Issue Date
`Docket No.
`23 May, 2017
`This is in response to the request for a Certificate of Correction filed 08 August, 2017
`IE Request Denied — Consideration has been given to your request for the issuance of a Certificate of Correction under
`the provisions of 37 CFR 1.322 and/or 37 CFR 1.323. The Request is improper and denied for the reason(s) below:
`1. El Assignees' names and addresses (assignment data) printed in a patent, are based solely on information supplied
`in the appropriate space for identifying the assignment data on the Issue Fee Transmittal Form (PTOL-85b). Any
`request for a patent to be corrected to state the name of the assignee, must state that the assignment was submitted
`for recordation as set forth in in 37 CFR 3.11 before issuance of the patent. Petition under 3.81 is to be filed for
`consideration of correction to assignee. The petition fee set forth in 37 CFR 1 .17(i)(1) (currently $140, $70, $35 for
`large, small and micro entities, respectively.
`, is in fact an Amendment and/or Change made by the examiner and considered to be
`2. D The alleged error in
`in accordance with the permissible amendments enumerated in the Manual of Patent Examining Procedure (MPEP)
`Section 1302.04. Applicant did not file objection or amendment under 37 CFR 1.312 prior to payment of the issue fee.
`3. D A petition under CFR 1.182 is required to correct the alleged errors in spelling or order of inventor's names, since
`inventor's names are printed solely in accordance with the type-written names, and in the order of the type-written
`names on the Application Data Sheet (ADS). The required fee currently under rule 1.17(f) (small entity $200, large
`entity $400, micro entity fee $100).
`4. El With respect to the alleged error in changing the inventor name on the patent due to clerical error in ADS/OATH
`of related patents. The inventor’s name is printed in accordance with the OATH/ADS submitted at the time of filing the
`application. However, your attention is directed to C.F.R. 1.324, wherein a request is being made to change, add or
`delete inventor(s), after issuance of the patent.
`, comparison of the printed patent with the corresponding location in the
`5. El With respect to the alleged error in
`application file reveals that there is no discrepancy.
`6. El With respect to 37 CFR 1.72, the title should be brief but technically accurate and descriptive and should contain
`fewer than 500 characters. Inasmuch as the words “new,
`Improvement of,” and “improvement in" are
`not considered as part of the title of an invention, these words should not be included at the beginning of the title of
`the invention and will be deleted when the Office enters the title into the Office’s computer records, and when any
`patent issues.
`7. El The fee for correction under 37 CFR 1.323 is set forth in 37 CFR 1.20(a). I:I Partial fee D No fee was received
`with your request. Full fee payment is required before further action is taken on this request.
`8. El With respect to the request for corrected Letters Patent (Grant), corrections to the original Letters Patent are
`made under the provisions of Rule 1.322(b), not Rule1.323, unless a petition is granted.
`IE Other Comments: Insertion of period after “C” is an editing change. According to USPTO Data Entry Manual, abbreviations
`for C” for Celsius/Centigrade and F" for Fahrenheit should never be deleted.
`If a period is not present after C or F, add a period.
`No correction is in order.
`Further correspondence concerning this matter should be filed and directed to the Certificates of Correction Branch.
`Legal Instrument Examiner:
`Certificates of Correction Branch email: CustomerServiceCoC@usptogov
`CoC Central Phone Number: (703) 756-1814
`If applicable, information regarding a petition under 37 CFR 1.183 should be directed to the attention of the Commissioner for Patents
`using the FAX number (571) 273-8300
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`PTO—998 (Rev. 1012014)
`Part of Paper No 20170823-1