10/19/2021 | | Payment of Maintenance Fee, 8th Year, Large Entity |
10/30/2017 | | Payment of Maintenance Fee, 4th Year, Large Entity |
4/29/2014 | | Recordation of Patent Grant Mailed |
4/29/2014 | | Patent Issue Date Used in PTA Calculation |
4/29/2014 | 87.5 | PTA 36 Months |
4/29/2014 | 87 | Patent Issue Date Used in PTA Calculation |
4/10/2014 | | Email Notification |
4/9/2014 | HTTCCZFAPXXIFW4 | Issue Notification |
4/9/2014 | | Issue Notification Mailed |
4/1/2014 | | Dispatch to FDC |
4/1/2014 | 85 | Dispatch to FDC |
3/28/2014 | | Application Is Considered Ready for Issue |
3/28/2014 | 83 | Application Is Considered Ready for Issue |
3/7/2014 | HSHT6L7JPXXIFW3 | Issue Fee Payment (PTO-85B) Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants |
3/7/2014 | HSHT6L85PXXIFW3 | Miscellaneous Incoming Letter Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants |
3/7/2014 | HSHT6L8CPXXIFW3 | Fee Worksheet (SB06) In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results |
3/7/2014 | HSHT6L8KPXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications |
3/7/2014 | | Response to Reasons for Allowance |
3/7/2014 | | Issue Fee Payment Verified |
3/7/2014 | | Entity Status Set To Undiscounted (Initial Default Setting or Status Change) |
3/7/2014 | | Issue Fee Payment Received |
3/7/2014 | 84 | Response to Reasons for Allowance |
3/7/2014 | 82 | Issue Fee Payment Verified |
3/7/2014 | 81 | Entity Status Set To Undiscounted (Initial Default Setting or Status Change) |
3/7/2014 | 80 | Issue Fee Payment Received |
2/21/2014 | HRUO6LQ3PXXIFW4 | Miscellaneous Communication to Applicant - No Action Count Office Actions Communications |
2/21/2014 | HRUO6LQAPXXIFW4 | List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner Documents including citations |
2/21/2014 | | Email Notification |
2/21/2014 | | Printer Rush- No mailing |
2/21/2014 | | Mail Miscellaneous Communication to Applicant |
2/21/2014 | 79 | Email Notification |
2/21/2014 | 78 | Printer Rush- No mailing |
2/21/2014 | 77 | Mail Miscellaneous Communication to Applicant |
2/12/2014 | | Miscellaneous Communication to Applicant - No Action Count |
2/12/2014 | 75 | Miscellaneous Communication to Applicant - No Action Count |
2/11/2014 | | Pubs Case Remand to TC |
2/11/2014 | 73 | Pubs Case Remand to TC |
1/3/2014 | HQ03Z15TPXXIFW3 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08) Information Disclosure |
1/3/2014 | HQ03Z16IPXXIFW3 | Fee Worksheet (SB06) In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results |
1/3/2014 | HQ03Z16QPXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications |
1/3/2014 | | Information Disclosure Statement considered |
1/3/2014 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
1/3/2014 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
1/3/2014 | 74 | Information Disclosure Statement considered |
1/3/2014 | 72 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
1/3/2014 | 70 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
12/26/2013 | | Electronic Review |
12/26/2013 | 68 | Electronic Review |
12/23/2013 | HPEB2ILEPXXIFW4 | Notice of Allowance and Fees Due (PTOL-85) Office Actions Communications |
12/23/2013 | HPEB2IMEPXXIFW4 | Examiner initiated interview summary (PTOL-413B) |
12/23/2013 | HPEB2IMLPXXIFW4 | Search information including classification, databases and other search related notes Documents including classifications |
12/23/2013 | HPEB2IMSPXXIFW4 | Issue Information including classification, examiner, name, claim, renumbering, etc. Documents including classifications |
12/23/2013 | HPEB2IN1PXXIFW4 | List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner Documents including citations |
12/23/2013 | HPEB2IN8PXXIFW4 | Examiner's search strategy and results In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results |
12/23/2013 | HPEB2INFPXXIFW4 | Bibliographic Data Sheet Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants |
12/23/2013 | HPEB2INOPXXIFW4 | Index of Claims In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results |
12/23/2013 | | Email Notification |
12/23/2013 | | Mail Notice of Allowance |
12/23/2013 | 66 | Mail Notice of Allowance |
12/18/2013 | | Notice of Allowance Data Verification Completed |
12/18/2013 | | Case Docketed to Examiner in GAU |
12/18/2013 | 59 | Notice of Allowance Data Verification Completed |
12/18/2013 | 58 | Case Docketed to Examiner in GAU |
12/16/2013 | | Reasons for Allowance |
12/16/2013 | | Examiner's Amendment Communication |
12/16/2013 | 56 | Reasons for Allowance |
12/16/2013 | 55 | Examiner's Amendment Communication |
12/11/2013 | | Interview Summary - Examiner Initiated - Telephonic |
12/11/2013 | | Interview Summary - Examiner Initiated |
12/11/2013 | 54 | Interview Summary - Examiner Initiated - Telephonic |
12/11/2013 | 53 | Interview Summary - Examiner Initiated |
10/31/2013 | | Date Forwarded to Examiner |
10/31/2013 | 47 | Date Forwarded to Examiner |
10/30/2013 | HNF17BJSPXXIFW3 | Amendment/Request for Reconsideration-After Non-Final Rejection Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants |
10/30/2013 | HNF17BKPPXXIFW3 | Claims Application Documents |
10/30/2013 | HNF17BL1PXXIFW3 | Applicant Arguments/Remarks Made in an Amendment Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants |
10/30/2013 | HNF17BLGPXXIFW3 | Fee Worksheet (SB06) In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results |
