`Appmvad for use through 1153-1525123. 0MB 065131335
`3.1.3 53312313 and Trademark 03185: US. 0E?ARTMEMT OF COMMERCE
`Under ihe Paperwork Reducmn Act af 1935; nc gamma are required in respond 3:: a caiivsflian of infarmafian uni-355 it difipiayfi a vaiid 0MB mmmi numher.
`1 hereby revekg 5311 previous pawers cf attorney given in the appiicatian identifiedan the attached statemsnt under
`3? CFR 3331).
`1 hereby 333901111:
`_' -‘;\\\S\ (\a\
`; fl Practitianers 34330613163121 with the Custamer Number:
`Practitianerg‘s} named beicw (if mare than ten patent garaciiiinhers are its be rsameci. than a cusmmer number must be used):
`as ahanefis) er ageniis) so Represent the undarsignacfi befam 11353 United States Paiem and Trademark Office: (USPTO3'm cannedim with
`any and 311 pater“ 33333113330213 355191183 41111:) the: undarsignm according 1c: Ehe USPTO assignment records 0r agaignment documents
`attached in this 1mm11": accordance with 37 GFR 3.33(3)
`P1882352 change thee correspandence address for the agpiicaiicn idemifiefi in the aha-shed staiemsani maker 37 (SF-R 3.7331310:
`The address asscciaiecfl wish Cusiamer Number:
`individuai Mama
`Amiga-see Name and Address:
`2950 AUBURN R13.
`A copy a? this; farm tagether with a statement under 37’ GFR 3may} (Farm PTGISEISfi 0r eqaivaianfias required in he
`fliedme each appiiuatianm which this: i‘mm is used The statement under 37 GFR 313m) may be campiei‘ed by me a?
`the graciiiianem appsinfiedm this farm if the appnimeai gmctitimer'as au’ehmized an act are behaif 9f the assignee,
`g. is 19) be 1“ Bed
`SEGNA‘H‘URE a? Assignee {21‘ Emma
`‘ nature 5333613116: is; suppliecfi heifiw is authorized 1c- ac': on behaifof the: assignee
`This col:-ec1mn (sf infamafian :‘s “squirm hya“’CFR 1 3i ‘3 32 and 1 3:3 The 'mfcrmaiiun15 raqu:read 15: ebtain or retain a benefit by the pubiie: whiah'is 5:3 ffifi (and
`by the USPTQ ta paucess} an appESCafian. Co.tfi-zlemiaiity is governed by 353,155.13 1333 am 37 CFR 1 11 3:13.”- ..14 Th;-5 30113815011II asfimatfl in take 3 m:nuiaz
`20 0331132192143 «aiming; gmhen‘ng prepan‘ng and aubmi‘riihg themmpiekefi appficmésn farm is the: USPTQ.
`: Ema wili vary demanding upon 131-3 individuai c3522. Any
`ccmmema can :he arr-mum (if tame ytsu sequire to complaia this farm andfar suggastinns Em reducéng this burden. ahaufid be sent toil"3 Chief infamation Wear.
`L! S 1331:3311 and Tm-fiemamark Of‘im. US; Department at“ Cummarce P.O. Bax 1450 Mexandria, VA 22313~a459. DO NOT SENS FEES 0R CG.wiPLETEE)
`FORMS T0 This AhDRESS SENS m: Cnmmiwloner for Patents. P. 0. 3m: 1451) Aigxandria, WA 22313-14513
`ifymi near! assisfance in compiefmg the form. eaii 1-303-PTG~9199 and $8135)? aptien 2.