`: 8,405,726 B2
`: 13/470860
`: March 26, 2013
`: Kenneth Schofield et a1.
`Page 1 of 2
`It is certified that error appears in the above-identified patent and that said Letters Patent is hereby corrected as shown below:
`In the Specification
`Column 2
`Line 22, “Mounted” should be -- mounted --
`Column 3
`Line 7, “use” should be -- user --
`Column 5
`Line 19, “arid” should be -- and --
`Column 17
`Line 37, “telematies” should be -- telematics --
`Column 19
`Line 34, delete “.” after 12
`Column 20
`Line 38, “;” should be -- , --
`Line 67, “21,” should be -- 21. --
`Column 22
`Line 19, “minor” should be -- mirror --
`Column 23
`Line 41, “minor” should be -- mirror --
`Column 26
`Line 65, “MOST;” should be -- MOST, --
`Signed and Sealed this
`Eighteenth Day of March, 2014
`Michelle K. Lee
`Deputy Director ofthe United States Patent and Trademark Oflice
`Page 2 0f 2
`U.S. Pat. No. 8,405,726 B2
`Column 30
`Line 14, “double’decker” should be -- double decke --
`Column 31
`Line 27, “1219b'” should be -- 1218b' --
`Line 39, “button,” should be -- button. --
`Column 43
`Line 15, “the’” should be -- the --
`Column 44
`Line 11, “minor” should be -- mirror --
`Column 47
`Line 43, “minor” should be -- mirror --
`In the Claims
`Column 51
`Line 44, Claim 1, “lens:” should be -- lens; --
`Line 46, Claim 1, “recess:” should be -- recess; --
`Column 52
`Line 63, Claim 21, “the” should be -- a --
`Column 55
`Line 29, Claim 33, “housing” should be -- housing; --