10/30/2013 | HNF17BLVPXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications |
10/30/2013 | HNG19PE6PXXIFW4 | Fee Worksheet (SB06) In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results |
10/30/2013 | | Response after Non-Final Action |
10/30/2013 | | Request for Extension of Time - Granted |
10/30/2013 | 46 | Response after Non-Final Action |
10/30/2013 | 45 | Request for Extension of Time - Granted |
10/11/2013 | HMKKKOHHPXXIFW4 | Applicant Initiated Interview Summary (PTOL-413) |
10/11/2013 | | Mail Applicant Initiated Interview Summary |
10/11/2013 | 44 | Mail Applicant Initiated Interview Summary |
10/3/2013 | | Interview Summary- Applicant Initiated |
10/3/2013 | 43 | Interview Summary- Applicant Initiated |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUQHHPXXIFW3 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08) Information Disclosure |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUQIKPXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUQISPXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUQJ2PXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUQJAPXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUQJXPXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUQKNPXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUQL0PXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUQLKPXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUQMHPXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUQMZPXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUQNJPXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUQNUPXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUQO4PXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUQODPXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUQOYPXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUQPHPXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUQPTPXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUQQCPXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUQQSPXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUQR3PXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUQRCPXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUQRMPXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUQRXPXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUQS9PXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUQSKPXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUQSTPXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUQT4PXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUQTIPXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUQU3PXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUQUJPXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUQV1PXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUQVFPXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUQVRPXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUQW5PXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUQWIPXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUQWTPXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUQX3PXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUQXJPXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUQXVPXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUQY5PXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUQYEPXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUQYNPXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUQYWPXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUQZ5PXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUQZEPXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUQZNPXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUR07PXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUR0JPXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUR0UPXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUR1HPXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUR1WPXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUR25PXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUR2HPXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUR2RPXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUR30PXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUR3APXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUR3OPXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUR3YPXXIFW3 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUR4LPXXIFW3 | Fee Worksheet (SB06) In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results |
7/20/2013 | HJDGUR4XPXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications |
7/20/2013 | HJDHIAJ5PXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications |
7/20/2013 | HJDI84MUPXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications |
7/20/2013 | HJDIDB5DPXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications |
7/20/2013 | | Information Disclosure Statement considered |
7/20/2013 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
7/20/2013 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
7/20/2013 | 51 | Information Disclosure Statement considered |
7/20/2013 | 42 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
7/20/2013 | 41 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
7/8/2013 | HIORWY6NPXXIFW4 | Non-Final Rejection Office Actions Communications |
7/8/2013 | HIORWY7VPXXIFW4 | Search information including classification, databases and other search related notes Documents including classifications |
