`From: Yolanda Solis
`Fax: (312) 226-1818
`To: 15712736500@rcfax.cc Fax: +15712736500
`Page 3 of 5 05/13/2016 12:20 PM
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`Dear Commissioner:
`8,841,855 B2 LZABOM
`SEPTEMBER23, 2014
`37 CER §1.27(8)(2)
`37 CFR. §1.28(c)
`85/23/2816 DALLEN
`86880814 13450938
`@i FC:1461
`2378.08 OP
`This communication hereby notifies the United States Patent and Trademark Office that
`there is a change in entity status of the Assignee for the above-identified application. Assigneeis
`not entitled tu small entity status for this patent. Upon further review, Applicant’s small entity
`status with respect lu this invention was lost prior to prosecution of this application. Applicant
`was unknowingly no longer entitled to small entity status for this application, and mistakenly
`filed the present application as a small entity. The following detail each amount owedfor fee
`deficiencies in the present application.
`The basic filing fee for a large entity on April 19, 2012 was $380. Assignee paid $95
`as a small eulily filing electronically. As such, Assignee owes $285 for the fee deficiency
`associated with this payment.
`The utility search fee for a large entity on April 19, 2012 was $620. Assignee paid
`$310 as a small entity. As such, Assignee owes $310 for the fee deficiency associated with this
`1327 W. Washington Bivd., Suite 5G/H
`Chicago, IHinois 60607
`(312) 226-1919
`Jody L. Factor
` @B@88013 6841855
`05/23/2816 DALLEN
`2378.08 OP
`G1 FCs1999
`8 /23/2816
`Void d i
`SPMC REE, anus
`85 aa ;
`PAGE3/5 * RCVD AT 5/13/2016 1:20:47 PM [Eastern Daylight Time] * SVR:W-PTOFAX-002/18 * DNIS:2736500 * CSID:ysolls@factoripig.co * DURATION (mm-ss):04-21
`From: Yolanda Solis
`Fax: (312) 226-1818
`To: 15712736500@rcfax.ce Fax: +15712736500
`Page 4 of 5 05/13/2016 12:20 PM
`Change of Entity Status — U.S. Pat. No. 8,841,855
`The utility examination fee for a large entity is $720. Assignee paid $125 as a small
`entity on April 19, 2012. As such, Assignee owes $595 for the fee deficiency associated with
`this payment.
`‘The cost for a three-month extension of time for a large entity is currently $1,400. On
`April 25, 2014, Assignee paid $700 as a small entity. As such, Assignee owes $700 for the fee
`deficiency associated with this payment.
`The cost for an issue fee for a large entity is $960. On August 18, 2014 Assignee paid
`$480 as a small entity. As such, Assignee owes $480 for the fee deficiency associated with this
`Accordingly, Applicant includes herewith payment for the deficiency for the basic
`filing fee ($285), the utility search fee ($310), the utility examination fee ($595), for a three-
`month extension of time ($700), and for the issue fee payment ($480), for a total payment of
`$2,370. Applicant believes that this payment coversall deficient payments in this application.
`Applicant believes that no additional charges or
`fees are required with this
`communication; however, if any additional charges or fees must be paid in connection with the
`following communication, they may be paid out of our Deposit Account No. 50-0545.
`Should anything further be required, a telephone call to the undersigned at (312) 226-
`1818 is respectfully requested.
`Dated: May 13, 2016
`Respectfully submitted,
`{Jody L. Factor/
`Jody L. Factor, Reg. No. 34157
`Attorney acting under 37 CFR § 1.34
`PAGE4/5 * RCVD AT 5/13/2016 1:20:47 PM [Eastern Daylight Time] * SVR:W-PTOFAX-002/18 * DNIS:2736500 * CSID:ysolls@tactoripig.co * DURATION (mm-ss):04-21
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