`Uniiefl Smiles Patent and Trademark Office A P PLECATION HUME ER
`F"?<13 M Benutii
`33 771
`PAUL 33‘ 3333333330
`3333 em cm 8033333 3 M 3-3.
`SUiTE 1 15
`iviiAi‘vii, FL 33180
`3333333333333 33333333333333333333333333
`Date Mailed: 03314/2032
`FiLEB UNQER 3‘? GFR 1353323)
`Fiiirig 03333.3 Granted
`items Reguired To Aveiri Ahendenment:
`r-‘sn eppiieetien number and iiiinrig date have been eceerded to this: eeeiieetien The itemie} indicated heiow
`however, are rnieer ng Appiicent‘is given TWC} 53103333335 from the dete at this. Netiice within whi eh-30 fife eii
`required3items heinw to avoid abendenment. Extensions; of time r3333, be nhteined by fiiing a petition aeeempenied
`by the extensien fee under the nrevieiene et 3? CFR it35£e3
`The epeiieatien is infermei eince ii dees net eernpiy with the reguietiene for the reeeenie) indicated heiew.
`The required itemie} identified beta-w must he tirrieiy submitted it) eveid abandonment:
`3 Repieeemeni drawings in enmeiienee with 3? CFR 1.84 and 3? CFR .12‘1(d} are required. The drawings
`Submitted are not aeeeetebie because:
`3 More then one figure is present and eeeh figure is net ieheied ”Fig." with 33 consecutive Arabic numerei (t,
`2, etc.) or an Arabic numerei and eepitai Setter in the Engiieh eiphehei (A, 8, etcjisee 37’ CFR 1_84(u}(1)}.
`See Figure-{33 49 A brief deeeriptien ei 'he eeVerei views of the drawings {see 3? CFR 1.274) eheuid be
`eddeit or amended 30 eerrespond ii:- the correct4:3 numbering of the:figures. See eiee 37’ CFR 3.??{h}{?}.
`Anniieent is Gautier-nerd that correction of the eheve items may cause the specification and drewinge page eeunt to
`exceed 100 pages. if-‘he eriecifieei3033 end drawinge exeeediGt} periee, eppiiceni edit need it} submit the required
`epptieetien size tee.
`Tetei ieets) required within TWG 33363333333 from the date of thie Notice is $3323? fer a nen—erneii entity
`., The specification and drawings submitted eteetrenicaiiy contain the eeuivaient at mere than “:90 pages,
`Apeiieent owes: $6233 for 58 pages in exeeee 0i ’ititi pegee for e rtenemeii entity.
`01-1. f0


`Repiies shfluid be mafied ta:
`Mai: Step Missing Paris
`Cgmméasioner for Patents
`R0 Sex 1453
`Aiexandiia VA9’33 E34459
`Registered users (:2? EFS~WE§3 may alternati‘v'aiy submit {Mir mph: to this»; notice via EFSu‘Web.
`httngzfis oriai.us m. oviaufhentécatemuéhenticateUseeraiEPFhimi
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`If you are. 1101:113ng EFSWeb to Submit vent If.ply VOL! must include a copy of fins- notice
`Office a? Qata i‘v‘ianagement Appii catigen Assistancg Unit {5?1) $243993, ori511}2?2u4200 car ‘3-8883830101
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