7/8/2013 | | Mail Non-Final Rejection |
7/8/2013 | 40 | Mail Non-Final Rejection |
7/1/2013 | | Non-Final Rejection |
7/1/2013 | 39 | Non-Final Rejection |
3/18/2013 | | Date Forwarded to Examiner |
3/18/2013 | 24 | Date Forwarded to Examiner |
3/11/2013 | HE5XDIWZPXXIFW3 | Extension of Time Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants |
3/11/2013 | HE5XDIXVPXXIFW3 | Amendment/Request for Reconsideration-After Non-Final Rejection Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants |
3/11/2013 | HE5XDIY2PXXIFW3 | Claims Application Documents |
3/11/2013 | HE5XDIY8PXXIFW3 | Applicant Arguments/Remarks Made in an Amendment Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants |
3/11/2013 | HE5XDIYFPXXIFW3 | Fee Worksheet (SB06) In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results |
3/11/2013 | HE5XDIYMPXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications |
3/11/2013 | HEG02CBQPXXIFW4 | Fee Worksheet (SB06) In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results |
3/11/2013 | | Response after Non-Final Action |
3/11/2013 | | Request for Extension of Time - Granted |
3/11/2013 | 23 | Response after Non-Final Action |
3/11/2013 | 22 | Request for Extension of Time - Granted |
11/9/2012 | H98PYRNKPXXIFW4 | Non-Final Rejection First Office Action (substantive examination) |
11/9/2012 | H98PYRPQPXXIFW4 | List of references cited by examiner Documents including citations |
11/9/2012 | H98PYRQ0PXXIFW4 | List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner Documents including citations |
11/9/2012 | H98PYRQ8PXXIFW4 | Examiner's search strategy and results In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results |
11/9/2012 | H98PYRQFPXXIFW4 | Examiner's search strategy and results In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results |
11/9/2012 | H98PYRQPPXXIFW4 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
11/9/2012 | H98PYRQXPXXIFW4 | Search information including classification, databases and other search related notes Documents including classifications |
11/9/2012 | | Electronic Review |
11/9/2012 | | Email Notification |
11/9/2012 | | Mail Non-Final Rejection |
11/9/2012 | 21 | Electronic Review |
11/9/2012 | 20 | Email Notification |
11/9/2012 | 19 | Mail Non-Final Rejection |
11/5/2012 | | Non-Final Rejection |
11/5/2012 | 17 | Non-Final Rejection |
3/19/2012 | | Case Docketed to Examiner in GAU |
3/19/2012 | 13 | Case Docketed to Examiner in GAU |
9/9/2011 | | Email Notification |
9/9/2011 | 12 | Email Notification |
9/8/2011 | GSBXRKI9PPOPPY5 | Notice of Publication |
9/8/2011 | | PG-Pub Issue Notification |
9/8/2011 | 11 | PG-Pub Issue Notification |
6/23/2011 | GPA7NIKRPPOPPY2 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08) Information Disclosure |
6/23/2011 | GPGVRH29PPOPPY1 | Transmittal Letter |
6/23/2011 | GPA7NIM2PPOPPY2 | Documents submitted with 371 (National Stage) Applications Application Documents |
6/23/2011 | GPA7NIMHPPOPPY2 | Documents submitted with 371 (National Stage) Applications Application Documents |
6/23/2011 | GPA7NIQLPPOPPY2 | Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications |
6/23/2011 | | Information Disclosure Statement considered |
6/23/2011 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
6/23/2011 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
6/23/2011 | 14 | Information Disclosure Statement considered |
6/23/2011 | 10 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
6/23/2011 | 9 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
3/31/2011 | | Application Dispatched from OIPE |
3/31/2011 | 8 | Application Dispatched from OIPE |
3/14/2011 | GL9MGLQQPPOPPY5 | Fee Worksheet (SB06) In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results |
3/14/2011 | GL9MI5ZWPPOPPY5 | Communication - Re: Power of Attorney (PTOL-308) Office Actions Communications |
3/14/2011 | GL9N3W0HPPOPPY5 | Filing Receipt |
3/14/2011 | | Application Is Now Complete |
3/14/2011 | | Change in Power of Attorney (May Include Associate POA) |
3/14/2011 | | Sent to Classification Contractor |
3/14/2011 | | Filing Receipt |
3/14/2011 | 7 | Application Is Now Complete |
3/14/2011 | 6 | Change in Power of Attorney (May Include Associate POA) |
3/14/2011 | 5 | Sent to Classification Contractor |
3/14/2011 | 4 | Filing Receipt |
3/4/2011 | | Cleared by OIPE CSR |
3/4/2011 | 3 | Cleared by OIPE CSR |
3/2/2011 | GKSZ22Z9PPOPPY2 | Power of Attorney Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants |
3/2/2011 | GKSZ22ZPPPOPPY2 | Assignee showing of ownership per 37 CFR 3.73 |
3/2/2011 | GKSZ234YPPOPPY2 | Fee Worksheet (SB06) In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results |
3/2/2011 | GKSZ23ASPPOPPY2 | Authorization for Extension of Time all replies Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants |
3/2/2011 | GKSZ23MAPPOPPY2 | Specification Application Documents |
3/2/2011 | GKSZ23S0PPOPPY2 | Claims Application Documents |
3/2/2011 | GKSZ23XUPPOPPY2 | Abstract Application Documents |
3/2/2011 | GKSZ243OPPOPPY2 | Drawings-only black and white line drawings Application Documents |
3/2/2011 | | IFW Scan & PACR Auto Security Review |
3/2/2011 | | Initial Exam Team nn |
3/2/2011 | 2 | IFW Scan & PACR Auto Security Review |
3/2/2011 | 1 | Initial Exam Team nn |
3/2/2011 | 0.5 | Filing date |