13/442,236 | U.S. Patent Application

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Filed April 9, 2012
Class 435
Art Group 1637
Case Type Utility - 435/006100
Status Abandoned -- Failure to Respond to an Office Action
Parent 11/719,846 Patented
Parent PCT/DK2005/000747 -
Child 14/67,789 Patented
Child 14/230,896 Abandoned
Child 14/590,848 Abandoned
Child 14/676,381 Abandoned
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Last Updated: 2 years, 10 months ago
Date # Transaction
4/14/2014Abandonment Office Actions Communications
4/14/2014Mail Abandonment for Failure to Respond to Office Action
4/11/2014Aband. for Failure to Respond to O. A.
3/31/2014Extension of Time Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants
3/31/2014Fee Worksheet (SB06) In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results
3/31/2014Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications
10/1/2013Non-Final Rejection First Office Action (substantive examination)
10/1/2013List of references cited by examiner Documents including citations
10/1/2013Search information including classification, databases and other search related notes Documents including classifications
10/1/2013Index of Claims In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results
10/1/2013Mail Non-Final Rejection
9/29/2013Non-Final Rejection
9/13/2013Notice of Publication
9/13/2013PG-Pub Issue Notification
7/31/2013Case Docketed to Examiner in GAU
6/4/2013Fee Worksheet (SB06) In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results
6/4/2013Filing Receipt
6/4/2013Application Is Now Complete
6/4/2013Application Dispatched from OIPE
6/4/2013Filing Receipt - Updated
5/17/2013CRF Is Good Technically / Entered into Database
5/16/2013Sequence Listing in Computer Readable Format, No errors found In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results
12/5/2012Applicant Response to Pre-Exam Formalities Notice Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants
12/5/2012Abstract Application Documents
12/5/2012Sequence Listing Application Documents
12/5/2012Applicant Arguments/Remarks Made in an Amendment Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants
12/5/2012Fee Worksheet (SB06) In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results
12/5/2012Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications
12/5/2012Sequence Listing Application Documents
12/5/2012Additional Application Filing Fees
12/5/2012CRF Disk Has Been Received by Preexam / Group / PCT
12/5/2012Applicant has submitted a new specification to correct Corrected Papers problems
12/5/2012A set of symbols and procedures, provided to the PTO on a set of computer listings, that describe in
5/16/2012Transmittal Letter
5/16/2012Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications
5/8/2012Fee Worksheet (SB06) In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results
5/8/2012Notice to File Missing Parts
5/8/2012Filing Receipt
5/8/2012Fee Worksheet (SB06) In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results
5/8/2012Notice of Incomplete Reply
5/8/2012Notice of Incomplete Reply
5/8/2012Filing Receipt
5/8/2012Notice Mailed--Application Incomplete--Filing Date Assigned
5/4/2012Cleared by L&R (LARS)
4/24/2012Transmittal Letter
4/24/2012Fee Worksheet (SB06) In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results
4/24/2012Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications
4/24/2012Additional Application Filing Fees
4/24/2012A statement by one or more inventors satisfying the requirement under 35 USC 115, Oath of the Applic
4/24/2012Applicant has submitted a new specification to correct Corrected Papers problems
4/11/2012Referred to Level 2 (LARS) by OIPE CSR
4/9/2012Transmittal of New Application Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants
4/9/2012Request for Transfer of a Computer Readable Form
4/9/2012Specification Application Documents
4/9/2012Claims Application Documents
4/9/2012Abstract Application Documents
4/9/2012Drawings-other than black and white line drawings
4/9/2012Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications
4/9/2012Placeholder sheet indicating presence of supplemental content in Supplemental Complex Repository for Examiners(SCORE)
4/9/2012CRF Disk Has Been Received by Preexam / Group / PCT
4/9/2012IFW Scan & PACR Auto Security Review
4/9/2012Initial Exam Team nn