`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`PO Box 1450
`Alexandria, ViJgLnia 22313-1450
`F ING OR 371 (C) DATE
`Ian Gibbons
`PALO ALTO, CA 94304-1050
`lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllll
`Date Mailed: 02/03/2012
`FILED UNDER 37 CFR1.53(b)
`Filing Date Granted
`Items Required To Avoid Abandonment:
`An application number and filing date have been accorded to this application. The item(s) indicated below,
`however, are missing. Applicant is given TWO MONTHS from the date of this Notice within which to file all
`required items below to avoid abandonment. Extensions of time may be obtained by filing a petition accompanied
`by the extension fee under the provisions of 37 CFR 1.136(a).
`' The statutory basic filing fee is missing.
`Applicant must submit $380 to complete the basic filing fee for a non-small entity. If appropriate, applicant may
`make a written assertion of entitlement to small entity status and pay the small entity filing fee (37 CFR 1.27).
`' The oath or declaration is missing.
`A properly signed oath or declaration in compliance with 37 CFR 1.63, identifying the application by the above
`Application Number and Filing Date, is required.
`Note: If a petition under 37 CFR 1.47 is being filed, an oath or declaration in compliance With 37 CFR 1.63
`signed by all available joint inventors, or if no inventor is available by a party with sufficient proprietary interest,
`is required.
`The application is informal since it does not comply with the regulations for the reason(s) indicated below.
`The required item(s) identified below must be timely submitted to avoid abandonment:
`' A substitute specification in compliance with 37 CFR 1.52, 1.121 (b)(3), and 1.125, is required. The substitute
`specification must be submitted with markings and be accompanied by a clean version (without markings) as
`set forth in 37 CFR 1.125(c) and a statement that the substitute specification contains no new matter (see 37
`CFR 1.125(b)). The specification, claims, and/or abstract page(s) submitted is not acceptable and cannot be
`scanned or properly stored because:
`. The line spacing on the specification, claims, and/or abstract is not 11/2 or double spaced (see 37 CFR
`' Replacement drawings in compliance with 37 CFR 1.84 and 37 CFR 1.121 (d) are required. The drawings
`submitted are not acceptable because:
`' The drawings contain excessive text. Suitable descriptive legends may be used, or may be required by the
`Examiner where necessary for understanding of the drawing but should contain as few words as possible (
`see 37 CFR 1.84(o)). See Figure(s) 125-127.
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`- The drawings are not in compliance with 37 CFR 1.84 because figures 147 contain figure or view numbers
`that have incorrect orientation. Reference characters, sheet numbers, and view numbers must be oriented
`in the same direction as the view. See 37 CFR 1.84(p)(1).
`' This application does not contain, as a separate part of the disclosure on paper copy, a "Sequence Listing" as
`required by 37 CFR 1.821 (c) Applicant must provide an initial paper or compact disc copy of the "Sequence
`Listing", as well as an amendment specifically directing its entry into the application and a statement
`that the content of the sequence listing information recorded in computer readable form is identical to the
`written (on paper or compact disc) sequence listing and, where applicable, includes no new matter, as
`required by 37 CFR 1.821(e), 1.821(f), 1.821(g), 1.825(b), or 1.825(d). If the effective filing date is on or
`after September 8, 2000, see the final rulemaking notice published in the Federal Register at 65 FR 54604
`(September 8, 2000) and 1238 OG 145 (September 19, 2000).
`' A copy of the "Sequence Listing" in computer readable form has not been submitted as required by 37
`CFR 1.821 (e). If the effective filing date is on or after September 8, 2000, see the final rulemaking notice
`published in the Federal Register at 65 FR 54604 (September 8, 2000) and 1238 OG 145 (September 19,
`2000). Applicant must provide an initial computer readable form (CRF) copy of the "Sequence Listing" and a
`statement that the content of the sequence listing information recorded in computer readable form is identical
`to the written (on paper or compact disc) sequence listing and, where applicable, includes no new matter,
`as required by 37 CFR 1.821 (e), 1.821(f), 1.821 (g), 1.825(b), or 1.825(d). lf applicant desires the sequence
`listing in the instant application to be identical with that of another application on file in the US. Patent and
`Trademark Office, such request in accordance with 37 CFR 1.821 (e) may be submitted in lieu of a new CRF.
`To Download Patentin Software, visit http://www.uspto.gov/web/patents/software.htm
`For questions regarding compliance to these requirements, please contact:
`- For Rules Interpretation, call (571) 272-0623
`- For Patentin Software Program Help, call Patent EBC at 1-866-217-9197 between the hours of 6 am.
`and 12 midnight, Monday through Friday, EST.
`- Send e-mail correspondence for Patentin Software Program Help to ebc@uspto.gov
`Applicant is cautioned that correction of the above items may cause the specification and drawings page count to
`exceed 100 pages. If the specification and drawings exceed 100 pages, applicant will need to submit the required
`application size fee.
`The applicant needs to satisfy supplemental fees problems indicated below.
`The required item(s) identified below must be timely submitted to avoid abandonment:
`' Additional claim fees of $6510 as a non-small entity, including any required multiple dependent claim fee, are
`required. Applicant must submit the additional claim fees or cancel the additional claims for which fees are
`' A surcharge (for late submission of filing fee, search fee, examination fee or oath or declaration) as set forth in
`37 CFR 1.16(f) of $130 for a non-small entity, must be submitted.
`Total fee(s) required within TWO MONTHS from the date of this Notice is $8200 for a non-small entity
`' $380 Statutory basic filing fee.
`' $130 Surcharge.
`' The application search fee has not been paid. Applicant must submit $620 to complete the search fee.
`' The application examination fee has not been paid. Applicant must submit $250 to complete the examination
`fee for a non-small entity.
`' The specification and drawings submitted electronically contain the equivalent of more than 100 pages.
`Applicant owes $310 for 46 pages in excess of 100 pages for a non-small entity.
`' Total additional claim fee(s) for this application is $6510
`. $2250 for 9 independent claims over 3.
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